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PNCR claims Jagdeo at centre of bribing Charrandass Persaud for no-confidence ‘yes’ vote


PNCR Central Executive member Aubrey Norton flanked by Ganesh Mahipaul and Public Affairs Minister Dawn Hastings.

Executive member of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR),  Aubrey Norton on Friday claimed that former government parliamentarian, Charrandass Persaud was bribed to vote in favour of a government-sponsored no-confidence motion.

However, Norton said the PNCR has incontrovertible evidence that could stand up in a court of law to back up his accusation against Persaud who has since been expelled from the Alliance For Change (AFC) component of the governing coalition. “All I can say to you is that we have done our groundwork. The police is the people who will have to do the actual investigation and even if we have the incontrovertible evidence, why would we tell you so they can prepare,” he said.

“We do believe that what has occurred, once provided, can stand up,” Norton said, adding that he could not say whether the information has been provided to police and he could not say whether the PNCR would be dispatching it to investigators. “The police also is obligated to do its work,” he said.

Head of the Guyana Police Force’s Criminal Investigations Department, Deputy Commissioner Lyndon Alves told Demerara Waves Online News that police have received no complaints of alleged bribery against Persaud or any indications from anyone that a report would be made or anyone has evidence to support such an accusation.

Norton, a former PNCR General Secretary, said the no-confidence plot against the David Granger-led administration was part of Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo’s strategy to block investigations into crimes allegedly committed by members of the former administration. “It is for this reason he colluded with forces in Trinidad and mobilised resources to bribe a sitting member of Parliament in pursuance of his hunger for wealth and power with the hope that the APNU+AFC Government will not be able to prosecute him and his former Ministers who have criminally pillaged the Guyana treasury,” said Norton in a prepared statement.

Persaud and Jagdeo have already separately denied that a payment was made to the now former lawmaker to vote in support of the no-confidence motion on December 21, 2018 resulting in its official passage of 33-32.

Norton reiterated that the government was still studying a number of options, and that the PNCR was poised to “accelerate” and “accentuate” its readiness to go to the polls .

The Guyana constitution says the President and the Cabinet should resign on passage of a no-confidence motion and general elections should be held within 90 days. Jagdeo has since called for their resignation, but said he would be open for an extension for a few weeks or one month to allow the Elections Commission to properly prepare for the polls.

The PNCR Central Executive member declined to say whether he believed the correct count of the votes by the 65 parliamentarians is 33 or should be 34. He also did not comment on whether he thought the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) was ready to hold the elections within three months.

Flanking Norton were Region Three representative on the PNCR Central Executive, Ganesh Mahipaul, and Minister of Public Affairs, Dawn Hastings. The press conference was chaired by PNCR executive member, Christopher Jones.

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"However, Norton said the PNCR has incontrovertible evidence that could stand up in a court of law to back up his accusation against Persaud who has since been expelled from the Alliance For Change (AFC) component of the governing coalition. “All I can say to you is that we have done our groundwork. The police is the people who will have to do the actual investigation and even if we have the incontrovertible evidence, why would we tell you so they can prepare,” he said.

If this dude has the "evidence" why cant he present it to the police so they can assist with the evidence...isnt that how it works???

Guyana must be a circus....with red nose clowns running the government.

VishMahabir posted:

"However, Norton said the PNCR has incontrovertible evidence that could stand up in a court of law to back up his accusation against Persaud who has since been expelled from the Alliance For Change (AFC) component of the governing coalition. “All I can say to you is that we have done our groundwork. The police is the people who will have to do the actual investigation and even if we have the incontrovertible evidence, why would we tell you so they can prepare,” he said.

If this dude has the "evidence" why cant he present it to the police so they can assist with the evidence...isnt that how it works???

Guyana must be a circus....with red nose clowns running the government.

As of now, though its possible, there is no conclusive evidence that Charandass was bribed

yuji22 posted:

PNC is clutching at straws. 

Dem rass better hit the campaign trail. The clock is ticking away and time and history is against them.

Hope your PPP don't get too cocky. They should pujay Shri Charandass for saying "yes".

I doubt the PPP will secure the majority of seats. 

VishMahabir posted:
VishMahabir posted:

"However, Norton said the PNCR has incontrovertible evidence that could stand up in a court of law to back up his accusation against Persaud who has since been expelled from the Alliance For Change (AFC) component of the governing coalition. “All I can say to you is that we have done our groundwork. The police is the people who will have to do the actual investigation and even if we have the incontrovertible evidence, why would we tell you so they can prepare,” he said.

If this dude has the "evidence" why cant he present it to the police so they can assist with the evidence...isnt that how it works???

Guyana must be a circus....with red nose clowns running the government.

As of now, though its possible, there is no conclusive evidence that Charandass was bribed

It does not matter if he was not. It is the story they will tell and need to tell so mobilize their political base. They won by a few hundred votes with some 50k Black people not voting. They will need to get those folks angry enough to be screaming all the way to the polls.

Last edited by Former Member

This is a plan to delay the election by establishing some investigation to bring Charandass back - maybe to kill him. 

Aubrey Norton - the PNC bringing back their monster to start disturbance. 

Dave posted:

This is a plan to delay the election by establishing some investigation to bring Charandass back - maybe to kill him. 

Aubrey Norton - the PNC bringing back their monster to start disturbance. 

Charandass being away plays into their narrative. They have no evidence to offer the courts. This is a political play.

yuji22 posted:

PNC is clutching at straws. 

Dem rass better hit the campaign trail. The clock is ticking away and time and history is against them.

D2 posted:
VishMahabir posted:
VishMahabir posted:

"However, Norton said the PNCR has incontrovertible evidence that could stand up in a court of law to back up his accusation against Persaud who has since been expelled from the Alliance For Change (AFC) component of the governing coalition. “All I can say to you is that we have done our groundwork. The police is the people who will have to do the actual investigation and even if we have the incontrovertible evidence, why would we tell you so they can prepare,” he said.

If this dude has the "evidence" why cant he present it to the police so they can assist with the evidence...isnt that how it works???

Guyana must be a circus....with red nose clowns running the government.

As of now, though its possible, there is no conclusive evidence that Charandass was bribed

It does not matter if he was not. It is the story they will tell and need to tell so mobilize their political base. They won by a few hundred votes with some 50k Black people not voting. They will need to get those folks angry enough to be screaming all the way to the polls.

I dont see elections happening in 90 days...

I have 2 questions....thinking out aloud:

1) What happens if the govt decide to resign as Jagdeo is calling....who is going to run the government?

2) What is this escalates into protest....can the coalition impose martial law????


Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:

PNC is clutching at straws. 

Dem rass better hit the campaign trail. The clock is ticking away and time and history is against them.

Hope your PPP don't get too cocky. They should pujay Shri Charandass for saying "yes".

I doubt the PPP will secure the majority of seats. 

The PPP made mistakes in the past especially with Jackass Ramotar in charge. The PPP machinery is well prepared and ready to hit the road this time around. 

Yes, they made that mistakes in the past.

The PPP will secure a slim majority but that's a good thing for democracy. I would honestly prefer to see a PPP minority with a credible third party but the AFC blew that opportunity and there is not enough time for any credible third party to garner support or prepare in such as short period of time.

Shoeman rass cannot even tie his shoe lace.

Charandass should have been a thorn in their behinds but he stated that he will not run for political office anymore.

PNC is once again putting oil in their ears. They lack transformative leadership. 

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:
VishMahabir posted:

"However, Norton said the PNCR has incontrovertible evidence that could stand up in a court of law to back up his accusation against Persaud who has since been expelled from the Alliance For Change (AFC) component of the governing coalition. “All I can say to you is that we have done our groundwork. The police is the people who will have to do the actual investigation and even if we have the incontrovertible evidence, why would we tell you so they can prepare,” he said.

If this dude has the "evidence" why cant he present it to the police so they can assist with the evidence...isnt that how it works???

Guyana must be a circus....with red nose clowns running the government.

As of now, though its possible, there is no conclusive evidence that Charandass was bribed

Time will tell, with black gold coming soon, lot's of folks want some of the dough.

Anyone who think they have the people well being at heart, I have the Brooklyn Bridge to sell. The people of the country are a pawn in the game.Does it seem like a coincidence, that particular person was sitting behind  Charrandass. On a video on you tube they guy was excited when heard the vote.

Last edited by Django
yuji22 posted:
Prashad posted:

Norton is not a stupid man I just can't see him believing that Charrandas was bribed.

This is politics bai, politics as usual.

More than that, continue to believe they are clueless.


Let Norton and his party comrades talk bellyful. When parliament resumes next Thursday Speaker Scotland will have to (1) reaffirm that the no-confidence motion was duly passed, or (2) accede to a letter from Basil Williams and declare that he erred. The Speaker has to decide whether to tarnish his professional reputation in his old age.

Gilbakka posted:

Let Norton and his party comrades talk bellyful. When parliament resumes next Thursday Speaker Scotland will have to (1) reaffirm that the no-confidence motion was duly passed, or (2) accede to a letter from Basil Williams and declare that he erred. The Speaker has to decide whether to tarnish his professional reputation in his old age.

The vote is cast, back pedaling won't be good for the nation.

VishMahabir posted:
VishMahabir posted:

"However, Norton said the PNCR has incontrovertible evidence that could stand up in a court of law to back up his accusation against Persaud who has since been expelled from the Alliance For Change (AFC) component of the governing coalition. “All I can say to you is that we have done our groundwork. The police is the people who will have to do the actual investigation and even if we have the incontrovertible evidence, why would we tell you so they can prepare,” he said.

If this dude has the "evidence" why cant he present it to the police so they can assist with the evidence...isnt that how it works???

Guyana must be a circus....with red nose clowns running the government.

As of now, though its possible, there is no conclusive evidence that Charandass was bribed

Ayuh think Charrandas or BJ schupit!  Dem nah cyaant kech BJ pon nuttin' right in Guyana, how dem guh kech di man with all overseas transaction,  Trini to Canada.  And Canada only deh NAFTA dem nah gah FATCA!

Steewps...stupit people, dem PNC!


Norton said that if they give the information out, the PPP will be prepared. Hopefully he does understand that at some point discovery is necessary. Unless he is just bullshitting. 

ksazma posted:

Norton said that if they give the information out, the PPP will be prepared. Hopefully he does understand that at some point discovery is necessary. Unless he is just bullshitting. 

Mi sure he know bout nuff WMD also!!


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