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baseman posted:
Mars posted:
baseman posted:
Mars posted:
baseman posted:

Good, well then stop talking like an antiman!!!

GFY. I'm more man than you'll ever dream of being. Jagdeo's sexuality has long been questioned and commenting on it is not off limits on this board. He's a public figure. Leave my fvckin personal life out of this and address what is being said on the board. Stupid Cvntworm.

Hey you lil jerk, I did not bring anything here, YOU did, re-read your posts. Who said this and to whom are you referring??  "Y'all keep your hijra games to yourself".  And what's so personal, are you a closet antiman!!  And why you feel the need to express your "manhood", is there something bothering you??  Stop crying like a lil sissy and tek what you give!!  This board is unforgiving!!

You're not only a moron but a fvcking liar to boot. Your started the personal attack with "Well, wouldn't you know, he was busy touching you, I guess!!" and bringing my frigging wife into the conversation. Like I said, I don't indulge in Hijra behavior like you dutty crabdogs. 

Yes, it was YOU and what YOU said on your HANDLE!!  I don't know who or what you are in reality, nor do I care!!

Listen, you talk of our leader that way, it coming back like a ballistic missile.  That's just how it is!  You don't come here and insult our leaders and expect no response.  We do not insult any of your leaders on sexuality and personal matters, in fact I caution people not to do that.  That's how it is!!

Public figures, including your fagg0t leader, are open for any discussion on this forum, stupid man. The rules of the forum stipulate that there should be no personal attacks against fellow members. Is this a concept too difficult for your shallow head to understand?

The way you tekkin up fire rage for your Fagg0t Leader, sounds like you have a personal interest to defend.

Last edited by Mars
cain posted:
Nehru posted:

When people Kakahole get hot they cant help but talk bout it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So that's your problem all along, oh banna, ah feel so sorry fo you an yo bun batty.

I gat a cooling system my Kakahole dont overheat, yuh gat to born with such defect to overheat

cain posted:
Nehru posted:

When people Kakahole get hot they cant help but talk bout it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So that's your problem all along, oh banna, ah feel so sorry fo you an yo bun batty.

I aint gun call name but there are a few on GNI who cant hep but do their thing

baseman posted:
Mars posted:
baseman posted:

Yes, it was YOU and what YOU said on your HANDLE!!  I don't know who or what you are in reality, nor do I care!!

Listen, you talk of our leader that way, it coming back like a ballistic missile.  That's just how it is!  You don't come here and insult our leaders and expect no response.  We do not insult any of your leaders on sexuality and personal matters, in fact I caution people not to do that.  That's how it is!!

Public figures, including your fagg0t leader, are open for any discussion on this forum, stupid man. The rules of the forum stipulate that there should be no personal attacks against fellow members. Is this a concept too difficult for your shallow head to understand?

The way you tekkin up fire rage for your Fagg0t Leader, sounds like you have a personal interest to defend.

Fair enough you lil closet antiman, you take what you get.  As I said, it comes with the territory.

BTW, over the holidays, did YOU not make vile dirty remarks to and about Yuji when the man was no even on the site, and I slammed you and you started crying like a girly!

And you're not a closet antiman but a full blown antiman. that's why you running to protect your fagg0t leader that you blow fuh a lil PPP wuk. 


Base, you changed bai, what became of that caring person with Bangalore/Leonora. Something seems to be getting to you.

Lets build like Lusignan, instead of destroying. Even dat bai Warria doing some good in Guyana and Skelly complimented him, there is hope for us all.        

Tola posted:

Base, you changed bai, what became of that caring person with Bangalore/Leonora. Something seems to be getting to you.

Lets build like Lusignan, instead of destroying. Even dat bai Warria doing some good in Guyana and Skelly complimented him, there is hope for us all.        

Tola, you are a hypocrite.  I was cussed out on my very first post on this site by several posters in 2002, and many times ever since.  I want you to go back and check this specific thread and see who started throwing dirt and the shyte.  The problem with many of you, you chose [conveniently] where you want to pick-up based on your own prejudices.

I ain't destroying anything, not sure what the hell you referring to.  In fact, I have little involvement these days with anything.  I just on the sidelines, don't care to be a celebrity!

Mars posted:
baseman posted:
Mars posted:

Public figures, including your fagg0t leader, are open for any discussion on this forum, stupid man. The rules of the forum stipulate that there should be no personal attacks against fellow members. Is this a concept too difficult for your shallow head to understand?

The way you tekkin up fire rage for your Fagg0t Leader, sounds like you have a personal interest to defend.

Fair enough you lil closet antiman, you take what you get.  As I said, it comes with the territory.

BTW, over the holidays, did YOU not make vile dirty remarks to and about Yuji when the man was no even on the site, and I slammed you and you started crying like a girly!

And you're not a closet antiman but a full blown antiman. that's why you running to protect your fagg0t leader that you blow fuh a lil PPP wuk. 

Mars bai, you out of your league.  When you start something, have a game-plan or you get skewered!!

baseman posted:
Mars posted:
baseman posted:
Mars posted:

Public figures, including your fagg0t leader, are open for any discussion on this forum, stupid man. The rules of the forum stipulate that there should be no personal attacks against fellow members. Is this a concept too difficult for your shallow head to understand?

The way you tekkin up fire rage for your Fagg0t Leader, sounds like you have a personal interest to defend.

Fair enough you lil closet antiman, you take what you get.  As I said, it comes with the territory.

BTW, over the holidays, did YOU not make vile dirty remarks to and about Yuji when the man was no even on the site, and I slammed you and you started crying like a girly!

And you're not a closet antiman but a full blown antiman. that's why you running to protect your fagg0t leader that you blow fuh a lil PPP wuk. 

Mars bai, you out of your league.  When you start something, have a game-plan or you get skewered!!

You're a lying little fagg0t. Anyone can go back on this thread and see where you started the personal insult towards me with - "Well, wouldn't you know, he was busy touching you, I guess!!" I dare you to show us where I insulted you before that.

I am surely out of your league. I'm not a dumbass Hubu Backdam High graduate like you whoring your BT at Freedumb House fuh lil small change.

Last edited by Mars
baseman posted:
Tola posted:

Base, you changed bai, what became of that caring person with Bangalore/Leonora. Something seems to be getting to you.

Lets build like Lusignan, instead of destroying. Even dat bai Warria doing some good in Guyana and Skelly complimented him, there is hope for us all.        

Tola, you are a hypocrite.  I was cussed out on my very first post on this site by several posters in 2002, and many times ever since.  I want you to go back and check this specific thread and see who started throwing dirt and the shyte.  The problem with many of you, you chose [conveniently] where you want to pick-up based on your own prejudices.

I ain't destroying anything, not sure what the hell you referring to.  In fact, I have little involvement these days with anything.  I just on the sidelines, don't care to be a celebrity!

A hypocrite eh, it would seem you have a severe disconnect with Lusignan.

Will there ever be an end to our destruction of Guyana, under any government ?  

Last edited by Tola
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted: Varshnie is related to my mom - the Singh family from Enmore.

I believe we're related, girl. Sort of. Varshnie's dad Beni Singh was related to my aunt Meena Singh who died of cancer 52 years ago at the young age of 23. Her father was Jan Singh and she had a brother named Man Singh and a sister named Indra and her cousins were Inderjeet, Karran, Kamla and Soma. Beni Singh's family ran a gas station, my uncle told me. Do those names ring a bell to you?

There are two branches of Singhs in Enmore that I am related to.  The Varshnie connection is through Jug SINGH and Sew SINGH.  My great grandmother had eleven brothers and sisters who all lived in Enmore.  Many of them now live in Canada.  I don't know those names you mentioned but I will ask my mom.

Bibi Haniffa
Tola posted:

Base, you changed bai, what became of that caring person with Bangalore/Leonora. Something seems to be getting to you.

Lets build like Lusignan, instead of destroying. Even dat bai Warria doing some good in Guyana and Skelly complimented him, there is hope for us all.        

He is on the edge. May he did not get the promotion or job offer.

Tola posted:
baseman posted:


Tola, you are a hypocrite.  I was cussed out on my very first post on this site by several posters in 2002, and many times ever since.  I want you to go back and check this specific thread and see who started throwing dirt and the shyte.  The problem with many of you, you chose [conveniently] where you want to pick-up based on your own prejudices.

I ain't destroying anything, not sure what the hell you referring to.  In fact, I have little involvement these days with anything.  I just on the sidelines, don't care to be a celebrity!

A hypocrite eh, it would seem you have a severe disconnect with Lusignan.

Will there ever be an end to our destruction of Guyana, under any government ?  

What is with you and this "Lusignan" thing.  I am not from Lusignan, so what is there to connect or disconnect.  Now go and do your suicide thing!!

Mars posted:
baseman posted:
Mars posted:
baseman posted:
Mars posted:

Y'all keep your hijra games to yourself. 

You seem to know a lot of these things bai, and an interest in it.

As deh seh, a criminal always return to the scene of his crime!!  Datts how nuff nuff dem dozz geh kech!!!

I have a wife. That's all I'm interested in.

Good, well then stop talking like an antiman!!!

GFY. I'm more man than you'll ever dream of being. Jagdeo's sexuality has long been questioned and commenting on it is not off limits on this board. He's a public figure. Leave my fvckin personal life out of this and address what is being said on the board. Stupid Cvntworm.

Don't question Jagdeo's sexuality.  There is no need to do that.  If he was gay I would have made him straight a long time ago!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Don't question Jagdeo's sexuality.  There is no need to do that.  If he was gay I would have made him straight a long time ago!



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baseman posted:
Tola posted:
baseman posted:


Tola, you are a hypocrite.  I was cussed out on my very first post on this site by several posters in 2002, and many times ever since.  I want you to go back and check this specific thread and see who started throwing dirt and the shyte.  The problem with many of you, you chose [conveniently] where you want to pick-up based on your own prejudices.

I ain't destroying anything, not sure what the hell you referring to.  In fact, I have little involvement these days with anything.  I just on the sidelines, don't care to be a celebrity!

A hypocrite eh, it would seem you have a severe disconnect with Lusignan.

Will there ever be an end to our destruction of Guyana, under any government ?  

What is with you and this "Lusignan" thing.  I am not from Lusignan, so what is there to connect or disconnect.  Now go and do your suicide thing!!

Denial is a bad thing, when we ignore our family and leave them to struggle alone. Ask Bibi to reconnect.

baseman posted:
Tola posted:
baseman posted:

What is with you and this "Lusignan" thing.  I am not from Lusignan, so what is there to connect or disconnect.  Now go and do your suicide thing!!

Denial is a bad thing, when we ignore our family and leave them to struggle alone. Ask Bibi to reconnect.

I don't know what the hell you talking about.  If you need to say something to Bibi, then do so.  She is a mere handle here to me!!!  You seem to be better connected!!

Don't play dumb baseman, others on GNI see your lie, also in other places.

Typical of some, when they are confronted with the truth, they degrade others to look good.    

Tola posted:
baseman posted:
Tola posted:
baseman posted:


Tola, you are a hypocrite.  I was cussed out on my very first post on this site by several posters in 2002, and many times ever since.  I want you to go back and check this specific thread and see who started throwing dirt and the shyte.  The problem with many of you, you chose [conveniently] where you want to pick-up based on your own prejudices.

I ain't destroying anything, not sure what the hell you referring to.  In fact, I have little involvement these days with anything.  I just on the sidelines, don't care to be a celebrity!

A hypocrite eh, it would seem you have a severe disconnect with Lusignan.

Will there ever be an end to our destruction of Guyana, under any government ?  

What is with you and this "Lusignan" thing.  I am not from Lusignan, so what is there to connect or disconnect.  Now go and do your suicide thing!!

Denial is a bad thing, when we ignore our family and leave them to struggle alone. Ask Bibi to reconnect.

Tola - I have categorically stated that I will discontinue my support of the Lusignan Center.  It was once a cause near and dear to my heart.  Unfortunately, recent political events have caused me to re-think the purpose of this center.  I do not mix charity with politics.  I am working on re-directing my efforts and money to other useful causes.  

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Tola posted:
baseman posted:
Tola posted:
baseman posted:


Tola, you are a hypocrite.  I was cussed out on my very first post on this site by several posters in 2002, and many times ever since.  I want you to go back and check this specific thread and see who started throwing dirt and the shyte.  The problem with many of you, you chose [conveniently] where you want to pick-up based on your own prejudices.

I ain't destroying anything, not sure what the hell you referring to.  In fact, I have little involvement these days with anything.  I just on the sidelines, don't care to be a celebrity!

A hypocrite eh, it would seem you have a severe disconnect with Lusignan.

Will there ever be an end to our destruction of Guyana, under any government ?  

What is with you and this "Lusignan" thing.  I am not from Lusignan, so what is there to connect or disconnect.  Now go and do your suicide thing!!

Denial is a bad thing, when we ignore our family and leave them to struggle alone. Ask Bibi to reconnect.

Tola - I have categorically stated that I will discontinue my support of the Lusignan Center.  It was once a cause near and dear to my heart.  Unfortunately, recent political events have caused me to re-think the purpose of this center.  I do not mix charity with politics.  I am working on re-directing my efforts and money to other useful causes.  

Thank you Bibi, I appreciate your sincere answer. I believe I  have some sense of your statement, because we try to stay neutral, but politics place many challenges in our path.  

Guyana, under any government, is not a bed of roses for an NGO and its a place where a person can be discouraged easily.   

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Tola posted:
baseman posted:
Tola posted:
baseman posted:


Tola, you are a hypocrite.  I was cussed out on my very first post on this site by several posters in 2002, and many times ever since.  I want you to go back and check this specific thread and see who started throwing dirt and the shyte.  The problem with many of you, you chose [conveniently] where you want to pick-up based on your own prejudices.

I ain't destroying anything, not sure what the hell you referring to.  In fact, I have little involvement these days with anything.  I just on the sidelines, don't care to be a celebrity!

A hypocrite eh, it would seem you have a severe disconnect with Lusignan.

Will there ever be an end to our destruction of Guyana, under any government ?  

What is with you and this "Lusignan" thing.  I am not from Lusignan, so what is there to connect or disconnect.  Now go and do your suicide thing!!

Denial is a bad thing, when we ignore our family and leave them to struggle alone. Ask Bibi to reconnect.

Tola - I have categorically stated that I will discontinue my support of the Lusignan Center.  It was once a cause near and dear to my heart.  Unfortunately, recent political events have caused me to re-think the purpose of this center.  I do not mix charity with politics.  I am working on re-directing my efforts and money to other useful causes.  

?? What have they done at this center, from a service to community perspective, other than to continuously give sterling service to the people of the area? That is what I understand to be their purpose when they set up years ago at a time that the PPP was in power and, for those who can see straight, they ARE STILL fulfilling that purpose today just  they did under a PPP government.  Why are so many of us so mired in partisan politics that we fail to deliver for the betterment of our people and we withhold our support when the others' political views do not suit us. Are we then truly interested in the welfare of our brothers and sisters or are just looking to have people think exactly like we do, and when they do not, we condemn and ostracize them. 

If this Board is a microcosm of our society, then it shows that there is just a precious few who can disassociate them selves from partisan politics for the real good of Guyana, the gentleman Gilbakka and maybe Django and even Warrior are few that come to mind. I salute those who see the people of Guyana as brothers and sisters and not  merely deserving of being treated according to the colors we see them covered in, be it  red or green and yellow.  


susan posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Tola posted:
baseman posted:
Tola posted:
baseman posted:


Tola, you are a hypocrite.  I was cussed out on my very first post on this site by several posters in 2002, and many times ever since.  I want you to go back and check this specific thread and see who started throwing dirt and the shyte.  The problem with many of you, you chose [conveniently] where you want to pick-up based on your own prejudices.

I ain't destroying anything, not sure what the hell you referring to.  In fact, I have little involvement these days with anything.  I just on the sidelines, don't care to be a celebrity!

A hypocrite eh, it would seem you have a severe disconnect with Lusignan.

Will there ever be an end to our destruction of Guyana, under any government ?  

What is with you and this "Lusignan" thing.  I am not from Lusignan, so what is there to connect or disconnect.  Now go and do your suicide thing!!

Denial is a bad thing, when we ignore our family and leave them to struggle alone. Ask Bibi to reconnect.

Tola - I have categorically stated that I will discontinue my support of the Lusignan Center.  It was once a cause near and dear to my heart.  Unfortunately, recent political events have caused me to re-think the purpose of this center.  I do not mix charity with politics.  I am working on re-directing my efforts and money to other useful causes.  

?? What have they done at this center, from a service to community perspective, other than to continuously give sterling service to the people of the area? That is what I understand to be their purpose when they set up years ago at a time that the PPP was in power and, for those who can see straight, they ARE STILL fulfilling that purpose today just  they did under a PPP government.  Why are so many of us so mired in partisan politics that we fail to deliver for the betterment of our people and we withhold our support when the others' political views do not suit us. Are we then truly interested in the welfare of our brothers and sisters or are just looking to have people think exactly like we do, and when they do not, we condemn and ostracize them. 

If this Board is a microcosm of our society, then it shows that there is just a precious few who can disassociate them selves from partisan politics for the real good of Guyana, the gentleman Gilbakka and maybe Django and even Warrior are few that come to mind. I salute those who see the people of Guyana as brothers and sisters and not  merely deserving of being treated according to the colors we see them covered in, be it  red or green and yellow.  


Fortunately Susan, much that is said from a keyboard overseas does not reflect the reality in Guyana. Many posters are influenced by what they are told and some have not visited GY for decades.  

Among many challenges, NGOs of all races  operate in Guyana, with excellent results.  It is important that NGOs in GY not allowing themselves  to be influenced by race and politics.

An NGO had training for 400 high school students and community youth. The only way multi-race youth was encouraged to attend, was to find neutral facilitators the youth see as leaders and leave government out.

Understanding the culture of a people, is a start for  any sustainable program to be successful.    


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