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caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
caribny posted:

  Poor black Guyanese became very familiar with the concept of racial profiling under the PPP.

Even without profiling, these same poor black Guyanese didn't fare any better under the first round of the PNC and things don't look much promising for them this time around either.

That is why they will not vote.   They aren't going to vote PPP.  As much as you will pretend that the PPP wasn't overtly racist, indeed they were.

Now let us compare the protest with the vendors, with what happened in Linden.  The vendors are very alive and breathing.  Several people were shot DEAD, in Linden, and many others were injured.

THAT is the difference between the PPP and the PNC, which is why your hoped for drift to the PPP isn't going to happen!

And you say black people are not racists?

skeldon_man posted:

And you say black people are not racists?

The Indians don't vote PNC because they think that they hate Indians.

The blacks don't vote PPP because they think that they hate blacks.

How come you only accuse blacks of being racist?


ksazma posted:
caribny posted:

  Poor black Guyanese became very familiar with the concept of racial profiling under the PPP.

Even without profiling, these same poor black Guyanese didn't fare any better under the first round of the PNC and things don't look much promising for them this time around either.

So poor black people will simply not vote, as I already said.

Harassed by the PPP, and betrayed by the PNC why should they?

You think that the PPP earns their vote merely because the PNC betrayed them, when the PPP harassed them for 23 years?


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