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Chief, why don't you join them ? 

These people who are protesting are a bunch to idiots. The army should be called in to deal with these hooligans.

This is not Guyana where they will unleash violence after elections. 

It was a clean and well fought election. The people have spoken.

They need to get used to addressing Donald as President Trump.

ba$eman posted:
Chief posted:

They are screaming that Trump is not their President.

Who gives a shyte what they say.  You Chief said coolies must accept the fraudulent Guyana president.  Trump won fair and square.  Anarchy will not be allowed!!

That's right, there must be zero tolerance for violence in a peaceful American society.

President Trump is a law an order man who was endorsed as President when law and order was part of his election platform.

yuji22 posted:

Chief, why don't you join them ? 

These people who are protesting are a bunch to idiots. The army should be called in to deal with these hooligans.

This is not Guyana where they will unleash violence after elections. 

It was a clean and well fought election. The people have spoken.

They need to

yuji22 posted:

Chief, why don't you join them ? 


And may I ask why should I join them?


ba$eman posted:
Chief posted:

They are screaming that Trump is not their President.

Who gives a shyte what they say.  You Chief said coolies must accept the fraudulent Guyana president.  Trump won fair and square.  Anarchy will not be allowed!!

And I have said that Donald Trump is the President and we should respect that.

I see you and Yugi getting beyond yourselves.

Chief posted:

They are screaming that Trump is not their President.

Well he is the president. I wonder. If Trump won in a landslide and his goon squads were screaming that Hillary wasn't their president, what would be the reaction.

Hillary lost because she ran a poor campaign in the Midwest.  The woman was so arrogant that reportedly she didn't even enter WI after the primaries.  Yes, they thought they owned the voters there, and to their shock and surprise.........they don't.

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:


President Donald trump stunned them ! They are stunted !

Ha ! Ha !

Some times you want something so bad and when you finally get it, you realize that it was a bad mistake.

Let us talk in 12/31/2017 after Trump has engaged the USA in silly wars, and tanked the economy.


Today is your day and your Gestapo goon won, with the help of the KGB.

We will talk one year from now, and when the economy tanks, don't blame Obama.

It is a historic FACT that more jobs are created under Democrat presidents when compared to the GOP. Clinton saw more jobs than Reagan.  Obama more then Bush. All were two term presidents so their records can be easily compared.

So congrats to you for electing a man sure to tank the economy.

ba$eman posted:

Socialist United, a group for Bernie Sanders heading the protest.  They upset with Hillary taking on The Donald.  They should go protest at the DNC!

These people need to go home and regroup for 2020.  Hillary lost, Donald won.  Suck it up.

Trump is president and they can vote him out in 2020.

these are spontaneous protests. They have a right to protest

skeldon_man posted:
Vish M posted:

Here it seems that the majority is not good enough.

They have every right to protest

They should move to Wall Street


The people have spoken. Majority or not, it's the type of democracy that we live in. It's a waste of time to protest, nothing is going to change now.

Correct,Americans will make it through the next four years,"hard or soft" it's not the end of the world.

Many Americans could not believe Trump was elected to be the president,starting in January 2017 let us see if he will fulfill his promises to his supporters,I am looking forward to see the factories he promised to build here,from his statement he said he knows builder who build factories in Mexico,also the 35% tax on cars entering the US built in Mexico,reverse imports from China and that great WALL that the Mexican gov't will have to pay.

The rest of his ramblings I am not worried about,he will not have his way to implement them,there are checks and balances in our democracy.

Last edited by Django
skeldon_man posted:
Vish M posted:

Here it seems that the majority is not good enough.

They have every right to protest

They should move to Wall Street


The people have spoken. Majority or not, it's the type of democracy that we live in. It's a waste of time to protest, nothing is going to change now.

You are here because someone protested jim crow. Those people are out there indicating they will not put up with trumpeting ie abolishing the clean water act, keystone pipeline, etc. The mid term is only a two years ago and there will be a chance to pick up members in both the house and senate and I am sure there are little huddles in democratic quarters to formulate lists of who they will target. The numbers of democrats there are sufficient to stop any excessive overtures. It needs sixty votes to pass a measure. There are also enough dissenting republicans to help.


If Hillary's speech to Donald Trumph was genuine, She should be the one telling the protesters to cease fire.
When Guyana elections was cheated by Surujballi, did any building burn down?? Did we behave in this manner.
If this had happened to Granger, Guyana was going to turn to ashes.
Peace and love is the message.
Give love a try!!!

Jermaine Gentle's photo.
Jermaine Gentle's photo.
Jermaine Gentle's photo.
Jermaine Gentle's photo.
Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Nehru posted:
Amral posted:

Dem acting stupid like dem people in Guyana

YOu mean only when PPP lose in Guyana, the ignorant, violent, uneducated and Racist start Mo Fiah Slo Fiah. YES, you are correct Bossman.

Dem want to make America a third world country by looting and burning. They are mistaken, President Trump will deal with dem good and prappa.



Indo Guyanese are peaceful and acted in a civil manner even though the last election was rigged.

Unlike our Afro Brothers who looted, burnt and attacked Indo businesses in a repeated pattern of post election violence even though PNC lost all free and fair elections.

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:
FC posted:

It is warning to Trump.  Bigotry and racism will not be tolerated.

Warning to Trump....hehehe.  Trump shivering!

Most of those protesting are those on welfare like D2, they are worried about their welfare cheques. President will make these liberal welfare bums work for once in their lives.

They need to understand the value of hard work. The Community Organizer is gone, booted out by the American people.

RiffRaff posted:

Hey Yall PPP losers...this aint's AMERICA!

People free to's enshrined in the constitution...maybe I can have Mr. Khan send you guys copies

How correct you ARE, thank you Sir for your honesty:Guyana is a DICTATORSHIP , It is a dumb, violent, Stalin like Regime.  You got it really RIGHT this time Ray. Thanks again. I call on all Guyanese to tell it as it is like Ray does.  HIP HIP HOORAY for Ray.

yuji22 posted:
ba$eman posted:
FC posted:

It is warning to Trump.  Bigotry and racism will not be tolerated.

Warning to Trump....hehehe.  Trump shivering!

Most of those protesting are those on welfare like D2, they are worried about their welfare cheques. President will make these liberal welfare bums work for once in their lives.

They need to understand the value of hard work. The Community Organizer is gone, booted out by the American people.

For your's only a 8 year term...but, I am not surprised at your lack of knowledge, it's a trademark of Trump supporters


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