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Poor turnout at Damon Square 21st anniversary rally


 October 17, 2013 Β· By Staff Writer Β·


Dear Editor,


On Saturday October 12, 2013, the PPP/C held a rally at Damon Square, Anna Regina to celebrate its 21st  victory  anniversary. It can be said that the party is losing supporters, since very few people attended the rally; a crowd of not more than 300 was seen.


In 1992,1997 and 2006 at the same venue, the PPP/C rally attracted 10,000 people. No one can dispute that the Jagan presence made an enormous contribution to those rallies.The PPP/C should have been fully aware of the apathy of its former stalwarts and supporters, brought about by disillusionment over growing crime, corruption, unemployment and poverty in the face of ready promises, and balanced against many years of loyalty to the PPP/C. A great number of people took the simplest way out of their dilemma by not going out to hear the speakers or listen to their message.


Twenty-one years and five general elections have established certain facts. Firstly, the party can be seen to be losing support. Apart from stresses at the leadership level, there are growing contradictions between the PPP leadership and the rank-and-file as a result of the partnership between the ruling elite and big shots who were able to sow the seeds of disruption and brought about the beginning of the split in the PPP. At the same time executive members began to separate from the party. And above all, the Guyanese people have been brought to a new level of political consciousness. Some of the people who critiqued and attacked the party and Jagan hold prominent positions in the government.

 Never were there so many low turnouts at PPP meetings and rallies, and such great disappointment among PPP stalwarts and supporters throughout Guyana. In the Guyana Chronicle, official organ of the PPP, pictures were published showing groups of mixed-Guyanese around the square smiling. One picture showed a group carrying placards with slogans in favour of the PPP; all these people were transported from the Amerindian communities  by trucks to attend the rally. Cracks have started to appear in the PPP hierarchy and among the middle strata support base.


There are a bunch of opportunists who want position rather than acting on principle like some of us who fought for the restoration of democracy in 1992, who were assisted by very few. We were lonely visionaries out in the streets cleaning and checking voters lists for dead and unregistered voters, putting up a fight for the dignity of the Guyanese nation, but were kicked out from the party. People did not want us around; we were seen as a lonely bunch of losers.


There is nothing wrong in changing one’s position on issues about individuals. But not in reversing one’s position on how one feels about things being done for opportunistic reasons to facilitate appointment to a position.


Yours faithfully,

Mohamed Khan


Source: Stabroek News

Originally Posted by God:

There are varying levels of corruption. There is a level that you can tolerate and then there are countries like Guyana and Nigeria which happen to fall right next to each other on TI's country rankings. The stench of corruption in these countries is unbearable and impacts the human development growth negatively in the country. Imagine we're now ranked alongside Nigeria, a country which has a scam named for it.


The Rev is not denying the corruption in Guyana under the PPP.


What I am saying and have said all along is despite the PPP politicians feasting on the milk and honey and enriching themselves immensely, Guyana continues to prosper. The economy continues to grow.


On the other hand, when the PNC ruled the country---you probably weren't born then---they ruined and bankrupted the nation.






Twenty-one years and five general elections have established certain facts. Firstly, the party can be seen to be losing support. Apart from stresses at the leadership level, there are growing contradictions between the PPP leadership and the rank-and-file as a result of the partnership between the ruling elite and big shots who were able to sow the seeds of disruption and brought about the beginning of the split in the PPP. At the same time executive members began to separate from the party. And above all, the Guyanese people have been brought to a new level of political consciousness. Some of the people who critiqued and attacked the party and Jagan hold prominent positions in the government.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by God:

There are varying levels of corruption. There is a level that you can tolerate and then there are countries like Guyana and Nigeria which happen to fall right next to each other on TI's country rankings. The stench of corruption in these countries is unbearable and impacts the human development growth negatively in the country. Imagine we're now ranked alongside Nigeria, a country which has a scam named for it.


The Rev is not denying the corruption in Guyana under the PPP.


What I am saying and have said all along is despite the PPP politicians feasting on the milk and honey and enriching themselves immensely, Guyana continues to prosper. The economy continues to grow.


On the other hand, when the PNC ruled the country---you probably weren't born then---they ruined and bankrupted the nation.





"What I am saying and have said all along is despite the PPP politicians feasting on the milk and honey and enriching themselves immensely, Guyana continues to prosper. The economy continues to grow."


The only prospering going on are the fat cats (and I do mean FAT) in the PPP Government, not the ordinary man/woman in the street, not the rest of the country, just those in the PPP, so again carry your lyin rass da side Rev.



To answer the question asked,"How is Ramotar offensive as President ?"

wHEN j dA hUTT was placed in the postion as Prez I was hoping he'd do the honest thing and clean up the PPP party but NOOOOOO, things are the same, he's a friggin wimp. The one before him was your regular thievin jackass. Yes, you got it right, I hate those scummy bastards.




If the Guyanese voters are willing to commit political suicide and put the rotten, corrupt and treacherous PNC in power, then so be it. There are consequences for every action. And if the people are stupid and asinine enough to elect Granger and the PNC, then they will deserve the havoc and catastrophe that befalls Guyana.




Never were there so many low turnouts at PPP meetings and rallies, and such great disappointment among PPP stalwarts and supporters throughout Guyana. In the Guyana Chronicle, official organ of the PPP, pictures were published showing groups of mixed-Guyanese around the square smiling. One picture showed a group carrying placards with slogans in favour of the PPP; all these people were transported from the Amerindian communities  by trucks to attend the rally. Cracks have started to appear in the PPP hierarchy and among the middle strata support base.


There are a bunch of opportunists who want position rather than acting on principle like some of us who fought for the restoration of democracy in 1992, who were assisted by very few. We were lonely visionaries out in the streets cleaning and checking voters lists for dead and unregistered voters, putting up a fight for the dignity of the Guyanese nation, but were kicked out from the party. People did not want us around; we were seen as a lonely bunch of losers.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by God:

There are varying levels of corruption. There is a level that you can tolerate and then there are countries like Guyana and Nigeria which happen to fall right next to each other on TI's country rankings. The stench of corruption in these countries is unbearable and impacts the human development growth negatively in the country. Imagine we're now ranked alongside Nigeria, a country which has a scam named for it.


The Rev is not denying the corruption in Guyana under the PPP.


What I am saying and have said all along is despite the PPP politicians feasting on the milk and honey and enriching themselves immensely, Guyana continues to prosper. The economy continues to grow.


On the other hand, when the PNC ruled the country---you probably weren't born then---they ruined and bankrupted the nation.





If you are honest with yourself, you'd admit that the Guyana economy falling to pieces was as a result of both the PNC and the PPP embracing the foolish policies of their communist masters. The PPP were just as guilty as the PNC. In fact, they were calling for nationalization long before the PNC. During the 1970's, every small developing country who was not producing oil, suffered the devastating economic effects of the oil crisis. Whether the PNC or the PPP was in power, the country would have inevitably gone bankrupt.


The economy is growing mainly because of the proceeds from gold and cocaine exports and the massive increase in remittances. There is nothing magical that the PPP is doing to stimulate growth. Like I said before, growth is all relative. Caricom nations are way ahead of Guyana in terms of the economy and human development. Think of how much more developed the country could be if the PPP weren't stealing all the aid, loans and taxpayer funds which should have been used to develop the country and uplift the large percentage of people who live below the poverty line. 


I don't care who governs, what color they are or what letters they use to call themselves. I am willing to support any party who generally has the interest of the people in mind. Currently, the PPP are only interested in stealing as much as they can and enriching themselves and their cronies. Every now and again, they throw some scraps to the people and make them feel like they are interested in them but it's just to gather more votes. The only projects the PPP are willing to execute are the ones which will make them rich. It's sickening.

Originally Posted by cain:


The only prospering going on are the fat cats (and I do mean FAT) in the PPP Government, not the ordinary man/woman in the street, not the rest of the country, just those in the PPP, so again carry your lyin rass da side Rev.




* The PPP politicians have, indeed, fattened themselves at the trough---and you are right---the ordinary man---the man on the street has not felt much of the gains.


* But the same can also be said about most countries---look at the Rev's great country---the great US of A----50 million people are on food stamps.


* You saw the news this afternoon---stock market at record high----the rich in America are smiling and feasting---but still 50 million poor Americans are struggling to put food on the table.


* So in most countries---not just Guyana---the poor get royally screwed.





Wait until his 2nd term---that's when he will become his own man---right now he is being wimpy.


Don't ever accuse the Rev of not being bluntly honest.



Originally Posted by Rev:


If the Guyanese voters are willing to commit political suicide and put the rotten, corrupt and treacherous PNC in power, then so be it. There are consequences for every action. And if the people are stupid and asinine enough to elect Granger and the PNC, then they will deserve the havoc and catastrophe that befalls Guyana.



They elected the PPP who are even more rotten, corrupt and treacherous than any other party in Guyana and they are still surviving.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by God:

There are varying levels of corruption. There is a level that you can tolerate and then there are countries like Guyana and Nigeria which happen to fall right next to each other on TI's country rankings. The stench of corruption in these countries is unbearable and impacts the human development growth negatively in the country. Imagine we're now ranked alongside Nigeria, a country which has a scam named for it.


The Rev is not denying the corruption in Guyana under the PPP.


What I am saying and have said all along is despite the PPP politicians feasting on the milk and honey and enriching themselves immensely, Guyana continues to prosper. The economy continues to grow.


On the other hand, when the PNC ruled the country---you probably weren't born then---they ruined and bankrupted the nation.





"What I am saying and have said all along is despite the PPP politicians feasting on the milk and honey and enriching themselves immensely, Guyana continues to prosper. The economy continues to grow."


The only prospering going on are the fat cats (and I do mean FAT) in the PPP Government, not the ordinary man/woman in the street, not the rest of the country, just those in the PPP, so again carry your lyin rass da side Rev.



To answer the question asked,"How is Ramotar offensive as President ?"

wHEN j dA hUTT was placed in the postion as Prez I was hoping he'd do the honest thing and clean up the PPP party but NOOOOOO, things are the same, he's a friggin wimp. The one before him was your regular thievin jackass. Yes, you got it right, I hate those scummy bastards.


Rummouthar is just a stooge for the Jagdeo cabal of thieves. He was given a deal to be selected by the inner circle of thieves in exchange for helping them to continue their plundering of the nation's coffers.

Originally Posted by God:

God: If you are honest with yourself, you'd admit that the Guyana economy falling to pieces was as a result of both the PNC and the PPP embracing the foolish policies of their communist masters.



Rev: I was never enamored by Cheddi and his Marxist/communist nonsense. But give him some credit---he changed his tune when he was elected president in 1992---he had no friggin choice----his country was bankrupt----thanks to the PNC.



God: The economy is growing mainly because of the proceeds from gold and cocaine exports and the massive increase in remittances.


Rev: The fact is the economy is growing---the PPP is in charge---so they get the credit. If it were the PNC in charge---they would have received the credit. But the PNC cannot ever be in charge because they cannot win a free and fair election in Guyana today. Maybe in 100 years. But not today or in your lifetime.



God: There is nothing magical that the PPP is doing to stimulate growth.


Rev: The government should not be involved in production or business development----projects like the Marriott----leave that to the private sector---so in that sense the PPP has been lacking.



God: I don't care who governs, what color they are or what letters they use to call themselves. I am willing to support any party who generally has the interest of the people in mind.


Rev: Fair enough! If you are willing to take a risk on the PNC ruling Guyana---go right ahead---vote for them---but they bankrupted Guyana before----and leopards rarely change stripes---they will likely ruin and bankrupt the country again.


God: The only projects the PPP are willing to execute are the ones which will make them rich. It's sickening.


Rev: Can't disagree with you. The PPP politicians have been enriching themselves.


Originally Posted by Rev:



If yes--visit GNI social and check out the


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You must be an adult to visit that thread---no damn lil bwoys allowed.


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LOL! Promiscuous Rev advertising his wife as enterprising and venturesome when he is occupied on GNI.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev: The fact is the economy is growing---the PPP is in charge---so they get the credit


This is a lie. The PPP controls and make up the numbers. During the PNC time we did not have Laundering and remittances to prop up the economy.


This is so true. Mr Mitwah Mr Rev don't want to say why Jagdeo/Ramotar/Luncheon/Ashni are hiding the census results. The taxpayers paid for the census and these politicians are hiding the numbers. Why?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev: The fact is the economy is growing---the PPP is in charge---so they get the credit


This is a lie. The PPP controls and make up the numbers. During the PNC time we did not have Laundering and remittances to prop up the economy.

Littleman, Grow uo and smell the coffee..

Under the PNC, crime was centrally directed.  There were long  lines at the shops for food. No oil in the stores..   No importation of food stuffs and medicines.  You had to go to congressplace for licences and if you didn't join the PNC, you didn't get a licence..

Mitwah you should be ashamed of yourself for supporting what the PNC did to the Indian girls in National service. That's only a tip of the iceberg...

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev: The fact is the economy is growing---the PPP is in charge---so they get the credit


This is a lie. The PPP controls and make up the numbers. During the PNC time we did not have Laundering and remittances to prop up the economy.

Littleman, Grow uo and smell the coffee..

Under the PNC, crime was centrally directed.  There were long  lines at the shops for food. No oil in the stores..   No importation of food stuffs and medicines.  You had to go to congressplace for licences and if you didn't join the PNC, you didn't get a licence..

Mitwah you should be ashamed of yourself for supporting what the PNC did to the Indian girls in National service. That's only a tip of the iceberg...


Do you have historical evidence that only Indian girls were sexually harassed. My mamoo said things were short in PNC. But crimes worse in PPP than PNC. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev: The fact is the economy is growing---the PPP is in charge---so they get the credit


This is a lie. The PPP controls and make up the numbers. During the PNC time we did not have Laundering and remittances to prop up the economy.

Littleman, Grow uo and smell the coffee..

Under the PNC, crime was centrally directed.  There were long  lines at the shops for food. No oil in the stores..   No importation of food stuffs and medicines.  You had to go to congressplace for licences and if you didn't join the PNC, you didn't get a licence..

Mitwah you should be ashamed of yourself for supporting what the PNC did to the Indian girls in National service. That's only a tip of the iceberg...


Do you have historical evidence that only Indian girls were sexually harassed. My mamoo said things were short in PNC. But crimes worse in PPP than PNC. 

Your mamoo is an idiot...just like you.. Guyana was bankrupted by the PNC.  Thank's to jagdeo, the country survived..  

Crabin to let you know that the PNC didn't have what it takes to run a country. 


Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:


Under the PNC, crime was centrally directed.  There were long  lines at the shops for food. No oil in the stores..   No importation of food stuffs and medicines.  You had to go to congressplace for licences and if you didn't join the PNC, you didn't get a licence..

Mitwah you should be ashamed of yourself for supporting what the PNC did to the Indian girls in National service. That's only a tip of the iceberg...

Well said Mr. Ramakant!


You and I know how rotten and diabolical and incompetent the PNC was---they wrecked and ruined Guyana. But yet you have the DIRTY PNC INDIANS rooting for them to rule Guyana again.





The AFC is certainly doomed however, anyone who believes the PNC is, is naive and misguided.  The PNC remains "the" sole and only credible threat to the PPP rule and a ligit institution with deep support among its traditional base.


The PNC remains "the" sole and only existential threat to freedom and democracy in Guyana and to the human rights of the mostly Indian masses.  The current PNC is "Jason" on it's "off-day", but you wait if/when its day comes and it could partner-up with it's twin brother, the GDF, it will be helter-skelter for Indians.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

There is no PNC and AFC partnership anymore.

There was never a PNC and AfC partnership. You've got to be drunk. Carry on!

On the AFC FB website, certain PNC insiders who participated were also granted Admin status.  Whenever any anti-PNC postings were made, it was promptly deleted.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

There is no PNC and AFC partnership anymore.

There was never a PNC and AfC partnership. You've got to be drunk. Carry on!

On the AFC FB website, certain PNC insiders who participated were also granted Admin status.  Whenever any anti-PNC postings were made, it was promptly deleted.

AFC is intertwined with the PNC. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

There is no PNC and AFC partnership anymore.

There was never a PNC and AfC partnership. You've got to be drunk. Carry on!

On the AFC FB website, certain PNC insiders who participated were also granted Admin status.  Whenever any anti-PNC postings were made, it was promptly deleted.

AFC is intertwined with the PNC. 

You are a liar.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

There is no PNC and AFC partnership anymore.

If there is no PNC/AFC partnership any longer, will the AFC be inclined to support the PPP in parliament ? The Rev thinks not.  A leopard never changes its stripes. The Nigel and Cathy Hughes controlled AFC will continue to support the PNC in parliament.



Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev: The fact is the economy is growing---the PPP is in charge---so they get the credit


This is a lie. The PPP controls and make up the numbers. During the PNC time we did not have Laundering and remittances to prop up the economy.

Littleman, Grow uo and smell the coffee..

Under the PNC, crime was centrally directed.  There were long  lines at the shops for food. No oil in the stores..   No importation of food stuffs and medicines.  You had to go to congressplace for licences and if you didn't join the PNC, you didn't get a licence..

Mitwah you should be ashamed of yourself for supporting what the PNC did to the Indian girls in National service. That's only a tip of the iceberg...


Do you have historical evidence that only Indian girls were sexually harassed. My mamoo said things were short in PNC. But crimes worse in PPP than PNC. 

Your mamoo is an idiot...just like you.. Guyana was bankrupted by the PNC.  Thank's to jagdeo, the country survived..  

Crabin to let you know that the PNC didn't have what it takes to run a country. 


TK go ask you mamoo if under the PNC he was a house or a mouse. 

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

There is no PNC and AFC partnership anymore.

If there is no PNC/AFC partnership any longer, will the AFC be inclined to support the PPP in parliament ? The Rev thinks not.  A leopard never changes its stripes. The Nigel and Cathy Hughes controlled AFC will continue to support the PNC in parliament.



rev, take a deep breath and brief us on why the AFC should/would "support" PPP crime and corruption in this lifetime


all after you wipe your mouth and get up off your knees . . . take your time antiman

Originally Posted by redug:

hi rev--this is redug--as you know rev I cannot make a post without mentioning my homosexual tendency---

I am a proud homo rev--I still feel a tad dirty---but I am gradually accepting myself for who I really am---I redug am a  homosexual. I pi$$ on you rev





Last edited by Former Member

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