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Former Member

The tragedy of Palestine

On Monday, May 10, clashes between Palestinians and Israelis erupted once again.

The reason for the clashes this time was due to the fact that the Israeli regime has moved to expel Palestinians from their homes in East Jerusalem, to make way for new Israeli settlers. They are people who were not just born in East Jerusalem but whose ancestors have been living there since time immemorial.

Naturally, the people are resisting, fighting to protect what little they are allowed to have in that tragic Israeli Apartheid state.

What is even sadder is that the repressive, racist Israeli regime is being supported by some of the most powerful countries in the world, including the United States, which is the most powerful. These are the same countries that are most vociferous in speaking about Human Rights. Yet, in the issue of Israel and Palestine, they are fully on the side of the Apartheid Israeli State. It is that support that has allowed the Israeli regime to act with such impunity.

To justify this inhuman position, they have been manipulating the news. On Tuesday, May 11, the BBC reported that the Israelis were bombing β€œmilitary targets” in the Gaza Strip. Aljazeera is more or less saying the same thing.

What is the reality? Israel is a nuclear power. It has one of the strongest armies in the world. It is also generously supplied with the most modern weapons, airplanes, tanks, drones, etc. It is a producer of modern sophisticated weapons. It has its military-industrial complex.

The Palestinians, on the other hand, have been made into one of the poorest people in history. It has no army, no factories, no airplanes, no tanks, and limited amounts of light weapons. They fight mainly with stones and slingshots. What military targets are they speaking about?

The rockets that are spoken about being fired from the Gaza Strip into Israel are probably the only weapons they have. Yet it is almost nothing compared to what Israel has. Indeed, there are locally produced in some kitchens in someone’s home.

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, international support for the Palestinians has been drastically reduced. All of these powerful states in the world have diplomatic relations with Israel and have become conspicuously silent to the plight of the unfortunate people of Palestine. The strongest statement that they have made is that both sides must show restraint. As the slaughter continues, Palestinians are losing their lives and limbs at an accelerating rate. As of May 11, thirty-two Palestinians have died, about a dozen children among them, and hundreds seriously injured. Only three Israelis lost their lives.

This is the most unequal struggle in history. It is also the most injustice being perpetrated anywhere in the world. Yet the Palestinians are being equated with Israel and are being told to show restraint. This is while they are being forcibly evicted from their humble homes.

The Arab world has become so compromised that they have been reduced to making meek statements but unwilling to take any action. Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and others make feeble statements because they have become dependent on Israel.

Even many Muslim Organizations, for example, those in Guyana, are deafeningly silent. They seem more afraid of losing their US visas than standing up against the injustice and genocide that have been constantly visiting the Palestinian people.

It is time that democratic states take a firm stand on this matter. They can make a big difference if they do.

Let us recall that before the Apartheid Regime in South Africa fell it was the powerful countries, that refused to sanction that hated regime. Recall too that Israel was Apartheid South Africa’s main ally.

It was the stirring of the masses, the people in the street, and small states that made the difference. That movement eventually forced the large countries to take a stand. Today, the same states that collaborated and supported the racist South African regime, the very same forces that described Nelson Mandela and his comrades in the ANC as terrorists became the loudest in extolling the virtues of Mandela.

Well, the Israeli Apartheid regime is much worse than what existed in South Africa. To change this, we must stand up with the oppressed people of Palestine, we must force the leading countries in the world to condemn the murderous actions of

We in the Caribbean should take the lead and, as a first step, break diplomatic relations with the racist, apartheid regime in Israel. We must work to uphold human rights wherever it is being trampled upon.

Failing that, the blood of the people of Palestine will continue to be shed and they could lose everything, including their lives. Let us show some humanity. Let your voices be heard!!

Donald Ramotar
Former President

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Ramakant-P posted:

I don't believe that the former President is cutting up Israel.

He wrote, "We in the Caribbean should take the lead and, as a first step, break diplomatic relations with the racist, apartheid regime in Israel."

Palestine and Israel were fighting since the days of Moses. When will it end?

The former President is being disingenuous!

Here is what he said "All the possibilities for a just settlement and a two-state solution have been undermined by Israel with full support of the United States."

Yet when he was president of Guyana he refused shared governance

See if@Former Member posted:

The tragedy of Palestine


"Well, the Israeli Apartheid regime is much worse than what existed in South Africa. To change this, we must stand up with the oppressed people of Palestine, we must force the leading countries in the world to condemn the murderous actions of Israel"

Donald Ramotar
Former President

Rama, regardless if you have me blocked or not you are still a liar with " I doan believe Ramoutar cutting up Israel" Banna, quit making up shit when the words are right there.

@Ramakant-P posted:

I don't believe that the former President is cutting up Israel.

He wrote, "We in the Caribbean should take the lead and, as a first step, break diplomatic relations with the racist, apartheid regime in Israel."

Palestine and Israel were fighting since the days of Moses. When will it end?

Go offer yourself as a sacrifice, Kant!  You can even do it yourself!

@Spugum posted:

The former President is being disingenuous!

Here is what he said "All the possibilities for a just settlement and a two-state solution have been undermined by Israel with full support of the United States."

Yet when he was president of Guyana he refused shared governance

Do you, like Prash, want a 2-state solution or even more states? Which part of Guyana should be all Afro and which all Indo, and which part for Douglas, Chinese, Amerindian or any other that doesn't want to be included in either Afro or Indo? Whichever you choose, I don't want to be in that one!

The PNC was supposed to share the government with the UF! Did it? Why did Peter D'Aguiar quit? Seems Ramotar knew what to expect, especially with the PNC controlling the GPF and GDF! You're joking, of course! Must be because you're a disingenuous joke, sputum!

Last edited by Former Member
@Ramakant-P posted:

I don't believe that the former President is cutting up Israel.

He wrote, "We in the Caribbean should take the lead and, as a first step, break diplomatic relations with the racist, apartheid regime in Israel."

Palestine and Israel were fighting since the days of Moses. When will it end?

Have CARICOM states break diplomatic relations with the US,, too! No more tourism! That's Yankee exploitation, making sovereign peoples servants in hotels, bars, etc.!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Do you, like Prash, want a 2-state solution or even more states? Which part of Guyana should be all Afro and which all Indo, and which part for Douglas, Chinese, Amerindian or any other that doesn't want to be included in either Afro or Indo? Whichever you choose, I don't want to be in that one!

The PNC was supposed to share the government with the UF! Did it? Why did Peter D'Aguiar quit? Seems Ramotar knew what to expect, especially with the PNC controlling the GPF and GDF! You're joking, of course! Must be because you're a disingenuous joke, sputum!

l don't subscribe to apartheid, let's get that straight. You keep mentioning PNC for what reason l don't know. The thread is about Ramotar pontificating about the undermining of the two-state solution - by Israel and the United States - which represents a compromise by the two peoples to co-exist peacefully, is it not? So why does he not share the same sentiments for Guyana so the two major ethnic groups could also co-exist peacefully?

Try to keep the discussion focused! Jumping all over the place only makes you look like a scatterbrain

@Spugum posted:

l don't subscribe to apartheid, let's get that straight. You keep mentioning PNC for what reason l don't know. The thread is about Ramotar pontificating about the undermining of the two-state solution - by Israel and the United States - which represents a compromise by the two peoples to co-exist peacefully, is it not? So why does he not share the same sentiments for Guyana so the two major ethnic groups could also co-exist peacefully?

Try to keep the discussion focused! Jumping all over the place only makes you look like a scatterbrain

Doncha worry none! I get it! You're not disingenuous! You're nuts! Get lost.

Whether you call yourself Spugum, sputum, guano, you're still bird shit to me! Now, go wipe your face!

Last edited by Django
@Spugum posted:

No answers, huh? Instead you take refuge in the gutter where you belong. Ta ta

Face it! US prejudice has driven you mad! Go home and be reassured that you are human and not anyone's n!

Me? I tell them F U and destroy their fantasies with reason! What can they do to me? Beat me up? That would cause a transfer of their money to me! Kill me? Gotta go sometime! I don't care when! They will be sorry! But you don't believe in energies, do you?!!

Last edited by Former Member

Donald is a good man with a very good heart.  Nevertheless, Hamas has fired over 1000 rockets at Israel in the past month.  Does this look like people that want peace?  To have over 1000 homemade rockets to fire means that you have been preparing for military confrontation for a long time.  This does not excuse the terrible way that some Palestinians are being treated.

Last edited by Prashad
@Prashad posted:

Donald is a good man with a very good heart.  Nevertheless, Hamas has fired over 1000 rockets at Israel in the past month.  Does this look like people that want peace?  To have over 1000 homemade rockets to fire it means that you have been preparing for military confrontation for a long time.  Nevertheless, this does not excuse the terrible way that some Palestinians are being treated.

Prash, HAMAS is NOT concerned about the Palestinian people! They are proxies for other people that hate Israel! Iran, for example! A very good example! Meanwhile, do yourself a favour and read Revelations Chapter 2: 2 and 9, and Chapter 3: 9! Then, you might understand! The Muslims are better followers of Jesus than Paul's 'Christians', who are really followers of Paul, a Pharisee! Jesus warned against the Pharisees! See John 8: 44! The 'god' of the Jews was/is an alien! Go read Genesis 3: 22, and tell me who was the word "us" referring to! The alien is the one that Jesus called the devil! John 8: 44! Nearly 2,000 years of corruption of what Jesus taught! Only the 4 Gospels can be relied on and you have to read and interpret with common sense (for even those are corrupted) not what some priest tells you! It's your life!

There is NO death!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Face it! US prejudice has driven you mad! Go home and be reassured that you are human and not anyone's n!

Me? I tell them F U and destroy their fantasies with reason! What can they do to me? Beat me up? That would cause a transfer of their money to me! Kill me? Gotta go sometime! I don't care when! They will be sorry! But you don't believe in energies, do you?!!

Can't make head or tail of this babble!

@Prashad posted:

It is in the interest of Israel for Palestine (Gaza and Ramallah) to be economically prosperous and have the ability to be economically self sufficient for all Palestinians).

Come out of your dream world, Prash! Israel wants them all out!

That they have lived there for hundreds of years means nothing to the Zionist Israelis! Did the fact that the aboriginals of the Americas had lived there for Millennia mean anything to the European invaders? Have you read Revelations Chapter 2, verses 2 and 9, Chapter 3, verse 9, in the 'Christian' Bible as yet? Go do that now and stop dreaming about what is right! Wake up to reality!

Last edited by Former Member
@Prashad posted:

Shallyv don't forget our Indo Aryan ancestors who forced our Dravidian ancestors to South India and took their land and raped their women.

Dem were the Hittities, later known as the Anatolians who got whoopped by the Turkmen who ended up beating up the Hittities in India and made them into Mussalman. You see dem Punjabi wimen and Muslim wimen dey all have Turkic blood and pale as snow.

@Prashad posted:

Shallyv don't forget our Indo Aryan ancestors who forced our Dravidian ancestors to South India and took their land and raped their women.

I've always considered the Dravidians the most intelligent people of India! Sure my paternal ancestors were superior at fighting but so what? A bunch of savage morons who let Islam enter India! Now Modi wants to turn back the clock with his Hindustan idea!

@Spugum posted:

You seem not to be alright in the head. Why don't you take a break from the forum and get help

That's so true, bird shit/sputum! I'm mad about YOU! Take a break from having fun with you? Never! I despise you too much, you lowlife n!


Say, what's your next incarnation going to be? Why bother? You will still be a lowlife n!


Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

That's so true, bird shit/sputum! I'm mad about YOU! Take a break from having fun with you? Never! I despise you too much, you lowlife n!


Say, what's your next incarnation going to be? Why bother? You will still be a lowlife n!


You have nothing mentally simulating to contribute to the discussions here. You are a halfwit! Why don't you do humanity a favour and jump overboard

@Spugum posted:

You have nothing mentally simulating to contribute to the discussions here. You are a halfwit! Why don't you do humanity a favour and jump overboard

??? Simulating? Surely you mean sTimulating? Your stink must be affecting your choice of words! Jump overboard? Your stink will surely follow me! But you're not human, bird shit, though you incarnate as sputum! You still stink! You know the saying, don't you? Bird shit by any other name is still stinking bird shit! Bird shit is bird shit is bird shit...! But here you are, disreputable and, of course, dispicable! My harasser suggested disposable but that would deprive me of the fun with you, guano! I wouldn't/couldn't deprive myself of that!



Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

??? Simulating? Surely you mean sTimulating? Your stink must be affecting your choice of words! Jump overboard? Your stink will surely follow me! But you're not human, bird shit, though you incarnate as sputum! You still stink! You know the saying, don't you? Bird shit by any other name is still stinking bird shit! Bird shit is bird shit is bird shit...! But here you are, disreputable and, of course, dispicable! My harasser suggested disposable but that would deprive me of the fun with you, guano! I wouldn't/couldn't deprive myself of that!



What did iguana do that has you in such a rage? For my part you should die in your rage. Did iguana hurt your feelings? Do you feel inadequate in his presence?

@Django posted:

Trying to pull a fast one ?

Who? Me? I'm a slow one! You're so suspicious of me, yet you allow the guano man to post as sputum, uh, ah mean sputum! Jeez, though I try I can't get the spelling right! Must be my harasser that changed it! He doesn't like the bird shit impostor either!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Have CARICOM states break diplomatic relations with the US,, too! No more tourism! That's Yankee exploitation, making sovereign peoples servants in hotels, bars, etc.!

The Caricom States in the Caribbean, depend on Tourism for their livelihood.  The US gives Millions of Yankee dollars to the Poor Caricom states. As a matter of fact, the Caribbean Islands would have been Bankrupted if there were no handouts from the US.


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