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True, true story. Read it in the newspaper this morning.


WAYNE, N.J. - Police say someone stole a 300-pound statue of the Hindu god  Shiva from a New Jersey temple the night before the Indian new year.

The Indian Cultural Society Hindu Temple and Mahatma Gandhi Center in Wayne  is planning to offer a reward for information leading to an arrest.

The statue was discovered missing Wednesday morning.

The statue, which is valued at $6,200, is made of a five-metal alloy that  contains copper gold and silver.

Shiva is believed to decide whether a soul is to remain with the gods or to  be reincarnated.

Temple member Sanjay Desai tells The Record newspaper (  the theft is heartbreaking.

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Let me clear this up before this get out of hand.




This article was not published by a Muslim. Secondly this goes back to the bible where Prophet Abraham destroyed all statues that represented God and left one standing. When he was questioned he told the statue worshipers to ask the the one that remained there. As the Holy Bible stated  the idol worshipers realized and stop.


Finally many Hindus have stated that they do not worship the idol but treat as a medium to connect with God.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Let me clear this up before this get out of hand.




This article was not published by a Muslim. Secondly this goes back to the bible where Prophet Abraham destroyed all statues that represented God and left one standing. When he was questioned he told the statue worshipers to ask the the one that remained there. As the Holy Bible stated  the idol worshipers realized and stop.


Finally many Hindus have stated that they do not worship the idol but treat as a medium to connect with God.


Followers of the Hindu faith DO NOT worship idols. The oldest scripture known to mankind, the Vedas describes "Archa Vigraha", AUTHORISED representation of God and the Diety mentioned in the article is an Archa Vigraha. Western description of dieties or Archa Vigraha is incorrectly described as a Statue. This is totally unacceptable.


Not just any object can be authorized. The Vedas makes specific and clear indication regarding this matter.


The Vedas is as authorised as the Holy Bible or the Holy Quran.


An Idol or Statue is just that, an Idol or Statue. Let us clear this up once and for all.


Chief has constantly and consistently in a very subtle manner attacked followers of the Hindu faith by promoting these ideas of superiority of his faith others. He also uses the term Chammar verbally to describe followers of the Hindu faith. Read his posts carefully.


In Guyana and till this day, I call my father's best friend who is of Islamic faith my Cha Cha. Guyana has never entertained or supported the idea of religious intolerance but it seems that some here are trying do just that.


Let us call it out when we see it.






You are not calling me out because of religion , you are calling me out because of my consistent and constant  criticism of the racist PPP Freedom House pack of thieves.


Since the day Sat Sawh was murdered and up to this day I AM CALLING OUT THE PPP. wHEN tHE ppp short changed a blackman Mr Sam Hinds and did not allow him to become the Presidential candidate Icalled out the PPP. I can go on and on.


Anyway back to this topic, when I read the headline the biblical story of Prophet Abraham came to my mind. Read the Holy Bible and you will see what I am speaking about.





Last edited by Chief

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