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MANY persons who frequent the famous Georgetown Cricket Club (GCC) is familiar with the persona of Jailall Ramnauth known to many as Jai. The GCC head barman continues to play a critically important role in the general upkeep and running of the Club. Jai, speaking to Chronicle Sport in an exclusive interview, spoke about his tenure at the club and his plans for the future. The young man who originally hails from Macouba Creek Mahaicony was only 17 years old when his uncle Munilall Ramnauth came one morning to inform him that he had found employment for him.
“I was only seventeen and my uncle came one morning to tell me that he wanted me to go and see the manager at the Georgetown Cricket Club because they needed a barman and as such he thinks that I should go after the job,” he said. 
He noted that despite not sure as to what type of work he wanted he was sure that foremost on his mind was finding employment; so he went in search of the job. He said that he went the following day and was employed promptly. 
“The manager after asking me some questions told me that they really needed someone and that he was giving me the job. I was told to begin work immediately and later in the day he sent me to lunch. However when I returned from lunch I was stopped at the gate by security who enquired my presence at the club. I told them that I was the new employee. However they doubted me and told me that they had no knowledge of this and therefore I was prevented from entering,” he said.
A determined Jai, who had already fallen in love with his new job despite only being there for a few hours, sat and waited at the gate until he saw a few club members and related his ordeal. He said that he was immediately allowed in to return to his job.
He pointed out that his 25 years at the club was laced with both good and bad times noting that he has learnt a lot and today is grateful that heaccepted the job.
“I have had both good and bad times and the greatest of it all was seeing my son earlier this year walk out to represent GCC at the Under-15 level,” he said.
Jai, recollecting his years at GCC pointed out that he was fortunate to have served under the presidency of a few persons. He said that when he first began working there Jeffrey Fraser was the president while Paul Chan-a-Sue, Lionel Jaikarran and the late Neil Singh also served as presidents.
This, he noted played a pivotal role in what he said has been his all-round development  stressing that the many roles that he played at the club included barman, club coordinator and head barman.
He expressed what he said is his uncontrolled excitement and happiness to still be working at the club despite the fact that he is celebrating his 25th anniversary working there.
The passionate cricket lover noted that his success at the Georgetown Cricket Club is because of a number of persons, whom he publicly praised for their generosity, support and unconditional assistance during very difficult times.
“In 2010 I was ill and therefore was unable to work for eight months. However because of some persons I was able to pull through those very difficult times because of the great assistance that was given to me. 
“Persons like Richard Jodha of Noble House, Les  Ramalho, Annand Diyall, Papo, Mr Annand, Ms Indra Ramnauth, Seeta Persaud were the backbone that helped me when I needed assistance,” an evidently pleased Ramnauth said.
He said that he was privileged to have interacted with numerous cricketers locally, regionally and internationally. He said that because of his frequent and wide-ranging interaction he always works under the philosophy that he has ten bosses and not one. He, however, feels that the greatest cricketer of his time was Richie Richardson.  He loved watching him play. “Richie Richardson was my boy as to me he was the best in my time and he will always be my role model,” he declared.
The father of one said that while he started his working career at GCC he has been fortunate to have been exposed widely and also develop holistically. He disclosed that some years after gaining employment at GCC, he got married and now has been married for the past 17 years. While he works at GCC his wife is a businesswoman and his son who intends to play cricket professionally currently attends the New Campbellsville Secondary school.
Jai credits his father who he said played the role of both mother and father to his eight children over the years.
He noted that when he was just two years old his mother died and he, along with his other siblings, was left in the sole care of his father. He said that his father did a remarkable job and despite his mother being dead his father only re-entered another relationship 13-odd years after the death of his wife.
“My father was a really great dad as even though my mother had died he never took anyone until long after when I was 15 years old. It was only after then that he remarried and got three other children. In total he had six boys and two girls. However today one of the boys is dead while the rest are all alive,” he said.
He said that his father Indrapaul Ramnauth has demonstrated the true and remarkable qualities of a father and therefore he would like to express his continued thanks and gratitude for the lifestyle and contributions that his father has made. “My father was a really good father and I would like to thank him as he really did a great job,” he asserted.
Jai said that while he has no idea of what the future holds he is confident that should good health and strength continue that he intends to continue working at GCC as he enjoys his tasks there.
He stressed that being at GCC taught him a lot while it has aided him being able to see his dream fulfilled of having his son play for the club someday.
Jai said that while it is the very early stage of his son’s career he enjoys watching him play in the opening batsman position and is confident that his 13-year-old is a future West Indies star. “He will go very far because he will continue supporting and working with him as I am his father and I am committed to investing in my son’s career,” a proud Jai stated.
However, while many fathers will be showered and pampered today as part of the traditional father’s day celebrations, Jai intends to spend time today with his 74-year-old father whom he proudly boasts about. “Many times we hear about mothers playing the role of father and mother but let me state that my father played the role of both father and mother and forever I will be indebted to him for what he has for us, his children,” he declared.
Jai admitted that while his father was unable to give him many things, he was able to instil in him qualities and characteristics that he gladly would love to pass on to his children, adding that he has played a great innings as a father.
“My father has done very well and today I join in thanking him again for all that he has done and continues to do for us and others,” the now Lamaha Street Kitty resident concluded.a

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This was the guy we spent most of our time in GT at the GCC .

Congrats  JAI .we are very proud of you .

GCC is very lucky to have you as out standing bartender for such a long time .

Originally Posted by chameli:

sunil a brother of your 'friend' is an intrnaational umpire

he got to TO on Fri and on saturday dem GCC ppl calling for him

Yeah, I saw the surname and was wondering if he was related.


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