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Warning: The following story contains graphic language

Mayor Rob Ford has apologized for the “unforgivable language” he used on Thursday, but is standing firm that the new allegations that he partied with a prostitute and snorted cocaine are “100 per cent lies.”

In a hastily assembled news conference in the mayor’s protocol lounge, Ford said the revelations on Wednesday “of cocaine, escorts, prostitution” has pushed him “over the line.”

“I used unforgivable language, and again, I apologize,” he said. “These allegations are 100 per cent lies. When you attack my integrity as a father and as a husband, I see red.”

Ford told reporters he is “receiving support from a team of health care professionals,” but said “I do not wish to comment on the particulars of this support.”

“I fully realize in the past I have drank alcohol in excess,” he said. “I am taking accountability and receiving advice from people with expertise . . . I wish you to understand I am accepting responsibility for the challenges I face.”

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  • Mayor Rob Ford speaks at a news conference with his wife Renata at city hall on Thursday. Ford, under pressure to resign after he admitted smoking crack and buying illegal drugs, said he was receiving professional help for drinking problems, but gave no hint he might step down. In a brief statement to the Toronto media, Ford also apologized for using obscene language earlier in the day when he denied allegations that he had sexually propositioned a female aide. zoom

The mayor did not take any questions. After his brief remarks he pushed through the crush of reporters to the elevator outside his office.

The news conference came after his remarks earlier in the day, when Ford threatened to sue former staffers as he left his office. But it was his reference to allegations of oral sex with a former staff member that sent shock waves through the city.

Ford said he didn’t party with a prostitute, he didn’t snort cocaine, he didn’t take OxyContin and he plans on suing former staffers who told police he did.

“I might have had some drinks and driven which is absolutely wrong,” Toronto’s embattled mayor conceded in an impromptu scrum.

But it was his comments about allegations in court documents released Wednesday that he had claimed to have been intimate with former policy adviser Olivia Gondek that stunned reporters.

“It says I wanted to eat her ***** and I have never said that in my life to her. I would never do that. I’m happily married and I’ve got more than enough to eat at home,” he said before heading up to council.

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The mayor took aim at former staffers Isaac Ransom, George Christopoulos and Mark Towhey in particular, and said his unwillingness to speak before about the allegations contained in censored parts of police documents Wednesday was because he hadn’t yet read them.

“I’ve . . . never had a prostitute here. I’m very happily married at home, this is very disturbing against my wife,” Ford told reporters.

“I have no other choice. I’m the last one to take legal action, I can’t put up with it anymore.”

Although many councillors have stated repeatedly they are no longer surprised by the controversy surrounding the mayor, his comments Thursday morning clearly left some of them taken aback.

Denzil Minnan-Wong said Ford has “crossed a line” and “no apology” will suffice.

“Every day he lowers the bar,” he said. “I am exceedingly angry at the mayor.”

Minnan-Wong went on to say that the mayor must quit.

“This is beyond taking a leave of absence, this mayor needs to resign,” said the former long-time ally of the mayor, who brought the largely symbolic motion Wednesday to council asking Ford to take a leave of absence and co-operate with a police investigation.

Deputy Mayor Norm Kelly told reporters after the announcement that city hall will start to “regroup.”

“He’s not moving, apparently, and so you have to move,” Kelly said. “You have to rely on the good will and the common sense of members of council starting with the executive.”

Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti said he and Towhey both tried unsuccessfully to get the mayor help for addiction to drugs and alcohol a year ago, but the mayor “said he didn’t have a problem and not to worry about it.”

It is time, Mammoliti said, that Ford and his family recognize he has an issue.

“Now he’s probably going to lose everything — probably his family, probably his job — all of it, because he’s not recognizing his illness,” Mammoliti said.

Ford’s brother Doug, usually the mayor’s most outspoken ally, had nothing to say, ignoring reporters’ questions.

But Councillor Janet Davis told reporters that Ford’s comments were “repugnant and distasteful and were not acceptable for any elected official.

“They were degrading to a former staff person (and) his own wife,” Davis said. “It was disgusting.

“I want this man to stop talking, go away and let this city get on with repairing its reputation,” Davis said. “I think the veneer has finally come off Mayor Rob Ford. You’re now seeing the real Rob Ford. This is a guy who’s kept this locker room side of him in check and it’s now becoming clear.”

If Ford follows through on his plans to file a lawsuit, he will face an uphill battle, according to media lawyer Iain MacKinnon.

“Anything is possible when it comes to Ford, but any lawsuit on that basis would be doomed to fail,” MacKinnon said. “The staffers would have an excellent defence of qualified privilege.

“The idea is that society wants to encourage people to speak honestly and candidly in certain situations when they have a legal or moral duty to talk. Giving statements to police during a police investigation is one such occasion.”

With files from Robyn Doolittle, Paul Moloney and Betsy Powell.

Originally Posted by chameli:

no, he will not...pls do not say that


btw, he is my boss...he sets a great example for the rest of us


Am I missing something? What example are you talking about?


Look everyone do make mistake and they are entitled to a chance to redeem them self.This Mayor need to take a leave of absence and deal with his issues or simply resign.


the man has a big appetite, on the crack issue yes he did say that he never did. Two weeks ago if he had taken a leave of absence, he would have had the poeple in his corner. Now they just want to lynch him. And the media is not allowing the public to ignore the issue on hand, they just keep putting more on the news. I am getting tired of it now.

Originally Posted by Sunil:

Posted for Chameli




 ha ha ha ha ha

That feline will tell you---Most men are amateurs and novices when it comes to feasting on that delectable delicacy---and unless Rob Ford is an adventurous and enterprising man who uses a "Jimmy Jane" when he feasts---then he is just a neophyte like the masses of men.




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