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DUBBED as a passionately expressed sentiment, Natural Resources Minister Raphael Trotman last evening reprimanded People’s Progressive Party (PPP) and Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo for recent glaring acts of disrespect towards the Government.Trotman expressed his observation of both Jagdeo’s and the PPP’s posture in his presentation during the 2016 budget debates. He said that although the House was on Wednesday last lectured about respect and disrespect, he is of the conviction that it is his duty to highlight some “glaring examples,” not just for the sake of doing so, but to question how long they will continue in that manner.

Without hesitation, he pointed out that there was disrespect shown to the Government when the Opposition was invited to be part of joint committees but declined this offer. “In the past, when a similar invitation was issued, we respected the high office of the President and we attended,” he said, adding: “We may not have respected the personages but we always respected the Office of the President.”

He stressed that there has been disrespect shown by the PPP in failing to honour the Herdmanston process by not taking up its seats on State boards and committees.

And he said that the most recent episode of disrespect emerging from the western side of the House occurred while Finance Minister Winston Jordan was making his 2016 budget presentation, when Jagdeo, a former Finance Minister, opted to sit in the members’ lounge.

Moments after Jordan had concluded his presentation on January 29, Jagdeo proceeded to bash the Budget, deeming it “anti-poor and anti-development” in nature. “Neither Desmond Hoyte, Robert Corbin nor David Granger ever disrespected the PPP’s Finance Minister in such a manner,” Trotman, a former Speaker of the National Assembly, said.

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"Without hesitation, he pointed out that there was disrespect shown to the Government when the Opposition was invited to be part of joint committees but declined this offer."

Trotman has a lot of gall to make a statement like this.  It is the Opposition's right to decide what committees they want to be on.  Jagdeo probably read their evil cards and pi$$ed them off when he decided not to go with their flow.

If Trotman really wants to address the issue of respect and out of order, he should talk about Speaker Barton Scotland who is demonstrating utmost lawlessness to parliamentary democracy by ducking issues such as debates pertaining to the salary increase, Wales estate, etc.

Barton Scotland is biased to the core.  He is a rubber stamp for Granger and would stop at nothing to deny the Opposition their democratic rights.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
baseman posted:

Oh, well let's shed some tears of pity for the PNC/AFC!!!  Someone showed them no "respect".  Sad, for such a "respectable" group!!

HAHAHA  The Mo Fiah Slo Fiah Group want respect


“In the past, when a similar invitation was issued, we respected the high office of the President and we attended,” he said, adding: “We may not have respected the personages but we always respected the Office of the President.”

Bibi..i noticed you took a few sentences from the paragraph,which you have commented on,no problem.

What's your take on the above,the rest of the paragraph.


I am not familiar with the Herdmanston process on the sitting of State Boards but the PPP has some good attorneys and as long as they are not breaking the law or interfering with democratic rights they should decide if they want to participate or not.

Trotman did not address the behaviors of the coalition MPs.  When the PPP MPs are speaking there is constant heckling and interruption.  It happened to Nandlall yesterday.  When Gail was speaking, they turned off her microphone.  Barton Scotland has lost control of this parliament.  I have never seen a governing body of a country behave like they are running a fish market.

Bibi Haniffa
baseman posted:

Oh, well let's shed some tears of pity for the PNC/AFC!!!  Someone showed them no "respect".  Sad, for such a "respectable" group!!

Very soon they will jail the opposition for disrespect of parliament, are PNC looking for attention. Why sit and listen to an illegitimate government???

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Trotman should address this nonsense.  This is yesterday in Parliament.  How do they know what the PPP said if they were not even awake?


HAHAHAHAHA  Plantain and Cassava for lunch??????????????????


Trotman is such a jackass. He served with the PNC bullies, left and went with the AFC, now he is back with the PNC-AFC bullies. Honey licking monkey. You don't demand respect; you earn respect.
Trotman needs to respect himself before demanding respect from others.


Yah hear dah trattman?


The man looking for some respect since he does not have any self-respect.  Was this not the same guy who said that no large increases in ministerial salaries were being contemplated, that political donations to politicians  were investment? Well, he has earned no respect from many so far.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Trotman should address this nonsense.  This is yesterday in Parliament.  How do they know what the PPP said if they were not even awake?


Them two Black Brothers look dead, you sure Lykin Funeral Home  didn't drop them off to fill the seats.Does their vote counts.???


This is the Guyana space program. Dem teking up space.  Remember "one seat" only.  BJ will teach them how to play dog and bone one of these days.  You will see how fast they will wake up.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

Jagdeo cannot teach anybody anything except how to fool the young ladies. He gathered the experience when he paid the leading Hindu pandit to perform a sham marriage for him . He fooled the girl and when he locked her out of the marriage bedroom he disrespected all of the Hindu women .

comrade posted:

Jagdeo cannot teach anybody anything except how to fool the young ladies. He gathered the experience when he paid the leading Hindu pandit to perform a sham marriage for him . He fooled the girl and when he locked her out of the marriage bedroom he disrespected all of the Hindu women .

Stop with your crazy, silly lies. 

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
comrade posted:

Jagdeo cannot teach anybody anything except how to fool the young ladies. He gathered the experience when he paid the leading Hindu pandit to perform a sham marriage for him . He fooled the girl and when he locked her out of the marriage bedroom he disrespected all of the Hindu women .

Stop with your crazy, silly lies. 

Varshnie would disagree with you .

comrade posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
comrade posted:

Jagdeo cannot teach anybody anything except how to fool the young ladies. He gathered the experience when he paid the leading Hindu pandit to perform a sham marriage for him . He fooled the girl and when he locked her out of the marriage bedroom he disrespected all of the Hindu women .

Stop with your crazy, silly lies. 

Varshnie would disagree with you .

I happen to know Varshnie and I know she would not disagree with me.  And I am a Hindu woman who has never been disrespected by Jagdeo. 

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
comrade posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
comrade posted:

Jagdeo cannot teach anybody anything except how to fool the young ladies. He gathered the experience when he paid the leading Hindu pandit to perform a sham marriage for him . He fooled the girl and when he locked her out of the marriage bedroom he disrespected all of the Hindu women .

Stop with your crazy, silly lies. 

Varshnie would disagree with you .

I happen to know Varshnie and I know she would not disagree with me.  And I am a Hindu woman who has never been disrespected by Jagdeo. 

I have known Varshni since she was little girl . She publically documented the incidents of being locked out . I suggest you do your research before putting your big foot in your mouth .

baseman posted:
comrade posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I happen to know Varshnie and I know she would not disagree with me.  And I am a Hindu woman who has never been disrespected by Jagdeo. 

I have known Varshni since she was little girl . She publically documented the incidents of being locked out . I suggest you do your research before putting your big foot in your mouth .

Comrade, were you the Lucknee??

HAHAHA or is he Peeping Tom cousin of Uncle Tom????

baseman posted:
comrade posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I happen to know Varshnie and I know she would not disagree with me.  And I am a Hindu woman who has never been disrespected by Jagdeo. 

I have known Varshni since she was little girl . She publically documented the incidents of being locked out . I suggest you do your research before putting your big foot in your mouth .

Comrade, were you the Lucknee??

They didn't need a Lucknie. Jagdeo wasn't touching the gyal anyway.

comrade posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
comrade posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
comrade posted:

Jagdeo cannot teach anybody anything except how to fool the young ladies. He gathered the experience when he paid the leading Hindu pandit to perform a sham marriage for him . He fooled the girl and when he locked her out of the marriage bedroom he disrespected all of the Hindu women .

Stop with your crazy, silly lies. 

Varshnie would disagree with you .

I happen to know Varshnie and I know she would not disagree with me.  And I am a Hindu woman who has never been disrespected by Jagdeo. 

I have known Varshni since she was little girl . She publically documented the incidents of being locked out . I suggest you do your research before putting your big foot in your mouth .

Feel free to share these public documents with us.  I have never seen them.  I do not need to do research on people's personal lives.  I know them well enough to draw my own conclusions.

Bibi Haniffa

Oi Bibi so you know Varshni hmmmm. Put in a word for me nuh I think she kinda cute. Ah lookin for a woman an the only request I have is dat she know fo make pholowrie I doan care about anything else, well food wise I meant. If she dont know to make pholowrie, hope she know where to get good ones from, that'll work too,aright?

baseman posted:
Mars posted:
baseman posted:
comrade posted:

I have known Varshni since she was little girl . She publically documented the incidents of being locked out . I suggest you do your research before putting your big foot in your mouth .

Comrade, were you the Lucknee??

They didn't need a Lucknie. Jagdeo wasn't touching the gyal anyway.

Well, wouldn't you know, he was busy touching you, I guess!!

I have a wife and we sleep in the same bed. Can Fagdeo make that claim?

cain posted:

Oi Bibi so you know Varshni hmmmm. Put in a word for me nuh I think she kinda cute. Ah lookin for a woman an the only request I have is dat she know fo make pholowrie I doan care about anything else, well food wise I meant. If she dont know to make pholowrie, hope she know where to get good ones from, that'll work too,aright?

Varshnie is related to my mom - the Singh family from Enmore.  And you touch lil smoke with yuh earlier putagee comment.  Me staying easy from now on!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
cain posted:

Oi Bibi so you know Varshni hmmmm. Put in a word for me nuh I think she kinda cute. Ah lookin for a woman an the only request I have is dat she know fo make pholowrie I doan care about anything else, well food wise I meant. If she dont know to make pholowrie, hope she know where to get good ones from, that'll work too,aright?

Varshnie is related to my mom - the Singh family from Enmore.  And you touch lil smoke with yuh earlier putagee comment.  Me staying easy from now on!!!

You family mussi got two thousand people in it. Everybady is one uh you relative and you father or you uncle always teach at a school or work at some hospital.

Last edited by Mars
baseman posted:
Mars posted:
baseman posted:
Mars posted:
baseman posted:

Comrade, were you the Lucknee??

They didn't need a Lucknie. Jagdeo wasn't touching the gyal anyway.

Well, wouldn't you know, he was busy touching you, I guess!!

I have a wife and we sleep in the same bed. Can Fagdeo make that claim?

Does your dutiful and respectful other half knows your burn from both ends??

I don't play the same game that you hijras play.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
comrade posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
comrade posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
comrade posted:

Jagdeo cannot teach anybody anything except how to fool the young ladies. He gathered the experience when he paid the leading Hindu pandit to perform a sham marriage for him . He fooled the girl and when he locked her out of the marriage bedroom he disrespected all of the Hindu women .

Stop with your crazy, silly lies. 

Varshnie would disagree with you .

I happen to know Varshnie and I know she would not disagree with me.  And I am a Hindu woman who has never been disrespected by Jagdeo. 

I have known Varshni since she was little girl . She publically documented the incidents of being locked out . I suggest you do your research before putting your big foot in your mouth .

Feel free to share these public documents with us.  I have never seen them.  I do not need to do research on people's personal lives.  I know them well enough to draw my own conclusions.

@ 'bibi haniffa' . . . if you don't know, i suggest u keep your mouth shut and not bray stupidness like:

"Varshnie would disagree with you"

the lady's cruel treatment at the hands of that fraud, woman-abusing ex presidente is a matter of public record!

u ought to be ashamed

Last edited by Former Member
baseman posted:
redux posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Feel free to share these public documents with us.  I have never seen them.  I do not need to do research on people's personal lives.  I know them well enough to draw my own conclusions.

@ 'bibi haniffa' . . . if you don't know, i suggest u keep your mouth shut and not bray stupidness like:

"Vashnie would disagree with you"

the lady's cruel treatment at the hands of that fraud, woman-abusing ex presidente is a matter of public record!

And just look what the cyat just dragged in!!!

lash for u on order

juss so u doan feel left out

baseman posted:
Mars posted:
baseman posted:
Mars posted:

I have a wife and we sleep in the same bed. Can Fagdeo make that claim?

Does your dutiful and respectful other half knows your burn from both ends??

I don't play the same game that you hijras play.

Oye banna, is you talking nuff bout men and dem bed story.  Me jess asking bai!!

Y'all keep your hijra games to yourself. 

baseman posted:
Mars posted:
baseman posted:
Mars posted:

I have a wife and we sleep in the same bed. Can Fagdeo make that claim?

Does your dutiful and respectful other half knows your burn from both ends??

I don't play the same game that you hijras play.

Oye banna, is you talking nuff bout men and dem bed story.  Me jess asking bai!!

Ah notice you does ask dem questions nuff is like you writin a book or trying fo take notes on how dem sorta tings does wuk?

Iman just had a surprise. I stopped by the office where there was a get together held for a very yummy Owwww mmm, young lady. During the get together her...ahem...other half walked in and I looked up to see another pretty woman Owwwww mmm, one walk in, dam I thought, she loves the same thing as I, dam.

Last edited by cain
baseman posted:
Mars posted:
baseman posted:
Mars posted:

I don't play the same game that you hijras play.

Oye banna, is you talking nuff bout men and dem bed story.  Me jess asking bai!!

Y'all keep your hijra games to yourself. 

You seem to know a lot of these things bai, and an interest in it.

As deh seh, a criminal always return to the scene of his crime!!  Datts how nuff nuff dem dozz geh kech!!!

I have a wife. That's all I'm interested in. If y'all want to indulge in Hijra culture, more power to you.

baseman posted:
redux posted:
baseman posted:
redux posted:

@ 'bibi haniffa' . . . if you don't know, i suggest u keep your mouth shut and not bray stupidness like:

"Vashnie would disagree with you"

the lady's cruel treatment at the hands of that fraud, woman-abusing ex presidente is a matter of public record!

And just look what the cyat just dragged in!!!

lash for u on order

juss so u doan feel left out

Me see you run aff dis marnin' after Django answered your question to me.  I see yuh peeking out from under the rock again!

i've been in meetings all day

pay attention to my post re "lash"

watch, get the poultice ready, and learn

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted: Varshnie is related to my mom - the Singh family from Enmore.

I believe we're related, girl. Sort of. Varshnie's dad Beni Singh was related to my aunt Meena Singh who died of cancer 52 years ago at the young age of 23. Her father was Jan Singh and she had a brother named Man Singh and a sister named Indra and her cousins were Inderjeet, Karran, Kamla and Soma. Beni Singh's family ran a gas station, my uncle told me. Do those names ring a bell to you?

baseman posted:
Mars posted:
baseman posted:
Mars posted:

Y'all keep your hijra games to yourself. 

You seem to know a lot of these things bai, and an interest in it.

As deh seh, a criminal always return to the scene of his crime!!  Datts how nuff nuff dem dozz geh kech!!!

I have a wife. That's all I'm interested in.

Good, well then stop talking like an antiman!!!

GFY. I'm more man than you'll ever dream of being. Jagdeo's sexuality has long been questioned and commenting on it is not off limits on this board. He's a public figure. Leave my fvckin personal life out of this and address what is being said on the board. Stupid Cvntworm.

baseman posted:
Mars posted:
baseman posted:
Mars posted:

I have a wife. That's all I'm interested in.

Good, well then stop talking like an antiman!!!

GFY. I'm more man than you'll ever dream of being. Jagdeo's sexuality has long been questioned and commenting on it is not off limits on this board. He's a public figure. Leave my fvckin personal life out of this and address what is being said on the board. Stupid Cvntworm.

Hey you lil jerk, I did not bring anything here, YOU did, re-read your posts. Who said this and to whom are you referring??  "Y'all keep your hijra games to yourself".  And what's so personal, are you a closet antiman!!  And why you feel the need to express your "manhood", is there something bothering you??  Stop crying like a lil sissy and tek what you give!!  This board is unforgiving!!

You're not only a moron but a fvcking liar to boot. You started the personal attack with "Well, wouldn't you know, he was busy touching you, I guess!!" and bringing my frigging wife into the conversation. Like I said, I don't indulge in Hijra behavior like you dutty crabdogs. 

Last edited by Mars

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