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Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Looks like TK was too ashamed of his Indian name Sunil and changed it to Tarron. He is a proud PNC Indian.

Tarron Sunil Khemraj will soon send his alter ego redux to address you.




redux will post for sure. It is only a matter of time before he shows up with his vulgar language.

Ha Ha.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:


And so, for the next few years the Gov't will have to play a major role in creating a conducive and fair environment for the private sector to rise at a faster rate and in a more balanced manner, while taking care of the people, particularly Gov't workers (including the sugar workers) in the meantime.  Ultimately, the private sector must surpass the Gov't's role.

President Donald Ramotar has made it pellucidly clear that the private sector will be the engine of growth in Guyana's economy his government will continue to do everything possible to support the efforts of investors, businesses and entrepreneurs.


Donald Ramotar is an honorable man--and he is doing a fabulous job restoring the dignity of the People's Progressive party.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:

Donald Ramotar is an honorable man--and he is doing a fabulous job restoring the dignity of the People's Progressive party.



Rev, please tell us what Mr. Ramotar has done to restore the dignity of the PPP/C.


It's good to see that you acknowledge that the PPP has lost it's dignity under the current cabal.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:



Rev, please tell us what Mr. Ramotar has done to restore the dignity of the PPP/C.




The Rev posted that President Ramotar is an honorable man.


You absolutely cannot dispute that assertion Mitwah---Donald Ramotar is a principled, honest and trustworthy man.


Now Mitts--read this:




That is a factual fact.





Donald Ramotar is doing a good job restoring the dignity of the PPP----there are some rotten eggs in the party---they will eventually be weeded out.




Originally Posted by Nehru:

Al YUh gun mek Redux go under for a while. God morphed yet????


Dem AFC boys have multiple personalities. Remember Devinrda ? He had FIVE personalities and was eventually banned. The AFC is a desperate bunch now that the snake oil bottle has been smashed.


The PPP needs to keep up the pressure on the AFC. They are now finished. 


PNC Indians like Moses, Ramjattan, Ralph and others are the most disgraceful politicians. They are doing their utmost best to bring back the PNC dictatorship from the dead.


As revealed in Parliament, Moses collected MILLIONS of dollars from NICIL for legal services. This is the same man and his party that were making all sorts of accusation. Moses should pay back the taxpayers this money.


Now they are in bed with Donkey Cart Economist Carl Greenidge. The same man who made Guyana a basket case economy and wanted Guyanese to eat rice flour.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:



Rev, please tell us what Mr. Ramotar has done to restore the dignity of the PPP/C.




The Rev posted that President Ramotar is an honorable man.


You absolutely cannot dispute that assertion Mitwah---Donald Ramotar is a principled, honest and trustworthy man.


Now Mitts--read this:




That is a factual fact.





Donald Ramotar is doing a good job restoring the dignity of the PPP----there are some rotten eggs in the party---they will eventually be weeded out.




Moses was the first rotten egg to be weeded out. Ralph was next. A few more to go.


Moses should repay the taxpayers of Guyana the money that he billed NICIL. He lacks human decency.


The AFC must also provide the public the results of their investigation of their very own Bush Doctor which involved one of their executive members allegation regarding election funds.


They duck and dodge when asked about the findings of this investigation but they are the first to throw stones when they have a glass house.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Looks like TK was too ashamed of his Indian name Sunil and changed it to Tarron. He is a proud PNC Indian.

Tarron Sunil Khemraj will soon send his alter ego redux to address you.




redux will post for sure. It is only a matter of time before he shows up with his vulgar language.

Ha Ha.


Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Looks like TK was too ashamed of his Indian name Sunil and changed it to Tarron. He is a proud PNC Indian.





Some people now have triple personalities. Ha Ha

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Gmoney, your boy TK has many valid points. His break from the forum via alter ego redux must be having some positive effect on his brain. However he continues to expect govt to solve all ills, you folks need to break away from the habit of expecting govt to solve all ills of society, the private sector needs to do its share too

Absolutely, BGS.  However, the private sector has been in tatters ever since the late 60s, and while today they are doing better, they are still beholden to the Gov't and moreover, have not evolved as they could have because of a myriad of Gov't related problems such as affordable and reliable power and reasonable security, not to mention banking sector reforms.

And so, for the next few years the Gov't will have to play a major role in creating a conducive and fair environment for the private sector to rise at a faster rate and in a more balanced manner, while taking care of the people, particularly Gov't workers (including the sugar workers) in the meantime.  Ultimately, the private sector must surpass the Gov't's role.

There were some valid point raised by TK.  GR, to your point, how do you propose addressing the cost of power problem, which is a bottleneck to growth!

Please see page 30 of our Action Plan:

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Some people now have triple personalities. Ha Ha



PRK is one of Ronald Narain/Devindra numerous handles---Sunil recently banned 5 of his handles.



Rev Bhai


The AFC is in deep trouble. The very fact that they use multiple handles is a sign of a party trying to salvage their image by trying to create an image of a party with massive support.


The last meeting in Berbice was attended by FIFTY people. They tried to photoshop the picture to look as is was a large meeting. They are trying to do the same here by creating multiple threads.


The AFC is finished. The PPP needs to keep up the pressure on the AFC since the public is now weary of the AFC love relationship with the PNC by a group of disgruntled PNC Indians led by Moses, Ramjattan and now newfound reject Ralph.


The AFC attracts rejects and losers. TK comes to mind. The man is a kiss of death. First ROAR led by another loser Ravi Dev and now the AFC led by a group of PNC Indians.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Some people now have triple personalities. Ha Ha



PRK is one of Ronald Narain/Devindra numerous handles---Sunil recently banned 5 of his handles.



Rev Bhai


The AFC is in deep trouble. The very fact that they use multiple handles is a sign of a party trying to salvage their image by trying to create an image of a party with massive support.


The last meeting in Berbice was attended by FIFTY people. They tried to photoshop the picture to look as is was a large meeting. They are trying to do the same here by creating multiple threads.


The AFC is finished. The PPP needs to keep up the pressure on the AFC since the public is now weary of the AFC love relationship with the PNC by a group of disgruntled PNC Indians led by Moses, Ramjattan and now newfound reject Ralph.


The AFC attracts rejects and losers. TK comes to mind. The man is a kiss of death. First ROAR led by another loser Ravi Dev and now the AFC led by a group of PNC Indians.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Were these 2 Sunils named after handsome Indian moviestar and politician, Sunil Dutt? 


Amral's deputy Sunil may have been named after Nargis' husband(Sunil Dutt), but redux's owner Tarron Sunil Khemraj---he was likely named after the great Indian batsman Sunil Gavaskar.





Originally Posted by yuji22:

Rev Bhai---The AFC is in deep trouble----The AFC is finished. The PPP needs to keep up the pressure on the AFC since the public is now weary of the AFC love relationship with the PNC by a group of disgruntled PNC Indians led by Moses, Ramjattan and now newfound reject Ralph.


The AFC attracts rejects and losers. TK comes to mind. The man is a kiss of death. First ROAR led by another loser Ravi Dev and now the AFC led by a group of PNC Indians.



The AFC's newness and novelty has evaporated---for a while they presented themselves as the independent voice of Guyana---but the Guyanese people know them better today---the AFC has become the loyal sidekick of the depraved PNC.





Who would have imagined---folks like Moses nagamootoo and Ralph Ramkaran would one day become PNC Indians ? Today these two judases are working 24/7 to help the PNC rule Guyana again.








Nigel was given his dose of Karma. It will not spare these PNC Indians, traitors who would have stabbed Dr. Jagan in the back had he been alive today.


These Judases are destroying the party that Jagan and Janet dedicated their entire lives building.  

They have morphed with the PNC. Could you have imagined that these PNC Indians are now side by side with Burnham's thug and bully, Donkey Cart Economist, Carl Greenidge ?

The AFC remain silent in Parliament as Carl Greenidge makes racist attacks on Indo Guyanese sugar workers while Carl Greenidge refuses to cut  billions of subsidy to the residents of Linden. This is quite disgraceful.

Originally Posted by yuji22:



The AFC remain silent in Parliament as Carl Greenidge makes racist attacks on Indo Guyanese sugar workers while Carl Greenidge refuses to cut  billions of subsidy to the residents of Linden. This is quite disgraceful.



I am starting to believe there will be a snap election sometime----Ramotar should address the nation and make it clear to the people of Guyana that the AFC/PNC coalition is hindering progress in Guyana----he should then suspend the parliament and call a snap election.


I am not sure if he can do that---but if he has the power to suspend parliament and call an election he should go ahead.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



The AFC remain silent in Parliament as Carl Greenidge makes racist attacks on Indo Guyanese sugar workers while Carl Greenidge refuses to cut  billions of subsidy to the residents of Linden. This is quite disgraceful.



I am starting to believe there will be a snap election sometime----Ramotar should address the nation and make it clear to the people of Guyana that the AFC/PNC coalition is hindering progress in Guyana----he should then suspend the parliament and call a snap election.


I am not sure if he can do that---but if he has the power to suspend parliament and call an election he should go ahead.




PS. Demerara guy just mentioned that if the budget is voted down---elections will be called---hope the AFC/PNC votes the budget down.



you ppp supporters on this site is so stupid you think ramotar will call snap election the man want to say in power if they call snap election and lose lot of them and i mean lots of them is going to jail  ramotar will settle for a little power  than no power you fools can start the betting i sure AMRAL WILL WANT TO GET IN ON THE BETTING i say if the oppistion cut the budget the ppp will not call a snap election any takers put up or shut up  

Originally Posted by warrior:

 AMRAL WILL WANT TO GET IN ON THE BETTING i say if the oppistion cut the budget the ppp will not call a snap election any takers put up or shut up  



The constitution says parliament cannot cut the budget---they can either approve the budget or vote it down.


If the AFC/PNC coalition votes the budget down---then there will be an election.



Originally Posted by warrior:

put it how you want it call the bet i see too much in this world to be stupid



If the opposition votes down the budget there will be an election.


And the likely result will be:






Let's hope the AFC/PNC do the wise thing and vote the budget down.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



The AFC remain silent in Parliament as Carl Greenidge makes racist attacks on Indo Guyanese sugar workers while Carl Greenidge refuses to cut  billions of subsidy to the residents of Linden. This is quite disgraceful.



I am starting to believe there will be a snap election sometime----Ramotar should address the nation and make it clear to the people of Guyana that the AFC/PNC coalition is hindering progress in Guyana----he should then suspend the parliament and call a snap election.


I am not sure if he can do that---but if he has the power to suspend parliament and call an election he should go ahead.




PS. Demerara guy just mentioned that if the budget is voted down---elections will be called---hope the AFC/PNC votes the budget down.




A snap election is quite possible. In fact the delay by the PNC/AFC is to weigh their options and decided if they are financially and politically capable for a snap election.


President Rammo must make the first move by going to the people and informing the masses about the ill intention of the AFC/PNC coalition to hinder economic progress and making the country ungovernable. The masses of Guyana are now fed up with the actions of the AFC/PNC coalition.


There will be a positive outcome for the PPP as the AFC will be wiped off the map. The PNC supporters will cling to their traditional pattern of voting for the PNC based mainly on race.


The traditional PPP base will be consolidated and the PPP will easily win a majority.


The AFC is aware that their fortunes are low and may not risk an election. The budget cannot be cut hence the AFC/PNC coalition does not have much of a choice. It is their call and it is now a win win situation for the PPP.


The combined AFC/PNC may seek a compromise but the PPP needs to stand it's ground. It is no wonder that a PNC sopkesperson hinted that the PPP is in  a very good position.


Remember, how the third grade TK made subtle comments about a fews positive aspects of the Guyana economy ? He also had to add political rhetoric to his nonsense article to appease AFC supporters.


The PPP has the AFC/PNC coalition cornered. The PPP can pass the budget or go for the big one. We are closely watching the situation.


In the event of an election, the PPP is ready to handle PNC/AFC thugs this time around.


Originally Posted by yuji22:


There will be a positive outcome for the PPP as the AFC will be wiped off the map. The PNC supporters will cling to their traditional pattern of voting for the PNC based mainly on race.




As long as there are PNC Indians in Guyana the AFC will not be wiped off the map.


In 2006 the AFC received 8.4% of the votes and in 2011 they received 10.3% of the votes.


With the AFC now solidly in cahoots with the PNC---they are no longer perceived as the independent party---and there is a strong likelihood they will lose around 2% in the next election---they'll return to around 8% of the votes.


Once the PPP gets a majority of the votes in the next election---that's all that matters.


President Ramotar is an honorable man and he is slowly restoring the dignity of the People's progressive party---and more importantly---51% of the Guyanese people are happy with their leader.






The AFC support in Berbice is soft. They will loose a larger than 2 percent of their total support. I spoke with some Berbicians who visited here recently and they are very concerned about the love relationship between the AFC and PNC and their intention to destroy Guyana.


AFC supporters who drank the first dose of snake oil are now wary of the intentions of the AFC and now see them as a PNC party. 


The PPP needs to work door to door at the next election campaign and not have those massive rallies. It creates voter over confidence and hence many of their supporters did not turn out at the polls in expectation of a win. They have now learnt their lesson.


AFC will be reduced by 50 percent of their current support. PNC Indians will remain but their numbers will see a sharp decline. Confidence in Rammo is very high.



There will be a snap election within months and the bet will be who will get to rule Guyana , leaving politics aside, the people wants change.These is disarray in the AFC camp Moses and Ramjattan are having problem with Trotty, they feel Trotty is getting soft with the PPP. As for the APNU they are shooting themselves on the foot, making raceist remarks, they are looking for divide and rule, going back to the old days. The PPP still have too many baggages from the old club, Donald has to do house cleaning if he wants to win big, but they are presently preparing for an election  and that is from Freedom House.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


There will be a positive outcome for the PPP as the AFC will be wiped off the map. The PNC supporters will cling to their traditional pattern of voting for the PNC based mainly on race.




As long as there are PNC Indians in Guyana the AFC will not be wiped off the map.


In 2006 the AFC received 8.4% of the votes and in 2011 they received 10.3% of the votes.


With the AFC now solidly in cahoots with the PNC---they are no longer perceived as the independent party---and there is a strong likelihood they will lose around 2% in the next election---they'll return to around 8% of the votes.


Once the PPP gets a majority of the votes in the next election---that's all that matters.


President Ramotar is an honorable man and he is slowly restoring the dignity of the People's progressive party---and more importantly---51% of the Guyanese people are happy with their leader.



Rev you have no credibility. You have your head too far up your poop chute.

Originally Posted by yuji22:



* The AFC support in Berbice is soft. They will loose a larger than 2 percent of their total support.


* AFC will be reduced by 50 percent of their current support.



Let's look at the results from Region 6 in the 2011 election.


32360 votes---PPP

11634 votes---AFC

10798 votes---PNC



The AFC pulled some serious votes in Region 6(11634 votes)----they received a total of 35,333 votes---and 11634 or 32.9% of their total votes came from Region 6 in Berbice.





Will the AFC lose 8-10 thousand votes in the next election----inotherwords drop from 35K to 25-27K ?


You said Berbicians are not pleased with the AFC----well, they were suckered by Moses and Khemraj in 2011----let's see if they will be suckered again in the next election.





Originally Posted by warrior:

rev the people was not suckered they get wise for once the people of berbice start thinking about the welfare of themself and children the indian people in guyana is seeing the light they just have to pass by prodaville2 on the west bank ALI SWIMMING POOL IS USING UP ALL THE DRINKING WATER



The PPP under Jagdeo became arrogant and complacent---they took the Berbician vote for granted and they paid dearly.


But the 11,634 people in region 6 who voted for the AFC in 2011---they now know the AFC is not an independent party----they are in cahoots with the PNC.




How many of those 11,634 voters in region 6 will return to the PPP in the next election and how many will remain suckers and keep voting for the AFC ?



Originally Posted by warrior:

the numbers will double what will the ppp tell the berbicans about ralph no roads but  hotel ramottar make a big mistake building that hotel when they cannot full it the oppistion will use it againt him big time

Why not throw out some numbers ?


This was the final result in 2011:








What will the percentages look like in the next election ?




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