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Former Member

Trump lawyer calls Bolton book 'inadmissible,' as defense team wraps impeachment arguments

President Trump’s legal team argued John Bolton’s book manuscript should be “inadmissible” in the impeachment trial and urged an immediate acquittal as they wrapped up arguments before senators on Tuesday.

Trump lawyer Jay Sekulow said senators should not pry the trial wide open to new evidence in light of the New York Times’ reporting on Bolton’s book manuscript that says Trump explicitly linked a hold on Ukraine aid to an investigation of Joe and Hunter Biden.

“You cannot impeach a president on an unsourced allegation,” Sekulow said, of reporting on the manuscript.


Sekulow dismissed those referring to the Bolton manuscript as new “evidence.”

"I'd call it inadmissible," Sekulow said.

And even if Bolton’s allegations – which Trump denies – are true, Trump’s legal team said that the president still can’t be impeached because there is no underlying crime. Sekulow warned such a standard on impeachment would paralyze future presidents.

“The bar for impeachment cannot be set this low,” Sekulow said.

Trump's lawyers wrapped up their arguments by mid-afternoon, making for a relatively short day and teeing up two full days later in the week for questioning.


The Bolton book has thrown a wrench in Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's plans for a speedy trial with no new witnesses since the revelations provide a first-hand account of an alleged quid pro quo. The book has made it harder for GOP senators to ignore Bolton and have amped up calls from Democrats to demand witnesses.

A vote is expected by Friday on whether to open the trial to new witnesses and evidence. Republicans open to Bolton say that others such as Hunter and Joe Biden should also be called in a reciprocal agreement.

Tuesday's closing arguments by Trump's legal team marks the end of the first phase of the trial where House Democrats and Trump defense each had three days to sway the Senate.

House impeachment managers used their three days to outline their case against Trump for obstruction of Congress and abuse of power.

Democrats charge that Trump put his own self-interests before that of national security by pressuring Ukraine to investigate his political opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden, and withholding nearly $400 million in security assistance to a country at war with Russia.


Trump's legal team poked holes in the case, saying there was no quid pro quo and Trump had legitimate reasons for asking Ukraine for investigations into the Bidens.

Sekulow appears flabbergasted by the idea that the trial could be extended because of the Bolton manuscript.

“Are you going to allow proceedings on impeachment to go from a New York Times report about someone who says what they hear is in a manuscript -- is that where we are? I don't think so," Sekulow said. "I hope not."

Now, senators will have 16 hours starting on Wednesday to ask written questions of the two sides.  Then they'll take a vote on whether to extend the trial with new witnesses and documents.

Fox News' Adam Shaw contributed to this report.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Democrats and Nancy announced after their vote that they had overwhelming evidence. Well, we now know that they had Nothing, Zero, Nada. Just peoples best guess and opinions.

This is over folks.

Democrats lied to the American People and made a failed attempt to overthrow a democratically elected President who won with 63 Million votes.

Impeach this !!!


boy...stop having orgasms over this

he will not to be impeached in the Senate...just like Clinton wasn't...the votes not there

Dems know this...they just want to inflict some hurt before the election season...once it stays in the news, it benefits the Dems


Sean posted:

If democrats insist on Bolton then this becomes full blown.

Bidens and the Whistle Blower will have to testify.

No, no, no ... about the Bidens and the Whistleblower.

Perhaps one needs to understand the protection issue of Whistleblowers under the United States Whistleblower Protection Act, established in 1989.

While Democrats and Republicans may insist on individuals to be present at the hearings, it will be decided by a vote of the senators on the matter.

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

If democrats insist on Bolton then this becomes full blown. Bidens and the Whistle Blower will have to testify.

Ray posted:

boy...stop having orgasms over this  

Perhaps, orgasms fuel his engine.

Sean posted:

Democrats lied to the American People and made a failed attempt to overthrow a democratically elected President who won with 63 Million votes.

Total votes in the 2016 elections ---

65, 844, 954 - 48.2% - Democrats - Hillary Clinton

62, 979, 879 - 46.1% - Republicans - Donald Trump


Republicans and their lawyers are struggling and coming up with sheer shit that has no bearing in this impeachment. They don't seem to have the votes to stop Bolton from testifying.

Last edited by cain
Sean posted:

“Are you going to allow proceedings on impeachment to go from a New York Times report about someone who says what they hear is in a manuscript -- is that where we are? I don't think so," Sekulow said. "I hope not."

Easy solution - let Bolton testify

antabanta posted:
Sean posted:

“Are you going to allow proceedings on impeachment to go from a New York Times report about someone who says what they hear is in a manuscript -- is that where we are? I don't think so," Sekulow said. "I hope not."

Easy solution - let Bolton testify

Why would the Republicans do this, they don't want to hear the truth?

cain posted:
antabanta posted:
Sean posted:

“Are you going to allow proceedings on impeachment to go from a New York Times report about someone who says what they hear is in a manuscript -- is that where we are? I don't think so," Sekulow said. "I hope not."

Easy solution - let Bolton testify

Why would the Republicans do this, they don't want to hear the truth?

Neither does Trump supporters, y'know... those people who can't think for themselves

Ray posted:

One thing that surprised me was Bolton...I thought he was a big supporter of the Prez

A lot of people were supporters of the Trump. Until they got close enough to him to realize his stench.

Bolton is no saint either. He is obviously throwing nuggets from his book out to generate consumer interest in it.


The WH defense did a good job to dismiss Bolton's leaked, unsourced manuscript. I believe it was willfully leaked for the purpose of book sales. It looks like dog eat dog in America when it comes to money and fame. Everybody wants to come in at the eleventh hour with something to add. 

ksazma posted:
Ray posted:

One thing that surprised me was Bolton...I thought he was a big supporter of the Prez

A lot of people were supporters of the Trump. Until they got close enough to him to realize his stench.

Bolton is no saint either. He is obviously throwing nuggets from his book out to generate consumer interest in it.

Bolton is a war hawk, something Trump is wary about.  It was a marriage of convenience which, sooner or later, will fall apart.  Trump wanted him for some tough stance he held however, not to go intervening in countries.

Leave it up to Bolton, we would have been at war with Iran a while ago.   He a dangerous guy. 

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:

The WH defense did a good job to dismiss Bolton's leaked, unsourced manuscript. I believe it was willfully leaked for the purpose of book sales. It looks like dog eat dog in America when it comes to money and fame. Everybody wants to come in at the eleventh hour with something to add. 

This happens even in rice eating Guyana.  Get over it.  Bolton want to use this impeachment to sell his book. 

He actually don’t want to testify, it’s just him creating interest for his book. If he testifies, interest in his story, as outlined in the book, will die.  Now it has mystique value.

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Ray posted:

One thing that surprised me was Bolton...I thought he was a big supporter of the Prez

A lot of people were supporters of the Trump. Until they got close enough to him to realize his stench.

Bolton is no saint either. He is obviously throwing nuggets from his book out to generate consumer interest in it.

Bolton is a war hawk, something Trump is wary about.  It was a marriage of convenience which, sooner or later, will fall apart.  Trump wanted him for some tough stance he held however, not to go intervening in countries.

Leave it up to Bolton, we would have been at war with Iran a while ago.   He a dangerous guy. 

Bolton is indeed dangerous. 

Ray posted:

boy...stop having orgasms over this

he will not to be impeached in the Senate...just like Clinton wasn't...the votes not there

Dems know this...they just want to inflict some hurt before the election season...once it stays in the news, it benefits the Dems


Americans are going to the dogs. Perhaps, the end of their times.

Sean posted:

Democrats and Nancy announced after their vote that they had overwhelming evidence. Well, we now know that they had Nothing, Zero, Nada. Just peoples best guess and opinions.

This is over folks.

Democrats lied to the American People and made a failed attempt to overthrow a democratically elected President who won with 63 Million votes.

Impeach this !!!

Cow man, go back chasing the cows and pen them up to milk. Moscow Mitch said he doesn't have enough votes to block a vote against witnesses. Another concern he has is that some of these Republican senators who might vote for witnesses might vote for IMPEACHMENT AND REMOVAL. Trump battie currently can cut an eight-inch railroad track spike. Put your yellow highlighter away for now.

Sean posted:

Bai, you watching fake news again ? 

Everything is fake news for Republicans. If Trump thinks he did not commit a crime, quit the "executive privilege" nonsense and release the documents and let the subpoenaed individuals testify. A criminal would never say he or she committed a crime. He is a coward, a cheat and a bully.


All you rass were boasting that you had an overwhelming case at impeachment. Now all of a sudden, it was proven to be a hoax. 
Ress you rass and tek you dhall. 
Good thing Trump fought back. A difference of policy is NOT an impeachable offence.

It over for the crooked Schiff. Tek you dhall with mango achar. 

Stop spreading fake news. 



Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

All you rass were boasting that you had an overwhelming case at impeachment. Now all of a sudden, it was proven to be a hoax. 
Ress you rass and tek you dhall. 
Good thing Trump fought back. A difference of policy is NOT an impeachable offence.

It over for the crooked Schiff. Tek you dhall with mango achar. 



Only in the minds of airheads, it's a hoax. Is there anything that Trump doesn't agree with is real? I guess he has brainwashed the rednecks and the evangelicals believing he is the second coming. Bai, Clinton was impeached for lying about consensual sex. This man is holding Ukraine hostage for refusing to help him cheat again in the election. When is this crook, con, and cheater going to prove himself that he is not a real Christian but a farce?

Last edited by Former Member

Foolish man, why do you think the Republicans do not want to have someone, a Republican who actually worked with them, on the witness stand? The truth would bury those creeps, that's why. So you can take all dat mango achar an dhall and stuff it where the sun doan shine.


 Bai 63 million people who voted for him are not rednecks. Trump is like a king. 

Whatever happened to the overwhelming case for impeachment ? All of a sudden, leaks are required to save a bunch of hapless house managers ? 

It don’t work like dat. Tek more mango achar. 

Stop spreading fake news. Democrats are worse than PNC.

Hey hey hey

Last edited by Former Member

It is silly for Trump to hide behind executive privilege when he is the biggest blabber mouth right now. It is not executive privilege he trying to protect. It is his illegal actions he trying to hide.


Look how all you keep shifting the goal post after all you “overwhelming case” for impeachment.

Mark my words, all you better not demand too hard for Bolton cause the Biden’s, Schiff and the whistleblower will be called to testify. Don’t wish for what all you can’t handle.

Its best for Democrats to walk away now rather than deal with further humiliation.

hey hey hey 

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

Look how all you keep shifting the goal post after all you “overwhelming case” for impeachment.

Mark my words, all you better not demand too hard for Bolton cause the Biden’s, Schiff and the whistleblower will be called to testify. Don’t wish for what all you can’t handle.

Its best for Democrats to walk away now rather than deal with further humiliation.

hey hey hey 

No ... will not happen for the whistlrblower.

Whistleblowers are protected by by the Whistleblowers Protection Act of 1989 for the US_of_A.

Democrats have presented a "water tight" presentation.

Successful impeachment requires the support of two-thirds or more of the senators; as noted in the past two presidents impeachment proceeding trials in 1868 for Andrew Johnson and in 1998 for Bill Clinton.

In both cases for Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton the two-thirds support of the senators were not achieved.

Last edited by Former Member

DG, you are wrong. The Senate has the constitutional right to question the whistle blower. It might not be done in public, but the senators CAN question the whistle blower. 

Most likely, this will be wrapped up before witnesses are called. 

Last edited by Former Member

It is inconceivable to me that someone can argue that the case for conviction  is not made while concurrently fighting to stop credible and appropriate witnesses from testifying and documents examined.  obstructed some from giving evidence and not claim that there is no evidence. It all points to Trump being guilty and with the republicans in the Senate, they are stonewalling.


Stop right there.

The Democrats failed to subpoena Bolton to testify. They concluded that they had overwhelming evidence to vote for an impeachment trial. They voted and sent it to the senate for trial. End of story.

It is not for the senate to do the job of the house. The Democrats just cannot keep shifting the goal posts after leaks. 

The Democrats screwed this up royally. 

The defence lawyers laid out the case that even if Bolton were to testify, it would not impact the outcome of this trial. 

This hoax is over. 

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

DG, you are wrong.

The Senate has the constitutional right to question the whistle blower. It might not be done in public, but the senators CAN question the whistle blower. 

Most likely, this will be wrapped up before witnesses are called. 

Sean there are the legislation on the whistleblower protection and related issues.

The following is a poignant outline of specific issues for the current situation with the/a whistleblower and Donald Trump's issues.


Whistleblower protection, explained

At the heart of the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump is the whistleblower whose complaint ignited the probe. Here’s what you need to know about the U.S. laws meant to protect whistleblowers.

What is a whistleblower?

A federal whistleblower is an employee who reports gross mismanagement, abuse of authority or other illegal or unethical activity to management, authorities or — in the case of the executive branch — to Congress, which has oversight capacity.

What are whistleblower protections?

Federal Legal protections for whistleblowers were enacted through the Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989. The law offers the whistleblower some protection from criminal prosecution and administrative retaliation, such as firing or demotion. Because of concerns about classified information, the protections initially did not include the intelligence community.

Congress established a process for intelligence workers to report misconduct through the 1998 Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act. It wasn’t until 2014 that lawmakers codified a directive from President Barack Obama also extending protections against retaliation to intelligence officials. Despite these legal efforts, the law isn’t perfect. While non-intelligence civil servants can take retaliation cases to court, the intelligence community does not have this privilege due to concerns about classified material. This means intelligence whistleblowers could face punishment at work even if it’s illegal, possibly with limited legal recourse.

Did Trump’s whistleblower follow protocol?

Short answer: Yes. In recent weeks Trump and his supporters have accused the author of the complaint of being a “deep-state operative.” However, both the inspector general for the intelligence community and the acting director of national intelligence have said the individual followed legal procedure. Contrary to Trump’s claims, the law does not require a whistleblower to present first-hand information, it only requires a reasonable belief of a violation, said David Colapinto, co-founder and general counsel for the National Whistleblower Center, an advocacy group.

The protocol is for an intelligence official to file a complaint with the inspector general who is expected to refer the matter to the director of national intelligence. In this case, the inspector general alerted the House Intelligence Committee, even though the acting DNI consulted the Department of Justice first.

Will the whistleblower’s identity be kept a secret?

The president told reporters he is “trying to find out” the identity of the whistleblower. Ultimately, there’s nothing that can block Trump from revealing who he or she is, said Bradley Moss, a whistleblower attorney who specializes in national security. However, the law explicitly tasks the president with enforcing protections against retaliation.

“It is patently offensive and insulting to whistleblowers to have the president talking about how he is going to out this person, how he is going to confront this person,” Moss said. “No matter who is in the Oval Office … the need for whistleblowers to be able to raise their concerns with confidentiality and anonymity is critical.”

What is unique about the Trump whistleblower complaint?

This is the first time a credible whistleblower case has involved the president. Now, the president is publicly criticizing a person he is mandated by law to protect. Questions also remain about the executive privilege and the president’s ability to stymie ongoing investigations against him.

Last edited by Former Member

Fact: The whistle blower (allegedly a Schiff staffer or aide) had political motivations. The Senate has The constitutional right to question her or him privately. 
This is no longer at the House. 
Wake up bai. Stop posting fake news. 
This hoax will most likely end on Friday. 

Last edited by Former Member

Fact: CNN was calling for a compromise last night. The antimen at CNN wanted Trump to admit "some wrongdoing" and for this to all end.

Impeach this !!!

Trump's team of heavyweight lawyers chewed up and spit up the Democrat Hoax Team. I wonder if Schiff will cry again today ?

This is fun to watch !!!!



The whistle blower could be Melania.

I do not see a reason to know who the whistle blower is, the fact is, Trump went out of his way to cheat and win an election, the whistle blower nor  Bolton has to testify to prove this. Perhaps the Democrats is using this as a ploy so people can see how the Republicans do not wish anyone to hear the truth.


Here is what is most likely to happen. Bernie is surging and will be given a raw deal by the Democrats again. Bernie supporters will stay home like they did the last election and Trump wins another term.

Dems are a pack of dunces. 

Sean posted:

Here is what is most likely to happen. Bernie is surging and will be given a raw deal by the Democrats again. Bernie supporters will stay home like they did the last election and Trump wins another term.

Dems are a pack of dunces. 

Trump brashness and the US economy giving the Democrats a spasm.  They throwing the entire kitchen sink to see what sticks. They are basically conceding 2020 before the race starts.  This is for trump to lose.  

Now with the Fed says the deficit is not at issue as they can monetize the Balance Sheet, he will accelerate the infrastructure bill. 

Sean posted:

Ha ha ha ha ha 

Cheat to win ?

ha ha ha ha 

It's ok to cheat if it's Donald Trump and the cheating will benefit him. Anybody else it's jail. Everything is a hoax for him. The reason Trump is so popular is because he has all those southern rednecks who live off of public assistance, sitting down watching FOUKX news, eating macaroni and cheese, chewing away pork rinds soaked in pig's fat.

cain posted:

Trump is gonna do everything he could to win because he s scared knowing they are waiting for him to do his time in the Presidency and then hopefully do his time in jail.

Trump will pardon himself and the Supreme Court will uphold.  Then Bharrat will invite him to build a Trump hotel in Guyana.  All ayuh guh steeewps!

Baseman posted:
Sean posted:

Here is what is most likely to happen. Bernie is surging and will be given a raw deal by the Democrats again. Bernie supporters will stay home like they did the last election and Trump wins another term.

Dems are a pack of dunces. 

Trump brashness and the US economy giving the Democrats a spasm.  They throwing the entire kitchen sink to see what sticks. They are basically conceding 2020 before the race starts.  This is for trump to lose.  

Now with the Fed says the deficit is not at issue as they can monetize the Balance Sheet, he will accelerate the infrastructure bill. 

It’s funny to listen to Democrat Socialist Leftists whine and complain about cheating when they tried the Muller Thing and it failed to prove anything. Now the impeachment hoax fell flat. Bam ! 

Trump’s New Jersey rally had 115,000 people asking  for seats. These crooked Hillary supporters are in for another Trump electric shock. D2 might end up in a mental asylum as socialism dies a slow death. 

Looks like the impeachment hoax made Trump even stronger as it backfires in Nancy and shifty Schiff faces.

Karma is a bytch as Democrats pay for overthrowing the PPP twice ! Dem rass Running around with buss balls. 

As Bill Clinton would tell these leftist/socialist jackasses, it’s all about the economy stupid. 

This feels sooooo gooood.

Hey hey hey

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:
Baseman posted:
Sean posted:

Here is what is most likely to happen. Bernie is surging and will be given a raw deal by the Democrats again. Bernie supporters will stay home like they did the last election and Trump wins another term.

Dems are a pack of dunces. 

Trump brashness and the US economy giving the Democrats a spasm.  They throwing the entire kitchen sink to see what sticks. They are basically conceding 2020 before the race starts.  This is for trump to lose.  

Now with the Fed says the deficit is not at issue as they can monetize the Balance Sheet, he will accelerate the infrastructure bill. 

It’s funny to listen to Democrat Socialist Leftists whine and complain about cheating when they tried the Muller Thing and it failed to prove anything. Now the impeachment hoax fell flat. Bam ! 

Trump’s New Jersey rally had 115,000 people asking  for seats. These crooked Hillary supporters are in for another Trump electric shock. D2 might end up in a mental asylum as socialism dies a slow death. 

Looks like the impeachment hoax made Trump even stronger as it backfires in Nancy and shifty Schiff faces.

Karma is a bytch as Democrats pay for overthrowing the PPP twice ! Dem rass Running around with buss balls. 

As Bill Clinton would tell these leftist/socialist jackasses, it’s all about the economy stupid. 

This feels sooooo gooood.

Hey hey hey

Bhai Ooojj, looks like you are been paid by the Repubs and FOUK news to repeat "Democrat Socialist Leftists". Look, give us something else to make the conversation more stimulating. Don't worry about Trump and his rally with 115,000 people. That's a page from PNC rent a crowd.

As a man of God, how can you sit there and watch this goon tell over 16,000 lies? How can you praise a rapist and sexual assaulter, a pedophile who had thoughts of dating his teen daughter? A father who grabs his daughter's ass in public? Is there no morality in Trump's world? Maybe the evangelicals do practice these vile, rotten and immoral deeds. Is time to call on Jimmy Swaggart and wake up the dead Swami who had a concubine in WA?


One straight answer: I don’t listen to fake news and CNN antimen peddling lies. 
Republicans are god loving people and pro life. Two things that Are dear to me. 

Democrats overthrow governments and many are atheists. It doesn’t fit into my profile. They need to reform. Watch them cheat Bernie again. Dem rass wicked.

I respect the fact that they hold the teachings of Christ and the Bible close to their hearts as much As I hold my Bhagavad-gita close to my heart. Perfect fit for me. 

God bless. 

Last edited by Former Member

President Grab Dem By THe P@##y is what Americans needed for a long time now. For too long they sat quietly while Guyana, Nicaragua, Colombia and their Countries suffer with their Interventionist policies NOW those same policies are coming home!!  I say let them have a taste of Dictatorship and totalitarianism.


Last edited by Nehru
skeldon_man posted:
Sean posted:

One straight answer: I don’t listen to fake news and CNN antimen peddling lies. 


That's Trump molesting his daughter, today he is screwing the entire country.

skeldon_man posted:
Sean posted:
Baseman posted:
Sean posted:

Here is what is most likely to happen. Bernie is surging and will be given a raw deal by the Democrats again. Bernie supporters will stay home like they did the last election and Trump wins another term.

Dems are a pack of dunces. 

Trump brashness and the US economy giving the Democrats a spasm.  They throwing the entire kitchen sink to see what sticks. They are basically conceding 2020 before the race starts.  This is for trump to lose.  

Now with the Fed says the deficit is not at issue as they can monetize the Balance Sheet, he will accelerate the infrastructure bill. 

It’s funny to listen to Democrat Socialist Leftists whine and complain about cheating when they tried the Muller Thing and it failed to prove anything. Now the impeachment hoax fell flat. Bam ! 

Trump’s New Jersey rally had 115,000 people asking  for seats. These crooked Hillary supporters are in for another Trump electric shock. D2 might end up in a mental asylum as socialism dies a slow death. 

Looks like the impeachment hoax made Trump even stronger as it backfires in Nancy and shifty Schiff faces.

Karma is a bytch as Democrats pay for overthrowing the PPP twice ! Dem rass Running around with buss balls. 

As Bill Clinton would tell these leftist/socialist jackasses, it’s all about the economy stupid. 

This feels sooooo gooood.

Hey hey hey

Bhai Ooojj, looks like you are been paid by the Repubs and FOUK news to repeat "Democrat Socialist Leftists". Look, give us something else to make the conversation more stimulating. Don't worry about Trump and his rally with 115,000 people. That's a page from PNC rent a crowd.

As a man of God, how can you sit there and watch this goon tell over 16,000 lies? How can you praise a rapist and sexual assaulter, a pedophile who had thoughts of dating his teen daughter? A father who grabs his daughter's ass in public? Is there no morality in Trump's world? Maybe the evangelicals do practice these vile, rotten and immoral deeds. Is time to call on Jimmy Swaggart and wake up the dead Swami who had a concubine in WA?

That fisherman can vote in Canada and America, just maybe in Guyana. He is an ECHO for Faux News, whatever he post today he saw on TV last night. One of the deplorables that Hillary spoke about.

kp posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Sean posted:

One straight answer: I don’t listen to fake news and CNN antimen peddling lies. 


That's Trump molesting his daughter, today he is screwing the entire country.

When did he molest his daughter?

Bibi Haniffa
Nehru posted:

For too long they sat quietly while Guyana, Nicaragua, Colombia and their Countries suffer with their Interventionist policies NOW those same policies are coming home!!  I say let them have a taste of Dictatorship and totalitarianism.

Karma bai. 
The Democrats overthrew the PPP twice !!

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Sean posted:

One straight answer: I don’t listen to fake news and CNN antimen peddling lies. 


She nice bad bad man!

Looks like Trump thinks suh tuh. See how he pressing sheh bubby? 😀

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Sean posted:

One straight answer: I don’t listen to fake news and CNN antimen peddling lies. 


She nice bad bad man!

Looks like Trump thinks suh tuh. See how he pressing sheh bubby? 😀

... and to where he is leading her hand.

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

Here is what is most likely to happen. Bernie is surging and will be given a raw deal by the Democrats again. Bernie supporters will stay home like they did the last election and Trump wins another term.

Dems are a pack of dunces. 

Budday... you crack me the hell up. says a man who announced to the world a tablet is not a computer

Check out this video...


Shifty Schiff and Dancy Nancy made a sloppy case and are stretching this like a rubber band. 

It's over. Democrats have to lick their wounds and move on.  Another attempt to remove a Popular democratically elected President failed. This marks the dismantling of leftists in America. They can only bark.

Bam !!!!

Last edited by Former Member

Impeachment endgame: GOP senators eye swift conclusion to trial, say 'It’s time to vote'

Republican senators are sounding more optimistic they have the votes to soon end the impeachment trial of President Trump and shut down a wildcard phase of calling witnesses.

Despite Democrats’ drumbeat on the need to call witnesses like former National Security Adviser John Bolton, Republicans have signaled there’s growing momentum to shut down the trial sometime after the question phase concludes Thursday night -- though exactly how that plays out is an open question.

“I think, by that time, people will have heard enough,” Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., told "Fox News @ Night." “They will have learned what they need to know about this case. And the plan is for Friday to vote. And the momentum is moving to say we've heard enough. Let's move to final judgment.”


Sen. Mike Rounds, R-S.D., was optimistic impeachment could end as soon as late Friday if the witness vote fails and senators move to acquit the president.

“Obviously, I think we’re going to push to finish Friday,” Rounds said Wednesday night after the dinner break with his caucus.

Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., also cautiously upbeat, said if the witness votes fails, he’d like to see the Senate move swiftly toward an acquittal. 

“My personal preference would be let's move quickly to close it out. But, that will probably be a group decision,” Thune said.

On Friday, senators will take the fateful vote on whether to continue the trial by subpoenaing witnesses and documents. After the trial begins at 1 p.m., the House managers and White House lawyers will have four hours, equally divided, to debate the merits of bringing Bolton and others to testify.

Democrats would need at least four Republicans to join with them to get 51 votes needed to pass.


Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said he believes there are at least three Republicans who are seriously considering witnesses. “We need more,” he acknowledged Thursday.

GOP Sens. Mitt Romney of Utah, Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska are the three senators who have consistently signaled a willingness to join with Democrats.

"The fate of much of the future of how this republic conducts itself is on the shoulders of four Republicans," said Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.

"A trial without truth, without key evidence, without witnesses and documents would render the president's acquittal meaningless," Schumer added. "A giant asterisk next to it, because the trial was so rigged in his favor."

If the vote on witnesses fails Friday, there’s little else governing the next steps of the trial, except that the floor would be open to motions. Schumer declined to say what motions he’d seek, except that “the minority has rights and we’ll exercise those rights.”

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will have first dibs on next steps and can put forth his initial proposal on how he’d like to end the trial. An up-or-down vote on acquittal could take place on Saturday.

Republicans hammered the case that if they open the door to witnesses, the Senate could become a circus. Deposing witnesses and potentially heading to court if Trump exerts executive privilege would just prolong the inevitable acquittal of the president, they argue. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., has continually warned that if Democrats get Bolton, the GOP has the votes to haul in other witnesses Democrats don't want to see, including Hunter Biden.

Opening up the witness phase would be the like “wild west” with votes on who and what would be subpoenaed, Thune said.

“It's completely unknown territory. And there's a lot of uncertainty and unpredictability about what might happen next," he said.


With swing state Sens. Cory Gardner of Colorado and Martha McSally of Arizona saying they are ready to shut down the trial, Republicans have been increasingly talking about ending the proceedings.

“It’s time to vote,” Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., said.


Schifty Schiff tried to pull off a big con job. He claimed that he had overwhelming evidence but keeps shifting the gaol post. He screwed up and should take full responsibility for this failure.

Will Nancy eventually be removed by a leftists coup in the democrat party and be replaced ?


Schumer was grinning during Schiff's proposal on witnesses

Before Rep. Adam Schiff made his proposal to limit witnesses to a week, Sen. Chuck Schumer shushed an aide who had been whispering something to him, suggesting he knew what was coming and wanted to hear it.

As Schiff was proposing it, Schumer was grinning like the cat who ate the canary. McConnell sat characteristically expressionless.

When Sen. Ron Johnson asked the question on behalf of a slew of GOP senators about Adam Schiff’s staffer who used to work at the NSC the tension in the chamber was palpable. Schiff was really mad, which I am sure came across on TV but you could really feel it in the room.

When Trump attorney Jay Sekulow responded and noted that whistleblowers are only protected from retribution, Sen. Joni Ernst aggressively nodded her head and mouthed the word “yes.”


White House not concerned about possible revelations from Bolton book, official says

A White House official said the President and his team are not concerned about the prospect of new revelations from former national security adviser John Bolton’s upcoming book that could surface after a vote to acquit Trump. 

“No risk,” the official said. “After the President is acquitted, at some point Bolton‘s gonna Bolton, and it’ll be seen as another part of the Democratic impeachment fiasco.”

kp posted:

I see you subscribe to CNN what happen FOXY News ban you. Or you looking at the Truth.

Conservatives like myself are fair and unbiased. 

Did you take a few mins. to read what was posted ? Don't become like DJ. 

Last edited by Former Member
antabanta posted:
Baseman posted:

Why would Bolton testify?  He’s in this for money, his book.  Lots of hype!

Because testifying would be great PR for his book.

He will also bring out the truth and bury Trump.

antabanta posted:
Baseman posted:

Why would Bolton testify?  He’s in this for money, his book.  Lots of hype!

Because testifying would be great PR for his book.

It would only if consumers think there is more in his book than what is disclosed in his testimony. I think Bolton wants the speculations surrounding the impeachment trial but may be concerned that it could hurt his book sales.


If I understand how trials work, a person has to be initially charged with a crime within a few days of being arrested but the case against them can continue to develop with time. Sometimes during trial new developments emerge and can be admissible in the trial. Similarly, although the House case against Trump is very strong, the House Managers hoping that the Senate gets Bolton to testify is to help clear the boo boo out of the Republicans' eyes. Especially in light of Graham and McConnel's statements that they are hell bent on allowing Trump to get away with his abuse of power. Everyone and their uncle knows that Trump is guilty. Even more guilty than Nixon was. Clinton's sin was that he likes p ussy as much as I do so I wouldn't consider that an abuse of power especially since the binni was 25 years and old enough to consent to the cigar treatment.

Sean posted:

Shifty Schiff and Dancy Nancy made a sloppy case and are stretching this like a rubber band. 

It's over. Democrats have to lick their wounds and move on.  Another attempt to remove a Popular democratically elected President failed. This marks the dismantling of leftists in America. They can only bark.

Bam !!!!

Once the house impeached him, he is forever impeached. The senate never convicted and removed a president. All hell will break loose when Bolton starts hitting the talk shows. As for the whistleblower, I think it's an intelligence guy Bolton set up to do his patriotic duty.

a Popular democratically elected President: he did not get a majority of the votes. He lost the popular votes by over 3,000000.

Last edited by Former Member

The Truth is that the Democrats announced to the American People that they had an overwhelming case for impeachment and then Trump lawyers ripped their baseless case.

Schiff then tried to move the goal post by demanding on a witness after a LEAK.  Here goes the Democrats with their usual BS.

This hoax was started as now being reported by the Media by an aide to Biden and who was declared “whistleblower”. How disgraceful is that ? It is not by accident that Schiff tires to defend the Biden’s because his case falls apart if this information was to be released. 

The corrupt nature of the Biden’s was in full display as his son made millions just because his dad was VP and they failed to investigate a very corrupt company. The stench of their corruption was unbearable to watch as the lawyers revealed the extent to which the Biden’s operated. Have the Democrats no shame to defend this level of corruption ?

They brought the case, brought the wrong articles and lost. Period. Case closed. 

CNN and their antimen were crying last night because like the Mueller investigation which cleared the President, this was another carefully and deliberately planned hoax to remove a democratically elected president and like the Muller hoax, this was also ripped apart and exposed for what it is. 

Nancy was right with her instincts about not going for impeachment but the left wing of the Democrat party wanted to overthrow this president at all costs.  Well, They got what they deserved. Failure. 

A successful impeachment depends on bipartisan support. It went to the senate totally partisan. It was doomed from the very beginning. 

The Democrats just handed Trump another term and Schiff and his team of clowns bear full responsibility for this failure. I predict that the Democrats will eventually start an internal squabble.

Trump is now ahead in Iowa beating all Democrats according to the latest poll. Democrats are nervous and rightfully so. Imagine drawing massive crowds larger than before being elected. Speaks volumes at the anger towards the Democrats. 

Bernie is gaining momentum and if the Democrat party gives him a raw deal like they did in the past then the fallout will hand Trump an even bigger victory. Knowing  how the democrats are prone to repeating mistakes, I can see this occurring again.

This election is all about Trump. He has momentum and that’s what matters in politics. The Democrats are doomed if they present the corrupt Biden’s as their Presidential candidate. If having calls for For locking up Hillary was not enough watch Republicans unleash on the corrupt Bidens.

Conservatives are having a field day as the Democrats stumble and trip over again ! 
This is fun to watch !

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

The Truth is that the Democrats announced to the American People that they had an overwhelming case for impeachment and then Trump lawyers ripped their baseless case.

You seem completely out of touch with reality. An issue is not a hoax if multiple credible witnesses testify to it. Trump lawyers have claimed that the president can do anything in pursuit of reelection. You have to be retarded to accept such logic. Are you totally devoid of common sense?



Senators are voting today. Are you devoid of a brain and a pair of eyes.

Leftsists and Socialists like yourself have become deranged , unhinged and as a result dsiplay symptoms of Schizophrenia. 

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

No matter what the Republicans do today, Trump is forever an impeached president. Clinton was not removed by the Senate but he is still known as an impeached president.

Well, this further exposes how the democrats used impeachment as a political tool to harm the president in an effort to defeat him at the polls. This hoax has been exposed for what it is and made Trump stronger.

He is now leading in the polls at Iowa. 

Impeach this.

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:
ksazma posted:

No matter what the Republicans do today, Trump is forever an impeached president. Clinton was not removed by the Senate but he is still known as an impeached president.

Well, this further exposes how the democrats used impeachment as a political tool to harm the president in an effort to defeat him at the polls. This hoax has been exposed for what it is and made Trump stronger.

He is now leading in the polls at Iowa. 

Impeach this.

Bai Sean yuh prappa pagalee. Of course he will be leading in the polls in Iowa. He is running against himself. Is no different from the PNC getting over 95% of the black votes in Guyana. 😀


Bai, the latest poll shows that Trump is ahead of ALL current Democrat candidates if elections were held.

I see that the left is unhinged

You are a cool operator bai, take it easy. I know that the failed impeachment hoax hurts the left a lot.

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:


Senators are voting today. Are you devoid of a brain and a pair of eyes.

Leftsists and Socialists like yourself have become deranged , unhinged and as a result dsiplay symptoms of Schizophrenia. 

So you know senators are voting today. That's quite an accomplishment for you. Wow. Why are you crying about the left being unhinged yet you are infatuated with the mental case in the white house?


Sean, answer honestly. Did Trump hold back aid already authorized to help Ukraine defend themselves against Russia (US enemy so to speak) just to help him win an election?

Last edited by cain

Probably but based on constitutional law, it does not rise to a level of impeachment. That is what destroyed the manager’s case. 

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:
ksazma posted:

No matter what the Republicans do today, Trump is forever an impeached president. Clinton was not removed by the Senate but he is still known as an impeached president.

Well, this further exposes how the democrats used impeachment as a political tool to harm the president in an effort to defeat him at the polls. This hoax has been exposed for what it is and made Trump stronger.

He is now leading in the polls at Iowa. 

Impeach this.

1. For the three presidents who were impeached Andrew Johnson - 1868, Bill Clinton - 1998 and Donald Trump - 2020, ONLY the proceedings for Donald Trump did not have witnesses.

2. While Donald Trump may be leading in some places, the latest polls do show that Donald Trump will loose to Joe Biden and most of the other Democratic candidates. One could follow the polls as time progresses until the elections in November 2020.

Latest 2020 General Election Polls

Source - RealClear Politics -

Friday, January 31
Race/Topic   (Click to Sort)PollResultsSpread
General Election: Trump vs. BidenIBD/TIPPBiden 49, Trump 48Biden +1
General Election: Trump vs. SandersIBD/TIPPSanders 47, Trump 49Trump +2
General Election: Trump vs. WarrenIBD/TIPPWarren 46, Trump 50Trump +4
General Election: Trump vs. ButtigiegIBD/TIPPTrump 48, Buttigieg 45Trump +3
General Election: Trump vs. BloombergIBD/TIPPBloomberg 48, Trump 47Bloomberg +1
Thursday, January 30
Race/Topic   (Click to Sort)PollResultsSpread
General Election: Trump vs. BidenLA Times/USCBiden 49, Trump 40Biden +9
General Election: Trump vs. SandersLA Times/USCSanders 47, Trump 40Sanders +7
General Election: Trump vs. WarrenLA Times/USCWarren 45, Trump 41Warren +4
General Election: Trump vs. ButtigiegLA Times/USCTrump 43, Buttigieg 40Trump +3
General Election: Trump vs. KlobucharLA Times/USCKlobuchar 42, Trump 40Klobuchar +2
Monday, January 27
Race/Topic   (Click to Sort)PollResultsSpread
General Election: Trump vs. BidenABC News/Wash PostBiden 50, Trump 46Biden +4
General Election: Trump vs. SandersABC News/Wash PostSanders 49, Trump 47Sanders +2
General Election: Trump vs. WarrenABC News/Wash PostWarren 48, Trump 48Tie
General Election: Trump vs. BloombergABC News/Wash PostBloomberg 49, Trump 46Bloomberg +3
General Election: Trump vs. ButtigiegABC News/Wash PostTrump 48, Buttigieg 45Trump +3
General Election: Trump vs. KlobucharABC News/Wash PostKlobuchar 48, Trump 47Klobuchar +1

Come on DG don’t bring that argument. They called 17 witnesses. Yes 17 and then boldly declared that they had overwhelming evidence for impeachment. 
They present a sloppy case and then tried to shift the goal post during the trial based on a leak and or allegation. 

They failed to present a convincing case. The vote for impeachment was not bipartisan and that should have triggered red flags. Every single impeachment vote in American History was bipartisan. 

Last edited by Former Member

There is a good chance Cipolloni jeopardized his bar license by misrepresenting facts during the Senate hearings the past few days. It seems he was also in the room when Trump directed the hold on the military aid in his extortion of the Ukrainians.

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

There is a good chance Philbin jeopardized his bar license by misrepresenting facts during the Senate hearings the past few days. It seems he was also in the room when Trump directed the hold on the military aid in his extortion of the Ukrainians.


Bai Kaz, you are a smart fella and should not be buying snake oil fake news peddled by the fake news media.  
The Democrat party is now the “dem bais seh” party. 

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:
ksazma posted:

There is a good chance Philbin jeopardized his bar license by misrepresenting facts during the Senate hearings the past few days. It seems he was also in the room when Trump directed the hold on the military aid in his extortion of the Ukrainians.


Bai Kaz, you are a smart fella and should not be buying snake oil fake news peddled by the fake news media.  
The Democrat party is now the “dem bais seh” party. 

Sean bai. I updated my post. It is Cipollone rather than Philbin. Check de link heah.

No one knows what else will come out by Wednesday but if the past few days are any indication, the shit can really hit the fan by then.

Sean posted:

Come on DG don’t bring that argument.

They called 17 witnesses.

Yes 17 and then boldly declared that they had overwhelming evidence for impeachment. 

They present a sloppy case and then tried to shift the goal post during the trial based on a leak and or allegation. 

They failed to present a convincing case. The vote for impeachment was not bipartisan and that should have triggered red flags. Every single impeachment vote in American History was bipartisan. 

Perhaps, you can name the witnesses and date when they presented their evidence at the impeachment hearing -- January 2020.


NOTE ...

Senate impeachment trial: Wednesday acquittal vote scheduled after effort to have witnesses fails

(CNN)The Senate on Friday voted to block any witnesses from being called in President Donald Trump's impeachment trial, a move that marked the beginning of the end of the third Senate trial for a president in US history.

Senate leaders struck an agreement to hold the final vote to acquit Trump on the two articles of impeachment at 4 p.m. ET on Wednesday, following a debate throughout the day on Friday about how to bring the trial to a close. The impeachment trial will resume on Monday.

Witness fight ends

The Senate vote Friday to allow subpoenas for witnesses and documents failed 49-51, with two Republicans, Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Mitt Romney of Utah, joining Democrats to back extending the trial.

Source and rest of the article --

Sean posted:

Bai, the latest poll shows that Trump is ahead of ALL current Democrat candidates if elections were held.

I see that the left is unhinged

You are a cool operator bai, take it easy. I know that the failed impeachment hoax hurts the left a lot.

Holy Brahmin, this is a lie. Even F>U>CXX news polls have him trailing every Democrat candidate from 1-5. Even Mayor Pete is ahead of him. Bai Sean, you have not seen the light. Don't let me start my Sunday Morning sermon on a Saturday. I might ask you to repent your heathen soul.

Sean posted:
ksazma posted:

There is a good chance Philbin jeopardized his bar license by misrepresenting facts during the Senate hearings the past few days. It seems he was also in the room when Trump directed the hold on the military aid in his extortion of the Ukrainians.


Bai Kaz, you are a smart fella and should not be buying snake oil fake news peddled by the fake news media.  
The Democrat party is now the “dem bais seh” party. 

It's an honest man's party. If you and Trump think he has done nothing wrong, call him up and ask him to release the subpoenaed papers. John Bolton is starting to squeeze his balls a little at a time. Waiting for his book.

Last edited by Former Member

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