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We Aren't Trying to End Global Terror: We're After the Oil

Amid the conflict with ISIS, the bottom line is a reliable supply to the Middle East’s liquid gold.




August 22, 2014 |

Thirteen years after the attacks of September 11, and with much said and written about ISIS and the gruesome beheading of James Foley, America continues to misunderstand the roots of Islamic terrorism. We also fail to acknowledge that as long as we remain addicted to cheap oil we will be locked in a war in the Middle East

You won’t hear Middle East oil mentioned on the cable news airwaves. You will hear “clash of civilizations,”" religiously motivated terrorism,” and any number of similar phrases that are meant to distract and divert us from facing the central dispute between us and the Muslim world: we are addicted to the oil beneath their feet, and we intend to dominate the land they stand on.

The Muslim world isn’t as ignorant as Christian crusaders, the military industrial complex and the vast know-nothing right wing would have you believe. After all, what uncivilized, stupid people could produce algebra, geometry and our concept of the rule of law? The Muslim world is smart enough to figure out that America has invested all of the past 70 years into dominating control of Middle East oil supplies. We have propped despotic regimes and brutal dictators, overthrown democratically elected governments and waged three wars in two decades on Muslim soil. All while we fund and are complicit in Israel’s illegal occupation and theft of Palestinian land.

ISIS is the product of our own imagination and self-serving meddling. After we removed Saddam and his Sunni quasi-government, ISIS was the response by those Sunnis blocked from enjoying economic participation in Iraq. 

It’s time to face reality and the monster in the mirror: we are not trying to end global terror, nor are we trying to promote Western secular democracy in the Middle East. Our motivations and desires are no secret. We do everything to ensure that we, and our allies, particularly Japan, have a reliable supply to the region’s liquid gold.

With a total of 44 U.S. military bases in the Middle East and the Central Asia, we have the Muslim world completely surrounded. From Turkey to Saudi Arabia, from Uzbekistan to Kyrgyzstan, our bases serve as a constant reminder to Muslims that we control their economic future and we are here to stay. And with an economic future that looks bleak for Muslims, the embers for Muslim rage are stoked.

“Terrorism is not a supply-limited phenomenon where there are just a few hundred around the world willing to do it because they are religious fanatics. It is a demand-driven phenomenon. That is, it is driven by the presence of foreign forces on the territory that the terrorists view as their homeland. The operation in Iraq has stimulated suicide terrorism and has given suicide terrorism a new lease of life,” writes Robert Pape in Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism.

The U.S. State Department has announced that Westerners, mostly British Muslims, are being drawn to ISIS. Media outlets everywhere ask why. The answer is clear. The UK has the greatest concentration of Muslims among Western democracies. Muslims were pulled from former British colonies during the 1940s to provide cheap labor for the reconstruction of Britain in the aftermath of the second world war. The textile and steel mills in the north of England were filled with Muslim migrants from Asia and Africa.

Industrial collapse turned these mills into dust heaps, and today Muslim urban ghettos in the UK now resemble the socio-economic conditions of predominately black urban ghettos in America. For British Muslims, high unemployment is the norm, as is racial discrimination and anti-immigrant violence. For many, economic and social oppression at home looks a whole lot like the social and economic oppression that is occurring in Muslim countries abroad. The collapse of liberal democracies in the face of unfettered capitalism has failed minorities everywhere in the West.

Socio-economic insecurity is at the heart of all self-proclaimed religiously motivated extremism. Where social justice prevails, and the state meets the economic needs of its people, hyper-religious ideologies lack appeal.

French political scholar Oliver Roy argues, “This notion of a globalized Islam is not the product of any specific ‘Islamist’ organization but a broad sociological trend that has developed across Europe as a result of racism, migration, and globalization.” In Palestine, Chechnya, Kashmir, Bosnia, Kosovo, and Iraq, Muslims have been oppressed and had war waged upon them. “In principle—all the struggles for Muslims around the world were to be regarded as equally important” in this global ummah, Roy writes. This is why we now find Western Muslims in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, and Afghanistan.

In returning to the Middle East, and its oil, our posture and actions promise to become even more aggressive, as oil reserves inevitably diminish. In an in-depth look into Saudi oil production over the past 40 years, Matthew R. Simmons warns in his book Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy that Saudi oil production is a far cry from the boastful claims long made by the kingdom regarding the robustness of its oilfields. According to Simmons, Saudi oil production peaked at 10 million barrels a day in 1981. Today it is 8 to 9 million barrels and falling. No super giant oil fields have been found in the region since the 1950s.

The very reason U.S. military bases, which are the size of small cities, exist in Saudi Arabia is to ensure our access to this diminishing supply. The oppressive Saudi regime wants us there to ensure neighboring countries don’t eye their oil. The central and founding charter of Al Qaeda was to remove our bases from the Holy Land. It was no coincidence that 17 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were Saudis.

We can have peace when we shut down our bases, stay the hand of the Israelis to create a Palestinian state, and go home, or we can have long, costly, and ultimately futile regional war. We cannot have both,” warns Chris Hedges. With our addiction to Middle East oil supplies, we can expect the latter, which means 2001 was the start of our endless war with the Muslim world.

CJ Werleman is the author of "Crucifying America," and "God Hates You. Hate Him Back." Follow him on Twitter: @cjwerleman





The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Help your brother, whether he is an oppressor or he is oppressed." The Prophet was asked: "It is right to help him if he is oppressed, but how should we help him if he is an oppressor?" He replied: "By preventing him from oppressing others."

Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 3, Hadith 624

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."

Theodore Roosevelt

"The Tragedy is not the brutality of evil but the silence of good people."

Martin Luther King Jr.

“The hottest fires in hell are reserved for those who remain neutral in times of moral crisis”

Edmund Burke

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Chief:
Thirteen years after the attacks of September 11, and with much said and written about ISIS and the gruesome beheading of James Foley, America continues to misunderstand the roots of Islamic terrorism. We also fail to acknowledge that as long as we remain addicted to cheap oil we will be locked in a war in the Middle East


You won’t hear Middle East oil mentioned on the cable news airwaves. You will hear “clash of civilizations,”" religiously motivated terrorism,” and any number of similar phrases that are meant to distract and divert us from facing the central dispute between us and the Muslim world: we are addicted to the oil beneath their feet, and we intend to dominate the land they stand on.


The Muslim world is smart enough to figure out that America has invested all of the past 70 years into dominating control of Middle East oil supplies.


We Aren't Trying to End Global Terror: We're After the Oil

Amid the conflict with ISIS, the bottom line is a reliable supply to the Middle East’s liquid gold.


August 22, 2014

Gist of the issue presented in three ways.


This is piece of fluff from a fool who need to upgrade his understanding. Oil is no longer the driving force of industrial progress in the West. The US can supply all of Europe if push comes to shove. Russia has so much of it to get rid of it's cost effective outlet is Europe also. Note despite sanctions it has not shut off the spigot. Iraq and Libya was selling to the Chinese.


Technology has liberated America from the oil deficit. Europe can also use the same technology if push comes to shove but they do not want to. Further, battery tech is producing the 300 mile one charge car. Tesla motors is the hottest stock around. Everyone want one of those cars. I want one. They are build on a skateboard and can be interchangeable as truck or sports car etc.


ISIS Is a degenerate Muslim offshoot that indeed arose of the deficit of leadership in Iraq. That was not a consequence of the US but because the US left and the could not govern themselves but resorted to quasi inter-tribal Muslim sectarianism.


They are going to get incinerated and not because they US and the west want oil. They will get incinerated because of virulent Islam. They are evil, depraved, despicable, contemptuous of others and believe they can dominate the world. This is not about oil but religious fanaticism of a vile sort that has to be eradicated.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is piece of fluff from a fool who need to upgrade his understanding. Oil is no longer the driving force of industrial progress in the West.

Reality ... oil was, is and will continue to be the main focus in the area, regardless of who is the president of the US_of_A.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
That was not a consequence of the US but because the US left and the could not govern themselves but resorted to quasi inter-tribal Muslim sectarianism.

US_of_A was in the country with the main focus to maintain the flow of oil to the America.


While one may have their perspective on the issue, inter_tribal issues existed and will continue for eons.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
That was not a consequence of the US but because the US left and the could not govern themselves but resorted to quasi inter-tribal Muslim sectarianism.

US_of_A was in the country with the main focus to maintain the flow of oil to the America.


While one may have their perspective on the issue, inter_tribal issues existed and will continue for eons.

dum dum...the use has reduced its foreign dependency almost completely! The US has excess capacity. The need for oil is also dropping drastically as the drive to a green economy is a necessity.


That oil is the cause of the prevailing evil inter tribal muslim warfare ( with delusions of global domination) is unadulterated nonsense.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is piece of fluff from a fool who need to upgrade his understanding. Oil is no longer the driving force of industrial progress in the West.

Reality ... oil was, is and will continue to be the main focus in the area, regardless of who is the president of the US_of_A.

US does not give a damn about that. US companies may facilitate its distribution but oil is not the linchpin of US economy as it once was and soon it will be irrelevant.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
That was not a consequence of the US but because the US left and the could not govern themselves but resorted to quasi inter-tribal Muslim sectarianism.

US_of_A was in the country with the main focus to maintain the flow of oil to the America.


While one may have their perspective on the issue, inter_tribal issues existed and will continue for eons.

dum dum...the use has reduced its foreign dependency almost completely! They US has excess capacity. The need for oil is also dropping drastically as the drive to a green economy is a necessity.


That oil is the cause of the prevailing evil inter tribal muslim warfare ( with delusions of global domination) is unadulterated nonsense.

Your usual tangential expressions.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
That was not a consequence of the US but because the US left and the could not govern themselves but resorted to quasi inter-tribal Muslim sectarianism.

US_of_A was in the country with the main focus to maintain the flow of oil to the America.


While one may have their perspective on the issue, inter_tribal issues existed and will continue for eons.

dum dum...

Dum dee dum dum, Stormdumborn.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is piece of fluff from a fool who need to upgrade his understanding. Oil is no longer the driving force of industrial progress in the West.

Reality ... oil was, is and will continue to be the main focus in the area, regardless of who is the president of the US_of_A.

US does not give a damn about that. US companies may facilitate its distribution but oil is not the linchpin of US economy as it once was and soon it will be irrelevant.

Your perceptions, but not the reality on the use of oil in the US_of_A.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
That was not a consequence of the US but because the US left and the could not govern themselves but resorted to quasi inter-tribal Muslim sectarianism.
US_of_A was in the country with the main focus to maintain the flow of oil to the America.

While one may have their perspective on the issue, inter_tribal issues existed and will continue for eons.
dum dum...the use has reduced its foreign dependency almost completely! They US has excess capacity. The need for oil is also dropping drastically as the drive to a green economy is a necessity.

That oil is the cause of the prevailing evil inter tribal Muslim warfare ( with delusions of global domination) is unadulterated nonsense.
Your usual tangential expressions.

Listen you dumb shit head....tangential issues is excusing Muslim sectarian cruelty and the obsession with murdering non Muslims. I wonder what does the Yadzis etc have to do with oil when they lived in the region long before Mohamed was born. Yet these folks are being murdered by a bestial brand of Islam. That is the issue not your bullshit excuse about oil.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is piece of fluff from a fool who need to upgrade his understanding. Oil is no longer the driving force of industrial progress in the West.

Reality ... oil was, is and will continue to be the main focus in the area, regardless of who is the president of the US_of_A.

US does not give a damn about that. US companies may facilitate its distribution but oil is not the linchpin of US economy as it once was and soon it will be irrelevant.

Your perceptions, but not the reality on the use of oil in the US_of_A.

Dude go take some meds with this bullshit about perceptions. Get to know what a perception is before you use the term casually as if it is a base term for your ignorant moral relativism. A perception is mere raw input not a conception.


One know a thing because they have analyzed the percipient inputs  on varying levels. They do not stupidly twinkle their toes and say this is what it is because I think that is that it is at the moment. The criteria for rational theory selection is circumscribed by about 7 basic elements  and none say perception is a base condition.


You are allowed to get away with that stupid statement because you are and idiot and the board, alas, has no prohibitions to idiots.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chief:
So the author is saying it is oil, if it is not oil then why is the US THERE?
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is piece of fluff from a fool who need to upgrade his understanding.

It is air headed fluff that ignores the seriousness of a murderous brand of political islam pretending to be the new Genghis Khan intent on world domination. This is not even remotely about oil. The Yadzis and Gnostic Christians who were residents some half a millennium before Mohamed was born  has not target on their backs saying the support western oil greed. They are being murdered because they are not muslims and these locusts believe only Muslims of their ilk is allowed in the world. For that the need to die.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
That was not a consequence of the US but because the US left and the could not govern themselves but resorted to quasi inter-tribal Muslim sectarianism.
US_of_A was in the country with the main focus to maintain the flow of oil to the America.

While one may have their perspective on the issue, inter_tribal issues existed and will continue for eons.
dum dum...the use has reduced its foreign dependency almost completely! They US has excess capacity. The need for oil is also dropping drastically as the drive to a green economy is a necessity.

That oil is the cause of the prevailing evil inter tribal Muslim warfare ( with delusions of global domination) is unadulterated nonsense.
Your usual tangential expressions.

Listen you dumb shit head....tangential issues is excusing Muslim sectarian cruelty and the obsession with murdering non Muslims. I wonder what does the Yadzis etc have to do with oil when they lived in the region long before Mohamed was born. Yet these folks are being murdered by a bestial brand of Islam. That is the issue not your bullshit excuse about oil.

"dumb shit head, bullshit" .. it takes a short while before you sink deep into your usual expressions.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
That was not a consequence of the US but because the US left and the could not govern themselves but resorted to quasi inter-tribal Muslim sectarianism.
US_of_A was in the country with the main focus to maintain the flow of oil to the America.

While one may have their perspective on the issue, inter_tribal issues existed and will continue for eons.
dum dum...the use has reduced its foreign dependency almost completely! They US has excess capacity. The need for oil is also dropping drastically as the drive to a green economy is a necessity.

That oil is the cause of the prevailing evil inter tribal Muslim warfare ( with delusions of global domination) is unadulterated nonsense.
Your usual tangential expressions.

Listen you dumb shit head....tangential issues is excusing Muslim sectarian cruelty and the obsession with murdering non Muslims. I wonder what does the Yadzis etc have to do with oil when they lived in the region long before Mohamed was born. Yet these folks are being murdered by a bestial brand of Islam. That is the issue not your bullshit excuse about oil.

"dumb shit head, bullshit" .. it takes a short while before you sink deep into your usual expressions.

My usual expressions is to call ignoramuses like you what you are. I am abundant with disparaging words for the likes of twits like you. Thanks to the fecundity of the English language.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is piece of fluff from a fool who need to upgrade his understanding. Oil is no longer the driving force of industrial progress in the West.

Reality ... oil was, is and will continue to be the main focus in the area, regardless of who is the president of the US_of_A.

US does not give a damn about that. US companies may facilitate its distribution but oil is not the linchpin of US economy as it once was and soon it will be irrelevant.

Your perceptions, but not the reality on the use of oil in the US_of_A.

Dude go take some meds with this bullshit about perceptions. Get to know what a perception is before you use the term casually as if it is a base term for your ignorant moral relativism. A perception is mere raw input not a conception.


One know a thing because they have analyzed the percipient inputs on varying levels. They do not stupidly twinkle their toes and say this is what it is because I think that is that it is at the moment. The criteria for rational theory selection is circumscribed by about 7 basic elements  and none say perception is a base condition.


You are allowed to get away with that stupid statement because you are and idiot and the board, alas, has no prohibitions to idiots.

And, Stormdumborn is the one and only person who has attained that level.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
That was not a consequence of the US but because the US left and the could not govern themselves but resorted to quasi inter-tribal Muslim sectarianism.
US_of_A was in the country with the main focus to maintain the flow of oil to the America.

While one may have their perspective on the issue, inter_tribal issues existed and will continue for eons.
dum dum...the use has reduced its foreign dependency almost completely! They US has excess capacity. The need for oil is also dropping drastically as the drive to a green economy is a necessity.

That oil is the cause of the prevailing evil inter tribal Muslim warfare ( with delusions of global domination) is unadulterated nonsense.
Your usual tangential expressions.

Listen you dumb shit head....tangential issues is excusing Muslim sectarian cruelty and the obsession with murdering non Muslims. I wonder what does the Yadzis etc have to do with oil when they lived in the region long before Mohamed was born. Yet these folks are being murdered by a bestial brand of Islam. That is the issue not your bullshit excuse about oil.

"dumb shit head, bullshit" .. it takes a short while before you sink deep into your usual expressions.

My usual expressions is to call ignoramuses like you what you are. I am abundant with disparaging words for the likes of twits like you. Thanks to the fecundity of the English language.

Relish in your personal joys, though falsely, about your thoughts and expressions.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by seignet:

When the Chinese finish with the rest of the world. Watch it, dey going straight to mid-east for deh oil.

What oil? Professor D2 say it is not the oil!!

Note above I said the Chinese want it not the Americans! They are decades behind green tech so will need it for a long time.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
That was not a consequence of the US but because the US left and the could not govern themselves but resorted to quasi inter-tribal Muslim sectarianism.
US_of_A was in the country with the main focus to maintain the flow of oil to the America.

While one may have their perspective on the issue, inter_tribal issues existed and will continue for eons.
dum dum...the use has reduced its foreign dependency almost completely! They US has excess capacity. The need for oil is also dropping drastically as the drive to a green economy is a necessity.

That oil is the cause of the prevailing evil inter tribal Muslim warfare ( with delusions of global domination) is unadulterated nonsense.
Your usual tangential expressions.

Listen you dumb shit head....tangential issues is excusing Muslim sectarian cruelty and the obsession with murdering non Muslims. I wonder what does the Yadzis etc have to do with oil when they lived in the region long before Mohamed was born. Yet these folks are being murdered by a bestial brand of Islam. That is the issue not your bullshit excuse about oil.

"dumb shit head, bullshit" .. it takes a short while before you sink deep into your usual expressions.

My usual expressions is to call ignoramuses like you what you are. I am abundant with disparaging words for the likes of twits like you. Thanks to the fecundity of the English language.

Relish in your personal joys, though falsely, about your thoughts and expressions.

Stupid non informational babbling as usual......go and change our diapers. Maybe it has a "tangential" effect on your thinking.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is piece of fluff from a fool who need to upgrade his understanding. Oil is no longer the driving force of industrial progress in the West.

Reality ... oil was, is and will continue to be the main focus in the area, regardless of who is the president of the US_of_A.

US does not give a damn about that. US companies may facilitate its distribution but oil is not the linchpin of US economy as it once was and soon it will be irrelevant.

Your perceptions, but not the reality on the use of oil in the US_of_A.

Dude go take some meds with this bullshit about perceptions. Get to know what a perception is before you use the term casually as if it is a base term for your ignorant moral relativism. A perception is mere raw input not a conception.


One know a thing because they have analyzed the percipient inputs  on varying levels. They do not stupidly twinkle their toes and say this is what it is because I think that is that it is at the moment. The criteria for rational theory selection is circumscribed by about 7 basic elements  and none say perception is a base condition.


You are allowed to get away with that stupid statement because you are and idiot and the board, alas, has no prohibitions to idiots.

Storndumborn words believing that he is the only person versed on the issues.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
That was not a consequence of the US but because the US left and the could not govern themselves but resorted to quasi inter-tribal Muslim sectarianism.
US_of_A was in the country with the main focus to maintain the flow of oil to the America.

While one may have their perspective on the issue, inter_tribal issues existed and will continue for eons.
dum dum...the use has reduced its foreign dependency almost completely! They US has excess capacity. The need for oil is also dropping drastically as the drive to a green economy is a necessity.

That oil is the cause of the prevailing evil inter tribal Muslim warfare ( with delusions of global domination) is unadulterated nonsense.
Your usual tangential expressions.

Listen you dumb shit head....tangential issues is excusing Muslim sectarian cruelty and the obsession with murdering non Muslims. I wonder what does the Yadzis etc have to do with oil when they lived in the region long before Mohamed was born. Yet these folks are being murdered by a bestial brand of Islam. That is the issue not your bullshit excuse about oil.

"dumb shit head, bullshit" .. it takes a short while before you sink deep into your usual expressions.

My usual expressions is to call ignoramuses like you what you are. I am abundant with disparaging words for the likes of twits like you. Thanks to the fecundity of the English language.

Relish in your personal joys, though falsely, about your thoughts and expressions.

Stupid non informational babbling as usual......go and change our diapers. Maybe it has a "tangential" effect on your thinking.

"go and change our diapers" ... Stormdumborn has large reminders around himself to ensure that he make his regular changes.          


Chief, you're making the point that the US's foreign policy is oil-driven.


I wish to look at that from the angle of those who believe that and that the Western Christians are in some form of war against the Muslims.


Firstly, note that the only conflict where at least one party is non-Muslim is the Israel/Palestinian conflict.In this conflict no Arab country is helping the Hamas military struggle, but the lone contributor is the Shiite Iran. Could this be because half of the Palestinians are Semite? The Arab Palestinians were Arabicized over the years.



Secondly, the US is not at war against any country, but is on a campaign against terrorists with danger or potential danger to the US. Note that

Obama’s foreign policy in Iraq called for 10,000 US special Ops “advisors” to be on the ground – a proposition that Maliki opposed. Obama knows that America is (a) war-weary” and (b) must not fight an asymmetric war with tools like Bush used. He is smart enough to know that drones, attack helicopters, fighter jets, and embedded special Ops forces with sophisticated weaponry can defeat groups like ISIL.


Thirdly, the word Islamicist is used in today’s lexicon to describe people who call themselves Muslims and whose life is consumed by the religion they call Islam.

Well, these people are not following Islam and secondly they are not demographically citizens of any country but extremists of some greater principle than nation-state. When you take this thinking to an extreme you then fall into an ideology as a frame of mind.

This radicalization BTW is what is going on in the UK by British-born “Muslims”.


I take it Chief that you support the use of this sentence by the author of the article you posted "The Muslim world isn’t as ignorant as Christian crusaders, the military industrial complex and the vast know-nothing right wing would have you believe.".


This author Werleman does not mention the sizable oil reserves of the US and Russia as well as that of Saudi Arabia that is not in conflict with the US. For you to take this author seriously you'd have to ask him to show some hard facts, and saying "With a total of 44 U.S. military bases in the Middle East and the Central Asia, we have the Muslim world completely surrounded." does not add to his thesis. C'mon Chief, bring to this forum something of a more serious discourse than this. G_G. Nehru and Baseman would post stuff like this. You are of much superior intellect than these cats.


Originally Posted by Kari:

Chief, you're making the point that the US's foreign policy is oil-driven.


I wish to look at that from the angle of those who believe that and that the Western Christians are in some form of war against the Muslims.


Firstly, note that the only conflict where at least one party is non-Muslim is the Israel/Palestinian conflict.In this conflict no Arab country is helping the Hamas military struggle, but the lone contributor is the Shiite Iran. Could this be because half of the Palestinians are Semite? The Arab Palestinians were Arabicized over the years.



Secondly, the US is not at war against any country, but is on a campaign against terrorists with danger or potential danger to the US. Note that

Obama’s foreign policy in Iraq called for 10,000 US special Ops “advisors” to be on the ground – a proposition that Maliki opposed. Obama knows that America is (a) war-weary” and (b) must not fight an asymmetric war with tools like Bush used. He is smart enough to know that drones, attack helicopters, fighter jets, and embedded special Ops forces with sophisticated weaponry can defeat groups like ISIL.


Thirdly, the word Islamicist is used in today’s lexicon to describe people who call themselves Muslims and whose life is consumed by the religion they call Islam.

Well, these people are not following Islam and secondly they are not demographically citizens of any country but extremists of some greater principle than nation-state. When you take this thinking to an extreme you then fall into an ideology as a frame of mind.

This radicalization BTW is what is going on in the UK by British-born “Muslims”.


I take it Chief that you support the use of this sentence by the author of the article you posted "The Muslim world isn’t as ignorant as Christian crusaders, the military industrial complex and the vast know-nothing right wing would have you believe.".


This author Werleman does not mention the sizable oil reserves of the US and Russia as well as that of Saudi Arabia that is not in conflict with the US. For you to take this author seriously you'd have to ask him to show some hard facts, and saying "With a total of 44 U.S. military bases in the Middle East and the Central Asia, we have the Muslim world completely surrounded." does not add to his thesis. C'mon Chief, bring to this forum something of a more serious discourse than this. G_G. Nehru and Baseman would post stuff like this. You are of much superior intellect than these cats.



Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Chief:
So the author is saying it is oil, if it is not oil then why is the US THERE?
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is piece of fluff from a fool who need to upgrade his understanding.

It is air headed fluff that ignores the seriousness of a murderous brand of political islam pretending to be the new Genghis Khan intent on world domination. This is not even remotely about oil. The Yadzis and Gnostic Christians who were residents some half a millennium before Mohamed was born  has not target on their backs saying the support western oil greed. They are being murdered because they are not muslims and these locusts believe only Muslims of their ilk is allowed in the world. For that the need to die.

I wonder if you are not the fluff here.

Why Iraq was invaded?




I copied and posted  the article with all it's highlights because of Demerara Guy.


DG is consistent with his argument( like so many others) that America's only interest in the middle east is because of oil.

Originally Posted by Nehru:




I cannot understand why you choose to make these stupid alleagations against Kari.

Originally Posted by Chief:



I copied and posted  the article with all it's highlights because of Demerara Guy.


DG is consistent with his argument( like so many others) that America's only interest in the middle east is because of oil.

he is wan consistent jackass. Aye alyh na know de USA a export aile now? Hey hey hey...DG a wan irrelevant jackass. 

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Chief:



I copied and posted  the article with all it's highlights because of Demerara Guy.


DG is consistent with his argument( like so many others) that America's only interest in the middle east is because of oil.

he is wan consistent jackass. Aye alyh na know de USA a export aile now? Hey hey hey...DG a wan irrelevant jackass. 

Senior citizens deserve respect!!

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:




I cannot understand why you choose to make these stupid alleagations against Kari.

Because I want to. It is called Freedom Of Speech!!!

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Chief:



I copied and posted  the article with all it's highlights because of Demerara Guy.


DG is consistent with his argument( like so many others) that America's only interest in the middle east is because of oil.

he is wan consistent jackass. Aye alyh na know de USA a export aile now? Hey hey hey...DG a wan irrelevant jackass. 

Senior citizens deserve respect!!

Hey hey hey...he is wan jackass 

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:




I cannot understand why you choose to make these stupid alleagations against Kari.

Because I want to. It is called Freedom Of Speech!!!

Under freedom of speech there are conditions. In this day and age to call someone a terrorist apologist is serious shit.


Attorney Baldeo used to dig holes for others today his ass is looking at jail time.


Hope under freedom of speech you nor your children do not fall in the hole you are digging for others.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:




I cannot understand why you choose to make these stupid alleagations against Kari.

Because I want to. It is called Freedom Of Speech!!!

Under freedom of speech there are conditions. In this day and age to call someone a terrorist apologist is serious shit.


Attorney Baldeo used to dig holes for others today his ass is looking at jail time.


Hope under freedom of speech you nor your children do not fall in the hole you are digging for others.

You better watch out . A two face IDIOT like you is also a threat to western Society!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:




I cannot understand why you choose to make these stupid alleagations against Kari.

Because I want to. It is called Freedom Of Speech!!!

Under freedom of speech there are conditions. In this day and age to call someone a terrorist apologist is serious shit.


Attorney Baldeo used to dig holes for others today his ass is looking at jail time.


Hope under freedom of speech you nor your children do not fall in the hole you are digging for others.

You better watch out . A two face IDIOT like you is also a threat to western Society!!

You na deserve fa live in western society. Goh live in de feces hole Bihir. Yuh mentality mek foh Bihir UP. 

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:




I cannot understand why you choose to make these stupid alleagations against Kari.

Because I want to. It is called Freedom Of Speech!!!

Under freedom of speech there are conditions. In this day and age to call someone a terrorist apologist is serious shit.


Attorney Baldeo used to dig holes for others today his ass is looking at jail time.


Hope under freedom of speech you nor your children do not fall in the hole you are digging for others.

You better watch out . A two face IDIOT like you is also a threat to western Society!!

You na deserve fa live in western society. Goh live in de feces hole Bihir. Yuh mentality mek foh Bihir UP. 

Look who is talking, an ILLITERATE CRABDAAG!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:





Did you read the piece? what is it that points to the conclusion above.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:




I cannot understand why you choose to make these stupid alleagations against Kari.

Because I want to. It is called Freedom Of Speech!!!

Under freedom of speech there are conditions. In this day and age to call someone a terrorist apologist is serious shit.


Attorney Baldeo used to dig holes for others today his ass is looking at jail time.


Hope under freedom of speech you nor your children do not fall in the hole you are digging for others.

You better watch out . A two face IDIOT like you is also a threat to western Society!!

You na deserve fa live in western society. Goh live in de feces hole Bihir. Yuh mentality mek foh Bihir UP. 

Look who is talking, an ILLITERATE CRABDAAG!!!

Yuh does eat crab daag nah? And den yuh does go tell de pandit in Richmond Hill how yuh is high caste. Hey hey...

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Chief:
So the author is saying it is oil, if it is not oil then why is the US THERE?
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is piece of fluff from a fool who need to upgrade his understanding.

It is air headed fluff that ignores the seriousness of a murderous brand of political islam pretending to be the new Genghis Khan intent on world domination. This is not even remotely about oil. The Yadzis and Gnostic Christians who were residents some half a millennium before Mohamed was born  has not target on their backs saying the support western oil greed. They are being murdered because they are not muslims and these locusts believe only Muslims of their ilk is allowed in the world. For that the need to die.

I wonder if you are not the fluff here.

Why Iraq was invaded?

You can wonder all you want it will not evade the reality that a murderous lot claiming to be Muslims on the ground that will be exterminated. You are making excuses for them


Since you asked, Iraq was invaded on false information but that invasion was coming regardless. Saddam was in gross threat violation with his gassing of the Kurds. That alone should have had troops to Baghdad.


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