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DEAR ABBY: My 4-year-old son made a snowman in our front yard and then went inside to take a nap. Our neighbor came over with his son -- age 16 -- to talk to my husband.
When I brought my 3-year-old daughter outside to see the snowman her brother made, I was horrified to see it was now "anatomically correct"! I asked my husband who did it, and he said it was the neighbor's son. My husband thought it was funny and that I was overreacting.
I think the behavior was inappropriate, and the fact that my daughter saw it and wondered what was "hanging on the snowman" was no laughing matter. If the neighbor wanted to make an X-rated snowman, he should have made it in his own front yard. Do you think I'm being too sensitive? -- FAILS TO SEE THE HUMOR

DEAR FAILS TO SEE THE HUMOR: Yes, I do. While I agree the neighbor boy's "artistic endeavor" was in poor taste, it provided an opportunity to answer your daughter's question in a matter-of-fact way and explain there are anatomical differences between boys and girls. You could also have explained that private parts are not supposed to be displayed in public, and asked your husband to remove them as you took your little girl back into the house. Seeing the snowman would not traumatize your daughter as much as seeing you shocked and upset.

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

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