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Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition seems to be divided on whether to call snap elections or not, the results would be obvious.

Any snap election should be held after the Local Govt elections.


Why is the PPP afraid to hold local govt elections at a time when the failure to do so has many municipalities in crisis?

this government know that in the local government election they will  lose lots of their power and their hold on the will be the being of the end 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The PPP is ready for the local govt elections, GECOM states its not likely be fore August 2014, is ppp is NOT oppose to the holding of local govt elections.

The PPP wanted it to be delayed until December, while the PNC wants it by August.


If GECOM cant have local govt elections, why will itr be ready for a snap general election.

Originally Posted by caribny:
riginally Posted by BGurd_See:

Howard did not do a good job to prepare you

And dropping out of Saints and not getting any further education didn't help you either, with your incessant references to black men's equipment, and pedophilia.


I note your new avatar.  Your obsession with what black men have, that your clearly lack, is evident, because we know it isn't because you respect Cuffy.


The reality is that Guyana is an Indocracy which embraces a few red and Portuguese people.  If you are Indian, but not an oligarch, or worse yer if you are black, or Amerindian, there is no room for you.  We could have debated whether Cheddi was or wasn't a racist.  What we do know is that Jagdeo and now Ramotar, are blatantly so.  And they don't like poor Indians either.


Now go and do something useful like helping the PPP figure out how to get flights from GEO to the moon and the stars, given that it will never be a hub for people with destinations on Earth.

Ha hahaha, I graduated and after a foray into gold mining as a teen, I went on to fulfill higher education as a distinguished scholar at a prominent American university,  a stellar contributor to world of software engineering, a tax payer( I pay for the section 8 check) and responsible citizen. 


Do not berate my avatar as it is in honor of the Berbice uprising. 


How exactly is Guyana considered an Indocracy?  The govt is pro business and every citizen regardless of color or creed is free to pursue prosperity and happiness through hard work and the fortitude of the entrepreneurial spirit.  

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
They facts are simple...a 2006 Amerind act that ignored their basic rights and instead handed them paper title...

What was/were the legislative status of the Native People, Aboriginals, Amerindians prior to the legislation of 2006 Act?

The act of 77 and prior to that the pre independence agreement and prior to that the one in the 50's ( 1956 I think)  all of which this one undercuts instead of strenghten  ... it...let me give it to you was ours. When the dutch and the brits came it was not tierra null. We were there. That is all the rights we need to reestablish while accommodating the fact some carpetbaggers needs a home as well

Howard did not do a good job to prepare you to express yourself without resorting to the use of obscenities.  There is no "ours", you are a white pretending to be buckman. Even if you were a buckman, the entire Guyana does not belong to you as you had no form of government nor did you protect the land from the British and Dutch. You can not apply today's standards to the 17/18 century when concepts of right and wrong was a function of the times. 

When an expletive is more impactful as above it has a proper use. As for me being unable to say what I mean, now that is a laugh.


I know you would love to be white. I don't. I like my beautiful honey cinnamon color. You ought to be happy you can get lost at twilight.


Again, Guyana is our natural patrimony. We named it so it had to mean a claim. I presume you are one of those idiots who believe it had to be written down in European text to be valid. But being of little intellectual scope  you would not know there is an entire school of thought on the matter.


Tell that to the Jews, the Kurds, the Armenians, the Slovaks, etc or any of the over 15 new states that emerged on the basis primordial nationalism or in modern parlance cultural nationalism that one cannot reach back into the past for a definition of what is nation.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

When an expletive is more impactful as above it has a proper use. As for me being unable to say what I mean, now that is a laugh.


I know you would love to be white. I don't. I like my beautiful honey cinnamon color. You ought to be happy you can get lost at twilight.


Again, Guyana is our natural patrimony. We named it so it had to mean a claim. I presume you are one of those idiots who believe it had to be written down in European text to be valid. But being of little intellectual scope  you would not know there is an entire school of thought on the matter.


Tell that to the Jews, the Kurds, the Armenians, the Slovaks, etc or any of the over 15 new states that emerged on the basis primordial nationalism or in modern parlance cultural nationalism that one cannot reach back into the past for a definition of what is nation.

The Amerindians never demarcated any lands to be their own, in fact the concept of land ownership was foreign to them. They had no organized govt, war lord or other central authority. They didn't even know the boundaries of Guyana much less claims to what should be theirs. They only knew about the few square miles that they considered their hunting grounds.  In fact the traditional way of exchanging land occupancy was through brute force and war. The British therefore gained possession of Guyana through legitimately recognized Amerindian protocol during the 17 and 18th century.  


Anti-business posturing by the PPP is destroying Guyana’s fragile economy

December 9, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, Upon the passage of the political baton from Jagdeo to Ramotar two years ago, several members of the legitimate business class thought that they will finally be allowed to conduct business with little government interference, paying their fair share of taxes and thus contribute to Guyana’s economic growth and the well being of the masses. However, they quickly realize that the playing field is not level for all to have a fair shot at success. But when President Ramotar announced that he will form a committee headed by reputable businessman, Clifford Reis to review the tax regime and opportunities for tax reforms, these business persons felt inspired and convinced that he is supporting the business community. They believed that the days are over when businessmen like Yesu Persaud were publicly abused and rebuked by the corrupt political class. They were wrong, since all of the pro-business announcement by President Ramotar was just another smoke screen and propaganda as the PPP regime remained resolute in its anti-business posturing. Only members of the business community who are part of the Jagdeo circle and are tied to the PPP at the hip are allowed to conduct business in a fashion that resembles a dictatorial oligarchy. These so-called PPP businessmen are allowed certain privileges and are given the green light to do whatever they want, including free electricity, free land, huge tax exemptions, concessions from paying VAT and duty free exceptions. Some are even offered interest free loans from the government and are given huge contracts like the $3.5 billion contract given to purchase drugs for the public hospitals. This beneficiary, who has and continues to have full access to the state resources, has become so rich and powerful that he is issuing directives to the Office of the President, something Dr. Luncheon finds very distasteful and resents. Furthermore, the PPP circle is truly insane since they have done nothing to address the corporate tax rates to the manufacturing sector, the high rate of VAT chargeable to the people, mainly to the housewives of Guyana, many of them are single mothers, and the PAYE rate for the workers. The uncaring PPP circle continues to play a very dangerous game with the lives of the people, especially the poor and the working class who can barely afford to feed their children and put a roof over their heads. Instead, they have done everything possible to accommodate their rich friends and relatives, including giving them radio, television and cellular phone frequencies for a pittance and all sorts of incentives that are not afforded to those who are not friends. The PPP circle is bent on denying the poor masses their basic right to work and to live a decent and affordable life. I want them to know that the people have had enough of these PPP con-men with their con-plans and their con-games, and their time to exit the scene is fast approaching. I call on all Guyanese to be alert, aware and militant, because the time will come when they will have to take a stand against this corrupt and inept PPP regime and use any and every legal means necessary to get rid of them, including voting them out of office. Under this regime, everything that could go wrong went wrong and this range from corruption, crime, murders to the poorest health care and educational system to floods, blackouts, garbage pile-up in the city, unclean water supply, horrible streets/roads, and to a corrupt and unprofessional police force. Everything this regime touches has turned sour and what did not turn sour became rotten. How can a President live with himself when fifteen mothers and babies are dying each year during child birth in Guyana in this modern era? Any leader with a conscience with take steps to make sure that no mother dies from child birth again. This is the sign of a good, decent and caring leader, which does not exist in the PPP. How can a president having three square meals per day and a solid roof over his head, go to bed and knowing that thousands of single mothers and children are starving and do not have anywhere proper to sleep? How can a president be happy and govern a country in which the vast majority of youths do not have a job or know where their next meal is coming from? How can a president tell the international community that Guyana is developing when mothers and new born babies are dying at childbirth, when the country’s public hospitals cannot even save the life of a fly and when the country’s only university has collapsed? In the simplest terms, I am telling the people of Guyana that the PPP does not care about their well-being; and they do not care if the people live or die. They only care about the well-being of themselves, their family and rich friends. But let them know as Bob Marley clearly stated “we are going to chase those crazy baldhead out of the town.” Now is the time for the people to listen to Bob Marley and rise up against this corrupt, uncaring and anti-working class PPP regime. Name supplied

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"Mitwah" do you have a mind of your own, lets hear your "own" thoughts on the thread...




The man lives off his massive KN Toilet Paper reporting clippings.


To date, he has Never penned a sensible post where posters can engage in a civilized manner.


His posts are laced with vulgarity and indecency.



Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

"Mitwah" do you have a mind of your own, lets hear your "own" thoughts on the thread...




The man lives off his massive KN Toilet Paper reporting clippings.


To date, he has Never penned a sensible post where posters can engage in a civilized manner.


His posts are laced with vulgarity and indecency.



Nothing exceeds the vulgarity and indecency of your racism and bigotry.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Mitwah's posts leaves one to wonder, whats his real purpose on GNI, is it to act stupid and post all host of irrelevant stuff in an attempt to derail all threads?


Or he doesn't have nothing constructive to contribute so he's felling left out and resorts to posting anything that comes to his mind?

Gail Taxiera

Fat-Cat $967,985

Mahendra Roopnarine Freedom House Operative

$395,000 per month

Originally Posted by Conscience:

All sorts of red herring is throw into the forum in a bid to derail the thread away from the sinister motives of the joint opposition.

Is Red Herring the company name Counscience?



Oi Conscience. Yall ever found out in that hugh country of yours, which cannin company been filing dem fish with drugs?

Yall know is who own it as yet?

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

All sorts of red herring is throw into the forum in a bid to derail the thread away from the sinister motives of the joint opposition.

Shanta Goberdan

GINA Editor-in-Chief

$295,460 per month

Neaz Subhan

Gina Director

$295,530 per Month

And druggie doubts me when I said that Guyana is an Indocracy.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

All sorts of red herring is throw into the forum in a bid to derail the thread away from the sinister motives of the joint opposition.

Shanta Goberdan

GINA Editor-in-Chief

$295,460 per month

Neaz Subhan

Gina Director

$295,530 per Month

And druggie doubts me when I said that Guyana is an Indocracy.

4 hours ago
          Reply by Conscience
          Re: This is the Guyana, that the APNU wants. Back to their Glory Days.

Several visits to the man’s home and his workplace saw police coming up empty handed with respect to the man’s whereabouts. In addition, his employer cannot be located even as the police continue to check its records to ascertain if the man is a license firearm holder.

excerpts from


Is the P.N.C hiding that trigger happy gunman?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Several visits to the man’s home and his workplace saw police coming up empty handed with respect to the man’s whereabouts. In addition, his employer cannot be located even as the police continue to check its records to ascertain if the man is a license firearm holder.

excerpts from


Is the P.N.C hiding that trigger happy gunman?

PPP does not want he to go in jail, they want him to join Sawn Hinds at Freedom House to help them commit political crimes against the people.


That is why we cannot find him.

Last edited by Former Member

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