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President orders Red House lease revoked

39 mins ago
President David Granger today ordered that the lease of Red House to the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre Incorporated be revoked.

His decision follows advice from the Attorney General’s Chambers.

A press release from the Ministry of the Presidency follows:

President David Granger has ordered that the lease for the building known as The Red House to the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre Incorporated (CJRCI) be revoked and that the occupants vacate the property by December 31, 2016. The Head of State handed down these instructions today in a letter to Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon, more than one year after the Coalition Government had engaged the CJRCI on the matter of the lease.  This engagement included negotiations for The Red House to provide a national service by housing information on all of the Presidents of Guyana.  Those negotiations proved futile and in an invited comment, Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mr. Basil Williams said that after discussions broke down, he sought to determine the legality of the lease agreement.

Having carefully considered the advice of the Minister of Legal Affairs, President Granger has concluded that it would be in the public’s interest for the lease issued to the CJRCI to be revoked and has also directed the Minister of State that the building be assigned to house “The National Trust of Guyana, its staff, stores and equipment”, currently housed in the Valerie Rodway Building on Carmichael Street, with effect from January 1, 2017, where it would be better able to fulfil its mandate to preserve Guyana’s national patrimony and to promote an appreciation for the nation’s heritage.

In a statement issued on Wednesday, December 28, 2016, Minister Williams said his investigations revealed that the lease held by the CJRCI is invalid on several grounds, including that there is no evidence that the President of the day had sanctioned it. On March 30, 2012 The Red House lease agreement was initiated without the approval of either the President of the Day or The National Trust of Guyana, which is in contravention of Section 10 of the Lands Department Act Chapter 59:01, rendering it void. The statement also said that on March 21, 2000, the CJRCI was incorporated as “a not-for-profit company” by late former President Janet Jagan, her daughter Ms. Nadira Jagan-Brancier and former President Donald Ramotar, who was then the General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), with the aim of establishing a library and research facility to contain the works and documents owned by the late President Cheddi Jagan.

In that same year, the lease agreement among the parties; the Government of Guyana, The National Trust of Guyana and the CJRCI was drawn up but not executed. The Attorney General further said that on May 3, 2006 Mr. Ramotar applied to the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys (CL&S) for a lease of the property, which comprises Lots 65, 66 and 67 High Street, Kingston, Georgetown, on behalf of the CJRCI but although a file had been opened in the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission (GL&SC), approval had not been granted. The application was then resubmitted on August 30, 2010, on a revised schedule, to the then Office of the President. On January 11, 2011, the resubmitted application was also not approved as there is no evidence of any signature of the President of the Day on the purported schedule, only those of Mr. Doorga Persaud, the then CL&S, and the Manager of Land Administration, Mr. Enrique Monize.

However, on March 30, 2012, a lease entered by the CL&S on behalf of the Government of Guyana, and by Mr. Ralph Ramkarran, S.C., on behalf of the CJRCI, was issued under Section 10 of the Lands Department Act, Chapter 59:01 for property with a duration of 99 years, commencing on January 1, 2012 at an annual rental of $12,000 for the first three years, and with the proviso that the Government could revise the annual rent payable at the end of every three years.

In the statement, the Attorney General said that the 99-year lease “was not executed in the manner of a transport, that is advertised and passed before the Court, nor was it filed as of record and annotation made against the Property by the Registrar of Deeds.” The statement further noted that in Section 4 of the State Lands Act Chapter 62:01 said that State Lands can only be converted into Government Lands with the sanction of the President of the Day and on the terms and conditions determined by this office bearer and there is no formal evidence of sanction or approval by the then President.

The Red House is established in The National Trust of Guyana Monuments Register as a Public Building/National Monument/Heritage Site. The Trust was established under The National Trust Act Chapter 20:03 Laws of Guyana, which is an “Act to make provision for the preservation of monuments, sites, places and objects of historic interest or national importance”. Its main responsibility is the preservation of all monuments of Guyana, which under the Act includes “any building, structure or object or other work of man…”  The National Trust also “shall not transfer, mortgage, lease, charge or dispose of any land without the approval of the Minister,” according to its webpage.

The Attorney General maintains that all the parties knew that The Red House “at all material times was a heritage site, both building and lands under the National Trust Act Chapter 20:03”. Further, the CL&S is the custodian of all Government Lands…”that is why there must be evidence of the President approving leases under Section 10 of the Lands Department Act Chapter 59:01”.

On August 21, 2015, Minister Harmon, in his Budget presentation, had told the Parliament that the PPP/C had privatised the CJRCI and had been leasing the property for a mere $1,000 per month. The Minister had also noted that while in government, the PPP/C Administration had spent large sums renovating The Red House, a property of the State until 2012, then renamed it CJRCI. Minister Harmon had also said that all the sitting executives of the CJRCI are all connected to the PPP/C party and that discussions between the government and the CJRCI and others on the matter had been futile.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

This Burnhamite Thug Grainjaw is very racist. Let us see how Moses defends his Hero Cheddi.

Let us see how Nadira and her brother defend their father.


Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

This Burnhamite Thug Grainjaw is very racist. Let us see how Moses defends his Hero Cheddi.

Let us see how Nadira and her brother defend their father.


The issue is how the property was acquired,

is it legal ??


Granted that the President has the power to revoke the lease. I feel, however, he is extremely harsh and unreasonable in giving CJRI only 2 days' notice to clear out the building by Saturday.

Gilbakka posted:

Granted that the President has the power to revoke the lease. I feel, however, he is extremely harsh and unreasonable in giving CJRI only 2 days' notice to clear out the building by Saturday.

"The Head of State handed down these instructions today in a letter to Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon, more than one year after the Coalition Government had engaged the CJRCI on the matter of the lease.  This engagement included negotiations for The Red House to provide a national service by housing information on all of the Presidents of Guyana.  Those negotiations proved futile and in an invited comment, Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mr. Basil Williams said that after discussions broke down, he sought to determine the legality of the lease agreement."


Looks like negotiations broke down.

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Granted that the President has the power to revoke the lease. I feel, however, he is extremely harsh and unreasonable in giving CJRI only 2 days' notice to clear out the building by Saturday.

"The Head of State handed down these instructions today in a letter to Minister of State, Mr. Joseph Harmon, more than one year after the Coalition Government had engaged the CJRCI on the matter of the lease.  This engagement included negotiations for The Red House to provide a national service by housing information on all of the Presidents of Guyana.  Those negotiations proved futile and in an invited comment, Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mr. Basil Williams said that after discussions broke down, he sought to determine the legality of the lease agreement."


Looks like negotiations broke down.

Broke down or not, the extremely short notice is unconscionable. The order was issued TODAY. All those important historical documents and artifacts have to be removed by SATURDAY. A lot of stuff. This is heavy rainy season in Guyana. Heavy rains Friday and Saturday could adversely affect the documents --- newspapers, books, photographs, official letters and reports etc --- PAPER. As a historian, Granger should have known better. Shame on him.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

This Burnhamite Thug Grainjaw is very racist. Let us see how Moses defends his Hero Cheddi.

Let us see how Nadira and her brother defend their father.


The issue is how the property was acquired,

is it legal ??

But the Govt can declare an historic site and end of story!

Django posted:

Well extended time can be requested,if the removal can't be accomplished within the time given



A professional non-partisan archivist needs to go through the information and do a non partisan cataloging. Not someone like a Hyder Ali or Ramkarran with their own politican agenda. I went over some that information it was clear to me there were instances where there was manipulation of the Jagans by politically ambitious people. But the young people today when they read it will not know the difference. They will take it as true. That is the danger of having this type of information available to the public. That is all I have to say.

Last edited by Former Member
Chief posted:

This Govt is acting stupidly , giving the people 2 days to get out is bull shit.

Further the Ppp is made up  by a pack of dunce. Imagine the President of the day did not sign the documents and it was a PPP  President.

I always maintain  that the PNC surrounds themselves  with top legal minds.

IT is an Indian, Sir Shridath Ramphal who crafted the dictatorial  constitution for President Forbes Burnham . 

And that jackass Jagan when he came to power declared that nothing was wrong with the Burnham constitution . 

I think God is speaking and the PNC is listening, that nothing should remain for that fool Jagan and his even more foolish wife.

Last edited by Chief
Nehru posted:
Django posted:

Well extended time can be requested,if the removal can't be accomplished within the time given


Kerr you SKVNT and lick jaggy balls,you prick.

Zed posted:
Django posted:

Well extended time can be requested,if the removal can't be accomplished within the time given

Now you seem to be talking for the government!

It's my own opinion,good for the communist crew trying to benefit from state property.

The hammer will fall soon for the other stolen lands,

brace alyuh selves.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Nehru posted:
Django posted:

Well extended time can be requested,if the removal can't be accomplished within the time given


Kerr you SKVNT and lick jaggy balls,you prick.

White Rum on the table tonight for GNI boys 


David Granger is insensitive and racist.  He is not the kind of person who can bring our peoples together.  This man is a true Burnhamite. Yuji is right to ask what the two fools, Joey and Nadira, are going to say about this move. Let's hear from the Harvard fool, Dolly Hassan.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

David Granger is insensitive and racist.  He is not the kind of person who can bring our peoples together.  This man is a true Burnhamite. Yuji is right to ask what the two fools, Joey and Nadira, are going to say about this move. Let's hear from the Harvard fool, Dolly Hassan.

That is correct. Let us hear what the loud mouth jackass Joey and Pepper Mouth Nadira will do. They will just put their tails between their legs and walk away.

They are afraid of one black dictator.

Moses is like Granjaw's Posey, he has to drink Grainjaws's pee and stay quiet.

This is Karma Time.

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

David Granger is insensitive and racist.  He is not the kind of person who can bring our peoples together.  This man is a true Burnhamite. Yuji is right to ask what the two fools, Joey and Nadira, are going to say about this move. Let's hear from the Harvard fool, Dolly Hassan.

for taking back state property


yuji22 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

David Granger is insensitive and racist.  He is not the kind of person who can bring our peoples together.  This man is a true Burnhamite. Yuji is right to ask what the two fools, Joey and Nadira, are going to say about this move. Let's hear from the Harvard fool, Dolly Hassan.

That is correct. Let us hear what the loud mouth jackass Joey and Pepper Mouth Nadira will do. They will just out their tails between their legs and walk away.

They are afraid of one black dictator.

Moses is like Granjaw's Posey, he has to drink Grainjaws's pee and stay quiet.

That property belongs to the state,

Jagan pickney can't do nothing,the state take it back.

yuji22 posted:

Django, you are no better than the Jackass Grainjaw. Next time big men are talking, take your slate and chalk and step aside.

Big man with what ?? big man with the brain of a child,

don't need a cat scan to see that.

Last edited by Django

Gilbakka is no fan of the CURRENT PPP leadership. Even the blind and deaf know that. Let's assume that CJRCI's acquisition of a 99-year lease of the Red House property was not completely above board. Further, I accept that President Granger has the right and power to revoke the lease. So, why the irrational haste? Why did he give CJRCI only 2 days to remove a large amount of precious and perishable archival material, furniture and equipment from that 3-storey building in rainy weather? Is this the respect that Granger has for the memory of a national icon like Cheddi Jagan? Not even the most heartless landlord will evict a rent/lease-paying tenant with 2 days' notice.

For Gilbakka this is the last straw. No more critical support. APNU+AFC CAN FÛCK OFF.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

David Granger is insensitive and racist.  He is not the kind of person who can bring our peoples together.  This man is a true Burnhamite. Yuji is right to ask what the two fools, Joey and Nadira, are going to say about this move. Let's hear from the Harvard fool, Dolly Hassan.

I do not doubt he is all the things you claim he is but the manner and mode by which the PPP appropriated this building for their private PPP concerns can be reduced to plain theft of the state assets for their party purposes. They could have come up with a nominal fee  and convert the property to party asset through NICIL.

All they had to do was pay a fair market price and they have the money transferred for the property. Instead they created a convoluted instrument where they can squat on the property for ever. These fellows never thought they would be removed.

Granger is doing exactly what the PPP would have done and have done in instances. Indeed he could have had them stay in the property per a request for appropriate purchase price. But he wants his pound of flesh. It is how politics operate in Guyana. The state is the prize ethnic prize to be won at the polls so the party in office can do as they please for their kith and kin and the rest be damned

Zed posted:
Django posted:

Well extended time can be requested,if the removal can't be accomplished within the time given

Now you seem to be talking for the government!

People like you who sit on the fence get impaled. But then again you might enjoy that jumping up and down. Need some grease?

Nehru posted:
Django posted:

Well extended time can be requested,if the removal can't be accomplished within the time given


Ok need to call the man names...if you disagree, then do so in a civil manner

yuji22 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

David Granger is insensitive and racist.  He is not the kind of person who can bring our peoples together.  This man is a true Burnhamite. Yuji is right to ask what the two fools, Joey and Nadira, are going to say about this move. Let's hear from the Harvard fool, Dolly Hassan.

That is correct. Let us hear what the loud mouth jackass Joey and Pepper Mouth Nadira will do. They will just put their tails between their legs and walk away.

They are afraid of one black dictator.

Moses is like Granjaw's Posey, he has to drink Grainjaws's pee and stay quiet.

This is Karma Time.

Karma time for Joey.  I don't know if him and Nadira cares, but his  daughter Vrinda made a personal appeal to Jagdeo in my presence to save Red House in her grandparents name.  More importantly why should Granger be allowed to destroy such important piece of Guyanese history?

Bibi Haniffa

The notice to vacate is too short. Why is Granger not so swift to appoint the judges. Granger is being disrespectful to the father of the nation Dr. Cheddi Jagan. No more critical support for the PNC/AFC.

Where is Prak? Where is Moses?

RiffRaff posted:
Nehru posted:
Django posted:

Well extended time can be requested,if the removal can't be accomplished within the time given


Ok need to call the man names...if you disagree, then do so in a civil manner

How come you do not put him in the paddock for a cooling off period as you do others?


The legality of the issue is one thing but the motive behind Granger's order is insulting, vindictive, and serve to further exacerbate the racial tension in this country.  Why treat Dr. Jagan with such grave disrespect?  He accumulated nothing material in life as a head of state and father of the nation.  Why desecrate his memory by doing so much a horrible thing?  I find this very insulting to the people of this country. Everyone from every group in Guyana should speak out against this move by David Granger.  This is not commercial enterprise that is profiting and evading taxes.  This is a memorial site for a man who dedicated his life for the betterment of all Guyanese.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Danyael posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Nehru posted:
Django posted:

Well extended time can be requested,if the removal can't be accomplished within the time given


Ok need to call the man names...if you disagree, then do so in a civil manner

How come you do not put him in the paddock for a cooling off period as you do others?

I have done so before

Mitwah posted:

The notice to vacate is too short. Why is Granger not so swift to appoint the judges. Granger is being disrespectful to the father of the nation Dr. Cheddi Jagan. No more critical support for the PNC/AFC.

Where is Prak? Where is Moses?

You really think Prak and Moses can halt that bullying bulldozing bulldog? Prak's own prophecy will come true sooner or later: AFC WILL BE DEAD MEAT.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
yuji22 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

David Granger is insensitive and racist.  He is not the kind of person who can bring our peoples together.  This man is a true Burnhamite. Yuji is right to ask what the two fools, Joey and Nadira, are going to say about this move. Let's hear from the Harvard fool, Dolly Hassan.

That is correct. Let us hear what the loud mouth jackass Joey and Pepper Mouth Nadira will do. They will just put their tails between their legs and walk away.

They are afraid of one black dictator.

Moses is like Granjaw's Posey, he has to drink Grainjaws's pee and stay quiet.

This is Karma Time.

Karma time for Joey.  I don't know if him and Nadira cares, but his  daughter Vrinda made a personal appeal to Jagdeo in my presence to save Red House in her grandparents name.  More importantly why should Granger be allowed to destroy such important piece of Guyanese history?

Shameful for it to come from man who claims to be a historian.  I wonder what kind of history did he study.  For sure we know about his history and it is splattered with hate, racism, and loyalty to an unpopular leader and dictator.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
yuji22 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

David Granger is insensitive and racist.  He is not the kind of person who can bring our peoples together.  This man is a true Burnhamite. Yuji is right to ask what the two fools, Joey and Nadira, are going to say about this move. Let's hear from the Harvard fool, Dolly Hassan.

That is correct. Let us hear what the loud mouth jackass Joey and Pepper Mouth Nadira will do. They will just put their tails between their legs and walk away.

They are afraid of one black dictator.

Moses is like Granjaw's Posey, he has to drink Grainjaws's pee and stay quiet.

This is Karma Time.

Karma time for Joey.  I don't know if him and Nadira cares, but his  daughter Vrinda made a personal appeal to Jagdeo in my presence to save Red House in her grandparents name.  More importantly why should Granger be allowed to destroy such important piece of Guyanese history?

Shameful for it to come from man who claims to be a historian.  I wonder what kind of history did he study.  For sure we know about his history and it is splattered with hate, racism, and loyalty to an unpopular leader and dictator.

Granger's racism has been exposed. His slip is starting to show.

Last edited by Former Member

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