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The sickeningly racist Guyana Chronicle editorial has been thankfully, if not resoundingly, condemned


July 9, 2012

(By: Imran Khan)

The sickeningly racist Guyana Chronicle editorial has been thankfully, if not resoundingly, condemned. There has been some response but a half-hearted apology and talk of resignation notwithstanding, this bold declaration by the Chronicle, must open the nation’s eyes to the gravity of the racism cancer being perpetuated in our midst. And it is being cultivated by those who benefit from it.


So well have they thought it has flourished that they have now become emboldened to formalize it in a written declaration to the nation. Our sensitivities have been repulsed by the printed words but these words are the manifestation of the conviction of swathes of Guyanese who have been so indoctrinated through bottom-house engagements.


These are not, we must not be led to accept, the isolated rantings of a lone crusader. To quote Damian ‘Junior Gong’ Marley, “this is real”. We will recall the “bottom of the social ladder” comment, the marginalization, the discrimination and the now token acceptance that Afro-Guyanese are second, even third class citizens in their own country.


A few weeks ago, my wife, who is Afro-Guyanese, joined me in Antigua. I complained to her that I was unhappy living here, and that I’d prefer to move back to Guyana. My wife, who enjoys her many travels but is as fond of Guyana as I am, appreciated how I felt about wanting to be home. She was compelled, though, to underscore reality.


Guyana is a country sharply characterised, as a dysfunctional society of greedy, self-serving politicians, open corruption, accepted injustice, institutional racism, ethnic discrimination, national insecurity and uncontrollable crime. Guyana is a nation of warts and depression – a society in full decay, sunken.


My reasoning to her was that I desire being in Guyana to help change it for the better, not escape it and hope for and look to others to so do. Then she made an observation, biting as it was poignant. I was left anguished and ashamed for my country.


She liked Antigua because “it’s ok to be black here”.


I believe that I have always been acutely aware of the challenges of the Afro-Guyanese man and woman in Guyana, never before though, had it been framed with such distressing and intense profundity in my mind.


Those who wish to know are not in doubt that Afro-Guyanese, under this government, have been systematically marginalised and discriminated against. Reference the historic King Kong case for your evidence. There is now a growing sense that there is an intensification of the racial onslaught and that the infancy of an outright attack is being engineered to be waged against our Afro-Guyanese brothers and sisters to incite them.


And they should be incited to militant and intense political pressure against the oppressors.


The people of Linden live the inequality. Afro-Guyanese, young men in particular, suffer silently, daily, from it – their opportunities being far fewer, if existent; their rewards lesser, if available. They are devalued, dehumanised and criminalized. And now the authorities have become so brazen that they throw it in the face of the nation in editorial.


It matters not how many of our Afro-Guyanese brothers and sisters are accomplished, exemplary citizens. Those who are tasked by the administration to shape the Indo-Guyanese thinking are stressing that Afro-Guyanese – as a group – must always be seen as thieves, criminals, murderers and never to be trusted. And if an Indo-Guyanese sees an Afro-Guyanese who does not fit these descriptions, then that Afro-Guyanese must be considered an anomaly, an exemption.


The observation of independent minded former Guyanese magistrate Yohhanseh Cave, who now lives and works in the British Virgin Islands strikes at the heart of the persecutors.“This (the Guyana Chronicle editorial) is just another reason why so many Afro-Guyanese feel disrespected, delegitimised and marginalised in the country of our birth.”


On the one hand Indo-Guyanese are being conditioned to believe that Afro-Guyanese are of no social value and worthy of nothing good. On the other there is a campaign to debase and psychologically repress Afro-Guyanese into third class citizenry and for which they must show content, not contempt.


Both are equally revolting in conception and practice.


Consider the following:


1. Until recently adjusted none of Guyana’s ambassadors were Afro-Guyanese.


2. Until recently none of the heads of state agencies were Afro-Guyanese.


3. The Berbice Bridge was deliberately located away from New Amsterdam, an area where Afro-Guyanese live. It has been argued that this being to purposefully spite the Afro-Guyanese community, disallowing them from being economic benefactors of this investment.


4. Afro-Guyanese are allocated lots mostly in the decidedly low-income housing schemes such as Parfait Harmonie on the West Bank of Demerara (and far removed from their places of employment).


5. Almost all of the more desirable lots in the Tuschen Housing Scheme were “allocated” to and are occupied by Indo-Guyanese. Afro-Guyanese have been “allocated” and occupy less desirable lots towards the back and long distances away from the transportation system, schools and other facilities.


With regard to house lot allocation, what is at play, in terms of political strategy, ought not escape us. Afro-Guyanese are being moved from their traditional areas such as Georgetown to Region 3 (Parfait Harmonie and Tuschen) which will allow for the opposition strength at the ballot box to be diluted in Region 4. In Region 3, the PPP has traditionally been overwhelmingly strong so the region is able to absorb the increased opposition votes without losing control of the region. The reverse is true with the “allocation” of house lots to Indo-Guyanese in areas such as Diamond. Most of these Indo-Guyanese are not originally from Region 4 so thus they come in and the thinking is that they will bolster the PPP vote in that region. This emphasizes and crystallizes why it is necessary for the authorities to perpetuate race based voting.


6. The obsessive control of radio, which in the year 2012, remains in state monopoly.


7. The refusal to allow Lindeners access to privately owned television stations.


8. The national athletics track is being built at Leonora, a mostly Indo-Guyanese community which is not known to produce track and field athletes and far removed from the communities on the West Demerara and Guyana which are known to produce track and field athletes.


9. The Skeldon Sugar Factory – the largest single investment in Guyana’s history – is allotted to an industry which is in global ruin and in an almost purely Indo-Guyanese community for the protection of Indo-Guyanese jobs while the bauxite industry (where there is a greater Afro-Guyanese presence) is disowned and left to flounder by government.


10. The Guyana National Stadium is located in an area surrounded mostly by Indo-Guyanese and for cricket (a sport dominated by Indo-Guyanese) while there is negligible investment in football (which is dominated by Afro-Guyanese) and no national football stadium.


The examples abound and are available in every form.One political commentator recently raised the issue of the ethnic representation in print advertisements. I have long noted the increasing ethnic disparity, now heavily skewed in favour of Indo-Guyanese and Caucasians in advertisements. This is a certain sign of a cultural acceptance of the superior positioning of Indo-Guyanese and the secondary assignment to Afro-Guyanese and Amerido-Guyanese as well.


In denial we may have been, the truth is now unavoidable. Guyana has become a country in which one is privileged to be Indo-Guyanese and cursed to Afro-Guyanese. It is not just not ok to be black in Guyana, it is a condemnation to a life of less.


Those responsible for this state of depravity must be removed from authority for they have shamed and disgraced a proud nation by systematically committing a people to social, political and economic slavery.


“The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.” – Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara



Replies sorted oldest to newest

3. The Berbice Bridge was deliberately located away from New Amsterdam, an area where Afro-Guyanese live. It has been argued that this being to purposefully spite the Afro-Guyanese community, disallowing them from being economic benefactors of this investment.
This guy seems to be quite a jackass! I guess marginalization also reduces brain power.
Originally Posted by TI:
3. The Berbice Bridge was deliberately located away from New Amsterdam, an area where Afro-Guyanese live. It has been argued that this being to purposefully spite the Afro-Guyanese community, disallowing them from being economic benefactors of this investment.
This guy seems to be quite a jackass! I guess marginalization also reduces brain power.

They will slice the salami every which to ensure it fits a preconceived agenda.  How come no one complained about the Demerara bridge location.


The Chairman of the Guyana National Newspapers Limited (GNNL), Keith Burrowes has issued a public apology on behalf of the Guyana Chronicle for a racially divisive editorial recently published under the caption ‘Opposition rampages to sow disunity in the country’.

In a statement in yesterday’s edition of the Sunday Chronicle, he noted that the offending editorial may more than likely result in some resignation at the board level.

Burrowes extended his apology to all Guyanese who wereoffended or affected by the article which was published on July 3, 2012 and which has sparked condemnation by several groups.

Keith Burrowes

Burrowes pointed out that he was not involved in the oversight of this edition but opined that the editorial should not have gotten past the Editor and subsequently been published.

“I’d like to make it abundantly clear that the views expressed in the publication by no means is a representation of the majority shareholders, the board nor the management and staff of Chronicle…” Burrowes stated.

Burrowes in his apology said that the Chronicle has given its outmost to ensure the promotion of racial harmony amongst citizens and has always tried to maintain a high moral and professional code of ethics in providing factual and balanced reporting.

He highlighted that action has and will be taken against the editor who was at the time on duty and the writer of the editorial and if others were found to be involved, they will also incur the relevant disciplinary action. In addition to this, Burrowes said that steps have been taken to ensure that there is no recurrence.

“The Chronicle would like to apologize to all and sincerely hope that this apology is accepted,” he reiterated.

Originally Posted by baseman:

They will slice the salami every which to ensure it fits a preconceived agenda.  How come no one complained about the Demerara bridge location.

WHAT is it about about the "location" of the Demerara Harbour Bridge that we ought to know, Herr Doktor?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Engineers place the bridge to the best of their Geological experience. Redux, desist from spreading false propaganda

Dude, I don't know what post of mine you're responding to . . . at best, I have to conclude that you can't read.

Last edited by Former Member

.....In denial we may have been, the truth is now unavoidable. Guyana has become a country in which one is privileged to be Indo-Guyanese and cursed to Afro-Guyanese. It is not just not ok to be black in Guyana, it is a condemnation to a life of less.


Those responsible for this state of depravity must be removed from authority for they have shamed and disgraced a proud nation by systematically committing a people to social, political and economic slavery....


According to Caribj, this is a product of LFSB's anti-Afro policies of the 70s and 80's, which the PPP has only been better at.  I guess he thinks he speaks to Martians.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

@ Herr Doktor

is not CaribJ calling you out on your NONSENSE . . . is Meeee

Well uncle Idi, move on.

You beggin me to let U off the hook? . . . I don't think so!

Originally Posted by TI:
3. The Berbice Bridge was deliberately located away from New Amsterdam, an area where Afro-Guyanese live. It has been argued that this being to purposefully spite the Afro-Guyanese community, disallowing them from being economic benefactors of this investment.
This guy seems to be quite a jackass! I guess marginalization also reduces brain power.

So that's the PPP plan then: starve the blacks from education and progress.

Originally Posted by TI:
3. The Berbice Bridge was deliberately located away from New Amsterdam, an area where Afro-Guyanese live. It has been argued that this being to purposefully spite the Afro-Guyanese community, disallowing them from being economic benefactors of this investment.
This guy seems to be quite a jackass! I guess marginalization also reduces brain power.

Perhaps you can name one Afro-Guyanese who is part of the leaches that  controls the operation of this floating shaky bridge for which Berbicians are paying a heavy toll.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by TI:
3. The Berbice Bridge was deliberately located away from New Amsterdam, an area where Afro-Guyanese live. It has been argued that this being to purposefully spite the Afro-Guyanese community, disallowing them from being economic benefactors of this investment.
This guy seems to be quite a jackass! I guess marginalization also reduces brain power.

So that's the PPP plan then: starve the blacks from education and progress.

The school scores and UG student body race make up does not support your hypothesis.  You guys are making it up as you go along and it will not fly.  True, there are some things that is not totally correct however, it's far from how you present it.


Some afro-Guyanese will always find it suitable to blame the current Govt for all their issues and others will use it for their political gain however, people are no fools.


There are many Indians also not partaking in the economic success and are worse off that many Afros, but no one talk about this.  The fact that the Govt is ineffective in some areas does not mean it's a strategy against anyone.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by TI:
3. The Berbice Bridge was deliberately located away from New Amsterdam, an area where Afro-Guyanese live. It has been argued that this being to purposefully spite the Afro-Guyanese community, disallowing them from being economic benefactors of this investment.
This guy seems to be quite a jackass! I guess marginalization also reduces brain power.

So that's the PPP plan then: starve the blacks from education and progress.

The school scores and UG student body race make up does not support your hypothesis.  You guys are making it up as you go along and it will not fly.  True, there are some things that is not totally correct however, it's far from how you present it.


Some afro-Guyanese will always find it suitable to blame the current Govt for all their issues and others will use it for their political gain however, people are no fools.


There are many Indians also not partaking in the economic success and are worse off that many Afros, but no one talk about this.  The fact that the Govt is ineffective in some areas does not mean it's a strategy against anyone.

So do you think that the Govt was just ineffective or it happened by mere coincidence that there were no Afro Guyanese ambassadors?


Only the racist ideology of the Jagdeo PPP government could result in that happening.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by TI:
3. The Berbice Bridge was deliberately located away from New Amsterdam, an area where Afro-Guyanese live. It has been argued that this being to purposefully spite the Afro-Guyanese community, disallowing them from being economic benefactors of this investment.
This guy seems to be quite a jackass! I guess marginalization also reduces brain power.

So that's the PPP plan then: starve the blacks from education and progress.

The school scores and UG student body race make up does not support your hypothesis.  You guys are making it up as you go along and it will not fly.  True, there are some things that is not totally correct however, it's far from how you present it.


Some afro-Guyanese will always find it suitable to blame the current Govt for all their issues and others will use it for their political gain however, people are no fools.


There are many Indians also not partaking in the economic success and are worse off that many Afros, but no one talk about this.  The fact that the Govt is ineffective in some areas does not mean it's a strategy against anyone.

So do you think that the Govt was just ineffective or it happened by mere coincidence that there were no Afro Guyanese ambassadors?


Only the racist ideology of the Jagdeo PPP government could result in that happening.

Please see my highlighted point above, it was such things I was referring.


The ineffectiveness I was referring was poverty elimination and this applies equally to Afros as Indians.  No one is immune.  Don't mix up some historical facts with ground reality.


Apart from the political and many key position, the average Afros today is actually better off than under the PNC and many Indians have seen marginal changes, except they are not kicked, cuffed and brutalized in every street corner.


 We will recall the “bottom of the social ladder” comment, the marginalization, the discrimination and the now token acceptance that Afro-Guyanese are second, even third class citizens in their own country.



I believe the writer is referring to Dr. Jagan's statement of Afros being at the bottom on the social ladder. He said this after entering office. Who is to be blamed for Afros being at the bottom of the social ladder in 1992?  It did not happened overnight.


Who declared Guyana to be the Afros' "own country"?  What happened to the Amerindians and others?


If poverty in some sections of the Afro-community makes them second and third class citizens then what do you have to say about poverty in sections of the Indo and Amerindian communities?


A group of people who controls the military, police, judiciary, now legislative power in the parliament does not pass the test of being marginalized. I did not even mention the mayorships in various towns and the vast outrageous number of Afros employed by the gov't.


Imran, take off your wig for second and let your brain get some fresh air to cool down. I think you are an imposter on a mission to con the public while you are embarked on a journey to do horrible things to Guyana and its people.



Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

A group of people who controls the military, police, judiciary, now legislative power in the parliament does not pass the test of being marginalized. I did not even mention the mayorships in various towns and the vast outrageous number of Afros employed by the gov't.

The CYNICISM is awesome . . .; but, more to the point, your CONTEMPT for Black people is downright dangerous!

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:


If poverty in some sections of the Afro-community makes them second and third class citizens then what do you have to say about poverty in sections of the Indo and Amerindian communities?


A group of people who controls the military, police, judiciary, now legislative power in the parliament does not pass the test of being marginalized. I did not even mention the mayorships in various towns and the vast outrageous number of Afros employed by the gov't.


Pre-1992 Indians were an invisible people, we had a mythical presence.  Today that mindset is still alive and well, so suffering of Afros and suffering of Indians and not the same.


As for control, as long at political control is absent, no control exists.  Political, combined with military is the only acceptable model.  This ensures unbridled power and hegemony over every aspect of life over everyone.  This is the control still being relished.


Anyone who is so naive to believe the PNC in power today will not rapidly morph back to what was there pre-liberation are just that, naive.  All the aspirations, values and beliefs are there today.


If you don't believe just ask Redux what's his thoughts on the (constitutional) removal of the GDF from political control in Guyana.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

A group of people who controls the military, police, judiciary, now legislative power in the parliament does not pass the test of being marginalized. I did not even mention the mayorships in various towns and the vast outrageous number of Afros employed by the gov't.

The CYNICISM is awesome . . .; but, more to the point, your CONTEMPT for Black people is downright dangerous!

How deep in the dung you shoved your cockroach head before you gave that response.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

A group of people who controls the military, police, judiciary, now legislative power in the parliament does not pass the test of being marginalized. I did not even mention the mayorships in various towns and the vast outrageous number of Afros employed by the gov't.

The CYNICISM is awesome . . .; but, more to the point, your CONTEMPT for Black people is downright dangerous!

How deep in the dung you shoved your cockroach head before you gave that response.

I might start charging you a fee for borrowing the "cockroach" ting . . . but it's OK, you need as much help as possible to dress-up your non-response(s) as a 'clever' comeback, given your obvious literary handicaps.


Now . . . the fact that you endorse the cynical, racist rantings of Billyboy surprises no one. You two, after all, consult the same beaten-up playbook "Propagaganda Fundamentals of Hegemonistic Race Rule" so beloved by some ROAR alumni; now adopted as gospel by intellectually bereft PPP bitter enders. 


WHERE do you want me to start eviscerating the nonsense posted by BillyRamgoat that you so enthusiastically co-signed ?


Hurry up, I have only a limited amount of time to spend on fools  

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

A group of people who controls the military, police, judiciary, now legislative power in the parliament does not pass the test of being marginalized. I did not even mention the mayorships in various towns and the vast outrageous number of Afros employed by the gov't.

The CYNICISM is awesome . . .; but, more to the point, your CONTEMPT for Black people is downright dangerous!

How deep in the dung you shoved your cockroach head before you gave that response.

I might start charging you a fee for borrowing the "cockroach" ting . . . but it's OK, you need as much help as possible to dress-up your non-response(s) as a 'clever' comeback, given your obvious literary handicaps.


Now . . . the fact that you endorse the cynical, racist rantings of Billyboy surprises no one. You two, after all, consult the same beaten-up playbook "Propagaganda Fundamentals of Hegemonistic Race Rule" so beloved by some ROAR alumni; now adopted as gospel by intellectually bereft PPP bitter enders. 


WHERE do you want me to start eviscerating the nonsense posted by BillyRamgoat that you so enthusiastically co-signed ?


Hurry up, I have only a limited amount of time to spend on fools  

Hmm, like you got a wiff of Raid.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

A group of people who controls the military, police, judiciary, now legislative power in the parliament does not pass the test of being marginalized. I did not even mention the mayorships in various towns and the vast outrageous number of Afros employed by the gov't.

The CYNICISM is awesome . . .; but, more to the point, your CONTEMPT for Black people is downright dangerous!

How deep in the dung you shoved your cockroach head before you gave that response.

I might start charging you a fee for borrowing the "cockroach" ting . . . but it's OK, you need as much help as possible to dress-up your non-response(s) as a 'clever' comeback, given your obvious literary handicaps.


Now . . . the fact that you endorse the cynical, racist rantings of Billyboy surprises no one. You two, after all, consult the same beaten-up playbook "Propagaganda Fundamentals of Hegemonistic Race Rule" so beloved by some ROAR alumni; now adopted as gospel by intellectually bereft PPP bitter enders. 


WHERE do you want me to start eviscerating the nonsense posted by BillyRamgoat that you so enthusiastically co-signed ?


Hurry up, I have only a limited amount of time to spend on fools  

Hmm, like you got a wiff of Raid.

Take your time . . . you'll think of something 'intelligent' eventually.


But not too much time, I have important things to do.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

How deep in the dung you shoved your cockroach head before you gave that response.

I might start charging you a fee for borrowing the "cockroach" ting . . . but it's OK, you need as much help as possible to dress-up your non-response(s) as a 'clever' comeback, given your obvious literary handicaps.


Now . . . the fact that you endorse the cynical, racist rantings of Billyboy surprises no one. You two, after all, consult the same beaten-up playbook "Propagaganda Fundamentals of Hegemonistic Race Rule" so beloved by some ROAR alumni; now adopted as gospel by intellectually bereft PPP bitter enders. 


WHERE do you want me to start eviscerating the nonsense posted by BillyRamgoat that you so enthusiastically co-signed ?


Hurry up, I have only a limited amount of time to spend on fools  

Hmm, like you got a wiff of Raid.

Take your time . . . you'll think of something 'intelligent' eventually.


But not too much time, I have important things to do.

Ooohhh, don't let me keep you back, now run along before the wife barks at you for not putting out the garbage.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

How deep in the dung you shoved your cockroach head before you gave that response.

I might start charging you a fee for borrowing the "cockroach" ting . . . but it's OK, you need as much help as possible to dress-up your non-response(s) as a 'clever' comeback, given your obvious literary handicaps.


Now . . . the fact that you endorse the cynical, racist rantings of Billyboy surprises no one. You two, after all, consult the same beaten-up playbook "Propagaganda Fundamentals of Hegemonistic Race Rule" so beloved by some ROAR alumni; now adopted as gospel by intellectually bereft PPP bitter enders. 


WHERE do you want me to start eviscerating the nonsense posted by BillyRamgoat that you so enthusiastically co-signed ?


Hurry up, I have only a limited amount of time to spend on fools  

Hmm, like you got a wiff of Raid.

Take your time . . . you'll think of something 'intelligent' eventually.


But not too much time, I have important things to do.

Ooohhh, don't let me keep you back, now run along before the wife barks at you for not putting out the garbage.

You're right, I really gotta go.


Think of 'something'; I'll be back later tonite.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
I might start charging you a fee for borrowing the "cockroach" ting . . . but it's OK, you need as much help as possible to dress-up your non-response(s) as a 'clever' comeback, given your obvious literary handicaps.


Now . . . the fact that you endorse the cynical, racist rantings of Billyboy surprises no one. You two, after all, consult the same beaten-up playbook "Propagaganda Fundamentals of Hegemonistic Race Rule" so beloved by some ROAR alumni; now adopted as gospel by intellectually bereft PPP bitter enders. 


WHERE do you want me to start eviscerating the nonsense posted by BillyRamgoat that you so enthusiastically co-signed ?


Hurry up, I have only a limited amount of time to spend on fools  

Hmm, like you got a wiff of Raid.

Take your time . . . you'll think of something 'intelligent' eventually.


But not too much time, I have important things to do.

Ooohhh, don't let me keep you back, now run along before the wife barks at you for not putting out the garbage.

You're right, I really gotta go.


Think of 'something'; I'll be back later tonite.

Ok, just watch the door.

Black people like to play the victim. During LFSB reign, they were victims, and the Indos got rich by trading contraband. During PPP reign, they are the victims again and the Indos getting rich trading again. Maybe they should get off their asses and do some trading also. It seem to work for the Indos. Or they all want to be ambassadors? Anyone reading that idiotic article would never know that there are black ministers in the Govt, or black millionaire businessmen in Guyana. The last black guy I spoke to in Guyana just started a huge shipping biz by air transport and is raking in millions while the whiners whine!
Originally Posted by TI:
Black people like to play the victim. During LFSB reign, they were victims, and the Indos got rich by trading contraband. During PPP reign, they are the victims again and the Indos getting rich trading again. Maybe they should get off their asses and do some trading also. It seem to work for the Indos. Or they all want to be ambassadors? Anyone reading that idiotic article would never know that there are black ministers in the Govt, or black millionaire businessmen in Guyana. The last black guy I spoke to in Guyana just started a huge shipping biz by air transport and is raking in millions while the whiners whine!

Yuh right bhai. Black people whine too much and besides that they too blasted lazy. They should get off their asses and do some wuk and then maybe they can become ambassaduh and head state agencies. Abee pun tap now, get used to it. 


Ah hear the Chronicle looking for an assistant to the editor, yuh should apply.

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by TI:
Black people like to play the victim. During LFSB reign, they were victims, and the Indos got rich by trading contraband. During PPP reign, they are the victims again and the Indos getting rich trading again. Maybe they should get off their asses and do some trading also. It seem to work for the Indos. Or they all want to be ambassadors? Anyone reading that idiotic article would never know that there are black ministers in the Govt, or black millionaire businessmen in Guyana. The last black guy I spoke to in Guyana just started a huge shipping biz by air transport and is raking in millions while the whiners whine!

I know several successful Afro businessmen and they are capable and savvy as anyone else.  I would not deny there are some prejudices which they and anyone else have to go up against.  However, there is more than enough critical mass within their community and the need in the general community to ensure success if run well.


The more people point to excuses and play the blame game, the more it becomes self fulfilling.  And this goes for anyone, not only Afros.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by TI:
3. The Berbice Bridge was deliberately located away from New Amsterdam, an area where Afro-Guyanese live. It has been argued that this being to purposefully spite the Afro-Guyanese community, disallowing them from being economic benefactors of this investment.
This guy seems to be quite a jackass! I guess marginalization also reduces brain power.

So that's the PPP plan then: starve the blacks from education and progress.

The school scores and UG student body race make up does not support your hypothesis.  You guys are making it up as you go along and it will not fly.  True, there are some things that is not totally correct however, it's far from how you present it.


Some afro-Guyanese will always find it suitable to blame the current Govt for all their issues and others will use it for their political gain however, people are no fools.


There are many Indians also not partaking in the economic success and are worse off that many Afros, but no one talk about this.  The fact that the Govt is ineffective in some areas does not mean it's a strategy against anyone.

The issue is that in Guyana (unlike Trinidad) many blacks are educating themselves.  Then they graduate and racists like those who commented in the Chronicle display contempt for them.


No wonder, and with all its current problems and hostile attitude to Guyanese a black Guyanese women opined that "at least its OK to be black here".


This after AfroGUyanese told Jagdeo that being Guyanese in Antigua (where they are foreigners) is as bad as being black in Guyana (where they are NOT foreigners.


All the apologists can continue to deny that the Indo elite is trying their best to make AfroGuyanese 3rd class citizens...and then they get caught and pretend otherwise.


Well gentlemen and ladies, Chronicle has spoken and its quite ugly in the open bigotry that was displayed.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by TI:

Yuh right bhai. Black people whine too much and besides that they too blasted lazy. They should get off their asses and do some wuk and then maybe they can become ambassaduh and head state agencies. Abee pun tap now, get used to it. 


Ah hear the Chronicle looking for an assistant to the editor, yuh should apply.

you are doing well  Now cdontinue to prove Indo racism against blacks when a black kid graduates from UG or elsewhere and you all say " he too damn lazy", forcing him to flee to Antigua if he has any ambition.



As an Guyanese woman said in Antigua "at least its OK to be black here".


Now continue to think that you can rule a nation by excluding over 40% of its people.


And whine you it turns out that you cant.


Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by TI:

Yuh right bhai. Black people whine too much and besides that they too blasted lazy. They should get off their asses and do some wuk and then maybe they can become ambassaduh and head state agencies. Abee pun tap now, get used to it. 


Ah hear the Chronicle looking for an assistant to the editor, yuh should apply.

you are doing well  Now cdontinue to prove Indo racism against blacks when a black kid graduates from UG or elsewhere and you all say " he too damn lazy", forcing him to flee to Antigua if he has any ambition.



As an Guyanese woman said in Antigua "at least its OK to be black here".


Now continue to think that you can rule a nation by excluding over 40% of its people.


And whine you it turns out that you cant.


CaribNY, adjust yuh aim . . . "God" was being sarcastic.

[the sick stuff is TI's]

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by TI:

Yuh right bhai. Black people whine too much and besides that they too blasted lazy. They should get off their asses and do some wuk and then maybe they can become ambassaduh and head state agencies. Abee pun tap now, get used to it. 


Ah hear the Chronicle looking for an assistant to the editor, yuh should apply.

you are doing well  Now cdontinue to prove Indo racism against blacks when a black kid graduates from UG or elsewhere and you all say " he too damn lazy", forcing him to flee to Antigua if he has any ambition.



As an Guyanese woman said in Antigua "at least its OK to be black here".


Now continue to think that you can rule a nation by excluding over 40% of its people.


And whine you it turns out that you cant.


CaribNY, adjust yuh aim . . . "God" was being sarcastic.

[the sick stuff is TI's]

And of cours eyou know that while he MIGHT be sarcastic many otrhers arent. Hence the lament of many black UG grads that they must leave Guyana to find work suitable to their education.

Originally Posted by martin Carter:

Blacks don't leave to find work, they have better opportunities than Indians in gUYana. Don't fool yourself and play the victim. 

Martin Carter blacks also voted PPP too. So I guess its the Indian vote that Grainger and Corbin get.

Originally Posted by TI:
These Indo criminals! I always maintain that Blackie would have made an excellent president had he not been marginalized and gunned down by the evil PPP!

I do not see where you can troll for a joke in that. Indians presently run the country and they are stealing us into the ground. They also murdered many more than Blackie so they are no less than he. It is about the 30 pieces of silver they all gropingly reach for at the peril of their soul


Marginalization is not about stupid listing of what was built or invested in a community. The clear fact the community has little input into its decision making and investment schemes makes it marginalized.


Do not tell me that the industry of indians made their investment options available. Buddy to RK to our present President etc were all church mice a few years ago until leech sources opened up so they can steal.


No doubt Blackie had the intellect if not the moral basis for being the president if the toady we have is a benchmark. In our corrupt reality he would do well. Sometimes, even I s a pacifist sometimes feel like buying a gun when I hear of the naked rape of our society.


Accusing the government of corruption is one thing and that affects all citizens across racial boundaries, but making allegations that the government sets out to marginalize black people is pure hogwash.


Making allegations that the bridge was racially placed in an indo neighborhood and not in a black neighborhood shows not only misguided conceptions, but acute ignorance and idiocy.  I understand that black people miss the sweetness of a LFSB racial dictatorship, but those days are over. They still cling to the PNC like a leech and have no inclination for impartial AFC leanings.  Articles like those by that jackass Imran Khan reveals a level of stupidity that appears incapable of impartial thinking.

Originally Posted by TI:

Accusing the government of corruption is one thing and that affects all citizens across racial boundaries, but making allegations that the government sets out to marginalize black people is pure hogwash.


Making allegations that the bridge was racially placed in an indo neighborhood and not in a black neighborhood shows not only misguided conceptions, but acute ignorance and idiocy.  I understand that black people miss the sweetness of a LFSB racial dictatorship, but those days are over. They still cling to the PNC like a leech and have no inclination for impartial AFC leanings.  Articles like those by that jackass Imran Khan reveals a level of stupidity that appears incapable of impartial thinking.

I shudder when narrow-minded bigots like you PRETEND to embrace the ideals & the struggles of the AFC.


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