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well i guess the ppp did learn some thing from the pnc all you guyanese living overseas this picture have to bring back memories that is why we run from guyana burham use to pack them in the national park school children on the road waving flags bus them in and truck them in when you watch at those indian people you can see they from berbice i donot know where he find the black people you tell me if any of those people look like if they from gt
Originally posted by warrior:
well i guess the ppp did learn some thing from the pnc all you guyanese living overseas this picture have to bring back memories that is why we run from guyana burham use to pack them in the national park school children on the road waving flags bus them in and truck them in when you watch at those indian people you can see they from berbice i donot know where he find the black people you tell me if any of those people look like if they from gt

I thought the AFC promised to keep these very people away? How long ya'll think allyuh gonna be able to trick dem ppl in the diaspora for boi? Dis ent long time. Too much technology available now
The Guyanese public cannot get enough of Jagdeo's popularity. The AFC is calling it a "day of shame" by wearing black ribbon and standing in front Jagdeo's achievement, the providence stadium. If the AFC cannot identify shame from achievements, they are not fitted to rule Guyana. Why are they going after Jagdeo rather than addressing the daunting issues with the voters get the best of me?
Originally posted by Rahmah bin Jabr:
Event held during business hours. The only black people there were civil servants who were forced to attend.

Free food, music and alcohol and transportation brought out the semi illiterate Dalits and unemployed.

SJ how come you are virtually in Gtwn and blacks are less than 10% of the crowd? I thought Hits and Jam will get them out plus early closing in the MInistries. Apparently not.

Well I guess 50% of the Indians will vote PPP. A few blacks will vote "APNU?" and more than 50% will not vote. Because even those socalled PPP supporters look really sad.

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