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Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

He gave a status update on what the PPP are doing to rebuild their party.  And also provided some answers to the sugar and rice dilemma, the state of crime, the dwindling economy, etc.   I asked him, once again, if he will be running for President in the next election.  And he assured me, "Never Again!"

Thanks,did he paint a true picture of the "assumed" dwindling economy and crime,or used spin to get the attention of the attendees which i assumed the majority are Indians.

You should have gone and find out yourself so you don't have to get 2nd/3rd hand information which you won't believe anyway!!


I believe he did paint a true picture.  Most of the session was Q&A so everyone had a chance to ask their own questions.  He wanted the people to do the talking.  It was a very casual bottom house chat.  No formalities.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
ba$eman posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

He gave a status update on what the PPP are doing to rebuild their party.  And also provided some answers to the sugar and rice dilemma, the state of crime, the dwindling economy, etc.   I asked him, once again, if he will be running for President in the next election.  And he assured me, "Never Again!"

Thanks,did he paint a true picture of the "assumed" dwindling economy and crime,or used spin to get the attention of the attendees which i assumed the majority are Indians.

You should have gone and find out yourself so you don't have to get 2nd/3rd hand information which you won't believe anyway!!

4 hrs away bhai.

Banna what's wrong with you,any person who speaks the truth have my ear,the moment i find out any person is a con,my listening power shuts off.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

I believe he did paint a true picture.  Most of the session was Q&A so everyone had a chance to ask their own questions.  He wanted the people to do the talking.  It was a very casual bottom house chat.  No formalities.

Glad to hear,i wish if i was close by i would have surely attended.

Django posted:
ba$eman posted:
Django posted:

Thanks,did he paint a true picture of the "assumed" dwindling economy and crime,or used spin to get the attention of the attendees which i assumed the majority are Indians.

You should have gone and find out yourself so you don't have to get 2nd/3rd hand information which you won't believe anyway!!

4 hrs away bhai.

Banna what's wrong with you,any person who speaks the truth have my ear,the moment i find out any person is a con,my listening power shuts off.

Based on how you prefaced the question, you already raised doubts as to the authenticity before a word was uttered, thus my comment!!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

I wish you were there too.  There were a lot of non PPP supporters who asked questions.  And the AFC crowd is returning home.  Many of them were there talking to him.

Next time i will try to be there.

There is a point to consider even if all the AFC returns,it is still a tough fight for the PPP to win,the Amerindian vote is the tie breaker and we are  aware when they were in power how they attract those votes,this time around the Coalition have the upper hand to attract those votes.

Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The Grand Entrance.  

Meet and Greet!!

imageThis is the best Bibi, Raj Singh & Vishnu can put together.

Rat admit there were more people in the Toilet 

when he had to Crawl on the floor at Herman Singh Place. 

Vish M posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

He gave a status update on what the PPP are doing to rebuild their party..... Finally he is admitting..... PPP became a Minority in Guyana under his watch. 

 And also provided some answers to the sugar and rice dilemma, the state of crime, the dwindling economy, etc.....Did he tell you Narco Business was his lifeline that kept the economy going?  

I asked him, once again, if he will be running for President in the next election.  And he assured me, "Never Again!".....Now tell us why he pushed Ramotar out of the Leadership?


PPP is a Minority ......

Because of the Funny Fellas

Scamp, Crook or Thief....


All the decent Guyanese......

 Choose to Hunt with the Cat

Instead of Scratching

& Running with De Rat


Rat is admitting

he lost supporters.....

he made PPP a Minority


Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I wish you were there too.  There were a lot of non PPP supporters who asked questions.  And the AFC crowd is returning home.  Many of them were there talking to him.

Next time i will try to be there.

There is a point to consider even if all the AFC returns,it is still a tough fight for the PPP to win,the Amerindian vote is the tie breaker and we are  aware when they were in power how they attract those votes,this time around the Coalition have the upper hand to attract those votes.

The way things are going, all them Stabroek vendors might run over to PPP.  On the other hand, Harmon with his lil Indo side-kick might mitigate that!

Jalil posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The Grand Entrance.  

Meet and Greet!!

imageThis is the best Bibi, Raj Singh & Vishnu can put together.

Rat admit there were more people in the Toilet 

when he had to Crawl on the floor at Herman Singh Place. 

Vish M posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

He gave a status update on what the PPP are doing to rebuild their party..... Finally he is admitting..... PPP became a Minority in Guyana under his watch. 

 And also provided some answers to the sugar and rice dilemma, the state of crime, the dwindling economy, etc.....Did he tell you Narco Business was his lifeline that kept the economy going?  

I asked him, once again, if he will be running for President in the next election.  And he assured me, "Never Again!".....Now tell us why he pushed Ramotar out of the Leadership?


PPP is a Minority ......

Because of the Funny Fellas

Scamp, Crook or Thief....


All the decent Guyanese......

 Choose to Hunt with the Cat

Instead of Scratching

& Running with De Rat


Rat is admitting

he lost supporters.....

he made PPP a Minority


Hey Jalil, what you think of the thread on the Nagamootoo hypocrisy!!


The meeting was well attended as I learned from my sources. Unfortunately, I had another engagement, though I regret not being there. However, Dr. Jagdeo met all attendees on a personal level as they entered the venue. He listened attentively to what the concerned diaspora had to say on every issues facing Guyana, especially on the escalating crime that is the main topic of the agenda. The honorable gentleman make us all proud, and he gets our support as he continues in his quest to fight the poor and working class citizens of Guyana. Thank you, Dr. Jagdeo!

ba$eman posted:

The way things are going, all them Stabroek vendors might run over to PPP.  .!

Not likely.   They simply will not vote.  The PPP didn't do anything except harass their sons.  Poor black Guyanese became very familiar with the concept of racial profiling under the PPP.

caribny posted:

  Poor black Guyanese became very familiar with the concept of racial profiling under the PPP.

Even without profiling, these same poor black Guyanese didn't fare any better under the first round of the PNC and things don't look much promising for them this time around either.

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:

  Poor black Guyanese became very familiar with the concept of racial profiling under the PPP.

Even without profiling, these same poor black Guyanese didn't fare any better under the first round of the PNC and things don't look much promising for them this time around either.

That is why they will not vote.   They aren't going to vote PPP.  As much as you will pretend that the PPP wasn't overtly racist, indeed they were.

Now let us compare the protest with the vendors, with what happened in Linden.  The vendors are very alive and breathing.  Several people were shot DEAD, in Linden, and many others were injured.

THAT is the difference between the PPP and the PNC, which is why your hoped for drift to the PPP isn't going to happen!

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
caribny posted:

  Poor black Guyanese became very familiar with the concept of racial profiling under the PPP.

Even without profiling, these same poor black Guyanese didn't fare any better under the first round of the PNC and things don't look much promising for them this time around either.

That is why they will not vote.   They aren't going to vote PPP.  As much as you will pretend that the PPP wasn't overtly racist, indeed they were.

I don't remember saying that the PPP were either racist or not.

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
caribny posted:

  Poor black Guyanese became very familiar with the concept of racial profiling under the PPP.

Even without profiling, these same poor black Guyanese didn't fare any better under the first round of the PNC and things don't look much promising for them this time around either.

That is why they will not vote.   They aren't going to vote PPP.  As much as you will pretend that the PPP wasn't overtly racist, indeed they were.

I don't remember saying that the PPP were either racist or not.

The fact that you NEVER discuss PPP racism, and frequently discuss PNC racism, means that you don't consider the PPP to be racist.

People say lots by what they don't say.

caribny posted:

The fact that you NEVER discuss PPP racism, and frequently discuss PNC racism, means that you don't consider the PPP to be racist.

People say lots by what they don't say.

I don't care about PNC racism bai. I focused more on the first PNC government running country into the ground and this Coalition government's haplessness.

caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

The President is meeting the people.

They better bring mops to wipe all the tears and screams from the brown bai KKK, as they scream "blackman a kill ahbe".

Your sole purpose in life is to enjoy seeing Blackman KILL Indians, You have repeated that statement several times, you are expressing your personal sentiments.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
caribny posted:

  Poor black Guyanese became very familiar with the concept of racial profiling under the PPP.

Even without profiling, these same poor black Guyanese didn't fare any better under the first round of the PNC and things don't look much promising for them this time around either.

That is why they will not vote.   They aren't going to vote PPP.  As much as you will pretend that the PPP wasn't overtly racist, indeed they were.

Now let us compare the protest with the vendors, with what happened in Linden.  The vendors are very alive and breathing.  Several people were shot DEAD, in Linden, and many others were injured.

THAT is the difference between the PPP and the PNC, which is why your hoped for drift to the PPP isn't going to happen!

When an Indian vote PPP he/she is racist.  But when a black person vote PNC they are not racist.  I love that double standard!!!!

Bibi Haniffa
ksazma posted:

I don't care about PNC racism bai. I focused more on the first PNC government running country into the ground and this Coalition government's haplessness.

And of course you have made mention of Indians along the way.  But you don't see that as referring to race.

kp posted:
caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

The President is meeting the people.

They better bring mops to wipe all the tears and screams from the brown bai KKK, as they scream "blackman a kill ahbe".

Your sole purpose in life is to enjoy seeing Blackman KILL Indians, You have repeated that statement several times, you are expressing your personal sentiments.

If I have mentioned a pleasure in seeing blacks kill Indians, on several occasions, why don't you point out to one of those posts.

You make yourself look ridiculous when you so barefacedly lie.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

When an Indian vote PPP he/she is racist.  But when a black person vote PNC they are not racist.  I love that double standard!!!!

If the PPP is racist towards blacks why should they support them.

Please indicate any occasion when I have demanded that you support the PNC.

I have said that BOTH the PNC and the PPP have been racist, and that BOTH engage in tokenism to hide that fact.

Your issue is that you want me to join your band wagon of "black man bad, Indian good".   They have both been bad to each other, so I cannot join you with that.


Also Bibi please suggest at what point has Granger used language aimed at.

1. demonizing a particular race (the PPP, especially Jagdeo engages in this)

2. boasting about engaging in racial mobilization (Jagdeo boasted about this after the election).

3.  explicitly demonized a particular black person as being a traitor because they don't support them (we saw the PPP mount a loud campaign screaming that Moses said that he wasn't an Indian).

Reality is in 2016 the PPP engages in more explicitly racial mobilization.  Maybe they haven't read the memo that Indians aren't the majority any more, and that the fastest growing group are those who self identify as mixed. 

The PNC read that memo, so long ago ceased to make explicitly race based appeals.  To the contrary, we even see them harassing their own support base.


Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
caribny posted:

  Poor black Guyanese became very familiar with the concept of racial profiling under the PPP.

Even without profiling, these same poor black Guyanese didn't fare any better under the first round of the PNC and things don't look much promising for them this time around either.

That is why they will not vote.   They aren't going to vote PPP.  As much as you will pretend that the PPP wasn't overtly racist, indeed they were.

Now let us compare the protest with the vendors, with what happened in Linden.  The vendors are very alive and breathing.  Several people were shot DEAD, in Linden, and many others were injured.

THAT is the difference between the PPP and the PNC, which is why your hoped for drift to the PPP isn't going to happen!

When an Indian vote PPP he/she is racist.  But when a black person vote PNC they are not racist.  I love that double standard!!!!

If a Blackman go to Linden or Buxton..... and tell them Black people they cannot live in peace with Indians ..... because.... Coolie gon beat Tassa Drum and sing about Killing Blackman  .... De Blackman is a Racist.....

And when Jagdeo go to Babo John and tell them Coolie.....yuh must not trust Blackman.....if them win election....them gon wake up every morning before foul-cock crow....and beat dem African Drum and sing....."Let me see how many coolie me gon kill today?"..........Jagdeo is not a Racist....He is a special person like Bibi.

comrade posted:
alena06 posted:

Both Jagdeo and Granger abroad splurging while folks back home starving and getting killed.   God help the Guyanese people. 

What are they hoping to accomplish at this town hall?  Where are the new, young faces in the PPP leadership?  Same old, same old.

One correction . Granger does not  " splurge " . He does not drink . In fact he is very religious !  He is here for a conference on climate change. Unlike Jagdeo who as president  was always visiting the clubs and nite spots on Liberty Avenue and elsewhere. He even came over for duck curry competitions in the past when he was president. Jagdeo never made any effort to meet the people in the past. Why at this time ?  The youths of the PPP are stifled and soon will seek other political avenues for their satisfaction.

You sound like one of the new government's mysterious overseas 'Advisers'. 

Lennox posted:
comrade posted:
alena06 posted:

Both Jagdeo and Granger abroad splurging while folks back home starving and getting killed.   God help the Guyanese people. 

What are they hoping to accomplish at this town hall?  Where are the new, young faces in the PPP leadership?  Same old, same old.

One correction . Granger does not  " splurge " . He does not drink . In fact he is very religious !  He is here for a conference on climate change. Unlike Jagdeo who as president  was always visiting the clubs and nite spots on Liberty Avenue and elsewhere. He even came over for duck curry competitions in the past when he was president. Jagdeo never made any effort to meet the people in the past. Why at this time ?  The youths of the PPP are stifled and soon will seek other political avenues for their satisfaction.

You sound like one of the new government's mysterious overseas 'Advisers'. 

Whether he's an advisor or not, he is quite correct.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:

You trying fo take over Nehru's GNI position as Dumbo nuh?

I never imitated anyone on this forum. Don't know anyone here and not one you know who really I am. I exercise sound judgment on what's happening in Guyana. You and the other comics are peddling a lie that the economy was tanking from 1992 to 2015. On the contrary, the economy has been growing for those 23 years. The expansion of the GDP to 10 times its size and the increase in personal income are evidence of consistent growth. Reports from the international and regional banks can attest to this.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
cain posted:

You trying fo take over Nehru's GNI position as Dumbo nuh?

I never imitated anyone on this forum. Don't know anyone here and not one you know who really I am. I exercise sound judgment on what's happening in Guyana. You and the other comics are peddling a lie that the economy was tanking from 1992 to 2015. On the contrary, the economy has been growing for those 23 years. The expansion of the GDP to 10 times its size and the increase in personal income are evidence of consistent growth. Reports from the international and regional banks can attest to this.

At the same time, The IMF established that the economy grew last year and they forecast a 4.0% growth rate this year and still you clowns are circulating the lie that the economy is in freefall.

Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
cain posted:

You trying fo take over Nehru's GNI position as Dumbo nuh?

I never imitated anyone on this forum. Don't know anyone here and not one you know who really I am. I exercise sound judgment on what's happening in Guyana. You and the other comics are peddling a lie that the economy was tanking from 1992 to 2015. On the contrary, the economy has been growing for those 23 years. The expansion of the GDP to 10 times its size and the increase in personal income are evidence of consistent growth. Reports from the international and regional banks can attest to this.

At the same time, The IMF established that the economy grew last year and they forecast a 4.0% growth rate this year and still you clowns are circulating the lie that the economy is in freefall.

The same data that they use to scream that the economy grew in the last 5 years of PPP rule, is now what says that the economy continues to grow.

Clearly the masses didn't benefit from growth then, nor do they benefit now, as it is the small group of oligarchs, with their speculative underground economy, who grasp the vast majority of this.

After 2000 hordes of Guyanese, many being PPP supporters, fled to every English speaking Caribbean country, with the exception of Dominica.  

This doesn't look to me like an economy which was growing, under the PPP, given that many of these performed menial tasks, often below what they would have done had they remained in Guyana.  But who wants to starve on $200/month in Guyana, when a baby sitter can earn $800 in Barbados?

And I doubt that Guyanese are returning in large numbers, even though life in this islands has gotten harder for them.

Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
cain posted:

You trying fo take over Nehru's GNI position as Dumbo nuh?

I never imitated anyone on this forum. Don't know anyone here and not one you know who really I am. I exercise sound judgment on what's happening in Guyana. You and the other comics are peddling a lie that the economy was tanking from 1992 to 2015. On the contrary, the economy has been growing for those 23 years. The expansion of the GDP to 10 times its size and the increase in personal income are evidence of consistent growth. Reports from the international and regional banks can attest to this.

At the same time, The IMF established that the economy grew last year and they forecast a 4.0% growth rate this year and still you clowns are circulating the lie that the economy is in freefall.

Estimates, lets see the reality as events play themselves out

ba$eman posted:
Mars posted:

At the same time, The IMF established that the economy grew last year

Estimates, lets see the reality as events play themselves out

And yet you scream that all hell let loose, and that in a matter of months Guyana tumbled from the wealth of The Bahamas, to the poverty of Haiti.


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