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Sean posted:

Shifty Schiff and Dancy Nancy made a sloppy case and are stretching this like a rubber band. 

It's over. Democrats have to lick their wounds and move on.  Another attempt to remove a Popular democratically elected President failed. This marks the dismantling of leftists in America. They can only bark.

Bam !!!!

Once the house impeached him, he is forever impeached. The senate never convicted and removed a president. All hell will break loose when Bolton starts hitting the talk shows. As for the whistleblower, I think it's an intelligence guy Bolton set up to do his patriotic duty.

a Popular democratically elected President: he did not get a majority of the votes. He lost the popular votes by over 3,000000.

Last edited by Former Member

The Truth is that the Democrats announced to the American People that they had an overwhelming case for impeachment and then Trump lawyers ripped their baseless case.

Schiff then tried to move the goal post by demanding on a witness after a LEAK.  Here goes the Democrats with their usual BS.

This hoax was started as now being reported by the Media by an aide to Biden and who was declared “whistleblower”. How disgraceful is that ? It is not by accident that Schiff tires to defend the Biden’s because his case falls apart if this information was to be released. 

The corrupt nature of the Biden’s was in full display as his son made millions just because his dad was VP and they failed to investigate a very corrupt company. The stench of their corruption was unbearable to watch as the lawyers revealed the extent to which the Biden’s operated. Have the Democrats no shame to defend this level of corruption ?

They brought the case, brought the wrong articles and lost. Period. Case closed. 

CNN and their antimen were crying last night because like the Mueller investigation which cleared the President, this was another carefully and deliberately planned hoax to remove a democratically elected president and like the Muller hoax, this was also ripped apart and exposed for what it is. 

Nancy was right with her instincts about not going for impeachment but the left wing of the Democrat party wanted to overthrow this president at all costs.  Well, They got what they deserved. Failure. 

A successful impeachment depends on bipartisan support. It went to the senate totally partisan. It was doomed from the very beginning. 

The Democrats just handed Trump another term and Schiff and his team of clowns bear full responsibility for this failure. I predict that the Democrats will eventually start an internal squabble.

Trump is now ahead in Iowa beating all Democrats according to the latest poll. Democrats are nervous and rightfully so. Imagine drawing massive crowds larger than before being elected. Speaks volumes at the anger towards the Democrats. 

Bernie is gaining momentum and if the Democrat party gives him a raw deal like they did in the past then the fallout will hand Trump an even bigger victory. Knowing  how the democrats are prone to repeating mistakes, I can see this occurring again.

This election is all about Trump. He has momentum and that’s what matters in politics. The Democrats are doomed if they present the corrupt Biden’s as their Presidential candidate. If having calls for For locking up Hillary was not enough watch Republicans unleash on the corrupt Bidens.

Conservatives are having a field day as the Democrats stumble and trip over again ! 
This is fun to watch !

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

The Truth is that the Democrats announced to the American People that they had an overwhelming case for impeachment and then Trump lawyers ripped their baseless case.

You seem completely out of touch with reality. An issue is not a hoax if multiple credible witnesses testify to it. Trump lawyers have claimed that the president can do anything in pursuit of reelection. You have to be retarded to accept such logic. Are you totally devoid of common sense?



Senators are voting today. Are you devoid of a brain and a pair of eyes.

Leftsists and Socialists like yourself have become deranged , unhinged and as a result dsiplay symptoms of Schizophrenia. 

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

No matter what the Republicans do today, Trump is forever an impeached president. Clinton was not removed by the Senate but he is still known as an impeached president.

Well, this further exposes how the democrats used impeachment as a political tool to harm the president in an effort to defeat him at the polls. This hoax has been exposed for what it is and made Trump stronger.

He is now leading in the polls at Iowa. 

Impeach this.

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:
ksazma posted:

No matter what the Republicans do today, Trump is forever an impeached president. Clinton was not removed by the Senate but he is still known as an impeached president.

Well, this further exposes how the democrats used impeachment as a political tool to harm the president in an effort to defeat him at the polls. This hoax has been exposed for what it is and made Trump stronger.

He is now leading in the polls at Iowa. 

Impeach this.

Bai Sean yuh prappa pagalee. Of course he will be leading in the polls in Iowa. He is running against himself. Is no different from the PNC getting over 95% of the black votes in Guyana. 😀


Bai, the latest poll shows that Trump is ahead of ALL current Democrat candidates if elections were held.

I see that the left is unhinged

You are a cool operator bai, take it easy. I know that the failed impeachment hoax hurts the left a lot.

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:


Senators are voting today. Are you devoid of a brain and a pair of eyes.

Leftsists and Socialists like yourself have become deranged , unhinged and as a result dsiplay symptoms of Schizophrenia. 

So you know senators are voting today. That's quite an accomplishment for you. Wow. Why are you crying about the left being unhinged yet you are infatuated with the mental case in the white house?


Sean, answer honestly. Did Trump hold back aid already authorized to help Ukraine defend themselves against Russia (US enemy so to speak) just to help him win an election?

Last edited by cain

Probably but based on constitutional law, it does not rise to a level of impeachment. That is what destroyed the manager’s case. 

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:
ksazma posted:

No matter what the Republicans do today, Trump is forever an impeached president. Clinton was not removed by the Senate but he is still known as an impeached president.

Well, this further exposes how the democrats used impeachment as a political tool to harm the president in an effort to defeat him at the polls. This hoax has been exposed for what it is and made Trump stronger.

He is now leading in the polls at Iowa. 

Impeach this.

1. For the three presidents who were impeached Andrew Johnson - 1868, Bill Clinton - 1998 and Donald Trump - 2020, ONLY the proceedings for Donald Trump did not have witnesses.

2. While Donald Trump may be leading in some places, the latest polls do show that Donald Trump will loose to Joe Biden and most of the other Democratic candidates. One could follow the polls as time progresses until the elections in November 2020.

Latest 2020 General Election Polls

Source - RealClear Politics -

Friday, January 31
Race/Topic   (Click to Sort)PollResultsSpread
General Election: Trump vs. BidenIBD/TIPPBiden 49, Trump 48Biden +1
General Election: Trump vs. SandersIBD/TIPPSanders 47, Trump 49Trump +2
General Election: Trump vs. WarrenIBD/TIPPWarren 46, Trump 50Trump +4
General Election: Trump vs. ButtigiegIBD/TIPPTrump 48, Buttigieg 45Trump +3
General Election: Trump vs. BloombergIBD/TIPPBloomberg 48, Trump 47Bloomberg +1
Thursday, January 30
Race/Topic   (Click to Sort)PollResultsSpread
General Election: Trump vs. BidenLA Times/USCBiden 49, Trump 40Biden +9
General Election: Trump vs. SandersLA Times/USCSanders 47, Trump 40Sanders +7
General Election: Trump vs. WarrenLA Times/USCWarren 45, Trump 41Warren +4
General Election: Trump vs. ButtigiegLA Times/USCTrump 43, Buttigieg 40Trump +3
General Election: Trump vs. KlobucharLA Times/USCKlobuchar 42, Trump 40Klobuchar +2
Monday, January 27
Race/Topic   (Click to Sort)PollResultsSpread
General Election: Trump vs. BidenABC News/Wash PostBiden 50, Trump 46Biden +4
General Election: Trump vs. SandersABC News/Wash PostSanders 49, Trump 47Sanders +2
General Election: Trump vs. WarrenABC News/Wash PostWarren 48, Trump 48Tie
General Election: Trump vs. BloombergABC News/Wash PostBloomberg 49, Trump 46Bloomberg +3
General Election: Trump vs. ButtigiegABC News/Wash PostTrump 48, Buttigieg 45Trump +3
General Election: Trump vs. KlobucharABC News/Wash PostKlobuchar 48, Trump 47Klobuchar +1

Come on DG don’t bring that argument. They called 17 witnesses. Yes 17 and then boldly declared that they had overwhelming evidence for impeachment. 
They present a sloppy case and then tried to shift the goal post during the trial based on a leak and or allegation. 

They failed to present a convincing case. The vote for impeachment was not bipartisan and that should have triggered red flags. Every single impeachment vote in American History was bipartisan. 

Last edited by Former Member

There is a good chance Cipolloni jeopardized his bar license by misrepresenting facts during the Senate hearings the past few days. It seems he was also in the room when Trump directed the hold on the military aid in his extortion of the Ukrainians.

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

There is a good chance Philbin jeopardized his bar license by misrepresenting facts during the Senate hearings the past few days. It seems he was also in the room when Trump directed the hold on the military aid in his extortion of the Ukrainians.


Bai Kaz, you are a smart fella and should not be buying snake oil fake news peddled by the fake news media.  
The Democrat party is now the “dem bais seh” party. 

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:
ksazma posted:

There is a good chance Philbin jeopardized his bar license by misrepresenting facts during the Senate hearings the past few days. It seems he was also in the room when Trump directed the hold on the military aid in his extortion of the Ukrainians.


Bai Kaz, you are a smart fella and should not be buying snake oil fake news peddled by the fake news media.  
The Democrat party is now the “dem bais seh” party. 

Sean bai. I updated my post. It is Cipollone rather than Philbin. Check de link heah.

No one knows what else will come out by Wednesday but if the past few days are any indication, the shit can really hit the fan by then.

Sean posted:

Come on DG don’t bring that argument.

They called 17 witnesses.

Yes 17 and then boldly declared that they had overwhelming evidence for impeachment. 

They present a sloppy case and then tried to shift the goal post during the trial based on a leak and or allegation. 

They failed to present a convincing case. The vote for impeachment was not bipartisan and that should have triggered red flags. Every single impeachment vote in American History was bipartisan. 

Perhaps, you can name the witnesses and date when they presented their evidence at the impeachment hearing -- January 2020.


NOTE ...

Senate impeachment trial: Wednesday acquittal vote scheduled after effort to have witnesses fails

(CNN)The Senate on Friday voted to block any witnesses from being called in President Donald Trump's impeachment trial, a move that marked the beginning of the end of the third Senate trial for a president in US history.

Senate leaders struck an agreement to hold the final vote to acquit Trump on the two articles of impeachment at 4 p.m. ET on Wednesday, following a debate throughout the day on Friday about how to bring the trial to a close. The impeachment trial will resume on Monday.

Witness fight ends

The Senate vote Friday to allow subpoenas for witnesses and documents failed 49-51, with two Republicans, Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Mitt Romney of Utah, joining Democrats to back extending the trial.

Source and rest of the article --

Sean posted:

Bai, the latest poll shows that Trump is ahead of ALL current Democrat candidates if elections were held.

I see that the left is unhinged

You are a cool operator bai, take it easy. I know that the failed impeachment hoax hurts the left a lot.

Holy Brahmin, this is a lie. Even F>U>CXX news polls have him trailing every Democrat candidate from 1-5. Even Mayor Pete is ahead of him. Bai Sean, you have not seen the light. Don't let me start my Sunday Morning sermon on a Saturday. I might ask you to repent your heathen soul.

Sean posted:
ksazma posted:

There is a good chance Philbin jeopardized his bar license by misrepresenting facts during the Senate hearings the past few days. It seems he was also in the room when Trump directed the hold on the military aid in his extortion of the Ukrainians.


Bai Kaz, you are a smart fella and should not be buying snake oil fake news peddled by the fake news media.  
The Democrat party is now the “dem bais seh” party. 

It's an honest man's party. If you and Trump think he has done nothing wrong, call him up and ask him to release the subpoenaed papers. John Bolton is starting to squeeze his balls a little at a time. Waiting for his book.

Last edited by Former Member

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