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ksazma posted:

Not only Rudy. Pompeo is also going down. And then at some point Don Jr. is going to go down and I don’t mean on that FoxNews woman he hangs out with. 😀

I am waiting for John Bolton to unload. I will have to record this event. Pompeo might bolt making the excuse that he will run for the senate seat. The Fox news woman is Kimberly Guilfoyle. She was once an eye candy.

skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:

Not only Rudy. Pompeo is also going down. And then at some point Don Jr. is going to go down and I don’t mean on that FoxNews woman he hangs out with. 😀

I am waiting for John Bolton to unload. I will have to record this event. Pompeo might bolt making the excuse that he will run for the senate seat. The Fox news woman is Kimberly Guilfoyle. She was once an eye candy.

I never really cared for this ohman. Not my type. 😀


When you hear of a double suicide it could be that of Sleazy Rudy and Scummy Donald. They are falling apart, Rudy has the appearance of high on coke, with the licking of lips, needing water for a two minute rant, white mouth, the man is a mad, the other is just an imbecile who had his own way and now getting a dose of reality...You are fired.

We never see nor hear anything about the rest of his family...all into hiding but the long arms of the law will take care of them too. That po wife of Scummy Donald gonna need some lovings from a decent man.


The Republicans who put party before country should pay at the polls. Those fricken people have no bloasted shame to be in front of  cameras and stand up for what we all know are disgraceful acts of this so called President. They have damaged the party.


Trump knows that these Kurds lied to the Americans so that they can get revenge on Sadam.  Nevertheless, the Kurds stood by America in the fight against ISIS. They should not be slaughtered by the Turks.

ksazma posted:

Only a dufus sounds like this. Check out the discomfort in the banna behind him. 

Trump’s a real balls buster.  He took a swipe at the Military Industrial Complex alluding that they push for military action as it benefits them! 

You Left-Wing Liberals should cheer at that.  Since I came to America in college you always hear that!

On this, I don’t agree with abandoning the Kurds!  The Kurds should do a deal with Assad!


Bai Base, right now Trump is feeling the pain of his balls being busted. So he talk stupidness. On Saturday morning he said that he doesn't know if Giuliani is his lawyer and a few hours later, he is propping Giuliana up. By the end of the day, he is lamenting that a innocent congratulatory phone call is now seen as corrupted. And through all of it, it seems that Melania is not interested in consoling him. 

Prashad posted:

Trump knows that these Kurds lied to the Americans so that they can get revenge on Sadam.  Nevertheless, the Kurds stood by America in the fight against ISIS. They should not be slaughtered by the Turks.

Three words why Trump took this route...Trump Tower Instanbul

He is a fricken traitor to his country and his allies, he does everything for himself, he should be impeached, tossed out and tried as a traitor.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:
Prashad posted:

Trump knows that these Kurds lied to the Americans so that they can get revenge on Sadam.  Nevertheless, the Kurds stood by America in the fight against ISIS. They should not be slaughtered by the Turks.

Three words why Trump took this route...Trump Tower Instanbul

He is a fricken traitor to his country and his allies, he does everything for himself, he should be impeached, tossed out and tried as a traitor.

He will.

cain posted:
Prashad posted:

Trump knows that these Kurds lied to the Americans so that they can get revenge on Sadam.  Nevertheless, the Kurds stood by America in the fight against ISIS. They should not be slaughtered by the Turks.

Three words why Trump took this route...Trump Tower Instanbul

He is a fricken traitor to his country and his allies, he does everything for himself, he should be impeached, tossed out and tried as a traitor.

He is afraid that Erdogan might seize it. He valued gis material things more than human lives.


 Sniff.. Sniff... the strong smell of impeachment and A FIRING is in the air....sniff sniff. Donald....U R Fired! Slowly but surely everyone who's had anything to do with Trump goes down. Time does wonders.

Drain Swamp Trump.

Last edited by cain

What I don't get with Trump. He GRABB billions from the military budget to build a wall, but what happens with security, that the military has to provide the USA ?

I guess they have to sell Girl Guide cookies to make up for the short fall.  

Tola posted:

What I don't get with Trump. He GRABB billions from the military budget to build a wall, but what happens with security, that the military has to provide the USA ?

I guess they have to sell Girl Guide cookies to make up for the short fall.  

That is not all the man grabbed. He grabbed a lot of Ps and forcibly pushed lolo.


A closed door “investigation” will backfire on the Dems. They should have put it to a vote in the House. Another political blunder by the Dems. A failed Mueller investigation and now this closed door investigation. Dems never learn. 

Sean posted:

A closed door “investigation” will backfire on the Dems. They should have put it to a vote in the House. Another political blunder by the Dems. A failed Mueller investigation and now this closed door investigation. Dems never learn. 

Maybe you need to join the dems and be their advisor.


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