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Will have a good one for this since you folks want to play this game. After my swim I will create a good response.



Le t me give you an inkling about where I am going. This bill is a fraud. The PPP is not concerned with enforcement. Had they cared they already have someone being paid by the OP to look into laundering and they have the laws for it. No one has been accused muchness convicted.


The PPP is concerned with this bill because as usual it is for show. It is to convince the international community all is fine and then business as usual However, it also has some ominous intrusion into freedom. It affords the minister of finance unfettered powers to black list anyone without due process.This bill has no legal remedies for anyone accused of laundering. They are completely at the boot of the minister of finance and that is an abuse of power.


Laundering demands that both sides of the laundering equation be addressed, the one coercing the illicit trade by getting low cost goods as well as the person washing illegal cash.


Guyana has a parallel underground economy as big as the real one. Every "legitimate" business has its hands in both. It cannot exist otherwise. Is this trade addressed by this money laundering bill no! The economy exist with the tacit agreement of the state.


As for the claim that the opposition is in league with drug lords...get real. There is a long list of people from Shaheed  Khan, Peter Morgan,David Clarke, Hubert Clark, Alex Mingo,Gorden Allen, Godfrey Gordon,Cyril john, Christopher douglas, Skeldon Chinee, Mool Persaud  ,  Dataram, Brama  etc who proliferated under their noses. Then there is that fellow who is the captian who everyone agrees is knee deep in the trade.

This PPP resisted extradition of many of these crooks. We have no DEA office  here because they resisted it. To sell the idea of the opposition in league with the drug crooks is as disgusting as you can get. These fellows has not prosecuted any successfully to date.




Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its clear the handler "Danyeal" is growing tired of defending the devious AFC/APNU and is quietly exiting the forum with his head bow, probably in awful sorrow, claiming to be going for a swim....smh...... as stated before, Danyeal don't sell your soul.

 No, I am going for s swim because that is what is on my agenda. I listed what I will put in graphical terms when I come back. I do not want others to think I am giving you a pass.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

This bhai Jadgeo made some unsound decisions thinking it was best for the party and the nation. He could have hire Danyael to advice Amerindians on how to market their products at home and abroad.




Jagdeo should have thrown some scraps around to keep the barking dogs quiet.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Danyael use to be a respected poster on GNI until he defected and become a preacher of lies for the opposition. I hope they at least acknowledge him.

Listen you malicious pig; post one instance where I lied on anything so I can illustrate for you the veracity of the statement.


I guess to you when I was on t he fence of for the PPP, giving them due latitude to express their stated intent I was good. Well, I regret ever giving them that chance and if time could have reversed itself I would have demanded the necessary controls to their excesses ( per the constitution) as contingent on them promising to change those avenues  available. That mistake will never be made again.


Don't get me woring Danyael is a smart guy and could have done something positive with his intelligence rather than join these pack of PNC dogs on this forum.  He took alot flak from the PNC on this board. His grouses with the PPP I can understand and certainly do sympathize. However, his decision to become of propaganda baboo for the PNC is something intolerable. We cannot allow people to join forces with our enemies and not say anything

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

This bhai Jadgeo made some unsound decisions thinking it was best for the party and the nation. He could have hire Danyael to advice Amerindians on how to market their products at home and abroad.

What a stupid suggestion? Amerinds do not need anyone to market them. They need the chance to do it for themselves. They need the chance the government affords others to do the same as with the berbice river bridge and the Marriott but in vastly less expensive and smaller scale to bootstrap their community.


They did not need a coolie company to electrify their huts with a 60 watt bulb inverter solar panel at over 1000 dollars a hit. I bet they could have done better if the money with some candles. Think what that would have done to their community if a fund available for them to research and fund the project. They would know that "their electrification program" was a sham to sell them a thousand dollar light bulb that lasts only a few hours a night. I wonder how they existed for 15 to 20 thousand years with out that!


How about their peppers, brazil nuts, cassava bread, cassareep. Do you think there is one Amerindian vending that product? How about tourism? Or helping them with coffee or coco etc? Do you think there are Amerind ignoramuses in Orealla that a coolie man can take up their front lot for 99 years and they reduced to cigar shop indians, maids and janitors? Get real. The PPP sees only its own reflection in the mirror. It is why black people is disgusted with it.


Amerindians do not need me. They need less implantation of Kneebenders from their community as leaders and more facilitation of independence. They are no less dumb than the children of dalits who now rule over us as elected kings.

Last edited by Former Member

Danyael, you are making too much noise for anyone to comprehend exactly what you are charging the gov't with in relation to the native peoples of Guyana. Slow down bro.  No party can win elections without the Amerindian votes. The ruling party has given them titles for their land. They cannot have the entire Guyana forest for themselves. That's just impractical. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Danyael, you are making too much noise for anyone to comprehend exactly what you are charging the gov't with in relation to the native peoples of Guyana. Slow down bro.  No party can win elections without the Amerindian votes. The ruling party has given them titles for their land. They cannot have the entire Guyana forest for themselves. That's just impractical. 

Your incapacity to grasp simple statements of grievous insults to a people is not my problem. The fact you are here griping about insults to the PPP speaks to that. It is about your blind concern for your kind without seeing the damage it does to them and others.


No party can win without Amerind votes so watch the PPP go into gunstrip with a 2000 red t-shirts, tote bags and a couple of ATV to prime its hand picked headmen in an attempt to buy that one seat.


Meanwhile, the are silent of the horrible beating of a woman and child from the area and have not a damn thing to say about the case in court about misuse of land demarcation process.


The PPP are a bunch of scum bags to me at this point.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Stop quarelling and gives us the facts to substantiate those charges of discrimination against the native peoples of Guyana. I, as an Indian, have never for a moment said that there was no corruption in gov't. so stop painting as a blind follower of the PPP. I was a ROAR supporter and still believe Ravi Dev is a valuable politician

They facts are simple...a 2006 Amerind act that ignored their basic rights and instead handed them paper title...the chinese woman squatting on t heir land, among others do so with full acceptance of the PPP because they engineered the law that way. That is the beginning of our gripe and the rest is the casual abuse dispensed daily.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
They facts are simple...a 2006 Amerind act that ignored their basic rights and instead handed them paper title...

What was/were the legislative status of the Native People, Aboriginals, Amerindians prior to the legislation of 2006 Act?

The act of 77 and prior to that the pre independence agreement and prior to that the one in the 50's ( 1956 I think)  all of which this one undercuts instead of strenghten  ... it...let me give it to you was ours. When the dutch and the brits came it was not tierra null. We were there. That is all the rights we need to reestablish while accommodating the fact some carpetbaggers needs a home as well

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
They facts are simple...a 2006 Amerind act that ignored their basic rights and instead handed them paper title...

What was/were the legislative status of the Native People, Aboriginals, Amerindians prior to the legislation of 2006 Act?

The act of 77 and prior to that the pre independence agreement and prior to that the one in the 50's ( 1956 I think)  all of which this one undercuts instead of strenghten  ... it...let me give it to you was ours. When the dutch and the brits came it was not tierra null. We were there. That is all the rights we need to reestablish while accommodating the fact some carpetbaggers needs a home as well

Yadda, yadda, yadda and much more yaddas with, as usual, absolutely nothing of substance.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
They facts are simple...a 2006 Amerind act that ignored their basic rights and instead handed them paper title...

What was/were the legislative status of the Native People, Aboriginals, Amerindians prior to the legislation of 2006 Act?

The act of 77 and prior to that the pre independence agreement and prior to that the one in the 50's ( 1956 I think)  all of which this one undercuts instead of strenghten  ... it...let me give it to you was ours. When the dutch and the brits came it was not tierra null. We were there. That is all the rights we need to reestablish while accommodating the fact some carpetbaggers needs a home as well

Howard did not do a good job to prepare you to express yourself without resorting to the use of obscenities.  There is no "ours", you are a white pretending to be buckman. Even if you were a buckman, the entire Guyana does not belong to you as you had no form of government nor did you protect the land from the British and Dutch. You can not apply today's standards to the 17/18 century when concepts of right and wrong was a function of the times. 

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Danyael, you are making too much noise for anyone to comprehend exactly what you are charging the gov't with in relation to the native peoples of Guyana. Slow down bro.  No party can win elections without the Amerindian votes. The ruling party has given them titles for their land. They cannot have the entire Guyana forest for themselves. That's just impractical. 

Work out the mathematics of how the PPP can win without Amerindians.


More Indians are defecting, or refusing to vote.  Over 90% of the black and mixed voters support either APNU or the AFC.


So tell me how can the PPP win, just on the Indian vote.

riginally Posted by BGurd_See:

Howard did not do a good job to prepare you

And dropping out of Saints and not getting any further education didn't help you either, with your incessant references to black men's equipment, and pedophilia.


I note your new avatar.  Your obsession with what black men have, that your clearly lack, is evident, because we know it isn't because you respect Cuffy.


The reality is that Guyana is an Indocracy which embraces a few red and Portuguese people.  If you are Indian, but not an oligarch, or worse yer if you are black, or Amerindian, there is no room for you.  We could have debated whether Cheddi was or wasn't a racist.  What we do know is that Jagdeo and now Ramotar, are blatantly so.  And they don't like poor Indians either.


Now go and do something useful like helping the PPP figure out how to get flights from GEO to the moon and the stars, given that it will never be a hub for people with destinations on Earth.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Carl Greenidge was the worst finance minister in the history of Guyana, he and by extension the PNC was totally against the private sector, even today its being show,e.g they strong objection to the private sector being in the audience of the special select committee on the anti-money laundering bill.

the private sector committee is very selective,i do not hear them crying out when the president refuse to sign the bills that was pass in parliament   

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition seems to be divided on whether to call snap elections or not, the results would be obvious.

Any snap election should be held after the Local Govt elections.


Why is the PPP afraid to hold local govt elections at a time when the failure to do so has many municipalities in crisis?


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