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Abducted nine-day-old…Surveillance cameras capture kidnapper

May 27, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

Relatives and concerned residents of Number 60 Village, Corentyne and surrounding communities have intensified efforts to find the infant who was abducted from the Port Mourant Market, last Saturday.

A surveillance shot of the suspect, Bibi khan

A surveillance shot of the suspect, Bibi khan

The infant’s mother, Sandra Mc Lean, told this newspaper, yesterday that surveillance footage of the woman, who had allegedly kidnapped her baby, has since surfaced.
“We went back to the market and found a store that she went into, and the owners got a video footage of her. Like she didn’t realize that the store had a camera and the owners pull up the footage.
“Everybody we know and tell on de look out. Family friends and even business people helping .We don’t know what to do but keep looking; we searching all de time,” Mc Lean stated yesterday
She explained that local law enforcement officials have also intensified their investigations.
“We report de matter at Whim Police station. Police say that they mek contact with Suriname Police, so that everyone on the lookout but now we hearing different story now because people at Albion say that the woman might not be from Suriname after all,” the young mother added
On Saturday afternoon a woman, whom Mc Lean met at the Skeldon Public Hospital several days before, reportedly disappeared with her infant son. The woman, whom she identified as Bibi Khan was reportedly based in Suriname.
After she had delivered a healthy baby boy, Mc Lean said that she met Khan on May 16, last, at the hospital. “I was experiencing labour pains and this woman come in and say that she looking for someone name Sandra.
I didn’t say anything because my name is also Sandra, plus I was in pain so my relatives talked to her. She was kinda short and medium size and she is Indian and she was wearing a Kemar,” the grieving mother recalled.
Mc Lean said that the woman returned after she had delivered her son.
“She asked to play with the baby; she said that she has to pay him and she put $5000 under his blanket and she lifted him. We were talking and I gave her my address and so. She spent like an hour and then she left.”
The woman subsequently returned. “I didn’t see her back until she come to my house. She come and played with the baby and she gave him another $5000, and she asked if she can buy stuff for him and I said ‘no problem’ because we were having a nine-day celebration for the baby.”
“When we were in Skeldon, she went into a store and then she come out back and say that my baby brings luck to her because she got through with whatever business she had to do. She said that she has to buy something in a Chinese store but “like after she see the cameras she didn’t go. But I didn’t really suspect anything.

The abducted infant

The abducted infant

Afterward, we went to the Port Mourant Market and she said that she wanted fish. She tell me that the baby will be safe with her outside, while I go and buy the fish in the market. But when I come out back she was gone.”
A report was made to the local law enforcement officers but the search proved futile.
The child’s mother said that she still in state of shock. She said that her baby was not even registered.
“We de naming him Avinash. He father ain’t even get to see he but I know me child if I see him anywhere. He get a slight mark on he knee like a birthmark, and I could never forget that woman.
“I will always remember her face,” the mother said as she noted that she still has hope of finding her son.
Anyone with information regarding the missing infant is asked to contact the nearest police station or contact relatives on telephone numbers, 338-1297 6602651 or 693 9484.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Here you go, Chief: Bibi Khan got arrested


[] – Bibi Khan, a former sales representative of Multi Technology Vision (Channel 14/65) has been arrested in connection with the kidnapped 9 – day old baby boy from Port Mourant, Berbice.


iNews was reliably informed, that Khan of Zeeburg, West Coast Demerara was arrested by the police last night.

She, along with another person is in police custody. iNews was informed that the parents of the baby are currently en route to Georgetown to identify Khan.


Information also revealed that Khan has ties in Suriname, given the fact that her husband is from that country.

The baby was taken by a woman identified as Bibi Khan on May 24, after she made friends with the mother at the hospital.


Yall don't beat up on Chief for his mistake. We all make mistake when we jump the gun.  I see the updated news and decided to post in on Chief's thread just to clarify his doubts in the case.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Yall don't beat up on Chief for his mistake. We all make mistake when we jump the gun.  I see the updated news and decided to post in on Chief's thread just to clarify his doubts in the case.

In Chief's eyes, a woman wearing that headgear and with that name cannot possibly commit such a heinous crime. He is programmed not to blame anyone of his own kind. Instead he chose to declare that something is fishy and accused the mother of selling her newborn baby. That is no damn mistake, it is simply wicked. His share of virgins in the afterlife should be reduced for thinking like that. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Yall don't beat up on Chief for his mistake. We all make mistake when we jump the gun.  I see the updated news and decided to post in on Chief's thread just to clarify his doubts in the case.

Thanks Cobra.

Originally Posted by Mars:

Chief should be ashamed of himself and apologize for his wicked words pertaining to this issue. 

I still have questions.

1. Why will you allow a total stranger to come and give your new born baby money.

2 Why will you further allow that same  stranger  to enter   your house  and give you more money.

3. How come you and a 7 day old baby end up at the market with that very stranger.


I also can understand if the baby's mother is very poor then the accused can probably take advantage of her  situation. 

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Chief should be ashamed of himself and apologize for his wicked words pertaining to this issue. 

I still have questions.

1. Why will you allow a total stranger to come and give your new born baby money.

2 Why will you further allow that same  stranger  to enter   your house  and give you more money.

3. How come you and a 7 day old baby end up at the market with that very stranger.


I also can understand if the baby's mother is very poor then the accused can probably take advantage of her  situation. 

You should give the mother of the newborn baby the benefit of the doubt before casting wicked accusations about her selling her baby. You jumped to accuse the poor woman before you even got the facts in the case. She may be guilty of being naive but it does not make her guilty of selling her baby.  

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Chief should be ashamed of himself and apologize for his wicked words pertaining to this issue. 

I still have questions.

1. Why will you allow a total stranger to come and give your new born baby money.

2 Why will you further allow that same  stranger  to enter   your house  and give you more money.

3. How come you and a 7 day old baby end up at the market with that very stranger.


I also can understand if the baby's mother is very poor then the accused can probably take advantage of her  situation. 

You should give the mother of the newborn baby the benefit of the doubt before casting wicked accusations about her selling her baby. You jumped to accuse the poor woman before you even got the facts in the case. She may be guilty of being naive but it does not make her guilty of selling her baby.  

I made a call and it's not the right call so big deal!!


In Guyana the police do not make any call they sit on their ass. IN AMERICA IF A CRIME IS COMMITTED IN YOUR HOUSE EVERYONE IS A SUSPECT INCLUDING YOU THE HOME OWNER.The cops start and use the process of elimination


You can F*CK OFF.


I don't think the young mother get back her baby as yet. She has to go GT to identify the woman. But she was pleading remorsefully for her baby safe return. I hope this this work out well for everybody.


Chief, I agree...the mother is young and acted a little weird. But I think everything is genuine. She was too trustworthy that get her conned.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Chief should be ashamed of himself and apologize for his wicked words pertaining to this issue. 

I still have questions.

1. Why will you allow a total stranger to come and give your new born baby money.

2 Why will you further allow that same  stranger  to enter   your house  and give you more money.

3. How come you and a 7 day old baby end up at the market with that very stranger.


I also can understand if the baby's mother is very poor then the accused can probably take advantage of her  situation. 

You should give the mother of the newborn baby the benefit of the doubt before casting wicked accusations about her selling her baby. You jumped to accuse the poor woman before you even got the facts in the case. She may be guilty of being naive but it does not make her guilty of selling her baby.  

I made a call and it's not the right call so big deal!!


In Guyana the police do not make any call they sit on their ass. IN AMERICA IF A CRIME IS COMMITTED IN YOUR HOUSE EVERYONE IS A SUSPECT INCLUDING YOU THE HOME OWNER.The cops start and use the process of elimination


You can F*CK OFF.

All those wicked lies you were spewing to back up your call for the PNC's apology, now this. You call yourself a religious man? You should be bloody well ashamed of yourself. For a grown man, you're just evil.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Chief should be ashamed of himself and apologize for his wicked words pertaining to this issue. 

I still have questions.

1. Why will you allow a total stranger to come and give your new born baby money.

2 Why will you further allow that same  stranger  to enter   your house  and give you more money.

3. How come you and a 7 day old baby end up at the market with that very stranger.


I also can understand if the baby's mother is very poor then the accused can probably take advantage of her  situation. 

You should give the mother of the newborn baby the benefit of the doubt before casting wicked accusations about her selling her baby. You jumped to accuse the poor woman before you even got the facts in the case. She may be guilty of being naive but it does not make her guilty of selling her baby.  

I made a call and it's not the right call so big deal!!


In Guyana the police do not make any call they sit on their ass. IN AMERICA IF A CRIME IS COMMITTED IN YOUR HOUSE EVERYONE IS A SUSPECT INCLUDING YOU THE HOME OWNER.The cops start and use the process of elimination


You can F*CK OFF.

All those wicked lies you were spewing to back up your call for the PNC's apology, now this. You call yourself a religious man? You should be bloody well ashamed of yourself. For a grown man, you're just evil.

One more time F... let me leave it alone.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Chief should be ashamed of himself and apologize for his wicked words pertaining to this issue. 

I still have questions.

1. Why will you allow a total stranger to come and give your new born baby money.

2 Why will you further allow that same  stranger  to enter   your house  and give you more money.

3. How come you and a 7 day old baby end up at the market with that very stranger.


I also can understand if the baby's mother is very poor then the accused can probably take advantage of her  situation. 

You should give the mother of the newborn baby the benefit of the doubt before casting wicked accusations about her selling her baby. You jumped to accuse the poor woman before you even got the facts in the case. She may be guilty of being naive but it does not make her guilty of selling her baby.  

I made a call and it's not the right call so big deal!!


In Guyana the police do not make any call they sit on their ass. IN AMERICA IF A CRIME IS COMMITTED IN YOUR HOUSE EVERYONE IS A SUSPECT INCLUDING YOU THE HOME OWNER.The cops start and use the process of elimination


You can F*CK OFF.

All those wicked lies you were spewing to back up your call for the PNC's apology, now this. You call yourself a religious man? You should be bloody well ashamed of yourself. For a grown man, you're just evil.

One more time F... let me leave it alone.

Curse me now because I expose what a wicked man you are. No amount of pretending you're holy can absolve you of your evil. Praying every day doesn't make you good, your deeds are what count. Sicko! 



I noticed you have a trend to call GNIers all type of names. I basicallY did a SEARCH to see what you posted here on GNI and all your posts consists of calling everyone EVIL I see you made mention of the late pANDIT rEPU AND YOU CALL HIM A NAME AS WELL.


Too bad for you I can be religious but that does not mean that I cannot bitch slap you.


Originally Posted by Chief:


I noticed you have a trend to call GNIers all type of names. I basicallY did a SEARCH to see what you posted here on GNI and all your posts consists of calling everyone EVIL I see you made mention of the late pANDIT rEPU AND YOU CALL HIM A NAME AS WELL.


Too bad for you I can be religious but that does not mean that I cannot bitch slap you.


An ole lame jackass like you gonna bitch slap me? I only have to blow on you and you'll topple your fat self off your hop along leg.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Yall don't beat up on Chief for his mistake. We all make mistake when we jump the gun.  I see the updated news and decided to post in on Chief's thread just to clarify his doubts in the case.

In Chief's eyes, a woman wearing that headgear and with that name cannot possibly commit such a heinous crime. He is programmed not to blame anyone of his own kind. Instead he chose to declare that something is fishy and accused the mother of selling her newborn baby. That is no damn mistake, it is simply wicked. His share of virgins in the afterlife should be reduced for thinking like that. 

O h now I see your this post. Oh you are  one of the low lives who hate muslims.



Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Chief:


I noticed you have a trend to call GNIers all type of names. I basicallY did a SEARCH to see what you posted here on GNI and all your posts consists of calling everyone EVIL I see you made mention of the late pANDIT rEPU AND YOU CALL HIM A NAME AS WELL.


Too bad for you I can be religious but that does not mean that I cannot bitch slap you.


An ole lame jackass like you gonna bitch slap me? I only have to blow on you and you'll topple your fat self off your hop along leg.

Not only bitch slap but after the slap  to pee on you as well.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Yall don't beat up on Chief for his mistake. We all make mistake when we jump the gun.  I see the updated news and decided to post in on Chief's thread just to clarify his doubts in the case.

In Chief's eyes, a woman wearing that headgear and with that name cannot possibly commit such a heinous crime. He is programmed not to blame anyone of his own kind. Instead he chose to declare that something is fishy and accused the mother of selling her newborn baby. That is no damn mistake, it is simply wicked. His share of virgins in the afterlife should be reduced for thinking like that. 

O h now I see your this post. Oh you are  one of the low lives who hate muslims.



Nobody's lower than a lying wicked man like you? 

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Chief:


I noticed you have a trend to call GNIers all type of names. I basicallY did a SEARCH to see what you posted here on GNI and all your posts consists of calling everyone EVIL I see you made mention of the late pANDIT rEPU AND YOU CALL HIM A NAME AS WELL.


Too bad for you I can be religious but that does not mean that I cannot bitch slap you.


An ole lame jackass like you gonna bitch slap me? I only have to blow on you and you'll topple your fat self off your hop along leg.

Not only bitch slap but after the slap  to pee on you as well.

You mean you'll pee yourself when you fall off your hop along foot. 


A smelly fat turd like you threatening me. Hilarious. 

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Mars:

Nobody's lower than a lying wicked man like you? 

 Satan promise God to lead everyone astray and here you are!!!


At this stage of your cussing lowlife game I take my exit.





Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Nobody's lower than a lying wicked man like you? 

 Satan promise God to lead everyone astray and here you are!!!


At this stage of your cussing lowlife game I take my exit.





Dude, you're the one who started cussin and threatening me. As if I'm scared of you. Gwan suh, you evil serpent. 

Originally Posted by ball:

Oye Chief you is leff out wan letta in the word f*ck  watch Mars sey he gon blow pon yo and trow yo donk, but is how yo gon pee pon he when yo donk 

I never paid attention to this Mars fella until his post on this thread about me having to apologize.


So I went and do a quick check to read some of his posts. I noticed that he cannot compose anything good other than cussing GNIers and cut and paste articles.


Ball I have no time to waste with Galliot bait.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by ball:

Oye Chief you is leff out wan letta in the word f*ck  watch Mars sey he gon blow pon yo and trow yo donk, but is how yo gon pee pon he when yo donk 

I never paid attention to this Mars fella until his post on this thread about me having to apologize.


So I went and do a quick check to read some of his posts. I noticed that he cannot compose anything good other than cussing GNIers and cut and paste articles.


Ball I have no time to waste with Galliot bait.


Lookee here, this dumbass who barely made it to 4th form at Linepath Secondary talking about composing. Surely you jest!

"Chief" or else whoever you are,
What is there to educate?
A "Bibi Khan" is a decent your standard.....or is it a religious thing with you and your kind
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

What is so fishy about this story?


fuh CHief, it can't be ah woman name Bibi Khan tek de chile

Please educate Vishnu.


Vish M
Originally Posted by Vish M:
"Chief" or else whoever you are,
What is there to educate?
A "Bibi Khan" is a decent your standard.....or is it a religious thing with you and your kind
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Vish M:
Mr Mahadeo


What do you think is the answer?

Chief, you may be right: Updated news.


[] – The parents of the newborn baby who was kidnapped while he was only 9 – days – old have failed to positively identify the kidnapper during an ID parade this morning (Thursday May 29).


Wanted" Bibi Khan, the woman who allegedly kidnapped the baby.

Wanted” Bibi Khan, the woman who allegedly kidnapped the baby.



Police had arrested Bibi Khan, a former sales representative of Multi Technology Vision (Channel 14/65)  in connection with the kidnapping and the parents were brought to Georgetown to confirm whether  she was the kidnapper. A quest in which they failed.

 Khan of Zeeburg, West Coast Demerara was arrested by the police last night along with another person and had matched certain specifics of the alleged kidnapper.

She has since been released from custody.

The baby was taken by a woman identified as Bibi Khan on May 24, after she made friends with the mother at the hospital.


The only thing that pisses me off with this case is that the father didn't see the child as yet due to some religious customs after nine days. Where was he during the delivery of the baby? The father was supposed to be with his wife in that important moment. He deh crying like a lil girl. When he bin nah push cack ah beilaa, he didn't have religious custom then. I bet he was drinking rum and celebrating while another woman thief he pickney. If he had been there with his sick wife, this problem might have avoided.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The only thing that pisses me off with this case is that the father didn't see the child as yet due to some religious customs after nine days. Where was he during the delivery of the baby? The father was supposed to be with his wife in that important moment. He deh crying like a lil girl. When he bin nah push cack ah beilaa, he didn't have religious custom then. I bet he was drinking rum and celebrating while another woman thief he pickney. If he had been there with his sick wife, this problem might have avoided.

Be careful that idiot Mars will come cussing and call you names.



I still have questions.

1. Why will you allow a total stranger to come and give your new born baby money.

2 Why will you further allow that same  stranger  to enter   your house  and give you more money.

3. How come you and a 7 day old baby end up at the market with that very stranger.


I also can understand if the baby's mother is very poor then the accused can probably take advantage of her  situation. 

You should give the mother of the newborn baby the benefit of the doubt before casting wicked accusations about her selling her baby. You jumped to accuse the poor woman before you even got the facts in the case. She may be guilty of being naive but it does not make her guilty of selling her baby.  

I made a call and it's not the right call so big deal!!


In Guyana the police do not make any call they sit on their ass. IN AMERICA IF A CRIME IS COMMITTED IN YOUR HOUSE EVERYONE IS A SUSPECT INCLUDING YOU THE HOME OWNER.The cops start and use the process of elimination



So I made these observations yesterday until Mars derailed this thread so let me continue.


What is the Police doing to solve this case.

The baby mother was adamant a bout the identity of the person who stole her child now she cannot identify that person.


I am saying again something does not look right, the mother need to be interrogated further.



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