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Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Miraver:
Originally Posted by Kari:

 GNI has contributed to lost productivity in America's work places.

Hi Kari, I'm curious- has GNI contributed to the loss of productivity at your end? 

kari: What r u? a wise-ass?! Lighten up!!



Did Prophet speak to his many wives in such tone ?


Did your father speak to your mother in such tone ?


Do you speak to your wife in such tone ?


Why the disrespectful tone in addressing Ms Miraver ?




Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jade:

What happens if it(getting angry sometimes) becomes a habit?



That's a good question!


Well, just like failure is good as long as it doesn't become a habit---letting go of anger is good as long as it does not become a habit.


If anger becomes a habit---you become like kari above---check his reply to Miraver---when anger becomes a habit you snap easily.





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Jade:

What happens if it(getting angry sometimes) becomes a habit?



That's a good question!


Well, just like failure is good as long as it doesn't become a habit---letting go of anger is good as long as it does not become a habit.


If anger becomes a habit---you become like kari above---check his reply to Miraver---when anger becomes a habit you snap easily.





Thanks. I saw the response to Miraver. Is that guy angry or just old and crochety?

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Miraver:
Originally Posted by Kari:

 GNI has contributed to lost productivity in America's work places.

Hi Kari, I'm curious- has GNI contributed to the loss of productivity at your end? 

What r u? a wise-ass?! Lighten up!!

Kari, I'm going to restate what I said in an earlier post...our body language accounts for over 70% of our communication. If you didn't mean to be impolite, you could have added a grin or happy face (as seen in many of the posts here on GNI that are supposed to be light and friendly). The lack of emoticons is suggesting that you are serious and perhaps rude with that unwarranted comment.


Having said all of that, I'm going to piggy back on Cham's comment about you rolling off the bed and hurting your head. Perhaps, you partied too much on your most recent birthday (September 19th, correct?) and still suffering from a hangover which I've heard can cause people have some serious mood issues. 


In reference to Rev's questions to you, I don't think you will answer "yes" to any of the questions he posed. After all, you're an educated man. Then again, one's university education is not necessarily a measure of his education. It is his character and the way he lives his life that tells/shows the world that he is educated. You do know this, right?


Talking about the way we live our lives and still referring to Rev's questions, I suppose you are following the Prophet's (PUH), sunnah and all can see His teachings reflected in how you live. I suppose that as a human being, capable of reflecting and ruminating, you do ask God for guidance with your thoughts, words, and actions, correct?


I don't think I have ever been rude to you. Have I? If yes, then it was done inadvertently. I don't expect you to be rude to me. 


I trust that our interactions here on GNI will be polite and respectful.

A very happy belated birthday to you, Kari. May you be rewarded with many blessings for all the good you do in your Earthly journey.


Now, I know this is a lengthy response and may not be even be necessary, but I'm having a bit of fun. I'm allowed, right? 

Originally Posted by alena06:
Genetics, genetIcs!!  In addition, be contended like alena and you will live to be 100
Happy fall all!!

So how many more decades until you reach that magical 100 Lena ?


OK! OK! You can keep that a secret.


Anyway, my grandmother lived to 92, so hope some of her longevity genes were passed down to the Rev.



Originally Posted by alena06:
Alena got 6 more decades. nani lived to be 86....and i strongly believed if she had exercised more, she would have been here still...just saying.

6 MORE DECADES! You are still a kid.hahaha


Anyway, it looks like you want to live long enough to see not just grandchildren but great grandchildren.


Oh Well, if nani lived to 86---without exercising---all those gym sessions you are putting in---you'll definitely hit the century mark.








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