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January 21 2019


Dear Editor,

As the PNC (demolished by the new national hero Charrandass voting for the no-confidence motion) staggers in confusion and is unprepared for new elections, and using wrong and strong tactics to delay the vote, the PPP must not think it can put up a goat and people will vote for him just because they are loyal to the PPP.

The PPP’s selection for presidential candidate boggles the mind.

With the PPP’s winning streak having the PNC on the run, walloping them at the 2016 and 2018 local government elections and defeating them with the no-confidence vote, the PPP has squandered the enormous goodwill of the people and financial supporters. I cannot, in good faith, support the PPP’s presidential candidate. What message is the PPP sending to the voters that it does not matter if a candidate’s story may indicate academic fraud?

Certainly, the PNC will be defeated at the next election but we do not want a continuation of the Jagdeoite kleptocracy. I do not support the view that it’s better for the PPP to thief than for the PNC to thief.

I call on all Guyanese in the diaspora to run the PPP execs out of town when they come begging for election donations. This choice insults the intelligence of all Guyanese.

 Mr Ali’s overnight wealth and very questionable story about his qualifications simply does not add up. The PPP’s kingmaker should not miscalculate that people don’t care who their candidate is, where allegedly the candidate magically obtained a Master’s degree before a Bachelor’s. Some questions arise.

Did Mr Ali actually attend any face-to-face classes anywhere for the two claimed degrees? On what basis did UWI admit him into the doctoral programme? What degree is that? Did Mr Ali attend any classes at any UWI campus? Did he complete all coursework? If not, some more details on the doctoral programme would be enlightening. What did Mr Ali mean by his dissertation was submitted and he is awaiting an evaluation? Usually, a dissertation is submitted only when the candidate’s Doctoral Committee feels the candidate’s work meet standards and is ready for submission. So, when a doctoral dissertation is submitted at the doctoral defense presentation, the candidate is told on the day of the defense what edits need to be done so a final submission can be made. Did Mr Ali actually submit the final dissertation and defended it, or did he just submit the dissertation topic for approval? The whole story is very fishy.

I feel sorry for Guyana. The masses should send a message to the 35 PPP central committee members that their 35 votes will not be enough to make them win the national election.

Yours faithfully,

Jerry Singh 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Irfaan Ali as the PPP’s presidential candidate may see the diaspora rethinking their support of the party

January 21 2019


Dear Editor,

Although the news of Irfaan Ali as the PPP’s presidential candidate did not come as a great surprise, it is nevertheless, the talking point in the diaspora and I am sure, throughout Guyana. One wonders now if the PPP will win an election with him at the helm. It was Bharrat Jagdeo who was responsible for the PPP losing the government in May 2015 and it is believed that because of his influence, Irfaan was chosen as the party’s presidential candidate. It is felt that Jagdeo has a great influence over the former Housing Minister and can wield a lot of power if Irfaan Ali is President.  Jagdeo, a Russian-trained economist, wants to emulate Vladimir Putin/Dmitry Medvedev.

It is a known fact that Anil Nandlall, the former Attorney General, is much smarter, more articulate, more respected and presidential than Ali, yet he was defeated in a contest between the two. Party supporters are upset with the move, prompting them to reflect on Jagdeo’s history with the PPP. He was never in the trenches like dozens of renowned supporters, many of whom were forced out or kicked out because of Jagdeo’s domineering attitude and behaviour. Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan, now two top AFC members, are among them, not to mention Ralph Ramkarran, the late Navin Chandarpaul, among others.

I know for a fact, dozens of well-to-do Guyanese in the diaspora, who were strong supporters of the PPP, because of Jagdeo’s greed and dictatorial attitude, switched their loyalty to the AFC and made large financial contributions to that movement. Many of them indicated to me that they regretted the move and were thinking of assisting the PPP to win the next elections. Now with this move to have Irfaan as Head, they might rethink and might very well keep out and stay out. The mood at this stage is that there will be mass abstention and this might allow the PNC+APNU to win. A friend of mine just emailed me stating, “the dictator has had his way. Nandlall was the brightest of them all, but the dictator wouldn’t have it. APNU has no need to rig now. Goodbye PPP.”

Yours faithfully,

Oscar Ramjeet


I will be working to make Irfaan Ali our next President

January 21 2019


Dear Editor,

I first met Mohamed Irfaan Ali in 2009, he was a member of a cricket team I managed for a match in Wakenaam Island, despite being Minister of Housing at the time, Irfaan willingly subjected himself to my ‘tough’ style of management without complaint. I was impressed by how this young man (he was 28 at the time) handled the pressure of expectation from the large crowd, his ease of interaction with everyone and his willingness to be a minor team player. Irfaan made 4 runs, not the fastest runner, he nevertheless put serious effort in when called on in the field and even bowled a few overs, the crowd loved it and he received a standing ovation on his return to the pavilion. It made for a wonderful day and many people still remind me of that match from time to time. During the tussle between the Government of Guyana and the Guyana Cricket Board, Irfaan and I were on opposite sides of the fence. Irfaan did not change his attitude towards me, instead of becoming hostile as was expected of a powerful government Minister; he expressed admiration for my willingness to stand for what I believed to be right. It was at that point I stopped believing the stories being peddled about the PPP/C and started my quest for the truth.

Robin Singh won v the Attorney General and this remains a landmark CCJ decision. I became vocal in matters of government I spent more time learning how government works, asking endless questions of my friends in the legal fraternity. I began writing my opinions on issues and suggesting solutions via the Letter columns in local newspapers. People began taking notice and I was asked to join or meet with various political parties over the years. I always found ways to politely decline.

I watched the PPP/C suffer from a well-orchestrated public vilification rife with what we now call ‘fake news’ including ludicrous allegations of massive corruption totaling five times the annual budget.

Irfaan Ali was delivering on promises; he was innovating, taking the ‘One Stop Shop” for housing to the people; house lots were being distributed at a record rate; wells were being built, construction was booming; special projects were being implemented with the Young Professional  and Re-migrant Schemes. During this period we would run into each other at various events and he would take my inquiries about his ‘mansion’ in good grace and return the ribbing with good nature. I still marvel that all of this was done by such a young man; few could handle the pressures of the demand for housing and house lots, the Auditor General’s reports show housing stock increased by 28,456 during his tenure, they do not show that the projects he started are still the only ones being developed.

My sense of fair play led me to defend the record of the PPP/C and ask others to examine the facts rather than believe the big lies. I was never asked to do so by anyone in that party, I simply wanted the truth to be known. After the government changed in 2015, I again ran into Irfaan and he expressed a simple ‘thank you’ for my support and belief in his integrity. That action spoke volumes on his character, and my respect grew as a result.

Over the coming weeks and months, we will all be subject to information and fake news about Irfaan Ali, I already know all that I need to about this man from the people, for the people and will be making every effort to make him our next President for the betterment of all Guyanese.

Yours faithfully,

Robin Singh


 Mr. Ali’s overnight wealth and a very questionable story about his qualifications simply do not add up.

I also have a problem with this. This wreaks of dishonesty. Hope he gets indicted and deem ineligible for office. DUMP IRFAN.


Mr Ali should decline the candidacy and avoid a voter’s revolt

January 21 2019


Dear Editor,

While I make no comment on the terrifying process used by the PPP to decide, elect, or hand pick a presidential candidate once again, kindly permit me to suggest to their presidential candidate, Mr. Irfaan Ali, that given the unprecedented but extraordinary and immediate rejection of his candidacy by PPP supporters, the gentleman should respectfully decline the candidacy and avoid a voter’s revolt, especially in light of his newfound admiration for “team” work.

Yours faithfully,

 Rakesh Rampertab


BULLSHIT!!!  I did NOT hear any of these FOOLS said a word when Granger got his GOONS to get him elected PNc Candidate. I did not see any Gunman, people threatened and so on. Jagdeo is giving shittins to the David Hinds of the World. He thinks Afro Criminals should not be taken care of and term it Ethnic cleansing. BLOODY RACIST PIG!!!

Nehru posted:

BULLSHIT!!!  I did NOT hear any of these FOOLS said a word when Granger got his GOONS to get him elected PNc Candidate. I did not see any Gunman, people threatened and so on. Jagdeo is giving shittins to the David Hinds of the World. He thinks Afro Criminals should not be taken care of and term it Ethnic cleansing. BLOODY RACIST PIG!!!

Sorry, Buddy Nehru. Granger's people did not expose his deficiencies. The people in Guyana wanted a clean person. DR. Persaud or Dr. Anthony would have been an excellent pick. If the PPP wins, I hope BJ is not the puppeteer behind Irfan.


Skelly, I too was hoping for Anil or Dr Persaud but I never joined a Party so I do not have a vote. A democratic, nonviolent(something that will NEVER be said of the PNC) process resulted in Ali as the Candidate. Now it is on to Elections.

skeldon_man posted:
Nehru posted:

BULLSHIT!!!  I did NOT hear any of these FOOLS said a word when Granger got his GOONS to get him elected PNc Candidate. I did not see any Gunman, people threatened and so on. Jagdeo is giving shittins to the David Hinds of the World. He thinks Afro Criminals should not be taken care of and term it Ethnic cleansing. BLOODY RACIST PIG!!!

Sorry, Buddy Nehru. Granger's people did not expose his deficiencies. The people in Guyana wanted a clean person. DR. Persaud or Dr. Anthony would have been an excellent pick. If the PPP wins, I hope BJ is not the puppeteer behind Irfan.

Voted for Irfaan.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Nehru posted:

BULLSHIT!!!  I did NOT hear any of these FOOLS said a word when Granger got his GOONS to get him elected PNc Candidate. I did not see any Gunman, people threatened and so on. Jagdeo is giving shittins to the David Hinds of the World. He thinks Afro Criminals should not be taken care of and term it Ethnic cleansing. BLOODY RACIST PIG!!!

Sorry, Buddy Nehru. Granger's people did not expose his deficiencies. The people in Guyana wanted a clean person. DR. Persaud or Dr. Anthony would have been an excellent pick. If the PPP wins, I hope BJ is not the puppeteer behind Irfan.

Voted for Irfaan.

Bai, we nah no dah. Maybe she did at the coercing of BJ. Maybe she was promised a top post if the PPP first VP?

skeldon_man posted:

Bai, we nah no dah. Maybe she did at the coercing of BJ. Maybe she was promised a top post if the PPP first VP?

They would all be in the Cabinet if PPP wins.

Django posted:

Mr Ali should decline the candidacy and avoid a voter’s revolt

January 21 2019


Dear Editor,

While I make no comment on the terrifying process used by the PPP to decide, elect, or hand pick a presidential candidate once again, kindly permit me to suggest to their presidential candidate, Mr. Irfaan Ali, that given the unprecedented but extraordinary and immediate rejection of his candidacy by PPP supporters, the gentleman should respectfully decline the candidacy and avoid a voter’s revolt, especially in light of his newfound admiration for “team” work.

Yours faithfully,

 Rakesh Rampertab

Succinct and well-said, Rocky.


I too would like Ali to step down and have Nandlall run instead. Nandall is a stronger candidate and would probably fare better with the voters. That said, anyone is better than the PNC.

ksazma posted:

I too would like Ali to step down and have Nandlall run instead. Nandall is a stronger candidate and would probably fare better with the voters. That said, anyone is better than the PNC.

WWJD?? What Would Jagdeo Do?

ksazma posted:

I too would like Ali to step down and have Nandlall run instead. Nandall is a stronger candidate and would probably fare better with the voters. That said, anyone is better than the PNC.

I used to think anyone was better than the PNC until I became better acquainted with the Rat's runnings and it became obvious that Guyana was nothing but an ATM for the PPP.

antabanta posted:
ksazma posted:

I too would like Ali to step down and have Nandlall run instead. Nandall is a stronger candidate and would probably fare better with the voters. That said, anyone is better than the PNC.

I used to think anyone was better than the PNC until I became better acquainted with the Rat's runnings and it became obvious that Guyana was nothing but an ATM for the PPP.

Now it's an ATM for the PNC and their friends. Heads I win, tail you lose.

ksazma posted:

I too would like Ali to step down and have Nandlall run instead. Nandall is a stronger candidate and would probably fare better with the voters. That said, anyone is better than the PNC.

There is talk about a petition or protest.  Others want a recall.  But I don't know how far it will go.

Bibi Haniffa
skeldon_man posted:
antabanta posted:
ksazma posted:

I too would like Ali to step down and have Nandlall run instead. Nandall is a stronger candidate and would probably fare better with the voters. That said, anyone is better than the PNC.

I used to think anyone was better than the PNC until I became better acquainted with the Rat's runnings and it became obvious that Guyana was nothing but an ATM for the PPP.

Now it's an ATM for the PNC and their friends. Heads I win, tail you lose.

Any criticism you can launch at the PNC may well be worthy of consideration. I am personally disappointed in their performance considering the number of supposedly educated and experienced military persons in the administration. Many of them are UG and UWI graduates. Many have masters degrees obtained in the US. They should all return those degrees because they don't deserve them. There are few things that make them the better choice (of the two), such as their war on drugs as opposed to actively involved in the drug trade and they can never come close to thiefing like the PPP. Not to mention the vindictiveness and corruption taken to new heights by the Rat and his cronies.

Last edited by antabanta
antabanta posted:
skeldon_man posted:
antabanta posted:
ksazma posted:

I too would like Ali to step down and have Nandlall run instead. Nandall is a stronger candidate and would probably fare better with the voters. That said, anyone is better than the PNC.

I used to think anyone was better than the PNC until I became better acquainted with the Rat's runnings and it became obvious that Guyana was nothing but an ATM for the PPP.

Now it's an ATM for the PNC and their friends. Heads I win, tail you lose.

Any criticism you can launch at the PNC may well be worthy of consideration. I am personally disappointed in their performance considering the number of supposedly educated and experienced military persons in the administration. Many of them are UG and UWI graduates. Many have masters degrees obtained in the US. They should all return those degrees because they don't deserve them. There are few things that make them the better choice (of the two), such as their war on drugs as opposed to actively involved in the drug trade and they can never come close to thiefing like the PPP. Not to mention the vindictiveness and corruption taken to new heights by the Rat and his cronies.

Not sure what would prompt someone with a master's from the US to go work in Guyana for what. Is it that they believe corrupted power is better than an honest living? Both parties have thieves of unparalleled caliber. It's a race to the top. Drugs are still a problem.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

I too would like Ali to step down and have Nandlall run instead. Nandall is a stronger candidate and would probably fare better with the voters. That said, anyone is better than the PNC.

There is talk about a petition or protest.  Others want a recall.  But I don't know how far it will go.

That sounds like Hillary supporters losing the electoral college vote. The vote was by secret ballot and Ali won.  It would be undemocratic to reverse the vote. No different than the PNC wanting to reverse the No Confidence vote. 

I agree that Anil is a stronger candidate but Ali won the candidacy. It is what it is. 

Anil conceded defeat and pledged support to the party and Ali. He will have his day down the road. 

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:

Not sure what would prompt someone with a master's from the US to go work in Guyana for what. Is it that they believe corrupted power is better than an honest living? Both parties have thieves of unparalleled caliber. It's a race to the top. Drugs are still a problem.

A very good friend of mine who is affluent in Guyana pointed out once the number of presidential candidates in Guyana and the salary for that position. Why were so many people vying for the position? Same thing for the people with masters working in Guyana - perks. Also, it's easier to be a big fish in a little pond than a small fish in a big pond.

Last edited by antabanta
Gilbakka posted:
antabanta posted:

 Rakesh Rampertab

Succinct and well-said, Rocky.

Was he a GNI member?

I don't think so. I know him. His opposition to the PNC is border line militant and has been for decades.

Last edited by antabanta
yuji22 posted:

That sounds like Hillary supporters losing the electoral college vote. The vote was by secret ballot and Ali won.  It would be undemocratic to reverse the vote. No different than the PNC wanting to reverse the No Confidence vote. 

I agree that Anil is a stronger candidate but Ali won the candidacy. It is what it is. 

Anil conceded defeat and pledged support to the party and Ali. He will have his day down the road. 

Make sure you buy new lingerie to go celebrate.


I do not understand some Indos who are exactly like Moses and Ramjattan. Rakesh want to break up the party and calls the PPP thieves after the outcome was not of his preference. 

What a shame !

antabanta posted:
yuji22 posted:

That sounds like Hillary supporters losing the electoral college vote. The vote was by secret ballot and Ali won.  It would be undemocratic to reverse the vote. No different than the PNC wanting to reverse the No Confidence vote. 

I agree that Anil is a stronger candidate but Ali won the candidacy. It is what it is. 

Anil conceded defeat and pledged support to the party and Ali. He will have his day down the road. 

Make sure you buy new lingerie to go celebrate.

You better keep your stink panty out of PPP business. 

You can go fetch Moses and Granger slop.

Ha Ha Ha !!!!

yuji22 posted:

I do not understand some Indos who are exactly like Moses and Ramjattan. Rakesh want to break up the party and calls the PPP thieves after the outcome was not of his preference. 

What a shame !

Rakesh is a dear friend of mine.  He is not trying to break up the party.  He is genuinely worried.  

Bibi Haniffa
antabanta posted:
Gilbakka posted:
antabanta posted:

 Rakesh Rampertab

Succinct and well-said, Rocky.

Was he a GNI member?

I don't think so. I know him. His opposition to the PNC is border line militant and has been for decades.

You are correct.

Bibi Haniffa
antabanta posted:
ksazma posted:

I too would like Ali to step down and have Nandlall run instead. Nandall is a stronger candidate and would probably fare better with the voters. That said, anyone is better than the PNC.

I used to think anyone was better than the PNC until I became better acquainted with the Rat's runnings and it became obvious that Guyana was nothing but an ATM for the PPP.

I hear you and don’t disagree regarding the PPP. But maybe they have learned a lesson about not taking the votes for granted as well as better governance. They still have their record of surrendering power on time. A seemingly difficult feat for the PNC.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
yuji22 posted:

I do not understand some Indos who are exactly like Moses and Ramjattan. Rakesh want to break up the party and calls the PPP thieves after the outcome was not of his preference. 

What a shame !

Rakesh is a dear friend of mine.  He is not trying to break up the party.  He is genuinely worried.  

He Behaved like a clown.  He clearly called the PPP thieves and told Guyanese abroad to chase away the PPP when they come here makes him no friend of the PPP. 

He is your friend but he is definitely no friend of the PPP.

I see another Moses or Ramjattan in this fella. It is good that he clearly stated his position prior to the election.

PPP needs to baggage or surprises during the campaign. Politics is ruthless. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
yuji22 posted:

I do not understand some Indos who are exactly like Moses and Ramjattan. Rakesh want to break up the party and calls the PPP thieves after the outcome was not of his preference. 

What a shame !

Rakesh is a dear friend of mine.  He is not trying to break up the party.  He is genuinely worried.  

He Behaved like a clown.  He clearly called the PPP thieves and told Guyanese abroad to chase away the PPP when they come here makes him no friend of the PPP. 

He is your friend but he is definitely no friend of the PPP.

I see another Moses or Ramjattan in this fella. 

Yuji, Guyana is looking more like an African dictatorship. They lost the election but refuse to vacate. Le's not replicate their model.


Skelly. It was a Bharat who removed the PNC. It is a Bharat who will secure us elections. No other politician can do that.

For that fella to call the PPP thieves without proof and and tellingn Guyanese abroad to chase the PPP is not acceptable. 

Remember how Granger rigged his race and purple firing shots ? The PNC kissed and made up. Indos can’t behave like Crabdawgs Moses and try to split the party. 

Indos need to unite like blacks. 

Last edited by Former Member

Ali is pure genius. His celebration speech in Leonora was already planned well before the results of the secret ballot. And let's not forget that he secured his first degree some three years after his Master’s.


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