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Guyana edging towards another crime wave? THIRTY-TWO GUN ROBBERIES IN 35 DAYS

Feb 05, 2018


…seven in past four days

As Guyana prepares for a Commission of Inquiry into the country’s 2002 to 2008 crime wave, the nation appears to be edging towards a similar crisis.
A surge in brazen robberies in the New Year has resulted in at least 32 gun robberies in the past 35 days.
Reports provided by the Guyana Police Force indicate that in January, there were at least 25 robberies in which the perpetrators used firearms.
Within the first four days in February, there have been seven similar robberies in which guns were used. The latest, yesterday, ended in the death of money changer Shawn Nurse, who was shot dead in America Street by a hooded gunman who reportedly escaped with a large sum of cash.
The killing of Nurse is reminiscent of some of the callous attacks that gunmen committed in the peak of the 2002 to 2008 crime wave.
Some of other brazen attacks include the robbery of a civil engineer, who was apparently trailed from a commercial bank to a Robb Street restaurant, where he was shot at by a gunman after he refused to hand over his haversack with cash and other valuables.
Then there was the attack on seven secondary students, including at least three girls, in South Ruimveldt. The children, aged between 15 and 16, were buying refreshments in a shop, when two men on bicycles held them at gunpoint.
They were robbed of cell phones and small sums of cash. One child was relieved of $1,000; another of $1, 500.
On January 24, businesswoman Rong Yan Yao, 41, and her husband, Rong Jie King, were gun-butted and relieved of money, gold and silver jewellery, a quantity of fish glue, phones and other items. The robbers fled with the victims’ pick-up truck, BSS 5412. It was later found abandoned.
Last Saturday, a man police described as recently-bailed robbery accused, escaped with an accomplice after robbing a 47-year-old woman in Diamond Housing Scheme.
The robber and an accomplice had trailed their victim from a commercial bank to a shop in the community.
On January 30, two private-hire operators were robbed of their cars during separate occurrences on the West Demerara.
At around 21:20 hrs Harry Narine, 28 of Zeelugt New Scheme, East Bank Essequibo was approached at a taxi-base located at Zeelugt Public Road, by two men who hired him to take them to the Zeelugt New Scheme.
On arrival at the location in Toyota Premio PSS 9926 one of the men ordered the driver out of his car at gunpoint. The carjackers then fled with the vehicle.
At 22:30hrs that same night, Jailall Mohadeo, 30, was at a taxi base located at De Willem Public Road, in Toyota Premio PNN 1952, when two men requested to be taken to Cornelia Ida’s New Scheme. When he reached their requested destination, he, too, was robbed of his vehicle.
But the carjackers were forced to abandon the vehicle when they encountered police at a road block near the Den Amstel Police Station.
On Jan 27, a security guard stationed at the Education Ministry’s building that houses the Department of Culture, Youth and Sport in Berbice, was on Saturday tied up and robbed.
The 37-year-old man, Gansham Rai, was in the guard hut, at the Vrymen’s Erven, New Amsterdam location, when a man pointed a gun at him. In an effort to subdue the guard, the bandits took Rai’s shirt and tied his hands behind his back.
The bandits also relieved him of a phone, $1200, a knife and a flashlight.
And even the blind are not safe.
On January 30, four masked bandits invaded the Guyana Society for the Blind and held six visually impaired persons, along with the only sighted individual at gunpoint before stealing a laptop computer belonging to the non-governmental organization.
The bandits gun-butted a volunteer, Selwyn Jacobs, and placed their blind victims to lie on the floor as they demanded cash and other valuables.
After ransacking several offices and rooms at the Institute, they escaped with one laptop.And a few days ago, three Brazilians robbed the wife of a Lethem businessman after tying her up at gunpoint.
The robbery occurred at around 15.00 hrs at Michael’s Jewellery and Cell Phone Shop at Barrack Retreat and Kanuku Drive, Lethem.The 24-year-old victim, Maxine Buckley was in the store when the three men, who were speaking Portuguese, entered. After holding the woman at gunpoint and tying her up, the men packed several watches, cell phones and pieces of jewellery into a haversack. They then took the keys to Grant’s husband’s car, with the intention of escaping in the vehicle.
They were caught after crashing the vehicle.
From what police have said, some of the perpetrators were so bold that they even entered police stations to reclaim cars that they had stolen.

They were caught after crashing the vehicle.
From what police have said, some of the perpetrators were so bold that they even entered police stations to reclaim cars that they had stolen.
On Saturday, police detained a suspected carjacker known as ‘Bourda Rat’, who had repeatedly tried to claim ownership of a stolen car that the cops had impounded last year.
Police had previously arrested the same man and two others on November 27, 2017, in connection with a robbery in Georgetown.
Police had impounded the car in which the suspects were travelling, but were unaware that it was a stolen vehicle.
The suspects were charged and subsequently freed after their victims refused to give evidence against them.
Meanwhile, even though he was unable to prove ownership, police said that the suspect known as ‘Bourda Rat’ made several attempts to uplift the car, which was impounded at the Brickdam Police Station.
On Saturday, the real owner turned up. Police were able to identify the vehicle as one that was stolen on June 6, 2017 from a Roxanne Burnham resident.
‘Bourda Rat’ was arrested hours later. Police are preparing to put him on an identification parade.
Later the same day, a team of detectives seized another car that is suspected to have been stolen, while detaining a taxi driver who is a suspect in several criminal matters.
Police said that the registration appears non-existent; more so, the silver Toyota Premio engine number, A392329 is not stated on the registration.”
“The 27-year-old suspect, who is a taxi driver wanted for questioning in relation to several serious crimes, is co-operating with investigators.”
Gun robberies aside, there were also several knife point attacks. One such robbery left a couple badly injured.
On January 23, masked bandits armed with knives and cutlasses left a Sisters Village, West Bank Demerara grocer and his wife with multiple stab wounds after invading the couple’s shop.
Hemwattie Mohabir, 45, was stabbed in her hands, left shoulder, left leg and hip, while her husband, who was struck in the head, was stabbed in the abdomen.
Police said that the victims were preparing to close their shop when four masked men, armed with knives and cutlasses, barged in, and demanded cash and other valuables. Not satisfied with what they got, the suspects inflicted several stab and chop wounds on the victims before fleeing the scene with a small sum of cash and other items.
Hemwattie Mohabir said she was just about to close their liquor and grocery shop, when two men, who had knives, and with their faces hidden by stockings, barged in.
She fought with the men “and they start to ‘juck’ me,” the woman said.
The robbers also attacked Mr. Mohabir, who was outside of the shop, clubbing him on the head and stabbing him in the region of his navel.
Police arrested a suspect but later released him.
On January 18, a soldier was walking along High and Durban streets with a colleague, when three knife wielding men on bikes attacked and robbed them. One suspect was held.
In an interview last year with Kaieteur News, Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan conceded that the presence of repeat offenders for serious crimes on the streets is presenting further challenges to the police.
“It is also making fear in the land a little more, because people are saying that ‘the fellow get bail, he could come and attack me next morning’,” Ramjattan had said, while suggesting that some of these repeat offenders should not be granted bail.
In the wake of recent gun-related crimes, Opposition Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira last month called for the convening of the Parliamentary Oversight Committee on the Security Sector, which is chaired by Public Security Minister, Khemraj Ramjattan.
The bipartisan committee which includes members from the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) and the governing coalition, last met in July 2017.
Members of the coalition on the Committee are Attorney General, Basil Williams, Minister of Agriculture, Noel Holder; Valerie Garrido-Lowe, Minister within the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs and Hemraj Rajkumar, while the Opposition is represented by former Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee, Joseph Hamilton, Dr. Bheri Ramsaran and Harry Gill.
“We are calling for the meeting of the Committee because it needs to deal with some of the concerns of the Guyanese people, including the concerns of the prisons and public safety,” Teixeira told Kaieteur News yesterday.
The Opposition Chief Whip added, “We are in January, and the Minister has not convened a meeting. If he convenes the meeting, it allows for discussions with members of the Parliamentary level to discuss concerns of public safety and not just the prison, but crime and security as well.”
The Parliamentary Oversight Committee on the Security Sector examines the policies and administration of the entities in the security sector, namely the Disciplined Forces of Guyana. Additionally, the Committee has the power to co-opt experts or enlist the aid of other persons of appropriate expertise, whether or not such experts or persons are members of the National Assembly.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Part of the problem is that a lot of business is done with cash. Money laundering is big business and the "businessmen" prefer to transact everything with cash because it's harder to track and they can evade taxes this way. Even with legitimate small businesses, the infrastructure is not conducive to supporting business transactions via non cash means and again the incentive to evade taxes is great. Add to that the exchange rate and the need to have large amounts of cash to make everyday payments. Business people are a huge target for gunmen looking to make a fast dollar. 

Mars posted:

Part of the problem is that a lot of business is done with cash. Money laundering is big business and the "businessmen" prefer to transact everything with cash because it's harder to track and they can evade taxes this way. Even with legitimate small businesses, the infrastructure is not conducive to supporting business transactions via non cash means and again the incentive to evade taxes is great. Add to that the exchange rate and the need to have large amounts of cash to make everyday payments. Business people are a huge target for gunmen looking to make a fast dollar. 

Guyanese need to get with the flow,avoid walking around with too much cash.

The robbers are brazen,yesterday a money changer at  America Street was killed.The victim was robbed before.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Bai, is a big country, somebody has to rob it dem Indians!

Too many Guns in the wrong hands.

GPF need to dis-arm the robbers.

Where do you start?  Most criminal have illegal arms.  You will effectively disarm the innocent people who have a legitimate need for protection. 

Guyana needs to do what Nigeria did following the bi-Afran war.  Any armed robbery, once convicted, automatic firing squad regardless of the outcome of the crime. 

But I doubt Granger will go for that!  It will greatly diminish his voting constituency!!


Django finally woke up.

Guyana is now a Shyte Hole Crime Haven under country the AFC/PNC clowns. This will get worse. It will eventually become like one of those crime ridden countries like Somalia.

The AFC/PNC campaigned under a law and order banner. They have deliver Poo Poo to the Guyanese people. Guyana is an official Shyte Hole country under the PNC, Twice !!!

Django posted:
Mars posted:

Part of the problem is that a lot of business is done with cash. Money laundering is big business and the "businessmen" prefer to transact everything with cash because it's harder to track and they can evade taxes this way. Even with legitimate small businesses, the infrastructure is not conducive to supporting business transactions via non cash means and again the incentive to evade taxes is great. Add to that the exchange rate and the need to have large amounts of cash to make everyday payments. Business people are a huge target for gunmen looking to make a fast dollar. 

Guyanese need to get with the flow,avoid walking around with too much cash.

The robbers are brazen,yesterday a money changer at  America Street was killed.The victim was robbed before.

What a wuss.  Coolies must give into Afro terrorism!  Police the terrorists, not the people!

yuji22 posted:

Django finally woke up.

Guyana is now a Shyte Hole Crime Haven under country the AFC/PNC clowns. This will get worse. It will eventually become like one of those crime ridden countries like Somalia.

The AFC/PNC campaigned under a law and order banner. They have deliver Poo Poo to the Guyanese people. Guyana is an official Shyte Hole country under the PNC, Twice !!!

This is a hoodwink between the PNC, law enforcement and terrorists squads, ethnic cleansing!  

Rob them, kill them, harass them, run them out!   Bingo, Guyana is now ahwe land, from the Rupununni to the Courenteyne, from the Green land forest to the Atlantic water, this land is ahwe land!

yuji22 posted:

Django finally woke up.

Guyana is now a Shyte Hole Crime Haven under country the AFC/PNC clowns. This will get worse. It will eventually become like one of those crime ridden countries like Somalia.

The AFC/PNC campaigned under a law and order banner. They have deliver Poo Poo to the Guyanese people. Guyana is an official Shyte Hole country under the PNC, Twice !!!

You are really delusional if you think that Guyana is NOW a crime haven. Serious crime went out of control in the days when Jagdeo turned the country into a Narco Republic. Cocaine trafficking was bringing in large amounts of foreign exchange but unfortunately it also brought guns and crime like we see in other places where drugs have infiltrated all walks of society.

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Mars posted:

Part of the problem is that a lot of business is done with cash. Money laundering is big business and the "businessmen" prefer to transact everything with cash because it's harder to track and they can evade taxes this way. Even with legitimate small businesses, the infrastructure is not conducive to supporting business transactions via non cash means and again the incentive to evade taxes is great. Add to that the exchange rate and the need to have large amounts of cash to make everyday payments. Business people are a huge target for gunmen looking to make a fast dollar. 

Guyanese need to get with the flow,avoid walking around with too much cash.

The robbers are brazen,yesterday a money changer at  America Street was killed.The victim was robbed before.

What a wuss.  Coolies must give into Afro terrorism!  Police the terrorists, not the people!

Banna,not only East Indians are targeted.The robbers don't discriminate,every citizen faces the brunt of the criminals

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Bai, is a big country, somebody has to rob it dem Indians!

Too many Guns in the wrong hands.

GPF need to dis-arm the robbers.

Where do you start?  Most criminal have illegal arms.  You will effectively disarm the innocent people who have a legitimate need for protection. 

Guyana needs to do what Nigeria did following the bi-Afran war.  Any armed robbery, once convicted, automatic firing squad regardless of the outcome of the crime. 

But I doubt Granger will go for that!  It will greatly diminish his voting constituency!!

bai some time i am worried about you 

Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

Django finally woke up.

Guyana is now a Shyte Hole Crime Haven under country the AFC/PNC clowns. This will get worse. It will eventually become like one of those crime ridden countries like Somalia.

The AFC/PNC campaigned under a law and order banner. They have deliver Poo Poo to the Guyanese people. Guyana is an official Shyte Hole country under the PNC, Twice !!!

This is a hoodwink between the PNC, law enforcement and terrorists squads, ethnic cleansing!  

Rob them, kill them, harass them, run them out!   Bingo, Guyana is now ahwe land, from the Rupununni to the Courenteyne, from the Green land forest to the Atlantic water, this land is ahwe land!

what is the ppp doing to help the indian people what is the indian organisation doing to help the indians the indians need a leader with some balls

yuji22 posted:

Django finally woke up.

Guyana is now a Shyte Hole Crime Haven under country the AFC/PNC clowns. This will get worse. It will eventually become like one of those crime ridden countries like Somalia.

The AFC/PNC campaigned under a law and order banner. They have deliver Poo Poo to the Guyanese people. Guyana is an official Shyte Hole country under the PNC, Twice !!!

Banna,i am not biased.

You are delusional Guyana is a crime haven under the current government.

Your response are the usual nonsense,do you read what you write before hitting the enter button.

warrior posted:
Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

Django finally woke up.

Guyana is now a Shyte Hole Crime Haven under country the AFC/PNC clowns. This will get worse. It will eventually become like one of those crime ridden countries like Somalia.

The AFC/PNC campaigned under a law and order banner. They have deliver Poo Poo to the Guyanese people. Guyana is an official Shyte Hole country under the PNC, Twice !!!

This is a hoodwink between the PNC, law enforcement and terrorists squads, ethnic cleansing!  

Rob them, kill them, harass them, run them out!   Bingo, Guyana is now ahwe land, from the Rupununni to the Courenteyne, from the Green land forest to the Atlantic water, this land is ahwe land!

what is the ppp doing to help the indian people what is the indian organisation doing to help the indians the indians need a leader with some balls

Day late and dalla shart!  23 years pissing can’t do squat now!  Dem all gon run Merika, mek lil money and tun round and cuss White man and vote fuh Obama # 2.

My uncle, a former PPP militant, now 92 and onto his 4th wife, say Jagan destroyed the coolie man with his limp dick attitude towards Black violence.  He made Blacks build the culture and mindset that crime dozz pay!

warrior posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Bai, is a big country, somebody has to rob it dem Indians!

Too many Guns in the wrong hands.

GPF need to dis-arm the robbers.

Where do you start?  Most criminal have illegal arms.  You will effectively disarm the innocent people who have a legitimate need for protection. 

Guyana needs to do what Nigeria did following the bi-Afran war.  Any armed robbery, once convicted, automatic firing squad regardless of the outcome of the crime. 

But I doubt Granger will go for that!  It will greatly diminish his voting constituency!!

bai some time i am worried about you 

Bai, nah tek worries!


During the PPP's term in office the police allowed violent protesters to enter the ministries and harassed the ministers and their staff.  Video clips clearly showed one policeman opening the gates for the protesters enter the compound. Another one ran up the stairs with the protesters looking all excited and thrilled to be part of the protest.  This is biased nature of the Guyana Police Force.  Why would anyone think that they are truly concerned when the political effects of crime benefits the PNC? Who are most likely to pack their suitcases and leave Guyana when crime gets out of hand?  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Mars posted:

Part of the problem is that a lot of business is done with cash. Money laundering is big business and the "businessmen" prefer to transact everything with cash because it's harder to track and they can evade taxes this way. Even with legitimate small businesses, the infrastructure is not conducive to supporting business transactions via non cash means and again the incentive to evade taxes is great. Add to that the exchange rate and the need to have large amounts of cash to make everyday payments. Business people are a huge target for gunmen looking to make a fast dollar. 

Guyanese have become immune to crime, the young generation was brought up in criminal environment .

Business people get rob when leaving the banks, bandits wait outside of the banks on motor bikes then snatch their bags and ride off.The police force needs purging,too many crooked cops. Once a gun is used in a crime , the criminal must not be given bail.


























Last edited by kp
skeldon_man posted:

It's time for another Phantom Squad. The police are no match for these thugs. Where is brother Gajraj when Guyana needs him? President, if you are listening, get Gajraj.

Seems you like vigilante justice.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

It's time for another Phantom Squad. The police are no match for these thugs. Where is brother Gajraj when Guyana needs him? President, if you are listening, get Gajraj.

Seems you like vigilante justice.

Seems you are as INCOMPETENT and DUMB as the Govt!!!!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

During the PPP's term in office the police allowed violent protesters to enter the ministries and harassed the ministers and their staff.  Video clips clearly showed one policeman opening the gates for the protesters enter the compound. Another one ran up the stairs with the protesters looking all excited and thrilled to be part of the protest.  This is biased nature of the Guyana Police Force.  Why would anyone think that they are truly concerned when the political effects of crime benefits the PNC? Who are most likely to pack their suitcases and leave Guyana when crime gets out of hand?  

Because the PPP presented a limp dick antimanish posture which allowed that. No surprise, they were headed by an antiman!

Nehru posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

It's time for another Phantom Squad. The police are no match for these thugs. Where is brother Gajraj when Guyana needs him? President, if you are listening, get Gajraj.

Seems you like vigilante justice.

Seems you are as INCOMPETENT and DUMB as the Govt!!!!


Neero speaketh !!

Mars posted:

Part of the problem is that a lot of business is done with cash. Money laundering is big business and the "businessmen" prefer to transact everything with cash because it's harder to track and they can evade taxes this way. Even with legitimate small businesses, the infrastructure is not conducive to supporting business transactions via non cash means and again the incentive to evade taxes is great. Add to that the exchange rate and the need to have large amounts of cash to make everyday payments. Business people are a huge target for gunmen looking to make a fast dollar. 

Why are there so many guns floating around?.....the government needs to get a handle on this...and maybe bring back the death penalty.

Nehru posted:

Bring back brother Gajray to clean the FILTH out of Guyana AGAIN!!!  This INCOMPETENT, DUMB Govt is not fit to run a friggin Bodega much less a country!!!!

"Ronald Gajraj, an ex-GDF officer, who had been court martialed, and dishonorably discharged from the GDF for misappropriation of funds. Gajraj recruited the services of the renegade members of the Tactical Services Squad (TSS) to carry out the genocidal assault. He also recruited the services of Shaheed Roger Khan, one of the most notorious drug dealers, gun runners, money launderers, and narcotic traffickers in the history of Guyana."


Here is a snippet i got from the net.

VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:

Part of the problem is that a lot of business is done with cash. Money laundering is big business and the "businessmen" prefer to transact everything with cash because it's harder to track and they can evade taxes this way. Even with legitimate small businesses, the infrastructure is not conducive to supporting business transactions via non cash means and again the incentive to evade taxes is great. Add to that the exchange rate and the need to have large amounts of cash to make everyday payments. Business people are a huge target for gunmen looking to make a fast dollar. 

Why are there so many guns floating around?.....the government needs to get a handle on this...and maybe bring back the death penalty.

Is that a rhetorical question or you talking for talk sake?

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

It's time for another Phantom Squad. The police are no match for these thugs. Where is brother Gajraj when Guyana needs him? President, if you are listening, get Gajraj.

Seems you like vigilante justice.

When it comes to security, MY FAMILY COMES FIRST. I will take the first shot and take the consequences later. I am sure the Guyanese feel the same way. It's not called vigilante's called self-defense.  Who the hell is providing these thugs with guns?

skeldon_man posted:

It's time for another Phantom Squad. The police are no match for these thugs. Where is brother Gajraj when Guyana needs him? President, if you are listening, get Gajraj.

The limp-dick PPP missed by a mile.  They needed some good horse viagra long time ago!

Nehru posted:

Bring back brother Gajray to clean the FILTH out of Guyana AGAIN!!!  This INCOMPETENT, DUMB Govt is not fit to run a friggin Bodega much less a country!!!!

hear this ass ramotar freed a child killer that kidnap a 7 yr old boy 


Base, the PPP has a Police Force and Army who took orders from the PNC and their CRIMINAL GANGS. They operates as arms of the PNC to bring Guyana to its knees!! What you expected the PPP to do, roll over and let them turn Guyana into Rawanda????

Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:

It's time for another Phantom Squad. The police are no match for these thugs. Where is brother Gajraj when Guyana needs him? President, if you are listening, get Gajraj.

The limp-dick PPP missed by a mile.  They needed some good horse viagra long time ago!

gajraj phantom squad kill a ppp minister 


skeldon_man posted:

It's time for another Phantom Squad. The police are no match for these thugs. Where is brother Gajraj when Guyana needs him? President, if you are listening, get Gajraj.

gajraj did not do shit he had a bunch of drug dealers killing people he was replacing one set of criminals with a more organist criminals  

warrior posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:

It's time for another Phantom Squad. The police are no match for these thugs. Where is brother Gajraj when Guyana needs him? President, if you are listening, get Gajraj.

The limp-dick PPP missed by a mile.  They needed some good horse viagra long time ago!

gajraj phantom squad kill a ppp minister 


And they had you as a lookout. Go tell Granger that.

warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:

It's time for another Phantom Squad. The police are no match for these thugs. Where is brother Gajraj when Guyana needs him? President, if you are listening, get Gajraj.

gajraj did not do shit he had a bunch of drug dealers killing people he was replacing one set of criminals with a more organist criminals  

It happens all the time in America too. When the security of the nation is at risk, you do whatever it takes to protect it.

skeldon_man posted:
warrior posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:

It's time for another Phantom Squad. The police are no match for these thugs. Where is brother Gajraj when Guyana needs him? President, if you are listening, get Gajraj.

The limp-dick PPP missed by a mile.  They needed some good horse viagra long time ago!

gajraj phantom squad kill a ppp minister 


And they had you as a lookout. Go tell Granger that.

why you thing the ppp let the investigation die you live in north america so you do not know shit i live through it in guyana the minister refuse to give roger khan what he want gajraj hit man  

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:

It's time for another Phantom Squad. The police are no match for these thugs. Where is brother Gajraj when Guyana needs him? President, if you are listening, get Gajraj.

gajraj did not do shit he had a bunch of drug dealers killing people he was replacing one set of criminals with a more organist criminals  

It happens all the time in America too. When the security of the nation is at risk, you do whatever it takes to protect it.

the ppp create a monster they could not control when  roger was capture and they was no work for his hit men they start do private hit and robbery which was a reflection on the ppp government 


warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
warrior posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:

It's time for another Phantom Squad. The police are no match for these thugs. Where is brother Gajraj when Guyana needs him? President, if you are listening, get Gajraj.

The limp-dick PPP missed by a mile.  They needed some good horse viagra long time ago!

gajraj phantom squad kill a ppp minister 


And they had you as a lookout. Go tell Granger that.

why you thing the ppp let the investigation die you live in north america so you do not know shit i live through it in guyana the minister refuse to give roger khan what he want gajraj hit man  

Same ting me seh. Go tell Granger dah nah man!!!!

You might get a part-time job.

Nehru posted:

Base, the PPP has a Police Force and Army who took orders from the PNC and their CRIMINAL GANGS. They operates as arms of the PNC to bring Guyana to its knees!! What you expected the PPP to do, roll over and let them turn Guyana into Rawanda????

Good, if dem run out of ideas from day 1, then let the Black man rule, and alyuh sit down and tek licks in peace.  


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