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Former Member

The Government is trying its best to keep GUYSUCO afloat, in the 2014 budget 6 million dollars is allocated to the sector, directly benefiting over 30 000 working class family, the AFC/APNU already made their unconstitutional intentions clear, that they would CUT the allocation, directly putting thousands of working class families on the breadline, many of whom are the sole bread winners for their families.

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Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Government is trying its best to keep GUYSUCO afloat, in the 2014 budget 6 million dollars is allocated to the sector, directly benefiting over 30 000 working class family, the AFC/APNU already made their unconstitutional intentions clear, that they would CUT the allocation, directly putting thousands of working class families on the breadline, many of whom are the sole bread winners for their families.

Everybody know PPP destroyed sugar industry.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"JB" you don't seem cognizant of the external factors, which has a direct impact on the sugar industry, go do come reading, it would help you....serious

Failures here  is detailed in the multiple re-organizational plans that were executed by the PPP with progressively worse results. Trying to avoid the blame for ones incompetence, ignorance and corrupt practices will not sell. Yes that white elephant of a plant accepted by Romatar et al from the Chinese with no warranty  and which never worked is but a part of the problem. The other is the deliberate use of its management as squatting platforms for various incompetents from among the rank of the PPP beginning with Ramotar himself, Geeta Singh and Raj Sing et al. Don't blame the AC for trying to plug this ceaseless sink hole of the nations funds with no end to the crisis. This is a a prime example of gross negligence, ignorance and corrupt practices by the administration.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Government is trying its best to keep GUYSUCO afloat, in the 2014 budget 6 million dollars is allocated to the sector, directly benefiting over 30 000 working class family, the AFC/APNU already made their unconstitutional intentions clear, that they would CUT the allocation, directly putting thousands of working class families on the breadline, many of whom are the sole bread winners for their families.

Yuh rass know what is $6 billion so that "willy nilly" such a decision can be made without a proper analysis?


Look, tek $1 billion for now and let us discuss the industry properly.  A proper analysis will take at least 3 months.


Play hard ball and all $6 billion will be disallowed.


I hope yu hearing.


If yu head hard, you will get coconut husk, you try with this brand of PPP bullyism.


Get this clear  APNU and AFC met today to discuss strategy.


Try dividing them, they will drop such a HOT lash on you behind, you will see "money and jumbie" at every street corner.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Thousands of sugar workers would be directly placed on the breadline

Did yiou care when thousands of bauxite workers were thrown on the breadline.  No as they are only mere blacks.


So why wail when PPP supporters have ti drink thye same medicine.

Just be lucky that the PNC are lap dogs who are afraid of their own shadows.  Others would demand that Guysuco is treated as Guymine was.  SOLD!


If sugar is so lucrative why is the PPP so afraid to sell Guysuco?  If it isnt lucrative why do they keep it?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Some posters are quick to support the cutting of the 6 billion subvention for GUYSUCO, but very silent of the 3.2 billion electricity subsidy for Linden.

That subsidy represents a support for electricity generated by BOSAI.

Now can you tell me why Lindeners should pay subsidies to BOSAI when few work for them?


You are a bunch of liars who think that every one is foolish.  BOSAI generates its own electricity and sells the surplus to Linden.  Prove that only ordinary Lindeners will benefit from this.


Not only must Lindeners suffer when the Chinese fired them, but they must aslo subsidize the electricity which they use?


And yes if you demand that Guysuco be subsidized why are you screaming when Linden (including BOSAI) also get a subsidy?  Calling Lindeners ungrateful because they refuse to pay to ensure cheap electricity for a compnay which fired most of them.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Go do your research, find a "credible source", you're so naive "JB"  pity on your soul.

External factors?

Yes.  Guysuco is a high cost and inefficient producer that cannot compete on international sugar markets, and these PPP scoundrels demand that it should be unconditionally supported when they screamed with joy when BLACK Lindeners were thrown on the breadlines!

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

The opposition should only approve the $6 billion until the NEW BOARD is in place and on that BOARD must have opposition members to ensure that the PPP does not tief out the money.


What you all think??

They should only provide the entire amount when a new board develops plans to PRIVATIZE sugar.  If bauxite couldnt be subsidized indefinitely, then neither can sugar.  Guyana is not competitive in world markets, so Guysuco is not sustainable.  Just about every other CARICOM country, aside from Belize (sugar is in private hands there) has exited from exporting sugar in global markets.  Jamaica sold theirs to the Chinese.  Guyana should do the same.


Any subsidy should be interim, only to allow time for suitable buyers to be found.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Government is trying its best to keep GUYSUCO afloat, in the 2014 budget 6 million dollars is allocated to the sector, directly benefiting over 30 000 working class family, the AFC/APNU already made their unconstitutional intentions clear, that they would CUT the allocation, directly putting thousands of working class families on the breadline, many of whom are the sole bread winners for their families.

Guysuco is dying because of jagdeo Skeldon Factor which is a Goadee!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Sugar Industry is going through the test of things, due to external factors, nevertheless this important sector will weather the storm.


What the hell is the test of things due to external factors? They give you some real bullshit lines to post on this forum. The sugar industry is in the shithole today because of gross mismanagement and embezzlement of funds by the PPP fat cats in charge of Guysuco. They want to keep bailing out Guysuco every year to the tune of billions so that they could siphon off their cut to build their mansions and maintain their opulent lifestyles.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Sugar Industry is going through the test of things, due to external factors, nevertheless this important sector will weather the storm.


Is thetest of things a euphemism for those rodents  eating away at the foundation of the company? Could you tell us why is Raj Singh there or Geeta Singh Knighe etc... an ignoramus and a failure so to speak?


How many iterations of PPP re development plans and how many of these idiots in the PPP must be recycled before we can expect "the test of things" to be over? Get real fool, as long as the paradigm is patronage and friends and family implantation as  "managers"  remains the PPP strategy the industry will fail. Ultimately it will exceeds the capacity for rehabilitation. But the PPP does not care. They will break it up and pass it on the family as is usual.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Sugar Industry is going through the test of things, due to external factors, nevertheless this important sector will weather the storm.


There will always be external factors and that is the point. Where is the "transformative" aspect of the custodians of Guyana's economy? Why are they not fognisant of the place of sugar in the international economy?


all countries go through transformation where sectors disappear but the workers don't just disappear. Look how technology had increased productivity and changed processes to the point where a lot of people get thrown out of the workforce. Governments prepare for these things as a normal course -transformative if you like, as you guys like to throw this term around over 5.2% growth. There is unemployment insurance, retraining facilities, investments in other areas. Let the custodians of Guyana's economy wean it off of sugar if it has no future like its past days - whether it employs ovre 40% of the labor force or not. That's why politicians have vision and commission academic studies.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Sugar Industry is going through the test of things, due to external factors, nevertheless this important sector will weather the storm.


Holi moni. Is wat shit conscience writing dey. Dem bais had Ramo squattin pun de Guysiko board foh 17 years. Ah wah external facta me a hear bout now?

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Sugar Industry is going through the test of things, due to external factors, nevertheless this important sector will weather the storm.


Holi moni. Is wat shit conscience writing dey. Dem bais had Ramo squattin pun de Guysiko board foh 17 years. Ah wah external facta me a hear bout now?

Ramo squatted on a failed industry for all these years and was rewarded with His Excellency.....

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Sugar Industry is going through the test of things, due to external factors, nevertheless this important sector will weather the storm.




Still you are unable to tell us what these external factors are, and whether they will be temporary, or whether Guyana's sugar industry is doomed for failure.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Government is trying its best to keep GUYSUCO afloat, in the 2014 budget 6 million dollars is allocated to the sector, directly benefiting over 30 000 working class family, the AFC/APNU already made their unconstitutional intentions clear, that they would CUT the allocation, directly putting thousands of working class families on the breadline, many of whom are the sole bread winners for their families.



Incompetence reeks within GuySuCo


“You cannot throw bacon for the boys and bones to the workers,” was the response of Alliance for Change (AFC) Vice Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo, at the revelation that Chairman of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo), Raj Singh  will be paid some $2.2M per month.
Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh, this past week disclosed that GuySuCo will be paying its top man, no more than ÂĢ7,076 (G$2.2M) monthly.



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