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At Party Congress… TROTMAN TAKES WIND OUT OF AFC SAILS -- Chooses parliamentary duties over party post


Written by Leroy Smith

Saturday, 04 August 2012 23:40

Source - Guyana Chronicle


THE Alliance For Change (AFC) yesterday held its third National Delegates Conference, with party executive and House Speaker, Raphael Trotman declaring he was not interested in holding any office within that party, because of the demands of his job as Speaker of the National Assembly.


At the conference yesterday. At the head table are, from left, AFC leaders Raphael Trotman and Khemraj Ramjattan and another party executive (Photos by Leroy Smith)

Said he: “I take this decision for two reasons especially: Firstly, I believe that I cannot provide the strong and steady representation and leadership that the executive and members need whilst fulfilling my duties as Speaker, because of the nature of that office of Speaker and its unending demands for time.”

He said that while he sees the need to serve his party and be actively involved in its work, it remains a hard task having to juggle between being party leader and Speaker of the National Assembly. He also said he was no longer interested in being a representative on the party’s list of candidates in the National Assembly.

Trotman, who up to late yesterday remained  leader of the AFC just prior to the holding of constitutional elections, said one of his greatest fears as he formally passes on the mantle is the party continuing to operate in a hostile environment. By that he meant that there continues to be forces within and without the party who seek to destabilise and destroy the Alliance For Change.

Liberty at a price
Noting that the price of liberty is eternal vigilance, Trotman referred to what he described as attacks on the party’s executives, and the victimisation of its activists, telling delegates that he was distressed by what seems to be an internal character assassination of fellow members.

A case in point, he said, was a number of emails going the rounds that seek to discredit certain party members within the very party to which they all belonged. And what even more distressing, he said, was that this  “wicked deed” was being perpetrated by persons who are not even aware of what the AFC stands for, much less why it was formed in the first place.

He said the emails at reference, which he likened to a true virus given their incendiary commentaries, work their way through the heart of the AFC membership, infecting and destroying the morale of the party, and fighting to re-orient the minds of the supporters and members that their brothers and sisters of yesterday are their enemies of today.

Those are the things, he said, that make him afraid for the future of the party, even as he urged the newly-elected executives of the party and its members and supporters to use every treatment necessary to address the problems that could eventually lead to the party being consumed.

“Let us not allow others to define our mission,” Trotman urged.

He said that at one point leading up to the conference, there was talk in the AFC camp of postponing the conference, and although he remained silent on the matter, he had questioned whether the significance of the fledgling party’s conference was understood by all.

Speaking as outgoing party leader, Trotman said the other reason for his deciding not to run for any executive position in the party was his belief that a political party, like any living organism, must be allowed to grow, adapt, and evolve continuously if it is to connect to its members and the wider society as a whole.

Trotman said that after serving as the party’s leader and presidential candidate, it was time for change.

Farewell, not goodbye
Nevertheless, Trotman assured the delegates, observers and others gathered that his refusing to occupy any executive position in the party was not his way of saying goodbye, nor was he retiring from the party he had helped to form along with Khemraj Ramjattan and the late Sheila Holder.

He said he was energised by the enthusiasm of the young people in the party, who have toiled and stood the test of time relative to the happenings within and around the AFC.
He said he remains proud that the first idea of a third party actually became a reality, to the point that those who criticised the movement at its genesis are today finding it hard to speak without mentioning the Alliance For Change.

In setting the records straight, Trotman said that while the 2011 election was an interesting one, the party needs to be reminded that it did not put its best foot forward. He added that had the party put its best foot forward, the AFC would not have in essence denied itself  victory at the poll.

Trotman said that among contributory issues to the AFC’s failure to secure an outright victory at the polls were issues of trust among the leadership, financing, campaign strategy, campaign programme, misplaced personnel, and misdirection.

He told the conference that, as leader, he needed to accept responsibility for what the party failed to accomplish, but he pointed out that he was blamed for all manner of outrageous things.

He said he hoped that, someday soon, those persons would take the beams out of their own eyes and realise that the party campaign was in trouble even before it got started.

He said that while the party was experiencing dark clouds, there was the silver lining that remained. He pointed to a populace that wanted the government changed, and the joining of the AFC by several persons whom the party considered key figures. Among those, he named Nigel Hughes, Valerie Garrido-Lowe, Dr. Shamir Andrew Ally, Freddie Kissoon, Dr. Simpson Da Silva, Mark Benschop, Sasenarine Singh, Richard Van-West Charles, Rajendra Bissessar, Dr. Euclid Rose, Rab Mukraj and Moses Nagamootoo.

In closing, Trotman urged the delegates to put their house in order as they prepare for the next elections, which are slated to be held in a few years’ time.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Trotman, who up to late yesterday remained  leader of the AFC just prior to the holding of constitutional elections, said one of his greatest fears as he formally passes on the mantle is the party continuing to operate in a hostile environment. By that he meant that there continues to be forces within and without the party who seek to destabilise and destroy the Alliance For Change.

Ramjattan new AFC leader, Hughes Chairman

August 5, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 

…as Trotman exits

The Alliance For Change (AFC) has named attorney-at-law Khemraj Ramjattan as that party’s new leader following elections at its Third National Conference yesterday.
This was following an address earlier in the day by Raphael Trotman who indicated that he will not be contesting the elections after being at the helm of the party since its formation prior to the 2006 General and Regional Elections.
However, Trotman, the Speaker of the National Assembly, made it clear that he is not retiring or leaving any time soon. He will continue serving as a Committee Member.

File photo: Outgoing AFC Leader, Raphael Trotman, new Leader Khemraj Ramjattan and Vice-Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo

Prominent attorney-at-law, Nigel Hughes, will be the party’s new Chairman. Both Hughes and Ramjattan would have run unopposed during the conference held at Vryheid’s Lust, East Coast Demerara. Ramjattan was the former Chairman.
Former top-ranking member of the People’s Progressive Party, Moses Nagamootoo, is the new Vice-Chairman.
David Patterson is the party’s new General Secretary after a close contest with Sixtus Edwards.
Also elected as Committee Members were Cathy Hughes, Dominic Gaskin, Gerhard Ramsaroop, Sixtus Edwards, Cindy Sookdeo, Valerie Lowe, Veerasammy Ramaya, Trevor Williams, Dr. Rohan Somar, Denise Walcott and Michael Carrington.
Ramjattan, Trotman and Sheila Holder, who passed away last November in the US, were founders of the AFC, which in its coming out party in 2006, snagged five Parliamentary seats.
In November, last, the party bettered this by two and together with the 10-party coalition, A Partnership For National Unity (APNU), currently holds a one-seat advantage over the ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic.
Hughes is a prominent attorney known to be outspoken on the political scene and has been a close advisor to the party since its formation.
Ramjattan in his short address to the delegates called on government through the Minister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee, to own up for the July 18 shooting deaths of three Linden protesters.

New Chairman, Nigel Hughes

During his remarks at the conference yesterday, the outgoing leader, Trotman, explained that his heavy work as Speaker of the House was the main reason he has decided not to run again. “Firstly, I believe that I cannot provide the strong and steady representation and leadership that the executive and members need whilst performing and fulfilling my duties as Speaker because of the nature of that office and its unending demands on me.
Secondly, I am of the firm conviction that a political party and moreso the Alliance For Change, like a living organism, must grow, must adapt, must evolve continuously if it is to remain relevant and connected to its members and the wider society as a whole,”
He urged for training of young soldiers within the party to prepare for national elections which may come before 2016.


Mitwa, I see de donkey cant understand that Ramotar and Jagdeo are loosers.... and dem get less than 50 percent of the parliarment.....

because eeee still braying and carrying on as if they are 55% or more.....

Bhai forget about 55% or more....De Donkey is 100% Jackass.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Why would an ole Jackass keep posting lies from the Chronicle or Gina????

It easy to blame it on his medication but then he is morally bankrupt and too old to learn.


Pray, do not mock him
He is a very foolish fond old man,
Fourscore and upward, not an hour more or less;
And, to deal plainly,
I fear he is not in his perfect mind.


King Lear(2.7.70-4)  Edited.


It is amazing how the PPP political dark arts department are starved for spin opportunities! The gentleman clearly said his work in the speakers capacity ( and an important one at best given he is opposition friendly) leaves leadership,  given the AFC leadership requirements, outside his purview. He still remains in the party. This also represents the psychology of democratic centralism; leaders never give up positions unless they are dead!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

It is amazing how the PPP political dark arts department are starved for spin opportunities! The gentleman clearly said his work in the speakers capacity ( and an important one at best given he is opposition friendly) leaves leadership,  given the AFC leadership requirements, outside his purview. He still remains in the party. This also represents the psychology of democratic centralism; leaders never give up positions unless they are dead!



Imagine LIZ is leader of the dark arts department...

Originally Posted by Tar_K:

The last I checked Trotman is still part of the AFC. Ralph Ramkarran and several others are not part of the PPP.

I would not too much comfort in that.  I understand Mr Trotman when he suggests the party have strayed from its founding principles or their message.  The inner circle of the party is filled with venom and hatred towards the PPP and has been hijacked from insiders and outsiders alike exploiting this blind emotion.  Special interest, nepotism and cronyism have crept in with many seeking out their private agendas.  This has led to divisions, distrust and a squandering of the opportunity to do different and better for Guyana.  They have become selfishly opportunistic and choosing drama over maturity and commonsense in politics.


The anti-PPP Indo clan are now the champions of divisive sublime race politics making almost every issue one of Afro "rights" vs Indo "privileges". Embracing the likes of F. Kissoon and M. Benschop are surely a final chapter in this direction.  The have led the AFC over the edge and into the dustbin.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:

The last I checked Trotman is still part of the AFC. Ralph Ramkarran and several others are not part of the PPP.

I understand Mr Trotman when he suggests the party have strayed from its founding principles or their message. 

Perhaps I missed this. Could you please point this out where he made any such remarks.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

With Trotman gone as leader the AFC will be seen as a coolie party and will not be able to command the support it once had.

That's because you are wearing coolies blinkers.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:

The last I checked Trotman is still part of the AFC. Ralph Ramkarran and several others are not part of the PPP.

I understand Mr Trotman when he suggests the party have strayed from its founding principles or their message. 

Perhaps I missed this. Could you please point this out where he made any such remarks.

Take reading and comprehension skills.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:

The last I checked Trotman is still part of the AFC. Ralph Ramkarran and several others are not part of the PPP.

I understand Mr Trotman when he suggests the party have strayed from its founding principles or their message. 

Perhaps I missed this. Could you please point this out where he made any such remarks.

Take reading and comprehension skills.

This is either one of your judgments based on inconclusive or incomplete evidence or you are a pathetic liar.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Bai he did say there were issues of trust and financing was part of it. What could he mean?

You are the knid of perosn who would conclude that since some men are mortal; some men are angelic; hence some mortals are angelic.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


Trotman is also saying that the AFC has no future. His is silently abandoning ship, other will slowly jump from the sinking AFC ship.

Amazing! you are so telepathic you can read his mind from across the miles!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Trotman is also saying that the AFC has no future. His is silently abandoning ship, other will slowly jump from the sinking AFC ship.

Amazing! you are so telepathic you can read his mind from across the miles!


Take a hike Donkey Storm.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Trotman is also saying that the AFC has no future. His is silently abandoning ship, other will slowly jump from the sinking AFC ship.

Amazing! you are so telepathic you can read his mind from across the miles!


Take a hike Donkey Storm.

 It would not be good forum ethic to leave everyone to the mercy of your posts.  Foul disciples of the nether world have to be vanquished  or stupidity  of your infectious strain would wreak havoc on the community. I am your penicillin.

Originally Posted by baseman:

I would not too much comfort in that.  I understand Mr Trotman when he suggests the party have strayed from its founding principles or their message.  The inner circle of the party is filled with venom and hatred towards the PPP and has been hijacked from insiders and outsiders alike exploiting this blind emotion.  Special interest, nepotism and cronyism have crept in with many seeking out their private agendas.  This has led to divisions, distrust and a squandering of the opportunity to do different and better for Guyana.  They have become selfishly opportunistic and choosing drama over maturity and commonsense in politics.


The anti-PPP Indo clan are now the champions of divisive sublime race politics making almost every issue one of Afro "rights" vs Indo "privileges". Embracing the likes of F. Kissoon and M. Benschop are surely a final chapter in this direction.  The have led the AFC over the edge and into the dustbin.

The AFC posters are dodging this one since it has hit them real hard in the face!!!  They will secure ONE seat next elections!!!!


Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I would not too much comfort in that.  I understand Mr Trotman when he suggests the party have strayed from its founding principles or their message.  The inner circle of the party is filled with venom and hatred towards the PPP and has been hijacked from insiders and outsiders alike exploiting this blind emotion.  Special interest, nepotism and cronyism have crept in with many seeking out their private agendas.  This has led to divisions, distrust and a squandering of the opportunity to do different and better for Guyana.  They have become selfishly opportunistic and choosing drama over maturity and commonsense in politics.


The anti-PPP Indo clan are now the champions of divisive sublime race politics making almost every issue one of Afro "rights" vs Indo "privileges". Embracing the likes of F. Kissoon and M. Benschop are surely a final chapter in this direction.  The have led the AFC over the edge and into the dustbin.

The AFC posters are dodging this one since it has hit them real hard in the face!!!  They will secure ONE seat next elections!!!!


 Sorry, Baseman is not a messenger. He  a poor commentator and explainer of facts. Trotman never said there was a deviation of the party from its core principles. He actually affirmed it has He said a Trojan from within with malicious intent is acting like a worm in the apple hoping to corrupt the barrel and that must not happen.



Since you cannot prove what Trotman said, your question is non sequitur.

I am not trying to 'prove' anything. I am asking what he meant by his statement. You can read the entire thing a the top of the very page. Look for it.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Since you cannot prove what Trotman said, your question is non sequitur.

I am not trying to 'prove' anything. I am asking what he meant by his statement. You can read the entire thing a the top of the very page. Look for it.

He said he was energised by the enthusiasm of the young people in the party, who have toiled and stood the test of time relative to the happenings within and around the AFC.

He said he remains proud that the first idea of a third party actually became a reality, to the point that those who criticised the movement at its genesis are today finding it hard to speak without mentioning the Alliance For Change.



Fact remains, Trotman has jumped ship in a diplomatic manner with some diplomatic parting shots. AFC supporters are shelled shocked but are in a state of denial.


More will jump ship as time goes by. The AFC is finished.


Those who remain will be forced to morph into PNC supporters and those who realized that they were conned will end up back into the PPP camp. AFC became a radical and now extremist party.


They failed to be transparent with claims from their own executive members about election funding allegations and Trotman has pointed this out in a round about manner.


To date, they have showed no moderation and have reduced themselves to a "dem boy seh" party. They failed to fulfill expectations of being a moderate party which will fulfill the expectations of their supporters.


The bitterness and hate is exhibited here by AFC supporters and posters like Storm is a very good reflection of a party gone bonkers. They lash out at those who oppose their views. Guyanese wanted a moderate third party and AFC lost a golden opportunity.


The AFC will fade away like ROAR. Remember them ?


Originally Posted by yuji22:

Guyanese wanted a moderate third party and AFC lost a golden opportunity.

1. AFC failed to focus on issues and be independent.


2. AFC is intertwined with the PNC.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

It is amazing how the PPP political dark arts department are starved for spin opportunities! The gentleman clearly said his work in the speakers capacity ( and an important one at best given he is opposition friendly) leaves leadership,  given the AFC leadership requirements, outside his purview. He still remains in the party. This also represents the psychology of democratic centralism; leaders never give up positions unless they are dead!


The role of a speaker is to be impartial. Those who support a dictatorship rule are now showing up in public.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:

The last I checked Trotman is still part of the AFC. Ralph Ramkarran and several others are not part of the PPP.

I understand Mr Trotman when he suggests the party have strayed from its founding principles or their message. 

Perhaps I missed this. Could you please point this out where he made any such remarks.

Take reading and comprehension skills.

This is either one of your judgments based on inconclusive or incomplete evidence or you are a pathetic liar.

That's my interpretation of the essence of the statement.  There is a lot of messages intertwined in the statement.  You cannot be as confident as you make out.  But, i understand, good luck

Originally Posted by yuji22:


Fact remains, Trotman has jumped ship in a diplomatic manner with some diplomatic parting shots. AFC supporters are shelled shocked but are in a state of denial.


More will jump ship as time goes by. The AFC is finished.


Those who remain will be forced to morph into PNC supporters and those who realized that they were conned will end up back into the PPP camp. AFC became a radical and now extremist party.


They failed to be transparent with claims from their own executive members about election funding allegations and Trotman has pointed this out in a round about manner.


To date, they have showed no moderation and have reduced themselves to a "dem boy seh" party. They failed to fulfill expectations of being a moderate party which will fulfill the expectations of their supporters.


The bitterness and hate is exhibited here by AFC supporters and posters like Storm is a very good reflection of a party gone bonkers. They lash out at those who oppose their views. Guyanese wanted a moderate third party and AFC lost a golden opportunity.


The AFC will fade away like ROAR. Remember them ?


================= abe boat Brahmin into astrology. How much yuh does charge for wan read?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Since you cannot prove what Trotman said, your question is non sequitur.

"Trotman said that among contributory issues to the AFC’s failure to secure an outright victory at the polls were issues of trust among the leadership, financing, campaign strategy, campaign programme, misplaced personnel, and misdirection."

Money of a few with their own interest forced one of the founding members to remove himself.  If this is not a tell-tale sign of a deep "poison" within the party, then what is.

Unfortunately, the irrational poison against the PPP seems to have boomeranged.  Very few in Guyana has any faith the AFC will or can make a difference.  The AFC is now viewed as a PNC side-kick of disgruntled Indians becoming their willing footstools.  Come next elections they will split votes with the PNC, and that's all well and good and the PPP will be laughing all the way to 60%.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Since you cannot prove what Trotman said, your question is non sequitur.

"Trotman said that among contributory issues to the AFC’s failure to secure an outright victory at the polls were issues of trust among the leadership, financing, campaign strategy, campaign programme, misplaced personnel, and misdirection."

Money of a few with their own interest forced one of the founding members to remove himself.  If this is not a tell-tale sign of a deep "poison" within the party, then what is.

Unfortunately, the irrational poison against the PPP seems to have boomeranged.  Very few in Guyana has any faith the AFC will or can make a difference.  The AFC is now viewed as a PNC side-kick of disgruntled Indians becoming their willing footstools.  Come next elections they will split votes with the PNC, and that's all well and good and the PPP will be laughing all the way to 60%.

We need financial reform in the electoral system but as with anything that provides transparency to the process that shuts down their leech options the PPP are against or never suggest such reforms.


The AFC should begin a habit of Full internal accountability with direct lines of authority.  They should also focus on small contributions and limit  options for access to big doners. If the give their expectations should be limited to the over arching goals to the party platform and not to any mini project they can control and possibly make a mess of and embarrass the party.


There is nothing irrational about contempt and disdain for the manner modes or the directors and planners of the PPP operations. They are toxic and apparently focus more on Karl Rove kinds of strategies to victory rather than one of policy initiatives. I see nothing redeemable in a Misis, a Ramotar or a Rohee for example.


The PPP have become consummate  architects of disinformation and malice against anyone who questions their authority. They have cultivated an entitlement culture in their upper echelon supported by a multitude of slave and grunt "contractual" workers who are at their mercy. That kind of patronage culture is absolutely abhorrent.


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