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If Nagamootoo head this before then it has been simply taken away from him and relegated to 14 ministries

A Ministry of “Governance” or “Information” for Nagamootoo were not mentioned.

asj posted:

I do not see what all the brouhaha is about, is this quoted statement incorrect?

QUOTE “Year of Renaissance”,  President David Granger announced  a “reconfiguration” of his governing Executive structure, which saw the Office of the Prime Minister, headed by PM Moses Nagamootoo, subsumed into the Ministry of the Presidency,  led by State Minister Joseph Harmon.UNQUOTE


What I do understand is that

1) Granger is the top man
2) Harmon is the number two
3) Nagamootoo is the number three

Do I have that right? No- Scratch again

Why these Dutty Seed Fellas.... insisting that Harmon is #2.

Look like everytime they scratch-de-seed they come up with a new story.

asj posted:

I do not see what all the brouhaha is about, is this quoted statement incorrect?

QUOTE “Year of Renaissance”,  President David Granger announced  a “reconfiguration” of his governing Executive structure, which saw the Office of the Prime Minister, headed by PM Moses Nagamootoo, subsumed into the Ministry of the Presidency,  led by State Minister Joseph Harmon.UNQUOTE


What I do understand is that

1) Granger is the top man
2) Harmon is the number two
3) Nagamootoo is the number three

Do I have that right?

This is a quote from the Guyana Times, not from Granger. It is inaccurate.

Mars posted:
asj posted:

I do not see what all the brouhaha is about, is this quoted statement incorrect?

QUOTE “Year of Renaissance”,  President David Granger announced  a “reconfiguration” of his governing Executive structure, which saw the Office of the Prime Minister, headed by PM Moses Nagamootoo, subsumed into the Ministry of the Presidency,  led by State Minister Joseph Harmon.UNQUOTE


What I do understand is that

1) Granger is the top man
2) Harmon is the number two
3) Nagamootoo is the number three

Do I have that right?

This is a quote from the Guyana Times, not from Granger. It is inaccurate.

I did not specifically say, that it was a quote from Granger, I know that it is a quote from Guyana Times, and that is how they reported it viz

President “reconfigures” Executive structure

…now reports to Min of Presidency Harmon

and what I read it to mean is that the line duties that was assigned to Nagamootoo, has now been subsumed into the Ministry of the Presidency,  led by State Minister Joseph, and I would take to further mean that If Nagamootoo head this (A Ministry of “Governance” or “Information” ) before, then it has been simply taken away from him and relegated to 14 ministries

I can be wrong, but this is how I understand it.




Guyana Puke Times should be forced to close down because of their bullshit reporting. Every dam time an article is posted here from this puke rag always prove to be lies and these ingnoramus ones here gather round it like flies to cowshit.

asj, why the rass you love posting crap banna?

cain posted:

Guyana Puke Times should be forced to close down because of their bullshit reporting. Every dam time an article is posted here from this puke rag always prove to be lies and these ingnoramus ones here gather round it like flies to cowshit.

asj, why the rass you love posting crap banna?

Cain, if I had a choice to listen to what Guyana Times is saying and what the PNC Office of the President is saying then I would go with Guyana Times. In this case I think  that Guyana Times is more genuine. The President Office is just giving  their spin that means nothing.

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Where is Stormy and Kari Meeber? Dem boys deployed the best of their propaganda skills in campaigning for the coalition and now they are left with their mouth wide opened.   

Those two fellow are in self exile, ashamed to show their faces on GNI.  Soon we may see them resurface under different handles as rabid supporters of the PPP. 

Last edited by Former Member

Nagamootoo’s shill insists PM was not “stripped”

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo

… President says otherwise 


Yesterday, the Office of the Prime Minister issued a statement that denied the incumbent Moses Nagamootoo had been stripped of all “line” responsibilities in the newly “reconfigured” Executive structure announced by President David Granger to the National Assembly last Thursday. However, the statement focused more on conducting a vicious ad hominem attack on a principal of Guyana Times and its media group than demonstrating where in President Granger’s speech  the news article had been contradicted.

Imran Khan

Imran Khan

The President stated: “It is time for a fresh start – a new beginning. It is time to redouble our efforts to eradicate poverty….It is in pursuit of achieving greater economic independence that we have reconfigured an executive Cabinet to give leadership to the renewed national effort to rebuild our economy.

“The Ministry of the Presidency has been reconfigured to combine the offices of the President, Vice President and Prime Minister and Ministers of State, Citizenship and Social Cohesion.  This combination enhances governance and, especially through the Office of the Prime Minister, manages the Government’s business and legislative agenda in the National Assembly.”

The President then went on to describe the “line” responsibilities of the offices within the “Ministry of the President”:

“Our Ministry of Social Cohesion, a Ministry within the Ministry of the Presidency, will continue its arduous work to reinforce national unity.

“Our Ministry of Citizenship, a Ministry within the Ministry of the Presidency, will implement systems to ensure that every Guyanese child’s birth is registered and will develop policies to ensure greater control over illegal aliens.”

Nothing was mentioned in relation to “line responsibilities” of the Prime Minister save, as was stated in the article, the named Ministers would augment “governance” along with the PM  in “managing” Government’s business in the National Assembly.

But the Prime Minister’s shill claimed that Nagamootoo has the following responsibilities:

  • Leader of Government business in the National Assembly

  • Public Information

  • Constitutional Reform

  • Governance

  • Supervising/coordinating functions with ministries involved with domestic affairs

  • Cabinet co-chair

If, in fact, Mr Nagamootoo is responsible for these areas, by omitting to mention them President Granger obviously does not feel they have the importance in the new ‘reconfiguring’ of his Executive structure to be mentioned.

In a letter from veteran journalist Rickey Singh mentioned in the article, he pointed out the Public Information duties were tantamount to being in charge of GINA. The President had himself said that Nagamootoo chairing the Cabinet would violate the Constitution and he was not willing to do so. The country still awaits an explanation of what “governance” entails as well as “Supervising/coordinating functions with ministries involved with domestic affairs”. The shill’s job description of the PM Office would appear to be “puffery” and should have emanated from OP.

The President continued, “We have recruited a resourceful team of 14 ‘line’ Ministers from our six-party coalition for the purpose of promoting economic growth.”

The President then enumerated the functions of the 14 line Ministers, viz, Ministry of Business, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Public Telecommunications, Ministry of Communities, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Social Protection, Ministry of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Ministry of Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs, Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Public Security.

In law, the maxim “res ipsa loquitur” means “the thing speaks for itself” and is used when the circumstantial evidence is strong as to vitiate the need for further proof of what was asserted. With reference to Prime Minister Nagamootoo having no substantive “line” responsibility save introducing Government Bills in the National Assembly, President Granger’s speech literally and figuratively “speaks for itself”.

Guyana Times calls on the Guyana Press Association to denounce this vicious state attack on its editorial independence to report on matters in the public domain. We print on pg 5 the President’s speech and request that it be examined vis a vis the allegations made by OPM. They will be found to be baseless.

Last edited by Former Member

Guyana Times calls on the Guyana Press Association to denounce this vicious state attack on its editorial independence to report on matters in the public domain. We print on pg 5 the President’s speech and request that it be examined vis a vis the allegations made by OPM. They will be found to be baseless.


Simply put Guyana Times is saying that the defense that the OPM is making is simply baseless.

Guyana Times stands by their writings: Would love to see a court case on this.

Last edited by Former Member
Jalil posted:
Nehru posted:
Drugb posted:

Moses has been relegated to dwabing bottom house with cow dung. What  a pitiful man

What is pitiful about that??  Those are established functions of House Slaves!!!!!!!!!

Pitiful is when a Big Seed Godey Bhai

blindly pooja a next funny fella

who cannot avoid scratching his dutty seeds

in public at an Indian Parade.

That is the established Functions of

"De Dutty Seed Fellas"


look Jagdeo and his Funny Fellas 

Itching and scratching like Big_seed Walla.


What a pitiful man....his established Scratch-Balls

Jalil posted:
Jalil posted:
Nehru posted:
Drugb posted:

Moses has been relegated to dwabing bottom house with cow dung. What  a pitiful man

What is pitiful about that??  Those are established functions of House Slaves!!!!!!!!!

Pitiful is when a Big Seed Godey Bhai

blindly pooja a next funny fella

who cannot avoid scratching his dutty seeds

in public at an Indian Parade.

That is the established Functions of

"De Dutty Seed Fellas"


look Jagdeo and his Funny Fellas 

Itching and scratching like Big_seed Walla.


What a pitiful man....his established Scratch-Balls

KINDERGARTEN class is back in session , pupil Mits and Teacher Jalil.

asj posted:
cain posted:

Guyana Puke Times should be forced to close down because of their bullshit reporting. Every dam time an article is posted here from this puke rag always prove to be lies and these ingnoramus ones here gather round it like flies to cowshit.

asj, why the rass you love posting crap banna?

Cain, if I had a choice to listen to what Guyana Times is saying and what the PNC Office of the President is saying then I would go with Guyana Times. In this case I think  that Guyana Times is more genuine. The President Office is just giving  their spin that means nothing.

Oh well, I don't wanna be blamed for blocking you and the other PPP apologists orgasms, go for it, spread the lies if that's what makes you happy.

Last edited by cain
Jalil posted:

Cain ask da Bhai ..... is wha eee ccc in dis photo?

Yuh think ah Bhai does see good?

Maybe eee gon tell abee.....

Jagdeo parading "De India Surenda Pump"

with "his Indian Funny Fellas from Guyana"

at the India Day Parade

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:

How to cut and paste a scrap book and use crayons to make it look impressive?

Ok you tell us de truth....

Jagdeo was proudly Parading at the India Parade

What was he scratching.....

Poke Balls?

cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:

How to cut and paste a scrap book and use crayons to make it look impressive?

You first need a it might not work.

Cain yuh se he calling eee friend Hydro_Seed....Scrap Book.

I do not think Skeldon can cut and paste "Goooodey_Walla" and make um look impressive.


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