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ksazma posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Facebook has been primed with vile comments. The one that caught my attention was "The only good Indian is a dead Indian".

And that comment was made by someone who said that her grandmother always say that.

which coalition MP said that?

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Calm down. That level of hyperventilating is not good for your health.

Recently when Lawrence made her racist comment, many posters who usually agree with you were critical of her comments. Rather than honestly seeing her comments as divisive you promptly got into fights with folks because of their criticism. You kept repeating ad nausea that they need to stick with the program as you see it. That is textbook blind following. According to Charrandas, that same kind of indoctrination was expected from the 33 members of the Coalition. He also said that they were threatened with death if they voted for the motion. He continued that he became concerned that the government were not acting in the best interest of the people of Guyana so he decided to vote yes. He had one vote and the only time that vote would be beneficial to the people of Guyana was if it was used to have the current government cease to exist. That is clever. Now the government needs to be reelected and the people of Guyana will get another chance to decide who they wish to be their government.

From your recent outbursts over Lawrence racist comments, I am surprised you would bring anything about your moral compass (or lack thereof). I would have though that you were smart enough to let that stay buried.

your strange characterizations, athwart reality, about "calm down," "hyperventilating," "outbursts" and the like represent a poor effort at steering the conversation to your 'let's pretend' world where you are wise and reasonable rather than tendentious and STUPID

must be something about your ego under siege

sorry, not playing

I don't have any egos banna. I have been constantly claiming that I am a cane cutter. You on the other hand likes to talk about intelligence, etc. Now you talk about moral compass when not so long ago, so many posters were chastising you for your constant posts over Lawrence's racist comments. Remember how you pleaded with them to toe the line?

ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Facebook has been primed with vile comments. The one that caught my attention was "The only good Indian is a dead Indian".

And that comment was made by someone who said that her grandmother always say that.

which coalition MP said that?

I am surprised that you didn't understand Vish's statement that it was a comment on Facebook. You being so erudite and all. Where did anyone say that it was a Coalition MP comment?

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

Rodney was a hero and paid with his life.  Many others also did and faced arrest and/or torture.

Even Ravi Dev stood up for his principles, flawed though they were. This in the face of daily death threats from the PPP and when PYO thugs went to his house and stoned it when he was out but his wife was at home.

If Charrandass was this great martyr that you all scream that he is, he would have spoken out against APNU and the AFC since 2015. He would have mounted protest with David Hinds and Lincoln Lewis.  If that meant that he lost his MP salary so be it. That is what true heroes do.

But Judas money good.  The man is a coward or a Judas. These are the only boxes to check.

Rodney was a terrorist who died via a bomb that he was fiddling with. Ask Burnham. 

On the opposite spectrum Charrandas earned his MP seat by getting the votes for AFC, giving up his MP seat to allow AFC to continue filling their pockets would not have been a strategic move. Yall rass just vex because the man stop the spigot of soup that was supporting your fancy lifestyles. 

Dem black fellas on here see race in everything. The government would have killed Persaud for announced dissent.

Anybody remember Vincent Teekah, mysteriously killed by guess who.

ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Calm down. That level of hyperventilating is not good for your health.

Recently when Lawrence made her racist comment, many posters who usually agree with you were critical of her comments. Rather than honestly seeing her comments as divisive you promptly got into fights with folks because of their criticism. You kept repeating ad nausea that they need to stick with the program as you see it. That is textbook blind following. According to Charrandas, that same kind of indoctrination was expected from the 33 members of the Coalition. He also said that they were threatened with death if they voted for the motion. He continued that he became concerned that the government were not acting in the best interest of the people of Guyana so he decided to vote yes. He had one vote and the only time that vote would be beneficial to the people of Guyana was if it was used to have the current government cease to exist. That is clever. Now the government needs to be reelected and the people of Guyana will get another chance to decide who they wish to be their government.

From your recent outbursts over Lawrence racist comments, I am surprised you would bring anything about your moral compass (or lack thereof). I would have though that you were smart enough to let that stay buried.

your strange characterizations, athwart reality, about "calm down," "hyperventilating," "outbursts" and the like represent a poor effort at steering the conversation to your 'let's pretend' world where you are wise and reasonable rather than tendentious and STUPID

must be something about your ego under siege

sorry, not playing

I don't have any egos banna. I have been constantly claiming that I am a cane cutter. You on the other hand likes to talk about intelligence, etc. Now you talk about moral compass when not so long ago, so many posters were chastising you for your constant posts over Lawrence's racist comments. Remember how you pleaded with them to toe the line?

perhaps it's time you start to actually read my posts rather than following bad company and talking stupidness based on some bigot PPP lout's spin of same

ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Calm down. That level of hyperventilating is not good for your health.

Recently when Lawrence made her racist comment, many posters who usually agree with you were critical of her comments. Rather than honestly seeing her comments as divisive you promptly got into fights with folks because of their criticism. You kept repeating ad nausea that they need to stick with the program as you see it. That is textbook blind following. According to Charrandas, that same kind of indoctrination was expected from the 33 members of the Coalition. He also said that they were threatened with death if they voted for the motion. He continued that he became concerned that the government were not acting in the best interest of the people of Guyana so he decided to vote yes. He had one vote and the only time that vote would be beneficial to the people of Guyana was if it was used to have the current government cease to exist. That is clever. Now the government needs to be reelected and the people of Guyana will get another chance to decide who they wish to be their government.

From your recent outbursts over Lawrence racist comments, I am surprised you would bring anything about your moral compass (or lack thereof). I would have though that you were smart enough to let that stay buried.

your strange characterizations, athwart reality, about "calm down," "hyperventilating," "outbursts" and the like represent a poor effort at steering the conversation to your 'let's pretend' world where you are wise and reasonable rather than tendentious and STUPID

must be something about your ego under siege

sorry, not playing

I don't have any egos banna. I have been constantly claiming that I am a cane cutter. You on the other hand likes to talk about intelligence, etc. Now you talk about moral compass when not so long ago, so many posters were chastising you for your constant posts over Lawrence's racist comments. Remember how you pleaded with them to toe the line?

perhaps it's time you start to actually read my posts rather than following bad company and talking stupidness based on some bigot PPP lout's spin of same

Dude, get off your imaginable high horse. The way you destroyed yourself over that Lawrence racial episode recently may take quite some time to be corrected. While the word bigot can be very effective, coming from you does not have the same. You were adequately exposed recently.

Why do you think I am not writing on my own accord? 


“I am not Burnham” – Granger tells overseas Guyanese in Queens


By Tracey Khan – Drakes

Presidential and Prime Ministerial Candidate for the APNU+AFC Coalition, David Granger and Moses Nagamootoo. [News Source Photo]
Presidential and Prime Ministerial Candidate for the APNU+AFC Coalition, David Granger and Moses Nagamootoo. [News Source Photo]
[] â€“ Responding to concerns by Guyanese in the Diaspora at the weekend, Presidential Candidate of the APNU+AFC Coalition David Granger made it clear that he has no intention of reverting to systems of the late President Forbes Burnham, but will instead take the country forward, with Moses Nagamootoo by his side.

Granger and Nagamootoo are both in Queens, New York raising funds as they continue to intensify their elections campaign ahead of the May 11, 2015 general and regional elections.

“I am not Burnham, I am David Granger, Burnham died 30 years ago in 1985, I am the President of the future, I am leading Guyana into the future, I am not leading Guyana back into the past, I have by my side Moses Nagamottoo and both of us are looking to the future not to the past. The PNC is a part of a coalition; I am not a lone ranger, I am not going to be able to dictate the policy of a six Party coalition, we sit down at the table and we agree on policies in a consensual manner, we’re moving forward we’re not moving backwards,” Granger told a meeting in Queens, New York.

He also added that constitutional reform is another area that is high on their agenda should they win the upcoming elections and outlined a number of areas where reform will take place.

“Can a President prevent the holding of local government elections for 21 years? The answer is no, Obama cannot do it and Ramotar must not do it and we must ensure that the constitution is strengthen not by cherry picking of few issues but by having a holistic approach to the issues which we have discovered,” Granger stressed.

Meanwhile, the Coalition’s Prime Ministerial Candidate, Moses Nagamootoo, told concerned supporters that the AFC has taken all measures needed to protect itself.

Moses Nagamootoo delivering remarks at the Queens, New York meeting. [News Source Photo]
Moses Nagamootoo delivering remarks at the Queens, New York meeting. [News Source Photo]
“We’re not saying this as a threat but we’re saying that we hold a guarantee that if things don’t go well, David and you and I have to file legal proceedings for a divorce. I am taking my property with me, 12 seats and when he end up in a minority, I go over to the other side and you’re getting the no confidence motion all over again.”

Meanwhile, a few persons protested the meeting which was held on Sunday March 22. They identified themselves as supporters of the People’s Progressive Party Civic, (PPP/C).

According to reports coming out of Queens, the PPP supporters stood outside the meeting for almost two hours with placards as they shouted, “Granger is danger’ and also called Nagamootoo ‘ungrateful’.

One man who identified himself to protesters as the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan’s cousin, told the PPP supporters that Dr. Jagan would never approve of what is taking place in Guyana since the PPP has strayed from the ideologies of the founder of the Party.

ksazma posted:

Dude, get off your imaginable high horse. The way you destroyed yourself over that Lawrence racial episode recently may take quite some time to be corrected. While the word bigot can be very effective, coming from you does not have the same. You were adequately exposed recently.

Why do you think I am not writing on my own accord? 

i am quite comfortable on my "high horse" . . . thank you

it's not so high though . . . just seems so because you tend to gravitate towards incoherence and crawling on your belly


Looks like Judas Moses Betrayed President Granger:

Moses Nagamootoo delivering remarks at the Queens, New York meeting. [News Source Photo]
Moses Nagamootoo delivering remarks at the Queens, New York meeting. [News Source Photo]

“We’re not saying this as a threat but we’re saying that we hold a guarantee that if things don’t go well, David and you and I have to file legal proceedings for a divorce. I am taking my property with me, 12 seats and when he end up in a minority, I go over to the other side and you’re getting the no confidence motion all over again.”

Was Moses behind this plot that overthrew the PNC ? 

Congress Place is investigating.

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Dude, get off your imaginable high horse. The way you destroyed yourself over that Lawrence racial episode recently may take quite some time to be corrected. While the word bigot can be very effective, coming from you does not have the same. You were adequately exposed recently.

Why do you think I am not writing on my own accord? 

i am quite comfortable on my "high horse" . . . thank you

it's not so high though . . . just seems so because you tend to gravitate towards incoherence and crawling on your belly

If that helps comfort you, by all means. You seem to need it.

Drugb posted:

Rodney was a terrorist who died via a bomb that he was fiddling with. Ask Burnham. 

On the opposite spectrum Charrandas earned his MP seat by getting the votes for AFC, giving up his MP seat to allow AFC to continue filling their pockets would not have been a strategic move. Yall rass just vex because the man stop the spigot of soup that was supporting your fancy lifestyles. 

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Rodney and the WPA led directly to the demise of the PNC. Black man opposing black man, fighting for freedom for everyone, including you Indians.

And where were you shithead? You and your fellow Indian soupies were busy smuggling and engaging in your crooked teefing activities to hoard cash. Cash you would later pay black women from Newark to marry you so you can get a green card and write shit hay from the good old US of A.

Rodney was a legit hero. He fought in the streets and died in the streets. That COWARD Jagan kissed ass for 28 years, giving critical support while Forbes was one upping him every which way. So shut your stupid Dalit ass and guh back to picking fare in Newark.

ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Dude, get off your imaginable high horse. The way you destroyed yourself over that Lawrence racial episode recently may take quite some time to be corrected. While the word bigot can be very effective, coming from you does not have the same. You were adequately exposed recently.

Why do you think I am not writing on my own accord? 

i am quite comfortable on my "high horse" . . . thank you

it's not so high though . . . just seems so because you tend to gravitate towards incoherence and crawling on your belly

If that helps comfort you, by all means. You seem to need it.

it's not my ego that's under siege banna

read, learn and THINK lil for a change

Iguana posted:
Drugb posted:

Rodney was a terrorist who died via a bomb that he was fiddling with. Ask Burnham. 

On the opposite spectrum Charrandas earned his MP seat by getting the votes for AFC, giving up his MP seat to allow AFC to continue filling their pockets would not have been a strategic move. Yall rass just vex because the man stop the spigot of soup that was supporting your fancy lifestyles. 

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Rodney and the WPA led directly to the demise of the PNC. Black man opposing black man, fighting for freedom for everyone, including you Indians.

And where were you shithead? You and your fellow Indian soupies were busy smuggling and engaging in your crooked teefing activities to hoard cash. Cash you would later pay black women from Newark to marry you so you can get a green card and write shit hay from the good old US of A.

Rodney was a legit hero. He fought in the streets and died in the streets. That COWARD Jagan kissed ass for 28 years, giving critical support while Forbes was one upping him every which way. So shut your stupid Dalit ass and guh back to picking fare in Newark.

Watch the personal attack

ronan posted:
seignet posted:

The government would have killed Persaud for announced dissent.

you do realize how nonsensical your reasoning is here . . . rite?


The man said Volda threatened to kill anyone who dissent. You have a short memory for the indiscretions of Black ppl threats. The example was Waddel.

And why you referring to ppl crwaling on their bellies. You mostly  is like lucifer or the snake Mars posted today. Why you ppl so vile, yuh have

 ur draws down. Shame, Shame. 

Ray posted:
Iguana posted:
Drugb posted:

Rodney was a terrorist who died via a bomb that he was fiddling with. Ask Burnham. 

On the opposite spectrum Charrandas earned his MP seat by getting the votes for AFC, giving up his MP seat to allow AFC to continue filling their pockets would not have been a strategic move. Yall rass just vex because the man stop the spigot of soup that was supporting your fancy lifestyles. 

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Rodney and the WPA led directly to the demise of the PNC. Black man opposing black man, fighting for freedom for everyone, including you Indians.

And where were you shithead? You and your fellow Indian soupies were busy smuggling and engaging in your crooked teefing activities to hoard cash. Cash you would later pay black women from Newark to marry you so you can get a green card and write shit hay from the good old US of A.

Rodney was a legit hero. He fought in the streets and died in the streets. That COWARD Jagan kissed ass for 28 years, giving critical support while Forbes was one upping him every which way. So shut your stupid Dalit ass and guh back to picking fare in Newark.

Watch the personal attack

As expected. Can we expect to see you warn your pal Nehru any time soon?

Iguana posted:

Rodney and the WPA led directly to the demise of the PNC.


How did Rodney and the WPA led to the demise of the PNC? The demise of the PNC was due to their bankrupting the country. Rodney died in 1978. The economy began to rapidly decline in the 80s. Jagan sought Carter's help in 1990 to have fair and free elections in Guyana which Hoyte initially refused but eventually agreed to which produced the 1992 first legitimate elections since independence. Read Carter's notes below. It will also show how PNC supporters behave when PNC loses elections.

Last edited by Former Member
Iguana posted:
Drugb posted:

Rodney was a terrorist who died via a bomb that he was fiddling with. Ask Burnham. 

On the opposite spectrum Charrandas earned his MP seat by getting the votes for AFC, giving up his MP seat to allow AFC to continue filling their pockets would not have been a strategic move. Yall rass just vex because the man stop the spigot of soup that was supporting your fancy lifestyles. 

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Rodney and the WPA led directly to the demise of the PNC. Black man opposing black man, fighting for freedom for everyone, including you Indians.

And where were you shithead? You and your fellow Indian soupies were busy smuggling and engaging in your crooked teefing activities to hoard cash. Cash you would later pay black women from Newark to marry you so you can get a green card and write shit hay from the good old US of A.

Rodney was a legit hero. He fought in the streets and died in the streets. That COWARD Jagan kissed ass for 28 years, giving critical support while Forbes was one upping him every which way. So shut your stupid Dalit ass and guh back to picking fare in Newark.

Yuh did say you taking time off?

ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Dude, get off your imaginable high horse. The way you destroyed yourself over that Lawrence racial episode recently may take quite some time to be corrected. While the word bigot can be very effective, coming from you does not have the same. You were adequately exposed recently.

Why do you think I am not writing on my own accord? 

i am quite comfortable on my "high horse" . . . thank you

it's not so high though . . . just seems so because you tend to gravitate towards incoherence and crawling on your belly

If that helps comfort you, by all means. You seem to need it.

it's not my ego that's under siege banna

read, learn and THINK lil for a change

It is indeed your ego that is under siege. You can't seem to help yourself.

ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Facebook has been primed with vile comments. The one that caught my attention was "The only good Indian is a dead Indian".

And that comment was made by someone who said that her grandmother always say that.

which coalition MP said that?

I am surprised that you didn't understand Vish's statement that it was a comment on Facebook. You being so erudite and all. Where did anyone say that it was a Coalition MP comment?

so what exactly is the point of quoting some random, unknown 'person' on FaceBook?

that was my indirect question . . . but you are simply not sharp enough to understand

try to keep up


@Former Member - no intention of responding to your nonsense post. You are one of the most contradictory, convoluted, confused people posting here. Not to mention you are a pathological liar.

When cornered with your lies and contradiction (you even confuse yourself as to what you said), you tuck your tail and run away, mumbling about family and kids and how GNI isn't important to you. This after thousands of posts, and hundreds in the last few days. So guh chat with some odda neanderthal.

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Facebook has been primed with vile comments. The one that caught my attention was "The only good Indian is a dead Indian".

And that comment was made by someone who said that her grandmother always say that.

which coalition MP said that?

I am surprised that you didn't understand Vish's statement that it was a comment on Facebook. You being so erudite and all. Where did anyone say that it was a Coalition MP comment?

so what exactly is the point of quoting some random, unknown 'person' on FaceBook?

that was my indirect question . . . but you are simply not sharp enough to understand

try to keep up

You are slipping quite rapidly banna. Let me write slowly so you can grasp it. Vish posted a response to Leonora where he mentioned the comment on Facebook. I added to his comment that it was posted by someone who stated that her grandmother always said that. Now was that slow enough for you? I hope so.

Ray posted:
ksazma posted:
Ray posted:

what's the point of reposting that article again? Once is enough I think

I kind of like it, However, I will delete the second iteration. 

Yeah...yuh mite give ronan heartburn

Ronan has been off the rockers since Lawrence sabotaged the PNC government. He is still not quite recovered. Now he crying with Rajkoomarie. 

ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Facebook has been primed with vile comments. The one that caught my attention was "The only good Indian is a dead Indian".

And that comment was made by someone who said that her grandmother always say that.

which coalition MP said that?

I am surprised that you didn't understand Vish's statement that it was a comment on Facebook. You being so erudite and all. Where did anyone say that it was a Coalition MP comment?

so what exactly is the point of quoting some random, unknown 'person' on FaceBook?

that was my indirect question . . . but you are simply not sharp enough to understand

try to keep up

You are slipping quite rapidly banna. Let me write slowly so you can grasp it. Vish posted a response to Leonora where he mentioned the comment on Facebook. I added to his comment that it was posted by someone who stated that her grandmother always said that. Now was that slow enough for you? I hope so.

not sure how your 'response' to my post adds anything to the conversation

Iguana posted:

@Former Member - no intention of responding to your nonsense post. You are one of the most contradictory, convoluted, confused people posting here. Not to mention you are a pathological liar.

When cornered with your lies and contradiction (you even confuse yourself as to what you said), you tuck your tail and run away, mumbling about family and kids and how GNI isn't important to you. This after thousands of posts, and hundreds in the last few days. So guh chat with some odda neanderthal.

Wouldn't it have been sufficient to just ignore my comment. Why would you respond to it by saying that you have no intention responding to it. Having trouble controlling yourself. Dude, I have self control. I can walk away when I want to. Can you do that? Or is GNI your oxygen?

Iguana posted:
seignet posted:

Yuh did say you taking time off?

..where did I say that old man. Like senility or dementia stepping in. I said I was bored responding to the same tripe all the time.

Maybe you aint getting it that is why it has to be repeated, Since when you became an expert on Dalits, that is D2 expertise. R u using the word wantonly.

ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Facebook has been primed with vile comments. The one that caught my attention was "The only good Indian is a dead Indian".

And that comment was made by someone who said that her grandmother always say that.

which coalition MP said that?

I am surprised that you didn't understand Vish's statement that it was a comment on Facebook. You being so erudite and all. Where did anyone say that it was a Coalition MP comment?

so what exactly is the point of quoting some random, unknown 'person' on FaceBook?

that was my indirect question . . . but you are simply not sharp enough to understand

try to keep up

You are slipping quite rapidly banna. Let me write slowly so you can grasp it. Vish posted a response to Leonora where he mentioned the comment on Facebook. I added to his comment that it was posted by someone who stated that her grandmother always said that. Now was that slow enough for you? I hope so.

not sure how your 'response' to my post adds anything to the conversation

I said enough about your heart break condition in my first post. You expect me to cry like Rajkoomarie on every post I make on this thread?

seignet posted:
Iguana posted:
seignet posted:

Yuh did say you taking time off?

..where did I say that old man. Like senility or dementia stepping in. I said I was bored responding to the same tripe all the time.

Maybe you aint getting it that is why it has to be repeated, Since when you became an expert on Dalits, that is D2 expertise. R u using the word wantonly.

The dude have no trouble calling you a Dalit. Wonder how he would react if you call him a similar derogatory name?


it's damn funny how y'all jagdeoite revanchists moving truckfulls of manure around to convince that "Volda" is the proximate cause of the mangy Charandaas betrayal

i would prefer to use another more appropriate adjective, but i understand that that word is frowned upon here when used against PPP people

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:

so what exactly is the point of quoting some random, unknown 'person' on FaceBook?

that was my indirect question . . . but you are simply not sharp enough to understand

try to keep up

You are slipping quite rapidly banna. Let me write slowly so you can grasp it. Vish posted a response to Leonora where he mentioned the comment on Facebook. I added to his comment that it was posted by someone who stated that her grandmother always said that. Now was that slow enough for you? I hope so.

not sure how your 'response' to my post adds anything to the conversation

I said enough about your heart break condition in my first post. You expect me to cry like Rajkoomarie on every post I make on this thread?

OK, lessee here

your ego get so fragile now that you posting nonsense for posting sake to pretend that you putting up a fite?


Last edited by Former Member

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