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Former Member

Dear Editor,

There have been a flurry letters in the newspapers by PPP executive member Mr Clement Rohee as well as a press briefing, most recently about corruption and why the PPP paid the price at the last poll for neglecting groundwork in some areas of the party strongholds.

There is indeed a problem within the PPP. It must not be swept under the carpet with the pretence that it does not exist. At the same time, corruption must not be seen as an unsolvable problem. What needs to be done is to recognise the problems and then implement certain drastic measures to correct the situation.

No one can dispute that there are enormous problems facing the party generally, and there is often cynicism on the part of decision-makers towards members on the ground and mistrust among supporters in terms of them going out and voting. Many tend to view the party after the death of Dr Jagan in rather negative terms. There are serious concerns around how longstanding members are being treated differently, in comparison to some opportunists who go for a position rather than act on principle like those of us who fought for the restoration of democracy. Businessmen in those days used to say they wanted nothing to do with the party and the Jagans.

The party ran an expensive and aggressive campaign in 2011.The main target grouping was young urban people, many whom were not interested in voting for the PPP, while the party campaign managers and big wigs at the central and executive levels were neglecting the supporters. Mr Donald Ramotar was cocksure of victory, and so indulged in excessive optimism and over-confidence. He went into the race with a new breed of PPP ‒ literally an unknown team. The PPP is losing support. Apart from conflicting interests at the leadership level, there are growing contradictions between the PPP leadership and the rank-and-file as a result of corruption.

The people have been brought to a new level of political consciousness, and added to this is the discontent owing to growing poverty and fear engendered by the misuse of power. This fear though not expressed openly ran through the rank-and-file of the PPP as much as it did the non-PPP Guyanese.

Yours faithfully,
Mohamed Khan

Replies sorted oldest to newest

On his trip to Congress, Ashton Chase should read from Jagan's "The West on Trial"


The first set of pages tells of the corruptions of the Colonial period.


The book title should have been, "The PPP on Trial" They have replaced the Colonials. They have no heart.


It is WRONG for Pres Ramotar and Rohee to claim Corruption is not a problem in Guyana. Every Citizen and Non Citizens who come in contact with a Police Officer, Customs Officer or Civil Servant will have a story to tell. Mr President, do you think they are all LYING???? You keep asking for PROOF, you need to get policies and SYSTEMS in place to catch the Bastards and deal with them. Then and only then will Corruption be kept under control. Wake up and smell the coffee Mr President!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

It is WRONG for Pres Ramotar and Rohee to claim Corruption is not a problem in Guyana. Every Citizen and Non Citizens who come in contact with a Police Officer, Customs Officer or Civil Servant will have a story to tell. Mr President, do you think they are all LYING???? You keep asking for PROOF, you need to get policies and SYSTEMS in place to catch the Bastards and deal with them. Then and only then will Corruption be kept under control. Wake up and smell the coffee Mr President!!!

Shut yuh rass..wha happen dem bais nah gee yuh enough rum fuh suck? wha happen the AFC  buget cut affect yuh flow of free rum & yuh ready to stab Presi and rohee in the  back... 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

It is WRONG for Pres Ramotar and Rohee to claim Corruption is not a problem in Guyana. Every Citizen and Non Citizens who come in contact with a Police Officer, Customs Officer or Civil Servant will have a story to tell. Mr President, do you think they are all LYING???? You keep asking for PROOF, you need to get policies and SYSTEMS in place to catch the Bastards and deal with them. Then and only then will Corruption be kept under control. Wake up and smell the coffee Mr President!!!

you should go help them you moron what about the ppp ministers you collie rass

Originally Posted by genius:


As a has been PPP, you just can understand how you are no longer relevant.Stop being sour and enjoy the progress under the PPP.

I was relevant during the struggle for free and fair elections prior to 1992 and am glad that I am not relevant at this time  as I do not support this clique which has hijacked the  party. My present position is a result of my choice and I would work to remove the clique which is now entrenched. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

It is WRONG for Pres Ramotar and Rohee to claim Corruption is not a problem in Guyana. Every Citizen and Non Citizens who come in contact with a Police Officer, Customs Officer or Civil Servant will have a story to tell. Mr President, do you think they are all LYING???? You keep asking for PROOF, you need to get policies and SYSTEMS in place to catch the Bastards and deal with them. Then and only then will Corruption be kept under control. Wake up and smell the coffee Mr President!!!

And of course you will pretend as if the only corruption in Guyana is the petty type and that major level theft in major projects isnt an issue.  The PPPs entire development program is focused on mega projects which allow senior PPP officials and their friends to commit large scale theft of tax payers' dollars.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

It is WRONG for Pres Ramotar and Rohee to claim Corruption is not a problem in Guyana. Every Citizen and Non Citizens who come in contact with a Police Officer, Customs Officer or Civil Servant will have a story to tell. Mr President, do you think they are all LYING???? You keep asking for PROOF, you need to get policies and SYSTEMS in place to catch the Bastards and deal with them. Then and only then will Corruption be kept under control. Wake up and smell the coffee Mr President!!!

you should go help them you moron what about the ppp ministers you collie rass

I would NEVER be  Crabdaag Pieces of SHIT like you and Sachin the Parasite!!!

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

It is WRONG for Pres Ramotar and Rohee to claim Corruption is not a problem in Guyana. Every Citizen and Non Citizens who come in contact with a Police Officer, Customs Officer or Civil Servant will have a story to tell. Mr President, do you think they are all LYING???? You keep asking for PROOF, you need to get policies and SYSTEMS in place to catch the Bastards and deal with them. Then and only then will Corruption be kept under control. Wake up and smell the coffee Mr President!!!

Shut yuh rass..wha happen dem bais nah gee yuh enough rum fuh suck? wha happen the AFC  buget cut affect yuh flow of free rum & yuh ready to stab Presi and rohee in the  back... 

Well a DAAG like you cant even buy me wan dollar sandwich. Check dem Garbage Cans fuh yuh Dinner.


The rank and file must demand that their vote mean something of value.


Progress of the country in the lives of the ppl and not the sham of roads and buildings.


In 1953, each vote on that election day was to give us pride and glory of a promised country. Instead, the votes over the years has lost its importance of hope for the best to come.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by seignet:

What happens if Bharrat Jagdeo becomes the General Secretary?

Bharat Jagdeo must only be an Advisor. His time in Leadership is over!!

Ramouthar will retain the GS position as long as he is president. He will get the support from folks who will expect favours.

Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by seignet:

What happens if Bharrat Jagdeo becomes the General Secretary?

Bharat Jagdeo must only be an Advisor. His time in Leadership is over!!

Ramouthar will retain the GS position as long as he is president. He will get the support from folks who will expect favours.

That would be a smart move by Mr Ramotar.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by seignet:

What happens if Bharrat Jagdeo becomes the General Secretary?

Bharat Jagdeo must only be an Advisor. His time in Leadership is over!!

Ramouthar will retain the GS position as long as he is president. He will get the support from folks who will expect favours.

That would be a smart move by Mr Ramotar.

a smart move by the people of guyana is to kick the ppp all the way to camp st jail

Originally Posted by Churchill:

I was relevant during the struggle for free and fair elections prior to 1992 and am glad that I am not relevant at this time  as I do not support this clique which has hijacked the  party. My present position is a result of my choice and I would work to remove the clique which is now entrenched. 

You have my support, Churchill.

Originally Posted by genius:


As a has been PPP, you just can understand how you are no longer relevant.Stop being sour and enjoy the progress under the PPP.

Genius, There are many who are not happy with the Party in some respect and if the Leadership of the Party are smart, they will evaluate the reasons and work to correct their shortfalls. If not, sooner or later they will end up like Basdeo Panday.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
. If not, sooner or later they will end up like Basdeo Panday.

And why is that a bad thing.  The PPP is what it is, as is the PNC for that matter, because both parties have been around too long, and arrogantly feel entitled to the support that they get.  The PPP knows that they are good for around 50%, and the PNC 40%.


The very day that either party weakens is the death call for the other.


Division within the upper echelon of the party has weakened it and make it vulnerable at the polls.  Charges of corruption as the main reason for the party's poor performance at the polls is too far-fetched.

Billy Ram Balgobin

Defeat of the PPP can result in Guyana becoming state that unleashes terror on the Indo-population to secure itself in office. Yesterday's strategy of rigging will no longer be the best method of keeping a PNC regime in power. It will resort to more drastic measures to secure itself in office.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Defeat of the PPP can result in Guyana becoming state that unleashes terror on the Indo-population to secure itself in office. Yesterday's strategy of rigging will no longer be the best method of keeping a PNC regime in power. It will resort to more drastic measures to secure itself in office.

Continue to terrify Indos with this nonsense.


If anything is likely to unleash race based terror its telling 40% of the population that they will for ever be excluded.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Defeat of the PPP can result in Guyana becoming state that unleashes terror on the Indo-population to secure itself in office. Yesterday's strategy of rigging will no longer be the best method of keeping a PNC regime in power. It will resort to more drastic measures to secure itself in office.

Continue to terrify Indos with this nonsense.


If anything is likely to unleash race based terror its telling 40% of the population that they will for ever be excluded.

How are they excluded again??

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Defeat of the PPP can result in Guyana becoming state that unleashes terror on the Indo-population to secure itself in office. Yesterday's strategy of rigging will no longer be the best method of keeping a PNC regime in power. It will resort to more drastic measures to secure itself in office.

Continue to terrify Indos with this nonsense.


If anything is likely to unleash race based terror its telling 40% of the population that they will for ever be excluded.

Black are participating in Guyana just as they did under the PNC except they don't dominate the Govt.  However, many Afros are with the Govt.

Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by genius:


As a has been PPP, you just can understand how you are no longer relevant.Stop being sour and enjoy the progress under the PPP.

I was relevant during the struggle for free and fair elections prior to 1992 and am glad that I am not relevant at this time  as I do not support this clique which has hijacked the  party. My present position is a result of my choice and I would work to remove the clique which is now entrenched. 

It is Better to be a "Has Been PPP"......

instead of being a "Current Crab Louse, Vulture, Prostitute" ......

Licking De Bhind of Pimps like Jagdeo & Ramotar....


Now..... sharing Freedom House and Office of the President.....

with Black PNC House of Isreal Thugs ......

is no progress to boast of.....

Guysuco Failure is no Progress to boast of....

All the Thiefing, Crime & Corruption is no Progress t boast of


Churcil has been irrelevant long before 1992 and long before I was born. His pleadings to Jagan for a job and Jagan's rejection is the reson for his sourness.Jagan knew that Churchil capacity was too limited. Peck took the job he wanted. Move on.

Originally Posted by genius:

Churcil has been irrelevant long before 1992 and long before I was born. His pleadings to Jagan for a job and Jagan's rejection is the reson for his sourness.Jagan knew that Churchil capacity was too limited. Peck took the job he wanted. Move on.

Even if that was so, Churchill may be in a BETTER position currently.

Originally Posted by genius:

Churcil has been irrelevant long before 1992 and long before I was born. His pleadings to Jagan for a job and Jagan's rejection is the reson for his sourness.Jagan knew that Churchil capacity was too limited. Peck took the job he wanted. Move on.

Hi Crab Louse Genius....

Churchill could have gotten any Job he was interested from Jagan....... 

any Job...... if that is what he wanted.....


If you know as much as you trying to tell us...

maybe you can tell us about .....

some of the positions Jagdeo & Ramotar were offering him ......

in order to buy his support and his silence.


Lesson #1 - Churchill is not a Crab Louse who could be bought or silenced with lil wuk or a Paycheck.... and


Lesson #2 - Churchill is not A PNC-Flip-Flop like Raj Singh, Prem, Randy, Totaram or Bhola.


Lesson #3 - Churchill will always walk with his head high and he will be respected by all Guyanese for his Principles like Moses, Ralph, Boyo, O'lall, Khemraj, Gerhard and others who refuse to sell himself or reduced to a prostitute or Crab Louse.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by genius:

Churcil has been irrelevant long before 1992 and long before I was born. His pleadings to Jagan for a job and Jagan's rejection is the reson for his sourness.Jagan knew that Churchil capacity was too limited. Peck took the job he wanted. Move on.

Hi Crab Louse Genius....

Churchill could have gotten any Job he was interested from Jagan....... 

any Job...... if that is what he wanted.....


If you know as much as you trying to tell us...

maybe you can tell us about .....

some of the positions Jagdeo & Ramotar were offering him ......

in order to buy his support and his silence.


Lesson #1 - Churchill is not a Crab Louse who could be bought or silenced with lil wuk or a Paycheck.... and


Lesson #2 - Churchill is not A PNC-Flip-Flop like Raj Singh, Prem, Randy, Totaram or Bhola.


Lesson #3 - Churchill will always walk with his head high and he will be respected by all Guyanese for his Principles like Moses, Ralph, Boyo, O'lall, Khemraj, Gerhard and others who refuse to sell himself or reduced to a prostitute or Crab Louse.

Moses and Gerhard have Principles???   Show them the gravy and they will follow the trail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Moses and Gerhard have Principles???   Show them the gravy and they will follow the trail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bhai-gee Nehru....Moses and Gerhard have the same principles  which you are now discovering........


          July 11, 2013 1:07 PM

It is WRONG for Pres Ramotar and Rohee to claim Corruption is not a problem in Guyana.

Every Citizen and Non Citizens who come in contact with a Police Officer, Customs Officer or Civil Servant will have a story to tell.

Mr President, do you think they are all LYING????

You keep asking for PROOF, you need to get policies and SYSTEMS in place to catch the Bastards and deal with them. Then and only then will Corruption be kept under control.

Wake up and smell the coffee Mr President!!!





Look like Bhai-gee Nehru, Moses & Gerhard ...

thinking de samething...

Lets retire Jagdeo and move on.....


         July 11, 2013 4:34 PM

Originally Posted by seignet:

What happens if Bharrat Jagdeo becomes the General Secretary?

Bharat Jagdeo must only be an Advisor.

His time in Leadership is over!!


Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Moses and Gerhard have Principles???   Show them the gravy and they will follow the trail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bhai-gee Nehru....Moses and Gerhard have the same principles  which you are now discovering........


          July 11, 2013 1:07 PM

It is WRONG for Pres Ramotar and Rohee to claim Corruption is not a problem in Guyana.

Every Citizen and Non Citizens who come in contact with a Police Officer, Customs Officer or Civil Servant will have a story to tell.

Mr President, do you think they are all LYING????

You keep asking for PROOF, you need to get policies and SYSTEMS in place to catch the Bastards and deal with them. Then and only then will Corruption be kept under control.

Wake up and smell the coffee Mr President!!!




who will stop who the president had his hands in the cookies jar 

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Who the hell is this genius fellah?


Hey geenie stooge bannah get off this damn Board. We can do without the likes of you.

Genius is a two bit ho.

Mitwah...... Is eee a Certified Crab Louse Carrier.


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