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Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Stinger:
A hope he alive, haven't seen him postin pon his hown board


I hope he didn't OD

Is dat wat give him the heart attack?

yea tuh much bricks

Originally Posted by Cobra:

I believe the tourist industry had great potential and Guyana will benefit greatly in five to ten years.

The PPP has been babbling about tourism for the past 10 years.


Tourism is still only about overseas Guyanese returning home.  And 2013 saw fewer of them than did 2012.  This is NOT a growth market.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Stinger:
somebady pls tell tiefman Irfaat that Aunty Soso & Aunty Kunty visitin famlees is not considered tourism

Shut you mouth Aunty Kunty is American and Aunty Soso is Canadian so they are visitors.

But they aren't more of them flying to Guyana.  For every Guyanese who goes home regularly, there are several others who no longer know anybody there so don't go back.


This isn't going to be the base of making tourism more lucrative than gold.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

May be they did, but to get the full economic benefits it wouldn't happen overnight. The CJIA expansion will kick start the economic boom. Guyana is not a beach destination for skinny dipping, therefore, we depend on eco-tourism. European love the jungle and adventure tours.



How.  Airlines fly to destinations where they can put butts in seats and charge high airfares.


So where are these butts going to come from? Delta pulled out, but I didn't see anybody else racing in to replace them.  I don't consider charter outfits, or one plane airlines to be credible.


Guyana is a ONE airline country.  Let Caribbean Airlines go belly up and see what a disaster that causes.  We remain dependent on the Gov't of T&T to maintain that airline.  Ironically they need it less than we do.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Suriname has seen an increase in tourism even with their old airport. So that is not an issue. What is an issue is that Guyana features on many foreign governments website as a dangerous place to visit.

Suriname has a highly developed eco/adventure product.  Indeed its possible that Suriname and NOT Guyana , might benefit from this increased TV programming featuring Guyana.  Why?  Because if any one becomes interested, they will see how expensive pulling together a package to Guyana is, and recognizing that Suriname is next door, so has all the attractions, and a much more developed tourism infrastructure , will go there instead.


And PBM has a long run way, but no jet ways, based on what I have seen on youtube videos,


The Surinamese eco-tourism is far more advanced than Guyana's. Guyana has the elements to outdo Suriname - more air services, more landing strips, etc. but it's like I've said before, Guyana has more individual economic success story but it is skewed to a tiny minority. Guyana is like frontier country, wild west. Suriname may be more limited., but it is mature and sophisticated.

Originally Posted by Kari:

The Surinamese eco-tourism is far more advanced than Guyana's. Guyana has the elements to outdo Suriname - more air services, more landing strips, etc. but it's like I've said before, Guyana has more individual economic success story but it is skewed to a tiny minority. Guyana is like frontier country, wild west. Suriname may be more limited., but it is mature and sophisticated.

HAHAHA A Drug Lord leading Suriname but Al YUh still respect the Govt and NOT Mr Ramotar. Sometimes I do wonder what is the use of higher Education.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:

The Surinamese eco-tourism is far more advanced than Guyana's. Guyana has the elements to outdo Suriname - more air services, more landing strips, etc. but it's like I've said before, Guyana has more individual economic success story but it is skewed to a tiny minority. Guyana is like frontier country, wild west. Suriname may be more limited., but it is mature and sophisticated.

HAHAHA A Drug Lord leading Suriname but Al YUh still respect the Govt and NOT Mr Ramotar. Sometimes I do wonder what is the use of higher Education.

Oh so how does this differ from Guyana where drug lords control the party in power?


And yes higher education increases the probability that we have read Animal Farm.


You are like the sheep who brayed "four legs good...two legs better".  Read that book and TRY to understand why.

Originally Posted by Stinger:

of course a play off Sex, Drugs & Rock & Roll

instead we GY have Sex, Bricks & Chutney


damn i'm amazin sometimes

Ali is a creep and a loose brain fool.


How can tourism bring money in a GARBAGE CITY????


What an idiot!

Originally Posted by Kari:

The Surinamese eco-tourism is far more advanced than Guyana's. Guyana has the elements to outdo Suriname - more air services, more landing strips, etc. but it's like I've said before, Guyana has more individual economic success story but it is skewed to a tiny minority. Guyana is like frontier country, wild west. Suriname may be more limited., but it is mature and sophisticated.

Kari Suriname is as well connected as Guyana is, when we consider its needs. They are oriented to Amsterdam, Brazil, Miami, Curacao, and Trinidad, not NYC or Canada.


We are oriented towards Toronto, NY, So Florida, Barbados and Trinidad, and not Europe. 


Only problem is that, as some one said,  Europeans are oriented to eco/adventure tours of the rough Amazon type, which Suriname, offers, and Guyana can if they replace the PPP.  North Americans like eco/adventure deluxe, Costa Rica and Belize style.  I am not sure if Guyana will be able to offer that in the near term.  And they certainly have us beat on access, as the type of Americans who more go for this type of tourism live in the heartland, and not in cities like NYC.  GEO is very hard to get to from those areas.


Of course the notion that tourism will be huge in Guyana is a joke, as even Suriname doesn't have those ambitions, despite their strong European ties.  It can be a good mid sized industry employing a few thousand people in G/twn and the interior if properly developed.  Maybe 50,000 eco/adventure tourists.  But Guyana will have to determine the particularly market niche, develop the products to meet its needs, and then aggressively promote. 


Eco/adventure isn't a single market.  Do we go after the back ;pack market, who make limited demands, but also spend little.  Or do we go after the high end, who require more activities, higher quality amenities, and a rich range of experiences delivered efficiently by highly talented professional people.


Irfaan Ali and his merry band of the ignorant don't even know anything about the dynamics of this market, much less how to position Guyana.  And yet they will run their mouths about it, just because a few TV programmers find Guyana to be an unknown exotic country that Tanzania no longer is.


Its just amazing the primitive people who run Guyana.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:

The Surinamese eco-tourism is far more advanced than Guyana's. Guyana has the elements to outdo Suriname - more air services, more landing strips, etc. but it's like I've said before, Guyana has more individual economic success story but it is skewed to a tiny minority. Guyana is like frontier country, wild west. Suriname may be more limited., but it is mature and sophisticated.

HAHAHA A Drug Lord leading Suriname but Al YUh still respect the Govt and NOT Mr Ramotar. Sometimes I do wonder what is the use of higher Education.

Oh so how does this differ from Guyana where drug lords control the party in power?


And yes higher education increases the probability that we have read Animal Farm.


You are like the sheep who brayed "four legs good...two legs better".  Read that book and TRY to understand why.

Your Gods are Edi Amin, Mughabe and others. So I am confident you are a character in Animal Farm.


Guyanese hoteliers are greedy. The hotel industry needs more competition to bring prices down and lift standards. The new Marriott under construction will force the greedy hoteliers to become more competitive if they want to stay in business.  Guyana is getting there. presently the opposition's power in parliament has been nothing but a hindrance to progress

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:

The Surinamese eco-tourism is far more advanced than Guyana's. Guyana has the elements to outdo Suriname - more air services, more landing strips, etc. but it's like I've said before, Guyana has more individual economic success story but it is skewed to a tiny minority. Guyana is like frontier country, wild west. Suriname may be more limited., but it is mature and sophisticated.

HAHAHA A Drug Lord leading Suriname but Al YUh still respect the Govt and NOT Mr Ramotar. Sometimes I do wonder what is the use of higher Education.

Do you know that drug lord is supported strongly by Guyana's ruling party?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:

The Surinamese eco-tourism is far more advanced than Guyana's. Guyana has the elements to outdo Suriname - more air services, more landing strips, etc. but it's like I've said before, Guyana has more individual economic success story but it is skewed to a tiny minority. Guyana is like frontier country, wild west. Suriname may be more limited., but it is mature and sophisticated.

HAHAHA A Drug Lord leading Suriname but Al YUh still respect the Govt and NOT Mr Ramotar. Sometimes I do wonder what is the use of higher Education.

Oh so how does this differ from Guyana where drug lords control the party in power?


And yes higher education increases the probability that we have read Animal Farm.


You are like the sheep who brayed "four legs good...two legs better".  Read that book and TRY to understand why.

Your Gods are Edi Amin, Mughabe and others. So I am confident you are a character in Animal Farm.

Pavi, careful with the racist innuendos.....

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Guyanese hoteliers are greedy. The hotel industry needs more competition to bring prices down and lift standards. The new Marriott under construction will force the greedy hoteliers to become more competitive if they want to stay in business.  Guyana is getting there. presently the opposition's power in parliament has been nothing but a hindrance to progress

Why don't you crawl back under your slimy refuge?

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:

The Surinamese eco-tourism is far more advanced than Guyana's. Guyana has the elements to outdo Suriname - more air services, more landing strips, etc. but it's like I've said before, Guyana has more individual economic success story but it is skewed to a tiny minority. Guyana is like frontier country, wild west. Suriname may be more limited., but it is mature and sophisticated.

HAHAHA A Drug Lord leading Suriname but Al YUh still respect the Govt and NOT Mr Ramotar. Sometimes I do wonder what is the use of higher Education.

Do you know that drug lord is supported strongly by Guyana's ruling party?

Let us assume you are right, so what is your point cause my point is you are full of it!!!

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Guyanese hoteliers are greedy. The hotel industry needs more competition to bring prices down and lift standards. The new Marriott under construction will force the greedy hoteliers to become more competitive if they want to stay in business.  Guyana is getting there. presently the opposition's power in parliament has been nothing but a hindrance to progress

Vegas is  a favorite place for gambling and entertainment. One can fly there for  a weekend quickie.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Guyanese hoteliers are greedy. The hotel industry needs more competition to bring prices down and lift standards. The new Marriott under construction will force the greedy hoteliers to become more competitive if they want to stay in business.  Guyana is getting there. presently the opposition's power in parliament has been nothing but a hindrance to progress

Why don't you crawl back under your slimy refuge?

I expect a better response than this from guy like you who once touted the PPP to be the saviours of Guyana. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Guyanese hoteliers are greedy. The hotel industry needs more competition to bring prices down and lift standards. The new Marriott under construction will force the greedy hoteliers to become more competitive if they want to stay in business.  Guyana is getting there. presently the opposition's power in parliament has been nothing but a hindrance to progress

Why don't you crawl back under your slimy refuge?

YOu got to be bloody kidding Caribj prays to those Guys!!!

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Guyanese hoteliers are greedy. The hotel industry needs more competition to bring prices down and lift standards. The new Marriott under construction will force the greedy hoteliers to become more competitive if they want to stay in business.  Guyana is getting there. presently the opposition's power in parliament has been nothing but a hindrance to progress

Marriott is going to be the most expensive hotel in G/twn so I don't understand your babble that it will increase prices.  Hotels in G/twn are empty and our visitors are mainly Guyanese who stay with friends or relatives, and this is definitely true for those destined to G/twn.  So they must stretch their overheads over a limited visitor mix of mainly business people.


I also wonder whetyer Irfaan Ali ever reads tripadvisor to see what travelers are saying about Guyana.  The most popular conversation was whether Guyana was worth visiting. Conclusion was inconclusive, though some one told Americans that Belize and Costa Rica were easier to get to, and offered more, and were more prepared for tourists.


So much for tourism generating more to GDP than gold, or employing more than sugar, or the public sector.


And should Nehru or one of the PPP idiots doubt me, people do read tripadvisor, even if the PPP has never heard of it.


Gtwn is a disgrace.  You can have 1,000 hotel rooms and that doesn't change that fact.  The hotels are in Gtwn, and yet you all babble about eco adventure.  Is the plan to attract eco adventure tourism to visit the "wilds of Tiger Bay"?


I have never heard of any plans to have Georgetown declared a Heritage Site, which would entail limitations on the type of construction that will be allowed in the areas so designated (Main St, Carmichael St) and down the Ave of the Republic to the Parliament buildings, and Stabroek Market), a plan to fix up and greatly modernize the Botanic Gardens, and the other green spaces in G/twn, or to improve the overall safety of the city.


More ignorant nonsense which suggests that


To encourage tourism you must have quality hotels charging rates that are competitive with other countries. The gov't. recognized that hotels in Guyana are charging exhorbitant rates for rooms that don't meet even two-star rating. It makes no difference to the hotel if their customers are Guyanese or foreigners. More Guyanese are staying hotels today than ever before. Even more will choose to stay at a hotel if quality improves and price rooms go down,

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

To encourage tourism you must have quality hotels charging rates that are competitive with other countries. The gov't. recognized that hotels in Guyana are charging exhorbitant rates for rooms that don't meet even two-star rating. It makes no difference to the hotel if their customers are Guyanese or foreigners. More Guyanese are staying hotels today than ever before. Even more will choose to stay at a hotel if quality improves and price rooms go down,


A Guyanese vacationing in Barbados will pay much more than if he goes to Guyana.  If a Guyanese wishes to stay at Pegasus, which is oriented to business people, then they should expect to pay those rates.  I will tell you from now that Marriott is going to be in the US$150/200 price range.  The vast majority of people staying there are going to be business people.



Tourists don't go to a country just because of its hotels.  They go because of its range of attractions, which include the hotels.  Indeed hotels in Guyana aren't that expense when compared to the Caribbean.  So our failure to attract tourists, other than overseas based Guyanese, has nothing to do with high hotel rates.  What is expensive are the high costs of assembling travel packages within Guyana, and the under developed nature of our eco/adventure tourism.  So Guyana becomes more expensive than Belize, even though it offers less.  In addition it is too far from the USA to compete.  And we don't have travel packages out of the UK, where there actually is interest.


The PPP screams that tourism will be a big industry because GEO will have 8 jet ways, which means that airlines from all over the world will rush to GEO.  This while people who are interested in eco/adventure tourism go to Belize, Costa Rica, Suriname and Brazil, and NOT Guyana.


Visits to Guyana by overseas based Guyanese is stagnant, and will likely decline over time, as those who live overseas lose ties to those in Guyana, as their parents die, and other acquaintances migrate. So why premise the development of tourists on this group, especially when few of them have any interest in eco/adventure tourism.


The PPP doesn't know what they are doing and its about time that people like you tell them so.  They scream eco/adventure, but then do nothing to attract them.  How does Marriott attract eco/adventure travelers when few of them wish to stay in Georgetown for more than 2 days.  G/twn being seen as a very dangerous and lawless and filthy city, and the coastal regions have nothing to offer aside from mud, mosquitos and more crime.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:

The Surinamese eco-tourism is far more advanced than Guyana's. Guyana has the elements to outdo Suriname - more air services, more landing strips, etc. but it's like I've said before, Guyana has more individual economic success story but it is skewed to a tiny minority. Guyana is like frontier country, wild west. Suriname may be more limited., but it is mature and sophisticated.

HAHAHA A Drug Lord leading Suriname but Al YUh still respect the Govt and NOT Mr Ramotar. Sometimes I do wonder what is the use of higher Education.

Do you know that drug lord is supported strongly by Guyana's ruling party?

Let us assume you are right, so what is your point cause my point is you are full of it!!!

I won't dignify this. You are dangerously close to Rev and Yuji territory.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Guyanese hoteliers are greedy. The hotel industry needs more competition to bring prices down and lift standards. The new Marriott under construction will force the greedy hoteliers to become more competitive if they want to stay in business.  Guyana is getting there. presently the opposition's power in parliament has been nothing but a hindrance to progress

Vegas is  a favorite place for gambling and entertainment. One can fly there for  a weekend quickie.

I'm heading there in a few days at one of the greedy hoteliers.

Originally Posted by caribny:

The PPP doesn't know what they are doing and its about time that people like you tell them so.  They scream eco/adventure, but then do nothing to attract them.  How does Marriott attract eco/adventure travelers when few of them wish to stay in Georgetown for more than 2 days.  G/twn being seen as a very dangerous and lawless and filthy city, and the coastal regions have nothing to offer aside from mud, mosquitos and more crime.

You're wasting your time talking to a billy goat. That mud-head, like the purveyors of tourism in Guyana have no idea of the word "tourism". I would like to see the business justification for the building of a Guyanese Marriott. Or who the financial accountant is.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Guyanese hoteliers are greedy. The hotel industry needs more competition to bring prices down and lift standards. The new Marriott under construction will force the greedy hoteliers to become more competitive if they want to stay in business.  Guyana is getting there. presently the opposition's power in parliament has been nothing but a hindrance to progress

Vegas is  a favorite place for gambling and entertainment. One can fly there for  a weekend quickie.

I'm heading there in a few days at one of the greedy hoteliers.

I usually go to a place next to the Coke Bottle and hunt for last minute deals on the shows. Have fun.

Originally Posted by Kari:

I'm heading for the Luxor resort hotel. Need a break from all this snow.

Good luck! I am a last minute traveller. Looking  for a get away soon. Preferable an all inclusive for  a week.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:

The Surinamese eco-tourism is far more advanced than Guyana's. Guyana has the elements to outdo Suriname - more air services, more landing strips, etc. but it's like I've said before, Guyana has more individual economic success story but it is skewed to a tiny minority. Guyana is like frontier country, wild west. Suriname may be more limited., but it is mature and sophisticated.

HAHAHA A Drug Lord leading Suriname but Al YUh still respect the Govt and NOT Mr Ramotar. Sometimes I do wonder what is the use of higher Education.

Do you know that drug lord is supported strongly by Guyana's ruling party?

Let us assume you are right, so what is your point cause my point is you are full of it!!!

I won't dignify this. You are dangerously close to Rev and Yuji territory.

You need a bloody lesson in dignity and honesty!!!

Originally Posted by Kari:

I'm heading for the Luxor resort hotel. Need a break from all this snow.

Are you talking about that Luxor hotel house on Grant Avenue that's so reminscent of places in G/T where one does quickies  Kari, bhai you are playing with fire. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally Posted by Kari:

I'm heading for the Luxor resort hotel. Need a break from all this snow.

Are you talking about that Luxor hotel house on Grant Avenue that's so reminscent of places in G/T where one does quickies  Kari, bhai you are playing with fire. 

Is Kari taking Dumb and Dumber with him??

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Kari loves rum and left over Guyanese bitches - so typical of state planners from the Hoyte era.

Jagdeo worked at state planning, so clearly you think that this applies to him, unless you suggest that he is one of the left over bytches.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Kari:

I'm heading for the Luxor resort hotel. Need a break from all this snow.

Good luck! I am a last minute traveller. Looking  for a get away soon. Preferable an all inclusive for  a week.

Come let's go Guyana, it's always all inclusive at family house.

Thinking of going next month to attend an engagement.


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