quote:BOOKMAN: TK, did you take out a picture of the New Guyana property? I'd love to see it. I wanted to ask Gerhard to pass by the Industrial Estate and snap a shot, but de unreliable half-white man hasn't yet kept a year-long promise to me to shoot de Stabroek Market lady selling de fowlcock sweetie.
I did not get a chance to take out a pic. But I can tell you many heavy machines are parked in the property. I know that area very well since I born and grew up not far from there. I was once offered a job on the printing press in 1991. I can tell you that is not the place I know. But what you guys do with party assets is none of my business. It becomes my business when the national assets are siphoned off and sold off to friends of the Oligarch-in-Chief for next to nothing.