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Originally Posted by Amral:
A few phone calls to folks on the WCD and they talking PPP   Who knows PPP could run away with a landslide win


I made several phone calls to Berbice and the same sentiment is being expressed.


The PPP is headed for a landslide victory.


AFC/PNC die hards are being misled by the motorcades that are running around the country. Motorcades do not win elections, voters decide elections.

Originally Posted by cain:

Yall does make nuff calls eh. One call to one friend and is everybody votin for tiefman party, hehehehe

People tend to mix with those of like mind, so obviously phone calls will reinforce people's positions.


It will be a CLOSE election, and no one knows who will win!


1.  Will young voters in PNC strongholds, who haven't been voting, show up?


2.  Will the PPP racial panic incite Indo fence sitters to vote PPP and hope that they change?


3.  Will the coalition increase its inroads into the Amerindian areas which is began last time, when the PNC significantly increased its Region 9 votes, taking those previously cast for the UF, and AFC doing the same in Region 8.


4. Is the vote more motivated in PNC strongholds than in PPP strongholds.


No one truly knows the answer as many will decide what they will do on election day.   Its really two mediocre dogs chasing each other.  The notion that Moses is some Jesus Christ, or the return of Cheddi Jagan, walking on earth is ludicrous.


As Kari said, what will determine the event is if Guyanese are ready for change or not.  It does appear as if they might be, but who really knows.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by cain:

Yall does make nuff calls eh. One call to one friend and is everybody votin for tiefman party, hehehehe

People tend to mix with those of like mind, so obviously phone calls will reinforce people's positions.


It will be a CLOSE election, and no one knows who will win!


1.  Will young voters in PNC strongholds, who haven't been voting, show up?


2.  Will the PPP racial panic incite Indo fence sitters to vote PPP and hope that they change?


3.  Will the coalition increase its inroads into the Amerindian areas which is began last time, when the PNC significantly increased its Region 9 votes, taking those previously cast for the UF, and AFC doing the same in Region 8.


4. Is the vote more motivated in PNC strongholds than in PPP strongholds.


No one truly knows the answer as many will decide what they will do on election day.   Its really two mediocre dogs chasing each other.  The notion that Moses is some Jesus Christ, or the return of Cheddi Jagan, walking on earth is ludicrous.


As Kari said, what will determine the event is if Guyanese are ready for change or not.  It does appear as if they might be, but who really knows.

If If If.


Listen, Indos will not vote for a racist PNC which is 30 Percent of the population and takes 75 Percent representation in parliament.


Stop daydreaming of the Burnhama and Hoyte's dictatorship era.


PPP is headed for a landslide victory. Indos will not downgrade from the PPP to a known racist PNC.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


Listen, Indos will not vote for a racist PNC


Yes I know that in your Indo KKK land only Indians matter.  News flash, over 50% of the voters ARE NOT INDIAN!


So what do blacks think of a PPP which screams that blacks are lazy, incompetent and criminal, and that if a crowd is 95% black a riot will undoubtedly occur!   Remember that even though some people say that they are mixed, they act as if they are black.  40%.


US wades into Minister for β€˜slap and strip’ threats

April 24, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

- another tape surfaces as pressure mounts for his resignation

Even as he has received criticism from at least one member of the diplomatic corps, dozens of political

Minister of Health, Bheri Ramsaran

Minister of Health, Bheri Ramsaran

commentators and even members of his own party, Minister of Health, Dr. Bheri Ramsaran has once again lashed out at women rights activist, Sherlina Nageer. Mere hours after issuing a public apology for his β€œharsh words” the previous day, Ramsaran yesterday launched another tirade against Nageer. This time the Health Minister was recorded labeling Nageer a β€œmiscreant,” saying that she was in need of β€œpsychiatric help.” Yesterday, as he addressed a meeting of Regional Health Officers at the Main Street Plaza, Georgetown, Ramsaran, who is also a People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) candidate, was heard on a recording saying β€œSo we have these miscreants who sometimes they are supported by the international community because they are rights activists; right to come spit in my face but not collect two slap, you understand me, or one of my ladies who love me, wreck her up, you understand me?” β€œWell you know I’m Bheri best, all the ladies like me. Suppose one of my big strong women seh β€œwuh yuh do we doctor, wuh yuh do dis innocent lil man?’ Wacks! Wacks! Then she’s going to become a hero; some of us will make sure we give her a medal. Right, spit in my face. I don’t know if she got rabies or what, I know she was rabid. That woman needs psychiatric help. She needs psychiatric help,” Ramsaran emphasised in the second recording. The Health Minister has already received condemnation from PPP/C’s Prime Ministerial Candidate

US Charge d’Affaires, Bryan Hunt

US Charge d’Affaires, Bryan Hunt

Elisabeth Harper, Education Minister Priya Manickchand, former President Bharrat Jagdeo and the youth and women arms of the APNU+AFC for the first attack against Nageer. US Charge d’Affaires Bryan Hunt is reported to have told online news agency,, that such statements have no place in a country like Guyana that has a high rate of domestic violence and sexual and gender-based violence. Hunt was recorded as saying β€œIn a country that has a domestic violence rate as high as Guyana’s and a sexual assault rate as high as Guyana’s, it is downright irresponsible for any senior politician to make the statement to any woman, in public or in private, that the Minister of Health made the other day. It is completely unacceptable.” Hunt went on to state that β€œthere is no possible reason or rationale to threaten sexual violence against anyone, but especially against a woman, given Guyana’s very serious gender-based violence problem”. Though he said he was pleased at the response of Ramsaran’s colleagues who took him to task for his comments, he considered the conduct β€œquite frankly to be a disgrace.” Hunt explained that while it was important and appropriate for the Minister to apologise for his conduct, β€œwhat would have been more appropriate was for him to never have made the statement in the first place”. β€œDo I think it is enough? I don’t think you can un-ring a bell. I don’t think you can take back the damage

Women’s Rights Activist, Sherlina Nageer

Women’s Rights Activist, Sherlina Nageer

that would have already been done by suggesting that sexual violence is an appropriate response to whatever sort of provocation that the Minister felt he was under.” β€œI think the damage is much more severe than what the woman’s activist heard or the offence that she took at the remarks. I think it conveys a sense from a senior government official that somehow sexual violence is something that is appropriate to use, appropriate to threaten, and somehow societally acceptable and it’s not. It can’t be,” Hunt told the online agency. The excuse offered by Ramsaran has also been found as unacceptable by the US envoy who made it clear that he does not believe that there is any possible provocation that any woman could have made that would legitimately result in a response in which a senior government official threatens that woman with violence. β€œThe Minister’s conduct was beyond, it was disgraceful…I think the question that should he be asked to resign is one the party has to struggle with internally and I will let them have their internal debates about that.” β€œShould he resign out of his own volition? I’m not going to prescribe to the Minister what he ought to do, but what I will say is in the United States if one of our candidate officials were to have made that sort of comment, that person would have been expected to resign without question. β€œI daresay, having had a conversation earlier today with some of my colleagues from the other western missions,that same principle would hold true across any number of countries that a Minister making that type of inappropriate remark for whatever reason would have chosen voluntarily to step down.” β€œI don’t believe that there is any possible provocation that any woman would have made that would have legitimately resulted in a response in which a senior government official threatens that woman with sexual violence…It was a threat of sexual violence and I can’t imagine what possible provocation could result in that reaction,” Hunt said. A number of non-governmental organisations and activists have issued a call for the Minister to step down from office. Meanwhile, more than 250 persons from across the Caribbean and the diaspora have signed on to the CatchAFyah Caribbean Feminist Network solidarity statement in support of Sherlina Nageer. The body had said that the invocation of β€œprovocation” is frequently used to justify and rationalise men’s fatal violence against women and has crept into state and activist responses to violence. β€œThe language of provocation, just like the denigrating language and threats the Minister directed at Sherlina, is the language of misogyny” the body said. They noted that Nageer was verbally abused for insisting that women’s lives and health matter. β€œShe was threatened with the misogynist and violent acts of public stripping and beating for insisting that governments have a responsibility to ensure women have access to quality sexual and reproductive health services.” The body said it recognised such β€œabuses of state power as a reflection of hatred of women, an unwillingness to recognise us as fully human and a refusal to treat us as equals. They also reflect the callous disregard elected officials show for the people β€” boys and girls, women and men β€” they are meant to serve.”


Govt. violates court order, AG admits

April 24, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

The action brought by former Finance Minister Carl Greenidge against Dr. Ashni Singh, the current

Former Finance Minister, Carl Greenidge

Former Finance Minister, Carl Greenidge

Finance Minister, could not continue yesterday owing to the absence of the plaintiff (Greenidge) who is currently out of the jurisdiction. Roysdale Forde, Greenidge’s Attorney, told the Court that while the reply was prepared it could not be filed, since a personal signature of Greenidge was required. Greenidge’s lawyer was scheduled to respond to submissions presented by the Attorney General, (AG) Anil Nandlall. The action, which began on March 20, last, is to prevent the government from spending US$32.16M in loans it received from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). The defendants in the case are Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh and Attorney General, (AG) Anil Nandlall. The writ specifically asks that the proceeds under the Loan Agreements signed between Dr. Singh and the IDB be paid into the Consolidated Fund and that there be no withdrawal of the  proceeds  of  the said Loan  Agreements,  except  by  an  Appropriation  Act  as directed by Article  217  of  the  Constitution. Greenidge noted concerns over government’s misuse of the loan. An order was subsequently handed down by Chief Justice, (Ag) Ian Chang in the High Court blocking the government from making any disbursements. The order is to remain in force until determination by the court. Last week, Nandlall released a statement detailing his response to the court action. The AG argued that it is routine practice that the proceeds of the loan having been paid into the Consolidated Fund is no longer

Attorney General, Anil Nandlall

Attorney General, Anil Nandlall

IDB money; it forms β€œpart of the pool of resources indistinguishable from other receipts, including tax and non-tax revenue.” Nandlall held that given the circumstance β€œAny one month funds are withdrawn and spent from the Consolidated Fund to meet the operations of Government, without any identification being made of the original source of those Funds.” But the former Finance Minister begs to differ. In a statement issued yesterday, Greenidge noted that having given the Court the assurance that the Government will not spend the funds, Nandlall in his last two court appearances, has been peddling a line that in his view borders on reckless contempt. Greenidge explained β€œthat line is that the Court Order cannot be obeyed because it is already being violated. I believe this to be a most dangerous situation”. The former Finance Minister said that in commenting on the case, the respondents made two points, that they do not understand how the Consolidated Fund works or they will ignore it. Greenidge underlined the fact that the CJ has already ruled that the Government broke the law in spending monies that were not approved under the 2014 Budget and by incorrectly seeking approval under a Statement of Excess which was never considered or approved by the National Assembly. On this occasion, he noted the Courts have an undertaking by the AG and the Minister of Finance and yet Nandlall now boldly states that the Government is continuing to spend the money. β€œWhile we wait to see how condignly the Courts will deal with this outrage, we hope the IDB is taking note.” Greenidge said.

Originally Posted by asj:

Demerara Waves Online News was told that the company has already drawn down US$3,636,000 as a mobilization advance.


Jagdoe and Donald Duck, I cannot believe they are such frigging dunces

Why, because the fire a corrupt contractor?  Now, what if they had covered it up and remain quiet< what would you say then?


Yes, but you don't drive forward by looking in the rear view mirror all the time.


If you are reversing, then you look in the rear view mirror all the time.


The PPP's problem is that its successes are also its weaknesses.  So when it talks about look at the courthouse we built for $46 million, instead of that being on the plus side, it becomes a negative because they have paid $46 million for a $20 million product.


So since it cannot talk about its scam projects, it digs up Burnham's jumbie from 30 years ago.


Time for a change.  The PPP had a long run, but they have outlived their usefulness.


The heckling and booing of President Ramotar by his own supporters

May 4, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, The heckling and booing of President Ramotar in his own yard serves as a reminder that you can fool some of the people some of the time, some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. Never in the history of Guyana can it be recalled any PPP leader being booed by their supporters and since the PPP engineered resuscitated FITUG, no PPP and union leaders have ever been heckled at their May Day Rally. What these actions made clear is that the workers have had enough and while for years many have quietly expressed their disappointment in the stewardship of their country, on May Day that quiet expression became vocal and overwhelming. This should be a lesson not only for the PPP, but for those labour leaders who continue to fool and exploit the people and become extensions of political parties, and lose the focus of their labour mandate to represent the workers who rely on them to help create a worker-friendly industrial climate. What these developments signal is the evolution of our political environment from the maximum and charismatic leaders to people exercising their power to give direction to their desires. And more so, removing from government officials that carte blanche opinion that they can use state and political power to silence the masses and secure complicity. This rebirth of political revolution to question leaders in the 21st century was made real in the 2012 Linden/Region 10 struggles under the youthful leadership of Regional Chairman Sharma Solomon. It was this community that stood up to the national leaders and their party leaders, demanding respect for their right to inclusion in decision making, consistent with Article 13 of the Guyana Constitution that requires of the nation the practice of inclusionary democracy. This Principal Political Objective of the State requires the involvement of persons in decision-making that affect their wellbeing and while some may not be aware of this constitutional requirement, instinctively man’s desire for equality, respect and to be treated with dignity, will make him react against forces that seek to suppress and trample these principles and values. What we are witnessing in Guyana today is an advancement of the masses to take control of their destiny and to put public leadership in its rightful place as servant not master. This progressive thinking and movement is also influenced by information communication technologies where we have the benefit of observing in real time how other societies function and deal with their challenges, as we too become involve in expressing our views to what is taking place internationally and what we desire at home. Any government or political party that ignores the tea leaves does so at their peril. People are more empowered today about their rights in society which are guided by acceptable international standards. And these are the tenets upon which they expect their business to be transacted. The failure of any government to confirm will evoke the wrath of the people who are not afraid today to stridently take position to fire a government and to hire a new one! This society is conscious that the moneys that pay the parliamentarians and those entrusted the responsibility of the state belong to the people and not a political party. And more so, that the moneys come from the people through taxation. While change in Guyana appears to come slowly, the benefit of it is that it advances stability and is likely to last longer. A humbug to this change is that of the slow takeover of the minds through years of brainwashing that would make it take longer to unlearn. Coming to office in 1992 on the wave of the nation’s goodwill rather than build on the foundation laid and working towards developing a nation and national unity, some leaders in the PPP spent the time enriching themselves, families and cronies; securing personal gains; undermining state institutions and national security; trampling on the citizens’ rights; securing themselves through misrepresentation and undermining of laws. The rule of fear and ruthlessness become the order by which they instituted themselves in government. The PPP squandered several opportunities to make all Guyanese feel represented, protected and a beneficiary in the Guyanese economy. For the first time in the history of post independent Guyana, Guyanese can truly say that there is a growing sense, based on indisputable evidence and not orchestrated political propaganda that the government does not care about them. All Guyanese deserve to be led by a government that recognises that post-election must be a period of healing, of moving forward, building bridges and governing in the interest of all, and resist the temptation of serving only supporters. The moneys to run a country come not only from the elected government supporters but also from those who did not support them as their choice for leadership. Societies are best served by leaders who recognise the importance of forging a nation and united people for national development.

Lincoln Lewis


Another home alone woman raped in


May 2, 2015 | By | Filed Under News

A Richmond Housing Scheme woman has lodged a report with the police at Anna Regina Police station indicating that she was raped. The police have so far been conducting investigations into the matter. One suspect was pulled in for questioning but has since been released. According to reports, the victim who is in her sixties was at her Richmond Housing Scheme home Tuesday night, when someone apparently invaded her house and proceeded to rape her. The woman was left with a scratch on her neck during a fight she had with her aggressor. A report regarding the recent incident was lodged with the police, at the Anna Regina Police station. They are currently pursuing the alleged incident. During last year and earlier this year, a number of women complained of being attacked by an intruder, who preys on women who live alone. A peaceful protest was organized by several women in Henrietta Village. They appealed to the police to exercise vigilance in an attempt to curb the distasteful issue where women were deprived of sleeping in their homes for fear of being attacked and raped. One La Belle Alliance man has since been charged for rape. He was on remand and has reportedly confessed to at least 20 incidences of rape.




Dear Editor, The heckling and booing of President Ramotar in his own yard serves as a reminder that you can fool some of the people some of the time, some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. Never in the history of Guyana can it be recalled any PPP leader being booed by their supporters and since the PPP engineered resuscitated FITUG, no PPP and union leaders have ever been heckled at their May Day Rally. What these actions made clear is that the workers have had enough and while for years many have quietly expressed their disappointment in the stewardship of their country, on May Day that quiet expression became vocal and overwhelming


I have said time and time again this elections people will be voting AGAINST the PPP not necessarily for the APNU+AFC.


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