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Former Member


One can sense the deep frustration among the pathetic supporters of the PNC and AFC. Deep in their hearts these despicable souls know their parties(the PNC and AFC) cannot defeat the PPP at the polls, and so they have been reduced to spewing filth and drivel and hogwash and total nonsense.





The PNC is DOOMED folks---this evil and destructive party will never, ever, ever rule Guyana again. And the dirty PNC Indians who have pledged to help them win the next election---most of those dirty maggots are viewed by the parties they deserted as bad eggs, black sheep and mischiefmakers.


This is great news for Guyana and Guyanese.











Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The PPP/C has fully recovered from incumbency fatigue, and is poised to receive the mantle of governance with a majority in the National Assembly entrusted to them by the Guyanese populace through the polls in 2016, if not before

I know..using the nation assets to plaster the country with Jabba the Hutt face was fatiguing. Who did they pay for the Use of National park for the concert where they pimped destra garcia in hope of snookering the GT young?  Was it fatiguing to put all of region 8 amerind in PPP monkey suit and still lost the district?

Originally Posted by Rev:



The losers here---supporters of the doomed PNC and AFC---they will continue to post their daily trash and baloney and filth and drivel and rubbish. What else do you expect from these worthless souls ?





you a winner is like a cat with a hernia being a canary! Winners do not need crutches.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

I know..using the nation assets to plaster the country with Jabba the Hutt face was fatiguing. Who did they pay for the Use of National park for the concert where they pimped destra garcia in hope of snookering the GT young?  Was it fatiguing to put all of region 8 amerind in PPP monkey suit and still lost the district?

Total drivel and malarkey from you. You need to wake up from your stupor and realize the PNC and AFC are doomed----the PPP is unstoppable. They will continue to rule Guyana with distinction.



Originally Posted by yuji22:

Breaking news: More corruption in the AFC


Cathy Hughes cannot account for 80,000 US dollars according to one of the defectors. These scums in the AFC are doomed.


Cathy Hudges is currently perceived in Guyana as an evil witch----that woman is the biggest schemer and conniver in Guyana. She is a charlatan who controls and dominates the feeble and powerless  Khemraj Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo.




Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Breaking news: More corruption in the AFC


Cathy Hughes cannot account for 80,000 US dollars according to one of the defectors. These scums in the AFC are doomed.


Cathy Hudges is currently perceived in Guyana as an evil witch----that woman is the biggest schemer and conniver in Guyana. She is a charlatan who controls and dominates the feeble and powerless  Khemraj Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo.




LIE: Jagdeo/Irfan/Ramotar/Robert/Ashni/Lunchean are most corrupt. 



This is what the totally doomed PNC and AFC are great at---BLAMING THE PPP.


The AFC tried to pass themselves off as clean, ethical, moral, principled and trustworthy. But the good people of Guyana today know better. The leaders of the AFC---Nigel and Cathy Hughes along with Khemraj Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo---they are the most rotten, crooked and deceitful people in Guyana.





Originally Posted by Rev:


This is what the totally doomed PNC and AFC are great at---BLAMING THE PPP.


The AFC tried to pass themselves off as clean, ethical, moral, principled and trustworthy. But the good people of Guyana today know better. The leaders of the AFC---Nigel and Cathy Hughes along with Khemraj Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo---they are the most rotten, crooked and deceitful people in Guyana.





You conveniently ignored the Champion of Thieves. 

Originally Posted by Rev:



Your last two posters are very creative.


The one with the naked Ramotar---can you delete that one ? It's a tad disrespectful.



Respect is earned not demanded, so I respect those who deserve it.


That being said - are you out of your mind? Have you ever thought about the ways in which you disrespected Barack Obama with your racist posts during the last elections? He deserves a lot more respect than that fat toad.  

Originally Posted by God:

No one in Guyana more crooked than Bharat, Bobby, Brassington and Rummouthar. They are fleecing the working class in order to build their mansions and have their toga pool parties. 

They won't be politicians if they didn't fleece the working class. Is it right to screw the working class or any other class ? NO! But that's how politicians operate everywhere.


Check this:




Originally Posted by God:

Respect is earned not demanded, so I respect those who deserve it.


That being said - are you out of your mind? Have you ever thought about the ways in which you disrespected Barack Obama with your racist posts during the last elections? He deserves a lot more respect than that fat toad.  

OK cool! Leave the photo up if it turns you


By the way, the Rev has retired from race baiting on this forum---there will be no more race attacks on the O man or the scums in the PNC.





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by God:

Respect is earned not demanded, so I respect those who deserve it.


That being said - are you out of your mind? Have you ever thought about the ways in which you disrespected Barack Obama with your racist posts during the last elections? He deserves a lot more respect than that fat toad.  

OK cool! Leave the photo up if it turns you


By the way, the Rev has retired from race baiting on this forum---there will be no more race attacks on the O man or the scums in the PNC.






Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by God:

No one in Guyana more crooked than Bharat, Bobby, Brassington and Rummouthar. They are fleecing the working class in order to build their mansions and have their toga pool parties. 

They won't be politicians if they didn't fleece the working class. Is it right to screw the working class or any other class ? NO! But that's how politicians operate everywhere.


Check this:




In any civilized nation, these thieves would be in jail already.


This rampant corruption does not happen everywhere. Don't try to trick anyone into believing that it's acceptable because it's not.

Originally Posted by God:

In any civilized nation, these thieves would be in jail already.


This rampant corruption does not happen everywhere. Don't try to trick anyone into believing that it's acceptable because it's not.


Remove your head from the sand and open your eyes and mind---politicians, for the most part, are corrupt everywhere.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by God:

In any civilized nation, these thieves would be in jail already.


This rampant corruption does not happen everywhere. Don't try to trick anyone into believing that it's acceptable because it's not.


Remove your head from the sand and open your eyes and mind---politicians, for the most part, are corrupt everywhere.



Is that why you hang out with Norman and the white powder pilot? 

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by God:

In any civilized nation, these thieves would be in jail already.


This rampant corruption does not happen everywhere. Don't try to trick anyone into believing that it's acceptable because it's not.


Remove your head from the sand and open your eyes and mind---politicians, for the most part, are corrupt everywhere.



There are varying levels of corruption. There is a level that you can tolerate and then there are countries like Guyana and Nigeria which happen to fall right next to each other on TI's country rankings. The stench of corruption in these countries is unbearable and impacts the human development growth negatively in the country. Imagine we're now ranked alongside Nigeria, a country which has a scam named for it.

Last edited by Mars

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