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Former Member

Nagamootoo stripped of all “line responsibilities”

President “reconfigures” Executive structure

…now reports to Min of Presidency Harmon
On Thursday, January 14, in his first address to the National Assembly in this year, which he had dubbed

President David Granger

President David Granger

“Year of Renaissance”,  President David Granger announced  a “reconfiguration” of his governing Executive structure, which saw the Office of the Prime Minister, headed by PM Moses Nagamootoo, subsumed into the Ministry of the Presidency,  led by State Minister Joseph Harmon.
In a wide-ranging speech evidently patterned on the US President’s annual “State of the Union” message, rather than the traditional local single presidential opening of the five-year Parliament, President Granger stated flatly, “The Ministry of the Presidency has been reconfigured to combine the Offices of the President, Vice President and Prime Minister and Ministers of State, Citizenship and Social Cohesion.  This combination enhances governance and, especially through the Office of the Prime Minister, manages the Government’s business and legislative agenda in the National Assembly.”
The “Ministry of the Presidency” was an organisational innovation announced at the very start of the new Administration and at first was thought to have replaced the position of “Secretary  to the Cabinet” in the preceding Administrations. The last incumbent in that position was Dr Roger Luncheon, who served as the spokesperson for the Cabinet on decisions reached.
In the first seven months of the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC)

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo

Prime Minister
Moses Nagamootoo

Government, the retired Lieutenant Colonel Harmon was soon seen to be deploying a wide range of powers that made him the de-facto second in command after the Executive President, rather than as was traditional, the Prime Minister. Nagamootoo of the AFC had been appointed as Prime Minister as part of the coalition-sealing Cummingsburg Accord.
Traditionally, the Prime Minister was the leader of Government business in the National Assembly,  and was also given a substantive and substantial line Ministry. The long-serving People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) PM Samuel Hinds, for instance, had been in charge of Energy. In the new “reconfiguration”, the President explained, Nagamootoo would now be sharing in leading the Government’s bills in the National Assembly with the other Ministries coming under the umbrella of the Ministry of the Presidency.
The President went on to explicitly describe the powers and the remit of the Ministers of Social Cohesion and Citizenship within the Ministry of the Presidency, but made no mention of any additional duties for Nagamootoo as Prime Minister. Earlier, it had been reported that Nagamootoo had finally been allocated the “governance” portfolio from Raphael Trotman in addition to overseeing the State media, but this was evidently not so.
In the present instance, however, the powers of the Prime Minister had been explicitly negotiated when the

State Minister Joseph Harmon

State Minister Joseph Harmon

APNU/AFC coalition was being brokered. In a very prescient letter back in September 2015, veteran journalist Rickey Singh had written, “The core features of what emerged as a so-called Cummingsburg Accord (named after the venue of the agreement) had provided for the traditional enormous powers of an Executive President as Head of State as well as the constitutional responsibilities allotted to the Prime Minister – normally number two person in the Guyana Cabinet. Currently, the President seems busily engaged in the further constitutional empowerment of his former Army colleague, ex-Guyana Defence Force Colonel Joseph Harmon. This leaves no doubt about the reality of a twosome power status quo-he and ‘comrade’ Joe. ”
Mr Singh’s column had been pulled from the State-owned Chronicle after he expressed these sentiments.
In addition to placing Nagamootoo’s PM office under the auspices of the Ministry of the Presidency, President Granger also explicitly denuded his Prime Minister from any “line responsibility” such as “governance” or “media” oversight.  The President explained, “We have recruited a resourceful team of 14 ‘line’ Ministers from our six-party coalition for the purpose of promoting economic growth.”
He went on to painstakingly describe the duties and responsibilities of the 14 “line Ministers”: Ministry of Business, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Public Telecommunications, Ministry of Communities , Ministry of Education, Ministry of Social Protection, Ministry of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Ministry of Indigenous People’s Affairs, Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ministry of Public Security.
A Ministry of “Governance” or “Information” for Nagamootoo were not mentioned.
Notably, the Cummingsburg Accord stipulates that the Prime Minister should have responsibility for domestic affairs and chairing the Cabinet; recommending ministerial appointments and providing the organisational structures for Ministries for approval of the President, and appointing Heads of Agencies and Constitutional Commissions.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

QUOTE “Year of Renaissance”,  President David Granger announced  a “reconfiguration” of his governing Executive structure, which saw the Office of the Prime Minister, headed by PM Moses Nagamootoo, subsumed into the Ministry of the Presidency,  led by State Minister Joseph Harmon.UNQUOTE


The fact is that Granger should not have promised the AFC any position for their support, considering the very few votes that the party brought in. Nagamootoo blackmailed Granger and now Granger giving him his dhall. 

asj posted:

Whatever his demotion is called, it is very shameful.


Want to believe (not certain) that Granger might be suffering from some chronic desease (possibly heart) and there is a fear that he might kick the bucket. So his reason for selecting the second to him.......might be in line of the PNC way of thinking.

Drugb posted:

The fact is that Granger should not have promised the AFC any position for their support, considering the very few votes that the party brought in. Nagamootoo blackmailed Granger and now Granger giving him his dhall. 

The AFC were conned big time, on the Cummingsburg Accord.............

PNC and UF story is playing out once more.


Nagamootoo doesn't give a rat's a$$ about responsibilities and Cummingsburd Accord and Harmon or nothing of that sort.  He got his salary increase, his million dollar home, and his new SUV with a private driver.  And a pension that is bigger than Jagdeo's after a few months on the job.  Case Closed!

And he say fuh tell Ayuh that New York bake and saltfish taste good.  He is having seconds this morning!!

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

Larwah and bigger Larwah…

…for Nagamootoo
It’s now quite obvious former President Donald Ramotar knew what he was talking about. On hearing his erstwhile comrade of scores of years, Moses Nagamootoo had teamed with the PNC-led APNU coalition to oust the PPP from Government, Ramotar predicted in Nagamootoo’s home village of Whim: “Moses is going to get Larwah”.
Now while a tad scatological, “Larwah” has the same connotation of “getting wood” – that is, you’re not only getting ZILCH for your snivelling but you’re also going to get “screwed” royally. And so said, so done. In spades. Ever since the coalition took office, it’s been one humiliating stripping of powers from Nagamootoo’s office of “Prime Minister” after another. Even though the said powers had been carved in the “stone of Cummingsburg” – or so did THIS Moses think.
Charging the Cabinet? Soooory! But Nagamootoo can sit next to Pressie and maybe take notes? In charge of governance? Soooory! That’s for Trotman, the same AFC fella who pipped him when he, Nagamootoo, was the OFFICIAL AFC nominee for the Speaker in the last Parliament. The poor shmuck tried to assert himself on some junior Chronicle reporter as the “Information Minister” – but had to pull back because of public outrage.
What’s left? Well… there’s his SUV and his title and powers as PRIME MINISTER. Now even the latter’s gone! Addressing the National Assembly last Thursday, President Granger gave a remarkably candid description of the portfolios and powers of his Executive. Lest your humble Eyewitness be accused of being jaundiced, let him give you dear readers, a direct quote of Pressie’s: “The Ministry of the Presidency has been reconfigured to combine the offices of the President, Vice-President and Prime Minister and Ministers of State, Citizenship and Social Cohesion.”
Lest you can’t believe your eyes, let me restate what Pressie announced: Nagamootoo’s jobs as Vice President and Prime Minister ARE NOW COMBINED INTO THE MINISTRY OF THE PRESIDENCY! And lest you’ve forgotten, the Minister of the Ministry of the Presidency is no other that Lt Col Joseph Harmon. Nagamootoo now reports to Harmon.
So what are Nagamootoo’s “powers”? Well, Pressie did say he still “manages” government business in the National Assembly – but in tandem with the other ministers in the Ministry of the Presidency! If we were playing strip poker with one piece of Nagamootoo’s clothing removed for each “power” stripped, he’s be down to his bukta. Which would be his “Information” portfolio, right?
Wrong!! Pressie went on to enumerate the powers of the 14 “line Ministers” in his “reorganised Executive, and “Information” was nowhere to be seen.
Nagamootoo didn’t just get Larwah – he got Larwah engorged!

…for Guyanese motorists
Like most working stiffs slogging away for a salary, your diligent Eyewitness was able to own a car for the first time under the PPP government. Along with 10,000 other Guyanese every year. But with everything sweet, car ownership has its downside. In this case, the need to feed the iron beast gasoline every week. That took a big chunk from Your Eyewitness’ paycheque.
So when the price of gas headed towards the floor from more than US$100 a barrel and his cousins in NY were having their gas prices slashed, your Eyewitness eagerly awaited having all those savings to spend on his family. And waited… and waited… We were “free enterprise like America, no? And supply and demand, ran the economy, no?
No! Because he’s still waiting. So where’d the savings go from the cheaper oil? In the pockets of the government, that’s where! The government’s been raising the taxes on oil, to wipe out any savings passed on to us, dear readers.
Maybe it’s time to send a message on the streets?

…for sugar workers
A little twa-twa told your Eyewitness the govt’s going to close Wales estate and throw 1700 persons on the breadline.
These fellas really believe revenge is best served cold!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nagamootoo doesn't give a rat's a$$ about responsibilities and Cummingsburd Accord and Harmon or nothing of that sort.  He got his salary increase, his million dollar home, and his new SUV with a private driver.  And a pension that is bigger than Jagdeo's after a few months on the job.  Case Closed!

And he say fuh tell Ayuh that New York bake and saltfish taste good.  He is having seconds this morning!!

Bibi, you make sense - this is a government for the PENSION.



Pension and Prags first, People last.



KishanB posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nagamootoo doesn't give a rat's a$$ about responsibilities and Cummingsburd Accord and Harmon or nothing of that sort.  He got his salary increase, his million dollar home, and his new SUV with a private driver.  And a pension that is bigger than Jagdeo's after a few months on the job.  Case Closed!

And he say fuh tell Ayuh that New York bake and saltfish taste good.  He is having seconds this morning!!

Bibi, you make sense - this is a government for the PENSION.

 Pension and Prags first, People last.

Is nat what alyuh wanted.  Alyuh saw the back of the PPP hurrah, now PNC flipping alyuh the birdie.  Now, just how all the North American katahars used to cuss out the PPP, now is a chance to cuss out PNC.  But I guess not.  Tail between your legs, hiding under a rock is the new katahar position and place!  All them gon sit it out here in the US/Canada and the Indians in Guyana will have to deal with the reality on the ground!

asj posted:

Larwah and bigger Larwah…

Hope you enjoying the "larwah"!!

baseman posted:
KishanB posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nagamootoo doesn't give a rat's a$$ about responsibilities and Cummingsburd Accord and Harmon or nothing of that sort.  He got his salary increase, his million dollar home, and his new SUV with a private driver.  And a pension that is bigger than Jagdeo's after a few months on the job.  Case Closed!

And he say fuh tell Ayuh that New York bake and saltfish taste good.  He is having seconds this morning!!

Bibi, you make sense - this is a government for the PENSION.

 Pension and Prags first, People last.

Is nat what alyuh wanted.  Alyuh saw the back of the PPP hurrah, now PNC flipping alyuh the birdie.  Now, just how all the North American katahars used to cuss out the PPP, now is a chance to cuss out PNC.  But I guess not.  Tail between your legs, hiding under a rock is the new katahar position and place!  All them gon sit it out here in the US/Canada and the Indians in Guyana will have to deal with the reality on the ground!

It was important for the PPP to go.  That is now over.  Time to ride out this human development disaster and then hope and work for the best in 2020.


What I will guaranteed at this pace Guyana shall have no hydro, no wind and no solar by 2020.


The intellect right now is not there to deliver on this.


Baseman, them bowy say on GNI you is a CEO of a big company.  You know from running your company that the first thing you look at is the runway of revenue inflows?



KishanB posted:
baseman posted:
KishanB posted:

Bibi, you make sense - this is a government for the PENSION.

 Pension and Prags first, People last.

Is nat what alyuh wanted.  Alyuh saw the back of the PPP hurrah, now PNC flipping alyuh the birdie.  Now, just how all the North American katahars used to cuss out the PPP, now is a chance to cuss out PNC.  But I guess not.  Tail between your legs, hiding under a rock is the new katahar position and place!  All them gon sit it out here in the US/Canada and the Indians in Guyana will have to deal with the reality on the ground!

It was important for the PPP to go.  That is now over.  Time to ride out this human development disaster and then hope and work for the best in 2020.

What I will guaranteed at this pace Guyana shall have no hydro, no wind and no solar by 2020.

The intellect right now is not there to deliver on this.

At the rate the PNC is going, there will be little to nothing by 2020.  What you expect to magically happen in 2020?  Short of a PPP victory to reestablish rule of law and economic growth, Guyana under the PNC heading right back into the abyss!

Remember, the PPP had hydro in the bag, alyuh use your on-seat to scuttle the program, now Norway bitch-lap alyuh!  Some people have no shame!

baseman posted:
asj posted:

Larwah and bigger Larwah…

Hope you enjoying the "larwah"!!

Tell us when you were disguised as a woman and coming on GNI to solicit men, and taking Larwah, morning noon and night

Were you enjoying it then?


asj posted:
baseman posted:
asj posted:

Larwah and bigger Larwah…

Hope you enjoying the "larwah"!!

Tell us when you were disguised as a woman and coming on GNI to solicit men, and taking Larwah, morning noon and night

Were you enjoying it then?


Easy ASJ easy, Don't get into personal stuff with the members.


I have always said Nagamoottoo was not THE MAN. And that Granger was going keep a close eye on him. Granger is no fool to Nagamootoo's schinanigans in the past. Nagamoottoo fail to distance himself from his contacts of his old PPP days. These people without scruples followed him, everywhere. They must have gotten some perks already for the friendship.

Nagamootoo do not have any leadership qualities, so also is Ramjattan. They are opportunists, hanging onto the shirt tail of CBJ. Another fool of Guyana's leaders.  


Former President Bharrat Jagdeo, in October last year, had advised swift action against corrupt persons under his watch.

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo
Mr Jagdeo, who is now Opposition Leader, had told reporters that Government should “find” them “and lock them up”.

Now ...

Please tell us

why Jagdeo & Bobby Ramroop crying in the Guyana times...


Like Kwame lef dem and gone back to Julius...

Home > NEWS > Do nothing, fear nothing — says President on SOCU probe
President David Granger
President David Granger

Do nothing, fear nothing — says President on SOCU probe


THE interviewing of several senior members of the PPP on alleged fraud at the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) has attracted some criticism of harassment, but President David Granger has said: “If there is nothing to hide”, then “there is nothing to fear”.

Recently, several high-level officials of the PPP, namely former Prime Minister Samuel Hinds; former Advisor on Governance, Gail Teixeira; former Housing and Tourism Minister Irfaan Ali, and Member of Parliament (MP) Nigel Dharamlall were called in for questioning by the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU).

 Opposition Chief Whip Gail Teixeira

Opposition Chief Whip Gail Teixeira

The allegations of fraud stem from an audit report conducted by former Auditor General Anand Goolsarran, which has resulted in the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of NICIL, Winston Brassington, and his deputy being sent on leave.

Yesterday, former Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr Roger Luncheon, was also interviewed by SOCU.

This interviewing of the PPP top guns has been frowned upon by current party Chief Whip Gail Teixeira, who on Wednesday told reporters that, on separate occasions, her comrades were approached by ranks of SOCU, and “summoned on separate occasions to be questioned on issues surrounding the audit”.
Ms Teixeira did not disclose details of the interview, but said: “They (SOCU) said it’s the first phase of looking at the statements and issues raised in Mr Goolsarran’s report that relate to criminal activity.”

Mr Goolsarran, in his report, said numerous discrepancies were unearthed during the audit.

President Granger, on his weekly television programme “The Public Interest”, on Thursday told the Guyana Chronicle that there were problems with the holding company, and matters that require criminal investigations are determined by the Guyana Police Force.

SOCU is part of the Police Force. The claim of harassment is therefore groundless, but those with clean hands have nothing to fear, he told this publication.
“I don’t stop and start these investigations. Well, if they have nothing to hide, why should they complain? If they are interviewed, they should simply say what they know. Everyone knows that there were problems with the company in question, NICIL, and if they have done no wrong they have nothing to fear,” he said as he dismissed the claim of harassment.

“There has been no political direction, and I don’t get the impression that they have been called more than once. It is not that they have been frequently called (or that) the interviews have been stressful. I don’t see that there are grounds for [such] complaints,” he said.

Government, back in December, 2015, had turned over Mr Goolsarran’s report to the Guyana Police Force to facilitate its investigation.

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, in announcing the criminal probe, said Cabinet had deliberated on the report, submitted to it, and made several directives despite the fact that the Board of Directors of NICIL has not yet deliberated on the report.

The President said there were suggestions that the report, accompanying notes of the consultant and advice of the minister be surrendered to the Commissioner of Police and the Special Organised Crime Unit for investigation. As to whether there were any acts of criminality committed by those concerned, and the procedure to take the process forward, it was suggested that the said reports be submitted to the Auditor General for a more precise audit of its issues. It was also suggested that the Minister of Finance give instructions for a transaction audit of NICIL to be conducted and to facilitate all of these things; that the CEO and the deputy CEO of NICIL be sent on administrative leave immediately, pending the outcome of the actions that have to be taken, he added.

Brassington had denied any illicit actions, stating, “As far as I know, I have not broken any laws; and if Mr Goolsarran is suggesting it, then I believe I have a clear defence on why what we did was properly done, and we should not be held responsible. I am willing to testify, but you can’t bring a charge up on the basis of a law that has been clearly contradicted by all the lawyers, and there is no evidence of it being broken,” he said.

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo, in October last year, had advised swift action against corrupt persons under his watch.
Mr Jagdeo, who is now Opposition Leader, had told reporters that Government should “find” them “and lock them up”.

By Tajeram Mohabir

asj posted:

Whatever his demotion is called, it is very shameful.


Granger bought Moses a ticket to New York and then in his absence demoted him. Maybe it was a one way ticket. Presently, Rumjaat is being watched very closely by the PNC, I give him 9 months before he is kicked to the curb. Slowly, but surely the concentration of the government by the PNC is becoming obvious, and also the ethnic make up is predominantly BLACK. Not even 8 months and the coalition is diluted.

kp posted:

Granger bought Moses a ticket to New York and then in his absence demoted him. Maybe it was a one way ticket. Presently, Rumjaat is being watched very closely by the PNC, I give him 9 months before he is kicked to the curb. Slowly, but surely the concentration of the government by the PNC is becoming obvious, and also the ethnic make up is predominantly BLACK. Not even 8 months and the coalition is diluted.

Isn't that something!  How stupid people could be, all those who thought the PNC was a changed gorilla.  This is a play-by-play UF scenario.

Two years from now, all baseman's predictions will prove to be accurate!


Jalil, Granger is blowing smoke about the innocent having nothing to worry about. Remember when Basil Williams and  police commissioner Felix were talking about putting drugs in the luggage of a passenger to get her arrested, Felix telling Williams he helped them with covering up the shooting in Agricola. Now, Granger appointed them both as ministers, one as minister of legal affairs and the other as minister of citizenship. Also, there is the blotched spying on Guyanese by military personnel.


I predicted before the elections we will have "history repeating itself". Now we see Granger and Harmon taking the roles of Hitler and Himler.
How long more can the AFC stand to see the rape of the Guyanese taxpayers?

kp posted:
asj posted:

Whatever his demotion is called, it is very shameful.


Granger bought Moses a ticket to New York and then in his absence demoted him. Maybe it was a one way ticket. Presently, Rumjaat is being watched very closely by the PNC, I give him 9 months before he is kicked to the curb. Slowly, but surely the concentration of the government by the PNC is becoming obvious, and also the ethnic make up is predominantly BLACK. Not even 8 months and the coalition is diluted.

Bhai at least ...... Grange did not thief the state funds to buy ticket like PPP....Remember PPP thief the Govt Money and Buy ticket fuh parade "De PPP Prime Minista Elizabeth Harper" and parade she at them mandir in New York as de next Guyana PM.... and had all them hindu line up at de mandir fuh hang Mala pun she neck.....

Bhai wha happen to de PPP Queen Elizabeth

and De Mala.....and De Money them thief?


Also.....Bhai.... It look like the Guyanese people get who them vote for....Them Vote for a AFC-APNU govt with Granger as President & Moses as Prime Minister.....




The Guyanese Choose Ramotar & Harper as Opposition....

Not a single Guyanese vote for Jagdeo...but before the Ballot finish counting.....

Bharat Fire both Ramotar & Harper....

he want be Opposition Leader......

throwing Ramotar & Harper in the sewer

and cover them up....

we don't hear about them na mo.


Two years from now,

all baseman's predictions

will prove to be accurate!

Zed posted:

Jalil, Granger is blowing smoke about the innocent having nothing to worry about.

No one got charged yet...

Remember when Basil Williams and  police commissioner Felix were talking about putting drugs in the luggage of a passenger to get her arrested, Felix telling Williams he helped them with covering up the shooting in Agricola.

Now....You tell us why Jagdeo or the PPP could not use Roger Khan Tapes to charge these PNC members if they were committing any crime?

Now, Granger appointed them both as ministers, one as minister of legal affairs and the other as minister of citizenship.

Zed u support using information from .........

a convicted Drug Dealer,

Gun Smuggler,


Leader of the Phantom Killers and

murderer of PPP Minister Sash Swah & Entire Family......

to appoint the cabinet ministers in Guyana?


Also, there is the blotched spying on Guyanese by military personnel.

I agree the President must Provide more information on this.


Last edited by Former Member
seignet posted:

I have always said Nagamoottoo was not THE MAN.

Ok who is your man to replace Moses?

And that Granger was going keep a close eye on him.

Can or Will Granger Remove Moses as PM?

If he can when will he remove him?

Granger is no fool to Nagamootoo's schinanigans in the past.

Example...lets have a few?

Nagamoottoo fail to distance himself from his contacts of his old PPP days.

Should Granger distance himself from his Old PNC?????

These people without scruples followed him, everywhere. They must have gotten some perks already for the friendship.

So....Scruples people following PNC?

Nagamootoo do not have any leadership qualities, so also is Ramjattan. They are opportunists, hanging onto the shirt tail of CBJ. Another fool of Guyana's leaders.

Name your Scruples leader????  


baseman posted:

Jalil, are you going somewhere with this line of argument?

Bhai I am not arguing with you.....I am giving the facts.

Please show me if I said anything that is not True.


Prime Minister’s office slams Guyana Times’ “wicked, malicious and false” article about PM’s portfolio

The Prime Minister's office dismissed and rejected "the malicious, wicked and utterly false article" and issued a call on all Guyanese to "be aware of the campaign being executed by the Ramroop media group against the Coalition Government, particularly the Indo-Guyanese members and specifically Prime Minister and First Vice President, The Honourable Moses Nagamootoo."


In a strongly worded statement on Sunday afternoon, the Office of the Prime Minister has slammed a report in the Sunday edition of the Guyana Times about the Prime Minister losing line responsibilities in the government.

The Prime Minister’s office dismissed and rejected “the malicious, wicked and utterly false article” and issued a call on all Guyanese to “be aware of the campaign being executed by the Ramroop media group against the Coalition Government, particularly the Indo-Guyanese members and specifically Prime Minister and First Vice President, The Honourable Moses Nagamootoo.”

The Guyana Times article was also reproduced on the online media site, I-News. Both Guyana Times and I-News are owned and controlled by the Ramroop Media Group. That media group is owned by the Dr. Bobby Ramroop who is the best friend of the Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo.

According to the statement from the Prime Minister’s Office, “reeling from the abysmal failure of the PPP’s widespread call to supporters in North America to picket Prime Minister Nagamootoo on his current trip to New York, the Bharrat Jagdeo-facilitated Ramroop media group has resorted to its familiar tactic of manufacturing untruths and misinformation, attempting to pass it off as credible journalism.”

“This is vile, reprehensible, unprofessional and against all journalistic ethics and codes. OPM calls on all Guyanese to forthrightly condemn this dastardly politically directed campaign”, the statement said.

The Prime Minister’s office has also issued a call on the Guyana Press Association (GPA) to take note of the “trend of abuse of media for the purposes of political attacks, spreading misinformation, falsehoods and exciting the populace.”

President David Granger recently announced a number of new government and cabinet responsibilities being added to the Prime Minister’s portfolio.  Previously, the PPP had dismissed the Prime Minister’s Public Information portfolio as being on the same level of an information officer under its government.

The government has also dismissed those statements and may have caught the opposition off guard with the recent announcement which has resulted in Mr. Nagamootoo being  Leader of Government business in the National Assembly and in charge of the government portfolios for Public Information, Constitutional Reform, Governance, Supervising/coordinating functions with ministries involved with domestic affairs and Cabinet co-chair.

During the President’s recent address to the Parliament he made clear the direction in which he intends to see his government heading.

President Granger said “The Ministry of the Presidency has been reconfigured to combine the offices of the President, Vice-President and Prime Minister and Ministers of State, Citizenship and Social Cohesion. This combination enhances governance and, especially through the Office of the Prime Minister, manages the government’s business and legislative agenda in the National Assembly.”

The Office of the Prime Minister said that statement has been “deliberately and mischievously” misrepresented by Guyana Times “for the purposes of its abominable and odious misinformation scheme.”


The Prime Minister’s office dismissed and rejected “the malicious, wicked and utterly false article” and issued a call on all Guyanese to “be aware of the campaign being executed by the Ramroop media group against the Coalition Government, particularly the Indo-Guyanese members and specifically Prime Minister and First Vice President, The Honourable Moses Nagamootoo.”


The Guyana Times article was also reproduced on the online media site, I-News. Both Guyana Times and I-News are owned and controlled by the Ramroop Media Group. That media group is owned by the Dr. Bobby Ramroop who is the best friend of the Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo.


According to the statement from the Prime Minister’s Office,“reeling from the abysmal failure of the PPP’s widespread call to supporters in North America to picket Prime Minister Nagamootoo on his current trip to New York,

the Bharrat Jagdeo-facilitated Ramroop media group has resorted to its familiar tactic of manufacturing untruths and misinformation, attempting to pass it off as credible journalism.”

Drugb posted:

Moses has been relegated to dwabing bottom house with cow dung. What  a pitiful man. 

What is pitiful about that??  Those are established functions of House Slaves!!!!!!!!!



Media release
Sunday, January 17th, 2016

OPM dismisses and rejects false Guyana Times article

GEORGETOWN – The Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) dismisses and rejects the malicious, wicked and utterly false article relating to Cabinet portfolios as published in today’s edition of the Guyana Times. OPM calls on all Guyanese to be aware of the campaign being executed by the Ramroop media group against the Coalition Government, particularly the Indo-Guyanese members and specifically Prime Minister and First Vice President, The Honourable Moses Nagamootoo.

Reeling from the abysmal failure of the PPP’s widespread call to supporters in North America to picket Prime Minister Nagamootoo on his current trip to New York, the Bharrat Jagdeo-facilitated Ramroop media group has resorted to its familiar tactic of manufacturing untruths and misinformation, attempting to pass it off as credible journalism. (It must be remembered as well that the failed New York protest calls follow identical calls to picket Prime Minister Nagamootoo in Toronto last year which also fell on deaf ears.)

This is vile, reprehensible, unprofessional and against all journalistic ethics and codes. OPM calls on all Guyanese to forthrightly condemn this dastardly politically directed campaign.

OPM also calls on the Guyana Press Association (GPA) to take note of this clearly decipherable trend of abuse of media for the purposes of political attacks, spreading misinformation, falsehoods and exciting the populace.

This latest attack by Guyana Times strategically follows the recent announcement that Prime Minister Nagamootoo's portfolio has been expanded and includes:

• Leader of Government business in the National Assembly
• Public Information
• Constitutional Reform
• Governance
• Supervising/coordinating functions with ministries involved with domestic affairs
• Cabinet co-chair

Minister Raphael Trotman who previously held the Governance portfolio has formally handed over all matters relating to Governance to Prime Minister Nagamootoo. Transfer of Governance staff to OPM has also been completed.

Further, His Excellency, President Brig. David Granger, was clear and deliberate in this presentation to Parliament:

"The Ministry of the Presidency has been reconfigured to combine the offices of the President, Vice-President and Prime Minister and Ministers of State, Citizenship and Social Cohesion. This combination enhances governance and, especially through the Office of the Prime Minister, manages the government’s business and legislative agenda in the National Assembly."

This statement has been deliberately and mischievously misrepresented by Guyana Times for the purposes of its abominable and odious misinformation scheme.

His Excellency, President Granger and Prime Minister Nagamootoo continue to work closely to move Guyana forward in the interest of achieving a better life for all Guyanese.

Despite persistent but failed attempts to weaken the Coalition Government the Jagdeo/Rohee Opposition is evidently on a relentless campaign to spread and perpetuate confusion and mischief while ignoring and disregarding the requirements for ethical practices in journalism.

OPM also views as timely, the recollection of pertinent facts with regard to this PPP orchestrated campaign:

1. It was the Nagamootoo-piloted No Confidence Motion that was the precursor to the loss of power by Jagdeo/Ramotar regime.

It is obvious that Prime Minister Nagamootoo’s No Confidence Motion has been accepted by the PPP as critical to its demitting office and the Prime Minister is being targeted in the foulest of ways for an unrelenting assault on his character and portfolio. This media onslaught bears the hallmarks of a racist obsession with denuding the powers and influence of the Prime Minister. In recent times the politics of Opposition Leader Jagdeo has been personal and vindictive – the thrust being an attempt to demean Prime Minister Nagamootoo, purely as an act of spite and vengeance for tabling the fateful No Confidence Motion.

2. PPP Prime Minister Sam Hinds' office was housed at Wight's Lane in Kingston, in a facility that was inadequate, congested, cramped, dusty and cobwebbed and wholly unfit.

This necessitated a move to more suitable accommodation for OPM, following the historic May 11, 2015 elections. It is evident that the PPP is using its web of media influence and resources in attempting to divert attention from this embarrassing revelation with regard to how former Prime Minister Hinds was being shabbily and disrespectfully treated.

3. The official residence of the Prime Minister was in such a neglected state that repairs are still ongoing under the auspices of the National Trust as the building is a heritage site. Another source of discomfiture for the former PPP regime.

4. It was the Guyana Times which published similar falsehoods, such as the fake article about government seeking to acquire a fleet of high priced, luxury SUVs. This story, like others, was debunked and exposed as fiction by the Coalition Government.

It is now beyond doubt that the primary purpose of Guyana Times is to function purely as a PPP propaganda rag in conjunction with TVG, and other media appendages, such as the recently acquired iNews website, and other outfits owned and operated by Dr. Ranjisinghi 'Bobby' Ramroop, who, it is well known, shares a close personal relationship with Opposition Leader Jagdeo. Citizen’s Report, the internet news website, and the Freedom House operated radio station also form part of this media cabal.

OPM alerts the public to this and advises citizens not to be taken in by the daily flood of opposition lies, falsehoods, mischief and untruths emanating from the Ramroop media group which is operating with an unmistakable agenda that is politically directed.

Imran Khan
Press Secretary to Prime Minister Moses V. Nagamootoo

Nehru posted:
Drugb posted:

Moses has been relegated to dwabing bottom house with cow dung. What  a pitiful man

What is pitiful about that??  Those are established functions of House Slaves!!!!!!!!!

Pitiful is when a Big Seed Godey Bhai blindly pooja a next funny fella who cannot avoid scratching his dutty seeds in public at an Indian Parade.

That is the established Functions of "De Dutty Seed Fellas"


I do not see what all the brouhaha is about, is this quoted statement incorrect?

QUOTE “Year of Renaissance”,  President David Granger announced  a “reconfiguration” of his governing Executive structure, which saw the Office of the Prime Minister, headed by PM Moses Nagamootoo, subsumed into the Ministry of the Presidency,  led by State Minister Joseph Harmon.UNQUOTE


What I do understand is that

1) Granger is the top man
2) Harmon is the number two
3) Nagamootoo is the number three

Do I have that right?


He went on to painstakingly describe the duties and responsibilities of the 14 “line Ministers”: Ministry of Business, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Public Telecommunications, Ministry of Communities , Ministry of Education, Ministry of Social Protection, Ministry of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Ministry of Indigenous People’s Affairs, Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ministry of Public Security.
A Ministry of “Governance” or “Information” for Nagamootoo were not mentioned.


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