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Former Member

Unfortunately this board is a sorry state of its past. I hardly look over here these days. The low IQed dog dung from Yuji, King hustler street 'smarts' Baseman, Nehru, Cobra, DrugB, Bibi Haffina and the rest makes the board boring and stupid. Having said that, I think the Indo KKKs should ponder this letter by Maxwell. I tend to feel the same way. I am not saying this govt is saintly and without errors...but they are not offering up many low-hanging psydiums either.


A worsening economy will not see the PPP return to power

By Staff Writer On January 4, 2016 @ 5:04 am In Letters

Dear Editor,

Some PPP supporters have stated that if the economic trouble under the coalition government continues or worsens, it strengthens the chances of the PPP returning to power. I agree that the government of the day takes the hog’s share of the blame for an imploding economy. It is common sense given that they control the economy. While the coalition government inherited from the PPP an economy in decline, any worsening or acceleration of that decline, or failure to resuscitate the economy will fall squarely on the shoulders of the coalition government. After all, the coalition knew what it was getting into and it has five years to turn around the economy. But is the economy as pivotal an election issue in Guyana as it is in the developed world where governments typically fall if they mismanage the economy, or election season occurs in the midst of an economic slowdown?

It isn’t for Indians and Africans who predominantly vote race and will vote for their ethnic parties. It is for some Amerindians and Mixed voters who mostly vote issues or rather, refuse to vote because of issues. With the Indian and African populations representing roughly 40% and 30% of the general and voting population based on historical trends, the coalition and PPP are largely assured of this chunk of the national vote. For the PPP under Mr Bharrat Jagdeo’s domination, that roughly 40% of the national vote is likely all it will get in 2020. A Jagdeo-dominated PPP will not get non-Indian votes. Amerindians will be dominated by the coalition government under the system of central government domination the PPP created to hold Amerindian communities hostage. Just as the Amerindian voting pool was largely cajoled into voting PPP by this system of dependency and domination, the coalition government will benefit similarly. So, the PPP will not get anything but a shred of the Amerindian vote. Similarly, the Mixed vote will not touch the PPP. However, these two groups, which likely account for about 30% of the overall vote, are likely to not vote as heavily in any recessionary environment.

The question will be whether the coalition government can secure about a third of that 30% of the national vote that comprises Amerindians and Mixed voters to overcome the PPP. Unless the coalition government engages in some catastrophic misfeasance or expands this march to despotism or worse, the coalition is likely to get that slim advantage owing largely to Mr Jagdeo’s presence atop the PPP. Mr Jagdeo and those in charge of the PPP will force enough crossover voters away from the PPP by 2020 and into the arms of the coalition government to give it the upper hand. The PPP will get virtually no crossover voters in 2020. Indeed, a significant chunk of these crossover voters will not vote at all in decrepit economic times but the coalition is likely to get enough at the end of the day. The other factor these PPP supporters fail to consider is that of all the ethnic groups in this country, none flee economic privation faster than Indians. Prolonged economic decline under a coalition government spells demographic disaster for the PPP and corresponding electoral trouble. The Indian population as a percentage of the general population declined from 51.93% to 48.63% from 1980 to 1991 under the PNC economic miasma. Surprisingly, the Indian population slipped to 43.45% by 2002 after a decade of PPP rule, which was during a period that captured most of the best period of economic growth under the PPP. Indians departed heavily under Mr Jagdeo’s rule that delivered a pitiful 2.23% annualized GDP growth for 12 years with runaway crime in tow.

Using the historical trends, the Indian population could be a maximum of 35% of the national vote by 2020 and the coalition’s task of defeating the PPP would be much easier. The prolonged economic collapse some within the PPP are crowing over and hoping for will lead to painful electoral manifestations for the PPP. If the economy rebounds, the Jagdeoite PPP’s hold on Indian votes could dissipate and a critical subset of Indians will both switch allegiances to the coalition or simply refuse to vote PPP in 2020. This Jagdeoite-controlled version of the PPP is stuck in a racial wedge holding onto a single constituency that keeps declining. The only salvation for this version of the PPP is that the coalition does something utterly disastrous although even so, the PPP will still not get crossover votes but could benefit from the coalition’s loss of crossover votes and the increased non-participation of crossover voters. The upside for the coalition from good governance is tremendous. The PPP has no room to move upwards on its own. It can only advance if the coalition evaporates its own advantage.

Yours faithfully,
M Maxwell


Replies sorted oldest to newest

"Indians departed heavily under Mr Jagdeo’s rule that delivered a pitiful 2.23% annualized GDP growth for 12 years with runaway crime in tow."

PPP sycophants tend to overlook this when they brag about how great the economy was during Jagdeo's presidency. 



It has been said, "for all the perils that faces nations, hope is a necessity."

My hope, is that calamity strikes Guyana before its 50th Independence year. Reading Maxwell, I gather the hardships will surmount, the sooner the better. It is inevitable. And the people of Georgetown become so irate, that all, every politician, blackman and coolie run to escape their anger.

Granger surprises me all the time. The man is unreasonable in the utterances of his decisions.  Jagdeo is just as bad. The difference is, one is a coolieman and the other is a blackman.

THEY ARE NOT GUYANESE. They lie to the peoples of Guyana. Their actions deem them as IMPOSTERS.



TK posted:

Unfortunately this board is a sorry state of its past. I hardly look over here these days. The low IQed dog dung from Yuji, King hustler street 'smarts' Baseman, Nehru, Cobra, DrugB, Bibi Haffina and the rest makes the board boring and stupid. Having said that, I think the Indo KKKs should ponder this letter by Maxwell. I tend to feel the same way. I am not saying this govt is saintly and without errors...but they are not offering up many low-hanging psydiums either.


Well, high Mr IQ, why don't you make things better, not on this board, but Guyana.  BTW, I did not see and post election photo-op with Granger.  I guess you are not all that important, after all.

Why don't you ponder your role in installing this throw-back Govt?  If you were so eager, why you not there running BoG?

ksazma posted:

Maxwell is highly misguided. There are so many wishful thinking and reckless assumptions in his article above that has no basis on reality.

While I don't necessarily agree with all of his points, where is he so wrong.

1.  The Indian population is declining.  51% in 1970 and now probably only 40%.  I will not be surprised to see it at 38% or less by 2020.

2.   The Amerindian vote is often captured by a need to ensure support from central gov't.  So why will the coalition not capture more of this by 2020, that is if they do their job?

3. The PPP is doing nothing to get the African vote, so they will continue to be ignored by this group.

4.  Where I disagree with Maxwell is his perception that mixed voters are a well defined voting bloc in the way that Indians, Africans and Amerindians are. 

There is no "mixed" ethnic group.  There are people who either consider themselves to be bi/multi racial, or simply do not wish to define themselves according to any specific ethnic group.  So there isn't any one response of the mixed population. 

I submit that until we understand who these people are we cannot predict what they will do.  Given that the PPP continues to scream that it is the "coolie people party", displaying no interest in other groups, aside from attempting to buy the Amerindian vote, we can assume that the vast majority will continue to be hostile to the PPP.

If the PPP changes its attitude, it might well be that some mixed voters might become open to them. With Jagdeo at the helm this isn't happening.

ksazma posted:

If I were a non-Indian, I would be offended by Maxwell's characterization of me in his article above.

I am non Indian and I see nothing offensive about Maxwell's portrayal of us.

I am more offended by you and other so called moderate Indians who refuse to understand why people like me remain fundamentally opposed to people like Jagdeo and Ravi Dev.

And I am also hearing from various sources (both AFC and PNC) that Ramjattan is suspected to be a closet PPP racist.

Last edited by Former Member
baseman posted:
TK posted:

Unfortunately this board is a sorry state of its past. I hardly look over here these days. The low IQed dog dung from Yuji, King hustler street 'smarts' Baseman, Nehru, Cobra, DrugB, Bibi Haffina and the rest makes the board boring and stupid. Having said that, I think the Indo KKKs should ponder this letter by Maxwell. I tend to feel the same way. I am not saying this govt is saintly and without errors...but they are not offering up many low-hanging psydiums either.


Well, high Mr IQ, why don't you make things better, not on this board, but Guyana.  BTW, I did not see and post election photo-op with Granger.  I guess you are not all that important, after all.

Why don't you ponder your role in installing this throw-back Govt?  If you were so eager, why you not there running BoG?

TK always talks about IQ. It exposes his very own insecurity.

If he was of any value, the PNC would have at least offer him a water boy job.

TK is as useless as they come, this or no other Government of Guyana need the services of this lowlife and useless pencil pusher.

Yes, TK you are are useless at they come and as Base pointed out, no photo opportunity from President Granger, he also sees you as a useless piece of trash.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
baseman posted:
TK posted:

Unfortunately this board is a sorry state of its past. I hardly look over here these days. The low IQed dog dung from Yuji, King hustler street 'smarts' Baseman, Nehru, Cobra, DrugB, Bibi Haffina and the rest makes the board boring and stupid. Having said that, I think the Indo KKKs should ponder this letter by Maxwell. I tend to feel the same way. I am not saying this govt is saintly and without errors...but they are not offering up many low-hanging psydiums either.


Well, high Mr IQ, why don't you make things better, not on this board, but Guyana.  BTW, I did not see and post election photo-op with Granger.  I guess you are not all that important, after all.

Why don't you ponder your role in installing this throw-back Govt?  If you were so eager, why you not there running BoG?

TK always talks about IQ. It exposes his very own insecurity.

If he was of any value, the PNC would have at least offer him a water boy job.

TK is as useless as they come, this or no other Government of Guyana need the services of this lowlife and useless pencil pusher.

Yes, TK you are are useless at they come and as Base pointed out, no photo opportunity from President Granger, he also sees you as a useless piece of trash.

All that money that the PPP paying you to stir up racial hatred so that many East Indians could end up getting killed by an angry mob is the same sort of thing that Modi has been doing in India. Did Gandhi not do the same as well against the British? It is a common theme amongst low IQ East Indians. As for intelligence, you are the dumbest ass on GNI, so wear that badge with honour homeboy.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

If I were a non-Indian, I would be offended by Maxwell's characterization of me in his article above.

I am non Indian and I see nothing offensive about Maxwell's portrayal of us.

I am more offended by you and other so called moderate Indians who refuse to understand why people like me remain fundamentally opposed to people like Jagdeo and Ravi Dev.

And I am also hearing from various sources (both AFC and PNC) that Ramjattan is suspected to be a closet PPP racist.

Only a racist mind could detect racism in others. Suh, if yuh seying that Ramjattan is a racist, then he must be one. Bcz u r a chronic bigot.

caribny posted:

3. The PPP is doing nothing to get the African vote, so they will continue to be ignored by this group.

4.  Where I disagree with Maxwell is his perception that mixed voters are a well defined voting bloc in the way that Indians, Africans and Amerindians are. 

There is no "mixed" ethnic group.  There are people who either consider themselves to be bi/multi racial, or simply do not wish to define themselves according to any specific ethnic group.  So there isn't any one response of the mixed population. 





There nothing the coalition can do to get Indian votes as evidence from the 2015 election. And the same is true for the PPP - absolutely nothing can be done to get the "Caribj's"/ African votes as evidence 1992 elections blacks voted solid for the PNC even after 28 years mismanagement and poverty worse than Haiti.

With that said the swing votes is still in the hands of the mix population which you admit in not so many words that they does not align themselves with any specific groups... 

Last edited by sachin_05
caribny posted:

And I am also hearing from various sources (both AFC and PNC) that Ramjattan is suspected to be a closet PPP racist.

And I am also hearing from various sources that you prefer Indo women and whites over your black sisters.


Africans are leaving Guyana at  a proportionate rate as Indians. How does it affect the elections' results if the other groups migrate less? The PPP came to close to winning the last elections. The votes lost in Berbice is what cost them the elections. Caribj wants us to believe the AFC did not attract Indians votes in the last elections. Absolute rubbish!!

Billy Ram Balgobin

Either this stupid and ill informed article was thrown out there to test the anger management skills of smart people. Or TK is trying too hard to upstage Kari as the person trying to get the most attention on GNI. 

Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

If I were a non-Indian, I would be offended by Maxwell's characterization of me in his article above.

I am non Indian and I see nothing offensive about Maxwell's portrayal of us.

I am more offended by you and other so called moderate Indians who refuse to understand why people like me remain fundamentally opposed to people like Jagdeo and Ravi Dev.

And I am also hearing from various sources (both AFC and PNC) that Ramjattan is suspected to be a closet PPP racist.

its because you is a black racists just like them ppp racists we have here om GNI 

ksazma posted:

Maxwell is highly misguided. There are so many wishful thinking and reckless assumptions in his article above that has no basis on reality.



Why look to 2020 when we are just seven months and counting with this coalition . Suddenly ,Maxwell wants to be" fortune teller" to toss assumptions, where feeble minds will engage in uneducated conversations. A lot will happen before this year ends, look at the global stock market, it's on decline, many weak nations will crumble, Guyana is no exception.

kp posted:

Why look to 2020 when we are just seven months and counting with this coalition . Suddenly ,Maxwell wants to be" fortune teller" to toss assumptions, where feeble minds will engage in uneducated conversations. A lot will happen before this year ends, look at the global stock market, it's on decline, many weak nations will crumble, Guyana is no exception.


I have to agree. Guyana is in deep trouble under the AFC/PNC.

The problem is that they have no plan in place. We all want to see Guyana prosper regardless of who governs but imagine when these chaps campaigned on Change and look at their incompetence.

Major projects take about three years to materialize and they have none in place. That spells disaster.

Guyana is set for an economic implosion unless this administration acts very fast. They need to stop the witchunting and focus on the economy.  Burnham made the same mistakes, Granger should avoid making the same mistakes.

Granger has Guyana at heart but he must not allow a few old PNC dinosaurs to lead him astray.

It is about wake up time for the PNC or the Guyanese economy will implode.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

If I were a non-Indian, I would be offended by Maxwell's characterization of me in his article above.

I am non Indian and I see nothing offensive about Maxwell's portrayal of us.

I am more offended by you and other so called moderate Indians who refuse to understand why people like me remain fundamentally opposed to people like Jagdeo and Ravi Dev.

And I am also hearing from various sources (both AFC and PNC) that Ramjattan is suspected to be a closet PPP racist.

" And I am also hearing from various sources (both AFC and PNC) that Ramjattan is suspected to be a closet PPP racist."

This is the nonsense you post on this site and you and others are asking why some people respond to you in the way they do.

You are attacking the "moderates" and you have evidence to suggest that Ramjattan is a closet PPP racist? people are mentally sick and obsessed with your racial nonsense...

TK posted:

Unfortunately this board is a sorry state of its past. I hardly look over here these days. The low IQed dog dung from Yuji, King hustler street 'smarts' Baseman, Nehru, Cobra, DrugB, Bibi Haffina and the rest makes the board boring and stupid. Having said that, I think the Indo KKKs should ponder this letter by Maxwell. I tend to feel the same way. I am not saying this govt is saintly and without errors...but they are not offering up many low-hanging psydiums either.


A worsening economy will not see the PPP return to power

By Staff Writer On January 4, 2016 @ 5:04 am In Letters

Dear Editor,

Some PPP supporters have stated that if the economic trouble under the coalition government continues or worsens, it strengthens the chances of the PPP returning to power. I agree that the government of the day takes the hog’s share of the blame for an imploding economy. It is common sense given that they control the economy. While the coalition government inherited from the PPP an economy in decline, any worsening or acceleration of that decline, or failure to resuscitate the economy will fall squarely on the shoulders of the coalition government. After all, the coalition knew what it was getting into and it has five years to turn around the economy. But is the economy as pivotal an election issue in Guyana as it is in the developed world where governments typically fall if they mismanage the economy, or election season occurs in the midst of an economic slowdown?

It isn’t for Indians and Africans who predominantly vote race and will vote for their ethnic parties. It is for some Amerindians and Mixed voters who mostly vote issues or rather, refuse to vote because of issues. With the Indian and African populations representing roughly 40% and 30% of the general and voting population based on historical trends, the coalition and PPP are largely assured of this chunk of the national vote. For the PPP under Mr Bharrat Jagdeo’s domination, that roughly 40% of the national vote is likely all it will get in 2020. A Jagdeo-dominated PPP will not get non-Indian votes. Amerindians will be dominated by the coalition government under the system of central government domination the PPP created to hold Amerindian communities hostage. Just as the Amerindian voting pool was largely cajoled into voting PPP by this system of dependency and domination, the coalition government will benefit similarly. So, the PPP will not get anything but a shred of the Amerindian vote. Similarly, the Mixed vote will not touch the PPP. However, these two groups, which likely account for about 30% of the overall vote, are likely to not vote as heavily in any recessionary environment.

The question will be whether the coalition government can secure about a third of that 30% of the national vote that comprises Amerindians and Mixed voters to overcome the PPP. Unless the coalition government engages in some catastrophic misfeasance or expands this march to despotism or worse, the coalition is likely to get that slim advantage owing largely to Mr Jagdeo’s presence atop the PPP. Mr Jagdeo and those in charge of the PPP will force enough crossover voters away from the PPP by 2020 and into the arms of the coalition government to give it the upper hand. The PPP will get virtually no crossover voters in 2020. Indeed, a significant chunk of these crossover voters will not vote at all in decrepit economic times but the coalition is likely to get enough at the end of the day. The other factor these PPP supporters fail to consider is that of all the ethnic groups in this country, none flee economic privation faster than Indians. Prolonged economic decline under a coalition government spells demographic disaster for the PPP and corresponding electoral trouble. The Indian population as a percentage of the general population declined from 51.93% to 48.63% from 1980 to 1991 under the PNC economic miasma. Surprisingly, the Indian population slipped to 43.45% by 2002 after a decade of PPP rule, which was during a period that captured most of the best period of economic growth under the PPP. Indians departed heavily under Mr Jagdeo’s rule that delivered a pitiful 2.23% annualized GDP growth for 12 years with runaway crime in tow.

Using the historical trends, the Indian population could be a maximum of 35% of the national vote by 2020 and the coalition’s task of defeating the PPP would be much easier. The prolonged economic collapse some within the PPP are crowing over and hoping for will lead to painful electoral manifestations for the PPP. If the economy rebounds, the Jagdeoite PPP’s hold on Indian votes could dissipate and a critical subset of Indians will both switch allegiances to the coalition or simply refuse to vote PPP in 2020. This Jagdeoite-controlled version of the PPP is stuck in a racial wedge holding onto a single constituency that keeps declining. The only salvation for this version of the PPP is that the coalition does something utterly disastrous although even so, the PPP will still not get crossover votes but could benefit from the coalition’s loss of crossover votes and the increased non-participation of crossover voters. The upside for the coalition from good governance is tremendous. The PPP has no room to move upwards on its own. It can only advance if the coalition evaporates its own advantage.

Yours faithfully,
M Maxwell


Maxy is guessing here.  The mixed are seeing who got the 50% and who did not.


The mixed are seeing who getting free electricity and who being asked to pay tons of cash to get lights and blackouts in Guyana.


Life pun the dam and the mixed are awake.  They might stay home.

seignet posted:
caribny posted:

And I am also hearing from various sources (both AFC and PNC) that Ramjattan is suspected to be a closet PPP racist.

Only a racist mind could detect racism in others. Suh, if yuh seying that Ramjattan is a racist, then he must be one. Bcz u r a chronic bigot.

Did I say that Ramjattan is racist?   I suggest that you learn basic comprehension before your ramble.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Caribj wants us to believe the AFC did not attract Indians votes in the last elections. Absolute rubbish!!

You need to get the facts before you post bilge.  In 1970 the African population was 31%.  In 2010 it was 30%.  African and Indian birth rates are now about the same, so the only difference is that Indians are migrating at higher rates.

The mixed population is growing and over 80% refuse to support the PPP. THAT is something that you need to consider.

Caribj and others claim 5% of the Indians voted AFC.  You will see that I always talk about the PPP with 95% of the Indian vote.  Bibi you do know that there is a difference between 95% and 100%.

Bibi I know that you are a silly female lost in love with Kari, who rejects you, but try!

What 2011 and 2015 shows is that the ethnic composition of Guyana is becoming more hostile to the PPP.  If it choses to remain the "coolie people party," as Rohee described it, then they will lose again in 2020.

Brian Teekah posted:

Maxy is guessing here.  The mixed are seeing who got the 50% and who did not.


The mixed are seeing who getting free electricity and who being asked to pay tons of cash to get lights and blackouts in Guyana.


Life pun the dam and the mixed are awake.  They might stay home.

The mixed are socially integrated with the African population, and vote very similarly.  What is evident is with only 5% of the Indian vote, and maybe 30% of the Amerindian, even with 95% of the African vote (or around 30% of the votes cast) it is obviously that the overwhelming majority of the mixed voters supported APNU/AFC.

With each election, as more and more mixed voters come of age, THIS will be the demographic which determines who the winner will be. As if now the PPP ought to be quaking in fear.

But we know that the PPP thinks that they can win by galvanizing the Indo Berbice vote, hence their ceaseless braying about Nagamootoo.

Mitwah posted:
caribny posted:

And I am also hearing from various sources (both AFC and PNC) that Ramjattan is suspected to be a closet PPP racist.

And I am also hearing from various sources that you prefer Indo women and whites over your black sisters.


Why YOU got to go there?

I thought you were a pandit.

caribny posted:
seignet posted:
caribny posted:

And I am also hearing from various sources (both AFC and PNC) that Ramjattan is suspected to be a closet PPP racist.

Only a racist mind could detect racism in others. Suh, if yuh seying that Ramjattan is a racist, then he must be one. Bcz u r a chronic bigot.

Did I say that Ramjattan is racist?   I suggest that you learn basic comprehension before your ramble.


And I am also hearing from various sources (both AFC and PNC) that Ramjattan is suspected to be a closet PPP racist.


These are your exact words avove...stop acting foolish. I am simply asking you a question based on your outlandish claims in this one sentence.

Where did you HEAR that Ramjattan is SUSPECTED to be a CLOSET PPP RACIST?

You are an instigator, an anti-Indian racist who believes that all Indians are racist towards Blacks....even those Indians who you call "moderates"....

Who, in your view is considered a "good Indian" acceptable to you, and why?


And I am also hearing from various sources (both AFC and PNC) that Ramjattan is suspected to be a closet PPP racist.


These are your exact words avove...stop acting foolish. I am simply asking you a question based on your outlandish claims in this one sentence.

Where did you HEAR that Ramjattan is SUSPECTED to be a CLOSET PPP RACIST?

You are an instigator, an anti-Indian racist who believes that all Indians are racist towards Blacks....even those Indians who you call "moderates"....

Who, in your view is considered a "good Indian" acceptable to you, and why?

I suspect you are prancing around here to instigate others...this is why you are getting the kind of responses to your posting....just like Warria 

Mitwah posted:
caribny posted:

And I am also hearing from various sources (both AFC and PNC) that Ramjattan is suspected to be a closet PPP racist.

And I am also hearing from various sources that you prefer Indo women and whites over your black sisters.

Mits, like them boys touch a delicate subject about Rumjaatan, it's either he is your family or close friend for you to defend him so strong. Then again your replies are only insults and vulgar , isn't you who said you went to India and swim in the Ganges River, I guess the water was filthy when you took a bath.

VishMahabir posted:

And I am also hearing from various sources (both AFC and PNC) that Ramjattan is suspected to be a closet PPP racist.


These are your exact words avove...stop acting foolish. I am simply asking you a question based on your outlandish claims in this one sentence.

Where did you HEAR that Ramjattan is SUSPECTED to be a CLOSET PPP RACIST?

You are an instigator, an anti-Indian racist who believes that all Indians are racist towards Blacks....even those Indians who you call "moderates"....

Who, in your view is considered a "good Indian" acceptable to you, and why?

I suspect you are prancing around here to instigate others...this is why you are getting the kind of responses to your posting....just like Warria 

Warria is in the dog house right now. Amral had to intervene.

He was getting away with too much on GNI. Timeout will do him lots of good.

Mitwah is also getting away with too much. It might not be too long before he also ends up in the doghouse. 

The problem with Mitwah and Warra is that they cannot engage in a civil manner. It smacks of a lack of intelligence. I do not mind, Carib or even redux but these two chaps (Mitwah and Warra) behave as if they just arrived from the gutter.

kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
caribny posted:

And I am also hearing from various sources (both AFC and PNC) that Ramjattan is suspected to be a closet PPP racist.

And I am also hearing from various sources that you prefer Indo women and whites over your black sisters.

Mits, like them boys touch a delicate subject about Rumjaatan, it's either he is your family or close friend for you to defend him so strong. Then again your replies are only insults and vulgar , isn't you who said you went to India and swim in the Ganges River, I guess the water was filthy when you took a bath.

He rass got one duty mouth for a pandit...he losing it with age...he call me a deragatary word also....I was taken aback...quite taken aback...he should be censored or chill out with CAIN



Please permit me to inform you that Mitwah is NOT a pandit. I recently exposed his broken Hindi and he started cussing up. 

A pandit has higher standards to uphold. There are many, many fake pandits around.


yuji22 posted:


Please permit me to inform you that Mitwah is NOT a pandit. I recently exposed his broken Hindi and he started cussing up. 

A pandit has higher standards to uphold. There are many, many fake pandits around.


Thank you

VishMahabir posted:
Mitwah posted:
caribny posted:

And I am also hearing from various sources (both AFC and PNC) that Ramjattan is suspected to be a closet PPP racist.

And I am also hearing from various sources that you prefer Indo women and whites over your black sisters.


Why YOU got to go there?

I thought you were a pandit.

I don't bother with Mitwah.  If he is a pandit, God help Hindus.

VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:
seignet posted:
caribny posted:

And I am also hearing from various sources (both AFC and PNC) that Ramjattan is suspected to be a closet PPP racist.

Only a racist mind could detect racism in others. Suh, if yuh seying that Ramjattan is a racist, then he must be one. Bcz u r a chronic bigot.

Did I say that Ramjattan is racist?   I suggest that you learn basic comprehension before your ramble.


And I am also hearing from various sources (both AFC and PNC) that Ramjattan is suspected to be a closet PPP racist.


These are your exact words avove...stop acting foolish. I am simply asking you a question based on your outlandish claims in this one sentence.

Where did you HEAR that Ramjattan is SUSPECTED to be a CLOSET PPP RACIST?

You are an instigator, an anti-Indian racist who believes that all Indians are racist towards Blacks....even those Indians who you call "moderates"....

Who, in your view is considered a "good Indian" acceptable to you, and why?

Are you another one who lacks the ability to read and understand simple sentences?  Hearing what others say, is simply that.  Hearing what others say.  

And yes, folks who are APNU, and others who are AFC!  Note that they do NOT put Nagamootoo into that camp.  In fact that is why APNU agreed (and the Trotman faction concurred) with Nagamootoo, and not Ramjattan being the PM.



VishM look deep within your soul and ask yourself why you sanction Indian racism towards blacks?  If you as a socalled moderate Indian cannot bring it upon yourself to condemn Indian racism towards blacks, and admit that Jagdeo and others did many wrongs to blacks, then what can I say.

I guess as an Indian you CANNOT speak out about the wrongs of Indians when those wrongs are done to blacks. So WHAT does that make you?


Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:

I suspect you are prancing around here to instigate others...this is why you are getting the kind of responses to your posting....just like Warria 

You couldn't be speaking to me because it is well known that when folks like you bring foolishness to me I box it back in your faces.

Now continue to join the Indo KKK with their brays about "blackman bad, Indian good".

caribny posted:

Arite, Mr Educated....Lets try this it might see some questions below....


And I am also hearing from various sources (both AFC and PNC) that Ramjattan is suspected to be a closet PPP racist.


These are your exact words avove...stop acting foolish. I am simply asking you a question based on your outlandish claims in this one sentence.

Where did you HEAR that Ramjattan is SUSPECTED to be a CLOSET PPP RACIST?

You are an instigator, an anti-Indian racist who believes that all Indians are racist towards Blacks....even those Indians who you call "moderates"....

Who, in your view is considered a "good Indian" acceptable to you, and why?

VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:

Arite, Mr Educated....Lets try this it might see some questions below....


And I am also hearing from various sources (both AFC and PNC) that Ramjattan is suspected to be a closet PPP racist.


These are your exact words avove...stop acting foolish. I am simply asking you a question based on your outlandish claims in this one sentence.

Where did you HEAR that Ramjattan is SUSPECTED to be a CLOSET PPP RACIST?

You are an instigator, an anti-Indian racist who believes that all Indians are racist towards Blacks....even those Indians who you call "moderates"....

Who, in your view is considered a "good Indian" acceptable to you, and why?

OK dumb dumb.  Read my response SLOWLY and then maybe you might understand.  APNU and AFC people who I know.  You will not get their names, and if you don't understand why you cannot then you are a true fool.

Now do what you do best and clap every time seignet, baseman, yuji, or the rest of the Indo KKK write bilge about blacks.  At least they have the spine to openly admit their views, unlike you, who pretend otherwise.  But like them you scream that Indian racism doesn't exist, and that blacks are the only racists, and only Indians have suffered racism.  You just are less blatant.


CaribJ and his Afrocentric clan are now in charge. We should all be praying that they don't destroy 23 years of progress made under the PPP.  They now taking scarce resources to pay for militia and other kickbacks to their supporters. Spending money that the nation does not have. 


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