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Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks.


As yuji correctly observed recently, the PPP has been hijacked by and must be handed over back top the People. We want Dr. Jagan's party to remerge minus any corruption.


We must also have a PPP that respects the will of the people. How can this be achieved ?


And yes, we need the House of Isreal thugs out now.


Please chime in.

This is the Yuji everyone on GNI love and Respect
Yuji........Jagdeo Control all De Corruption in Guyana
How can we fix that Problem?
I think establish ........ "FRIENDS OF THE OLD-PPP"
And Work with Ralph, Moses, Ramjattan and others Genuine PPP Leaders who left the Party and Govt because of Jagdeo's Corruption, Smuggleing & Thiefing......
We need these help fix the problem before it gets worst.

yuji, in a recent post I explained in detail how deeply entrenched democratic centralism is within the PPP. I showed how, in effect, a Gang of 8 in the PPP Ex-co controls all and sundry down to the smallest party group and how, under those conditions it's nigh impossible for grassroots PPP members to effect meaningful change. That was my political reasoning.

Now, bearing in mind that I have Kshatriya blood in my veins, I am proposing another kind of reasoning. Scout out Freedom House and wait until over 25 luxury cars and Prado SUVs are parked outside. Position 5 guys with rocket-propelled grenades at strategic points with a clear view of Freedom House. Aim and fire at the top two floors.

After the dust is settled, after the corrupt Central Committee is smashed, the way will be clear for the grassroots to assert their rights and make democratic and clean changes.

Sri Krishna enjoined us to stand up and fight the usurpers and the power-drunk. Besides, desperate times call for desperate measures, not so?

FM Brother.....I like your solution
Position 5 guys with rocket-propelled grenades at strategic points with a clear view of Freedom House. Aim and fire at the top two floors.
What will we do with the 25 luxury cars and Prado SUVs?
What will we do with the Mansions at Prado Ville?
Gil....PNC got dem kin of Guys.....TK call dem Freedom Fighters......
Yuh think TK will lend us these 5 Chaps????.....
So de 5 Freedom Fighters can Clear and clean up Freedom House??
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks.


As yuji correctly observed recently, the PPP has been hijacked by and must be handed over back top the People. We want Dr. Jagan's party to remerge minus any corruption.


We must also have a PPP that respects the will of the people. How can this be achieved ?


And yes, we need the House of Isreal thugs out now.


Please chime in.

There could never be a Jagan PPP for life. There could never be a Burnham PNC for life. What you're asking for is impossible. Time and tide wait for no man. The PPP is not hijack. It's a modern PPP as we see it. There is no fear of rigged election anymore. Let's leave it up to the electorates to decide if they want to remove the PPP and keep them in power.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks.


As yuji correctly observed recently, the PPP has been hijacked by and must be handed over back top the People. We want Dr. Jagan's party to remerge minus any corruption.


We must also have a PPP that respects the will of the people. How can this be achieved ?


And yes, we need the House of Isreal thugs out now.


Please chime in.

Cry and scream all you want.  Jagdeo snatched the party while you were sleeping.  We told you that he is Baby Kong, Burnham's son from one of his East Coast ladies, and you laughed at us.


Well too late shall be the cry!

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks.


As yuji correctly observed recently, the PPP has been hijacked by and must be handed over back top the People. We want Dr. Jagan's party to remerge minus any corruption.


We must also have a PPP that respects the will of the people. How can this be achieved ?


And yes, we need the House of Isreal thugs out now.


Please chime in.

There could never be a Jagan PPP for life. There could never be a Burnham PNC for life. What you're asking for is impossible. Time and tide wait for no man. The PPP is not hijack. It's a modern PPP as we see it. There is no fear of rigged election anymore. Let's leave it up to the electorates to decide if they want to remove the PPP and keep them in power.

Well said Cobra Bhai.  President Ramotar needs to be his own man and keep his eyes on those Ministers and PS and other Top Office holders. CORRUPTION IS A CANCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE POLICE FORCE MUST ALSO NOT BE ALLOWED TO BE A CANCER


Jalil and Gil


I understand the anger and frustration. The PPP must first mend bridges with the likes of Ralph, Moses and Ramjattan. They saw the PPP being hijacked a long time before many die hards who love Dr. Jagan's PPP realized.


I do not have an answer to the solution but we must continue to use our keyboards and tell our friends and relatives about the need to reform the PPP.


Keep fighting to bring back Dr. Jagan's PPP.



Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks.


As yuji correctly observed recently, the PPP has been hijacked by and must be handed over back top the People. We want Dr. Jagan's party to remerge minus any corruption.


We must also have a PPP that respects the will of the people. How can this be achieved ?


And yes, we need the House of Isreal thugs out now.


Please chime in.

There could never be a Jagan PPP for life. There could never be a Burnham PNC for life. What you're asking for is impossible. Time and tide wait for no man. The PPP is not hijack. It's a modern PPP as we see it. There is no fear of rigged election anymore. Let's leave it up to the electorates to decide if they want to remove the PPP and keep them in power.

Well said Cobra Bhai.  President Ramotar needs to be his own man and keep his eyes on those Ministers and PS and other Top Office holders. CORRUPTION IS A CANCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE POLICE FORCE MUST ALSO NOT BE ALLOWED TO BE A CANCER

Guyana is making progress to combat corruptions, but it is moving slowly. Nothing cannot be done overnight. If the PPP has held the majority in parliament, you would have seen a lot of changes in the affected areas. You've said it correctly, the police dept has to be modernized and recruit more qualified individuals. This is also ongoing, but it's a slow process. They have the swat team in training. They will soon have a DEA office in Guyana, and soon they will agree to have overseas intervention in near future. So, let give them a tittle time and breathing space to do their job. The PPP will make us all proud. 

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:

No body to tek it back.  They all living in the US and Canada.  The ones down deh either getting rich or getting poorer.  Jagdeo and his clan will control until the PNC takes it back and return to the old glory days.

He He you meking me laugh today.


Love your sarcasm.  

Hey Hey Hey...look how yuh lookin foh lil fren, Baseman expose de adda day what wan scum yuh is. Hey Hey Hey...anyhow meh hope yu and baseman hug and kiss up.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Jalil and Gil


I understand the anger and frustration. The PPP must first mend bridges with the likes of Ralph, Moses and Ramjattan. They saw the PPP being hijacked a long time before many die hards who love Dr. Jagan's PPP realized.


I do not have an answer to the solution but we must continue to use our keyboards and tell our friends and relatives about the need to reform the PPP.


Keep fighting to bring back Dr. Jagan's PPP.



yuji, of course you know I put in that RPG part to make a point, i.e., that reason and reform to "bring back Dr Jagan's PPP" is a non-starter with the present PPP leadership.

That Central Committee will not abandon democratic centralism because it is the perfect mechanism to control the party completely.

That Central Committee will not "mend bridges with the likes of Ralph, Moses and Ramjattan" because these three stalwarts are totally against the corrupt leaders in the PPP.

Furthermore, Ralph, Moses, Ramjattan and Gilbakka know from experience that former PPP members who returned to the party were treated like stray dogs, kept at arms' length and subjected to suspicion.

yuji, try deh wid yuh reform dream.

Jalil, thank you for supporting my guerrilla warfare plot.

Indeed, our great leader Dr Cheddi Jagan had supported Fidel Castro's armed overthrow of the corrupt Fulgencio Batista in 1959.

Dr Jajan read the history books and supported the Bolsheviks' 1917 armed overthrow of the Czar who lived in mansions while his countryfolks suffered.

So, I believe Dr Jagan would not have objected to the deployment of 5 RPGs on that corrupt cabal up in F-House.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Jalil and Gil


I understand the anger and frustration. The PPP must first mend bridges with the likes of Ralph, Moses and Ramjattan. They saw the PPP being hijacked a long time before many die hards who love Dr. Jagan's PPP realized.


I do not have an answer to the solution but we must continue to use our keyboards and tell our friends and relatives about the need to reform the PPP.


Keep fighting to bring back Dr. Jagan's PPP.



When was the last time you spoke to Manny, Danny, Lochan  or Victor?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Jalil and Gil


I understand the anger and frustration. The PPP must first mend bridges with the likes of Ralph, Moses and Ramjattan. They saw the PPP being hijacked a long time before many die hards who love Dr. Jagan's PPP realized.


I do not have an answer to the solution but we must continue to use our keyboards and tell our friends and relatives about the need to reform the PPP.


Keep fighting to bring back Dr. Jagan's PPP.



When was the last time you spoke to Manny, Danny, Lochan  or Victor?

Mits I keep my political views personal and express my views only at this forum. I know Victor personally, if we are talking about the same Victor.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:

No body to tek it back.  They all living in the US and Canada.  The ones down deh either getting rich or getting poorer.  Jagdeo and his clan will control until the PNC takes it back and return to the old glory days.

He He you meking me laugh today.


Love your sarcasm.  

Hey Hey Hey...look how yuh lookin foh lil fren, Baseman expose de adda day what wan scum yuh is. Hey Hey Hey...anyhow meh hope yu and baseman hug and kiss up. fren yuji ask De Grassroot fuh coment.....Not De Grasshopper
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Jalil and Gil


I understand the anger and frustration. The PPP must first mend bridges with the likes of Ralph, Moses and Ramjattan. They saw the PPP being hijacked a long time before many die hards who love Dr. Jagan's PPP realized.


I do not have an answer to the solution but we must continue to use our keyboards and tell our friends and relatives about the need to reform the PPP.


Keep fighting to bring back Dr. Jagan's PPP.



When was the last time you spoke to Manny, Danny, Lochan  or Victor?

Mits I keep my political views personal and express my views only at this forum. I know Victor personally, if we are talking about the same Victor.



You should talk to him sometimes.


It is good that party faithfuls are openly addressing issues of concern. That's the way it should be. We must be careful in our judgment and be vigilant at all times of the plans of the enemies. We must not only focus inward. We must keep assessing the overall situation and guard against a greater enemy than just the party's leadership structure that allows a few to control. We have seen how the opposition leader, David Granger, refused to acknowledge that elections were rigged during the period from 1968 to 1985. On the contrary, he charged that elections from 1992 and thereafter were all rigged. How can you expect an apology from a man who refused to acknowledge the truth. Hoyte never accepted that Burnham rigged elections.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

It is good that party faithfuls are openly addressing issues of concern. That's the way it should be. We must be careful in our judgment and be vigilant at all times of the plans of the overall situation and guard against a greater enemy than just the party's enemies. We must not only focus inward. We must keep assessing the leadership structure that allows a few to control. We have seen how the opposition leader, David Granger, refused to acknowledge that elections were rigged during the period from 1968 to 1985. On the contrary, he charged that elections from 1992 and thereafter were all rigged. How can you expect an apology from a man who refused to acknowledge the truth. Hoyte never accepted that Burnham rigged elections.

Billy but there is a fella name TK, Redux, JB, e-Mamoo, e-Daddy & Kakalulu who repeats every word Granger say.
Tk use to Worship Ravi Dev...... Today Dev telling abee TK & Co are .... dyspeptic .....Twerps....and.... new PNC sycophants.......
Billy all Guyanese has a right to freely join or support any party of their choice......
But only a Mad man like Kakalulu will tell us PNC did not Rig Elections between 1964-1985.
And only a Mad man like Redux will tell us Hoyte did not Rig Elections between 1985-1992......and Hoyte won a Free & Fair Election in 1985 with a record 80% Votes.
And only a Mad man like JB, e-Mamoo, e-Daddy will tell us PPP Rig Elections between 1992-2014.
And only a Mad man like TK will tell us PNC did not have to apologize for Rig All De-Elections between 1964-1992.....or Killing Dr Rodney

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