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December 17, 2014 By

Dead bandit: Mahendra “Vicky” Sukull

Dead bandit: Mahendra “Vicky” Sukull

Montrose supermarket robbery

The second bandit killed on Monday during the robbery of a Montrose, East Coast Demerara supermarket has been identified as a popular socialite and a student of the University of Guyana.

Police on Tuesday disclosed that the gunman was identified as 24-year-old Mahendra Sukull called “Vicky”, of Ramtahal Street, Prashad Nagar, Georgetown.


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Sukull was a Computer Science student at the tertiary educational institute. Reports indicated that the young man had a troubled childhood. According to an associate of the family, Sukull’s mother committed suicide when he was just 13 years old. He and his mother were living alone at the time.

We all have questions with so little answers. Here we have a bright young man who chose to link up with an ex-con (a former police officer) and turn his life to robbery and hurting people and their business. This is not normal for a University student. Can this be avoided, considering the way he was brought up? 



Sometime I wonder why educated and skillful people turn their lives to armed robbery when the chance of getting killed is extremely high. This is another version of suicide, or having a death wish on yourself. If you're going to associate yourself with an ex-criminal, you have to be lured into the criminal's den.


People who engaged in criminal activity in Guyana is out to wound or kill before getting caught. I have seen it many times where arm robbers would exchange fire on police officer rather than getting apprehended.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

People who engaged in criminal activity in Guyana is out to wound or kill before getting caught. I have seen it many times where arm robbers would exchange fire on police officer rather than getting apprehended.

A thief is a murderer!

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

People who engaged in criminal activity in Guyana is out to wound or kill before getting caught. I have seen it many times where arm robbers would exchange fire on police officer rather than getting apprehended.

A thief is a murderer!

How so?

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

People who engaged in criminal activity in Guyana is out to wound or kill before getting caught. I have seen it many times where arm robbers would exchange fire on police officer rather than getting apprehended.

A thief is a murderer!

oh shit the whole ppp is a bunch of murderers  

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

People who engaged in criminal activity in Guyana is out to wound or kill before getting caught. I have seen it many times where arm robbers would exchange fire on police officer rather than getting apprehended.

A thief is a murderer!


I support Chief on this.


If the PPP's police had arrested Warren Blue who was walking and cavorting with them right there in Georgetown ahead of time.


This crime maybe could have been averted, tis possible.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Rohee's police is involved in a lot of crimes against the Guyanese people a lot.


The government covers up all their good work quite well.

one of those is chowtie 

Originally Posted by ksazma:
When I lived I Prashad Nagar, there weren't any street name Ramtahal St. Like they change up the street names.

Rohintal Street has always been there. It is not a popular street but it has always been there.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

People who engaged in criminal activity in Guyana is out to wound or kill before getting caught. I have seen it many times where arm robbers would exchange fire on police officer rather than getting apprehended.

A thief is a murderer!

Apparently, two Indians and one Afro were involved. One of them escape, but not for long. Indians are more Involved in organized crimes and gang related robberies and murders than ever before. You have to know your friends when you're in Guyana. Them said bush got ears, but it's your neighbors who are listening to your every move to set you up. It's ashame, but true.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

People who engaged in criminal activity in Guyana is out to wound or kill before getting caught. I have seen it many times where arm robbers would exchange fire on police officer rather than getting apprehended.

A thief is a murderer!

Apparently, two Indians and one Afro were involved. One of them escape, but not for long. Indians are more Involved in organized crimes and gang related robberies and murders than ever before. You have to know your friends when you're in Guyana. Them said bush got ears, but it's your neighbors who are listening to your every move to set you up. It's ashame, but true.

They are taking cues from the PPP, the PPP provides shelter for criminals in GY. They don't want to prosecute dem mattie thief man.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Still waiting on someone to say exactly how a thief is a murderer?

HEHEHE  Yuh gat to  kill someone to be a Murderer, right???    Chiefy tired Bhai,. Leave the bhia alone.


Riff, a thief is a thief and chose not to murder or called a murderer. On the flip side, a thief may be both if he/she chosen to kill in a difficult situation while trying to escape. This is not a proven theory or apply to all thieves and murderers.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Riff, a thief is a thief and chose not to murder or called a murderer. On the flip side, a thief may be both if he/she chosen to kill in a difficult situation while trying to escape. This is not a proven theory or apply to all thieves and murderers.

it is a proven theory the ppp live it every day

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Riff, a thief is a thief and chose not to murder or called a murderer. On the flip side, a thief may be both if he/she chosen to kill in a difficult situation while trying to escape. This is not a proven theory or apply to all thieves and murderers.

it is a proven theory the ppp live it every day

PPP gun mek yuh end up in Berbice Mad house again.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Riff, a thief is a thief and chose not to murder or called a murderer. On the flip side, a thief may be both if he/she chosen to kill in a difficult situation while trying to escape. This is not a proven theory or apply to all thieves and murderers.

it is a proven theory the ppp live it every day

PPP gun mek yuh end up in Berbice Mad house again.

or garmont 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Riff, a thief is a thief and chose not to murder or called a murderer. On the flip side, a thief may be both if he/she chosen to kill in a difficult situation while trying to escape. This is not a proven theory or apply to all thieves and murderers.

See Job 24:14

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Riff, a thief is a thief and chose not to murder or called a murderer. On the flip side, a thief may be both if he/she chosen to kill in a difficult situation while trying to escape. This is not a proven theory or apply to all thieves and murderers.

See Job 24:14

The murderer rises in the early dawn to kill the poor and needy; at night he is a thief.


Interesting, Mitwah, but that is a general term/verse as per the Bible, but it doesn't applied to all thieves as murderers. Most of the things stated in the Bible are not accurate to begin with.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Still waiting on someone to say exactly how a thief is a murderer?

it simple when a person come to thief if he is corner he will kill u 

is that the only way people thief? What about insider traders? Are they murderers?

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I wonder if Chief would call Ed Ahmad a murderer? Chief and Nehru have both supported Ed and his contributions to RH...would they now call him a murderer???

Ed is a Gentleman.  He was made a scapegoat by the US Govt. It is usually how it works when a system gets broken.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I wonder if Chief would call Ed Ahmad a murderer? Chief and Nehru have both supported Ed and his contributions to RH...would they now call him a murderer???

Ed is a Gentleman.  He was made a scapegoat by the US Govt. It is usually how it works when a system gets broken.

he stole from banks under false he a murderer?

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I wonder if Chief would call Ed Ahmad a murderer? Chief and Nehru have both supported Ed and his contributions to RH...would they now call him a murderer???

Ed is a Gentleman.  He was made a scapegoat by the US Govt. It is usually how it works when a system gets broken.

he stole from banks under false he a murderer?

NO!! I never said a thief is a murderer, was CHIEF.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

what about a poor person who shoplifts bread to feed his he a murderer because he is actually stealing?

Man ask Chief nah.

meh aint know wheh Chief deh


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