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This is normal protocol especially when dealing with enemies of the state.  Immigration which is not under the control of Govt must ensure that these creatures are not planning any insidious activity when the visit the country. In the US this is also common practice as we see the nation has developed a no fly list and routinely detain the usual suspects who pose a threat to the nation. Tk and Odle are in this category as they bear malice to the stability of Guyana. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This is normal protocol especially when dealing with enemies of the state.  Immigration which is not under the control of Govt must ensure that these creatures are not planning any insidious activity when the visit the country. In the US this is also common practice as we see the nation has developed a no fly list and routinely detain the usual suspects who pose a threat to the nation. Tk and Odle are in this category as they bear malice to the stability of Guyana. 

This is despicable if true. It is craven scoundrels like yourself who would tolerate these invasion of personal liberty that one remembers well the PPP is on record of condemning in the previous regime.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This is normal protocol especially when dealing with enemies of the state.  Immigration which is not under the control of Govt must ensure that these creatures are not planning any insidious activity when the visit the country. In the US this is also common practice as we see the nation has developed a no fly list and routinely detain the usual suspects who pose a threat to the nation. Tk and Odle are in this category as they bear malice to the stability of Guyana. 

This is despicable if true. It is craven scoundrels like yourself who would tolerate these invasion of personal liberty that one remembers well the PPP is on record of condemning in the previous regime.

Don't throw stones if you live in glass house.  Scold the US first before you try to reprimand Guyana immigration personnel.  Clean your own house first before bad talking your neighbor's. hahahaha

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This is normal protocol especially when dealing with enemies of the state.  Immigration which is not under the control of Govt must ensure that these creatures are not planning any insidious activity when the visit the country. In the US this is also common practice as we see the nation has developed a no fly list and routinely detain the usual suspects who pose a threat to the nation. Tk and Odle are in this category as they bear malice to the stability of Guyana. 

This is despicable if true. It is craven scoundrels like yourself who would tolerate these invasion of personal liberty that one remembers well the PPP is on record of condemning in the previous regime.

Don't throw stones if you live in glass house.  Scold the US first before you try to reprimand Guyana immigration personnel.  Clean your own house first before bad talking your neighbor's. hahahaha

You are a jackass. He is right. We marched on parliament hill during the winter to protest these invasion of personal liberty by the Burnham regime. Yugi22 was there.


Keep listening to your braying.


There is no place for harassment.  The PPP needs to stop being so petty as it makes them look desperate. They should not be concerned with people writing economic paper, etc which most Guyanese don't read.  They need to focus on those aiding and abetting, promoting, inciting and propagating mayhem and destruction.

Originally Posted by baseman:

There is no place for harassment.  The PPP needs to stop being so petty as it makes them look desperate. They should not be concerned with people writing economic paper, etc which most Guyanese don't read.  They need to focus on those aiding and abetting, promoting, inciting and propagating mayhem and destruction.

Well said!

Originally Posted by Angel:
Originally Posted by baseman:

There is no place for harassment.  The PPP needs to stop being so petty as it makes them look desperate. They should not be concerned with people writing economic paper, etc which most Guyanese don't read.  They need to focus on those aiding and abetting, promoting, inciting and propagating mayhem and destruction.

Well said!

Girl, a wake up on mi good side today, thanks to heat and lights...and gasoline.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Angel:
Originally Posted by baseman:

There is no place for harassment.  The PPP needs to stop being so petty as it makes them look desperate. They should not be concerned with people writing economic paper, etc which most Guyanese don't read.  They need to focus on those aiding and abetting, promoting, inciting and propagating mayhem and destruction.

Well said!

Girl, a wake up on mi good side today, thanks to heat and lights...and gasoline.

You're lucky, many still suffering after the monster storms, with none of those comforts you have and they truly suffering, not "milking the system" as you said

Originally Posted by Angel:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Angel:
Originally Posted by baseman:

There is no place for harassment.  The PPP needs to stop being so petty as it makes them look desperate. They should not be concerned with people writing economic paper, etc which most Guyanese don't read.  They need to focus on those aiding and abetting, promoting, inciting and propagating mayhem and destruction.

Well said!

Girl, a wake up on mi good side today, thanks to heat and lights...and gasoline.

You're lucky, many still suffering after the monster storms, with none of those comforts you have and they truly suffering, not "milking the system" as you said

I'm sorry.  I did not even know the magnitude until after as I had no TV or outside contacts.  It was really bad.  When I saw the pics from Staten Island and the Rockaways, only then I realized how bad it was.

Originally Posted by Angel:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Angel:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Angel:
Originally Posted by baseman:

There is no place for harassment.  The PPP needs to stop being so petty as it makes them look desperate. They should not be concerned with people writing economic paper, etc which most Guyanese don't read.  They need to focus on those aiding and abetting, promoting, inciting and propagating mayhem and destruction.

Well said!

Girl, a wake up on mi good side today, thanks to heat and lights...and gasoline.

You're lucky, many still suffering after the monster storms, with none of those comforts you have and they truly suffering, not "milking the system" as you said

I'm sorry.  I did not even know the magnitude until after as I had no TV or outside contacts.  It was really bad.  When I saw the pics from Staten Island and the Rockaways, only then I realized how bad it was.

Now here's a real man for ya. one who can say 'i was mistaken...i'm sorry'  too bad not more like you around

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

The truth hurts you Baseman?

Jagans hurt Indians in Guyana.  Guyana needs to move beyond the ghost of the Jagans.  But I don't bother to dwell, you see what your are hoping for is a mirage anyway.

Like you eyes the Jagans baseman.  Sell out?  Spend that money quick before inflation kill it.

Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

The truth hurts you Baseman?

Jagans hurt Indians in Guyana.  Guyana needs to move beyond the ghost of the Jagans.  But I don't bother to dwell, you see what your are hoping for is a mirage anyway.

Like you eyes the Jagans baseman.  Sell out?  Spend that money quick before inflation kill it.

Something on your mind?

Originally Posted by Angel:
Originally Posted by Angel:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Angel:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Girl, a wake up on mi good side today, thanks to heat and lights...and gasoline.

You're lucky, many still suffering after the monster storms, with none of those comforts you have and they truly suffering, not "milking the system" as you said

I'm sorry.  I did not even know the magnitude until after as I had no TV or outside contacts.  It was really bad.  When I saw the pics from Staten Island and the Rockaways, only then I realized how bad it was.

Now here's a real man for ya. one who can say 'i was mistaken...i'm sorry'  too bad not more like you around

Girl, when I-man wrong, I-man wrong, no two ways.  I stand corrected and hope all the suffering end soon.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

You use to be a Jagan man what happen to you recently baseman

I admire somethings about the old Jagans, primarily their honesty however, I don't subscribe to their politics and philosophy of appeasement both of which have been detrimental to Indians in Guyana.  I have always held this position, so if you had different thoughts, then you mixed me up with someone else.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

You were the person who said that when you visited Guyana you realized the poor and powerless man in the street support the PPP party because it is Jagan party.

Yes, and how does that conflict with my position.  Like you, they are existing on nostalgia.  You living on yesterdays dreams which were never realized then and it will not be in the future.  Move on, don't harp on something that can never be.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
You are a jackass. He is right. We marched on parliament hill during the winter to protest these invasion of personal liberty by the Burnham regime. Yugi22 was there.


Keep listening to your braying.

Who is "we", a foul mouthed creature like you would not know the meaning of civil disobedience, much less want to march for a cause. 

TK and Odel make up nancy story, were they jailed or merely asked a few question about their reason for visiting Guyana? Did the questioning cause them to miss their flight? No. You fools are making a mountain out of a mole hill. hahahaha

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
You are a jackass. He is right. We marched on parliament hill during the winter to protest these invasion of personal liberty by the Burnham regime. Yugi22 was there.


Keep listening to your braying.

Who is "we", a foul mouthed creature like you would not know the meaning of civil disobedience, much less want to march for a cause. 

TK and Odel make up nancy story, were they jailed or merely asked a few question about their reason for visiting Guyana? Did the questioning cause them to miss their flight? No. You fools are making a mountain out of a mole hill. hahahaha

Brainless jackass, you must have been held back back  a grade or two in  school. I doubt you comprehend what you wrote much less the issue.


Keep on braying in your high pitched voice.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This is normal protocol especially when dealing with enemies of the state.  Immigration which is not under the control of Govt must ensure that these creatures are not planning any insidious activity when the visit the country. In the US this is also common practice as we see the nation has developed a no fly list and routinely detain the usual suspects who pose a threat to the nation. Tk and Odle are in this category as they bear malice to the stability of Guyana. 

druggie next time you travel TSA will pull you aside, put you on the "no fly" list.  When you protest they will tell you that this is normal behavior by your PPP so you ought to have nothing to say.


TK and Odle are respectable professionals who do not like the PPP.  It might shock you to know but beng "anti-govt" is only a crime in dictatorships like whta we have under the PPP which is copying Burnham with its tactics.

Originally Posted by baseman:

I'm sorry.  I did not even know the magnitude until after as I had no TV or outside contacts.  It was really bad.  When I saw the pics from Staten Island and the Rockaways, only then I realized how bad it was.

Canarsie and other Caribbean neighborhoods in Brooklyn were also impacted but in this "post racial" America that Kari boasts about, they were ignored and only private citizens and their locfal politicians are there to help them.


Note that these are middle class home owners who do not desire any more help than that offered to the folks in lower Manhattan who squealed because they were not able to twitter for a few days, but certainly didnt suffer loss of property, except for some rotten food......not even that as they mainly eat out.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Who is "we", a foul mouthed creature like you would not know the meaning of civil disobedience, much less want to march for a cause. 

TK and Odel make up nancy story, were they jailed or merely asked a few question about their reason for visiting Guyana? Did the questioning cause them to miss their flight? No. You fools are making a mountain out of a mole hill. hahahaha

Brainless jackass, you must have been held back back  a grade or two in  school. I doubt you comprehend what you wrote much less the issue.


Keep on braying in your high pitched voice.

As expected, due to your cognitive disability you digress to vulgar personal attacks rather than addressing the issue at hand. 

Originally Posted by caribny: 

druggie next time you travel TSA will pull you aside, put you on the "no fly" list.  When you protest they will tell you that this is normal behavior by your PPP so you ought to have nothing to say.


TK and Odle are respectable professionals who do not like the PPP.  It might shock you to know but beng "anti-govt" is only a crime in dictatorships like whta we have under the PPP which is copying Burnham with its tactics.


This is already being done to many citizens, I could even be targeted but I would not protest as I have nothing to fear since I have no insidious plans afoot to hurt this nation. 


TK and Odle are far from respectable professionals, they are the supporters of mo fiah slow fiah and may even be linked to the overseas authors that finance sabotage efforts in Guyana.  Burnham would detain persons and beat them, this did not happen to TK and Odle, they both were sent along their way without incident. These fools feel that they own Guyana and should walk in and out with impunity despite their ulterior motives of mayhem and destruction via support of mo fiah slow fiah. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Who is "we", a foul mouthed creature like you would not know the meaning of civil disobedience, much less want to march for a cause. 

TK and Odel make up nancy story, were they jailed or merely asked a few question about their reason for visiting Guyana? Did the questioning cause them to miss their flight? No. You fools are making a mountain out of a mole hill. hahahaha

Brainless jackass, you must have been held back back  a grade or two in  school. I doubt you comprehend what you wrote much less the issue.


Keep on braying in your high pitched voice.

As expected, due to your cognitive disability you digress to vulgar personal attacks rather than addressing the issue at hand. 

It doesn't matter. At the end of the day you are still a brainless jackass. Keep braying in that high pitched voice.

Originally Posted by warrior:

GBURD,what the man is saying,is you are a ugly jackass ops sorry brainless jackass,no wonder you support the ppp

I invite you 3 musketeers to step back from the darkness and come to the light to participate in fruitful discussion instead of engaging in personal attacks. If you don't like what I write then utilize proper debate etiquette to counter my points rather than attacking me. hhahhahahahah


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