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Trump likes main Obamacare provisions 'very much'

November 11, 2016, 11 minutes ago, From the section US Election 2016,

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump speaks at a rally at Lackawanna College in Scranton, Pennsylvania, on 7 November 2016Donald Trump called Obamacare "a total disaster" during the campaign

US President-elect Donald Trump has said in an interview he is open to leaving intact key parts of President Barack Obama's healthcare bill.

Mr Trump, who has pledged repeatedly to repeal the 2010 law, signalled he was receptive to a compromise after visiting the White House on Thursday.

He told the Wall Street Journal he favours keeping two pillars of the bill because "I like those very much".

One is a ban on insurers denying coverage for pre-existing conditions.

The other provision that the president-elect told the newspaper he favours allows young adults to be insured on their parents' policies.

Mr Trump told the Journal it was his hour-and-a-half meeting with Mr Obama that had made him reconsider his calls for an all-out repeal of the Affordable Care Act.

"I told him I will look at his suggestions, and out of respect, I will do that," the president-elect said at Trump Tower.

"Either Obamacare will be amended, or repealed and replaced."

The interview was published just as Mr Trump shook up his presidential transition team, demoting New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to vice-chairman.

During the election campaign, Mr Trump said the government-run health insurance marketplace was "a total disaster" and "a catastrophe".

"Obamacare is just blowing up," he said only last month, while promising his own plan would deliver "great healthcare at a fraction of the cost".

While running for president, Mr Trump did not offer much detail on what he envisaged would be Obamacare's replacement.

The Republican's plan included tax-deductible health savings accounts and allowing insurers to sell coverage across state lines.

His apparent change of heart on Friday comes amid a surge in applications to join the plan from Americans possibly fearful it is about to be overturned.

More than 100,000 applicants snapped up Obamacare health insurance on the day after Tuesday's election, this year's biggest sign-up, the Obama administration announced.

About 22 million Americans would be without insurance if the law was repealed.

Congressional Republicans have voted more than 50 times to undo the law.

The Republicans have maintained control of the Senate, but they still lack the supermajority they would probably need to repeal the Affordable Care Act in its entirety.

They could starve parts of the bill of funding through a budgetary process called reconciliation.

But this legislative tactic would not be able to affect the provisions requiring insurers to cover children on their parents' policies, or the mandate that medical insurers must sell policies to anyone regardless of their health conditions.

The law has not been without its difficulties.

Obamacare survived a US Supreme Court challenge in June 2015Obamacare survived a US Supreme Court challenge in June 2015

Last month, the Obama administration said the average cost of medical coverage under the bill was expected to rise by 25% next year for those Americans who do not qualify for subsidies.

And about one in five consumers would only be able to pick plans from a single insurer, it added.

Former President Bill Clinton last month called the unsubsidised portion of the law "the craziest thing in the world".

Unlike in many other western countries, the US does not have a single-payer healthcare system.

Private companies, rather than the US government, provide health insurance for US citizens.

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Analysis by Anthony Zurcher, BBC North America reporter

"Repeal and replace" - with emphasis on the former over the latter - has been the Republican mantra when it comes to Barack Obama's healthcare reform for the past six years. Candidate Donald Trump echoed this when he labelled the programme a "disaster" and promised something much better if he were elected president.

Just days after the US public gave Mr Trump the keys to the Oval Office, however, he said there are parts of Mr Obama's signature legislative achievement worth keeping.

The challenge for the president-elect is that the Obamacare features he praises - such as its mandate that insurers cover pre-existing medical conditions - are made possible by portions of the law he has condemned, like requiring all Americans to obtain insurance.

Keeping the law's carrots while abandoning its sticks could prove difficult.

Complicating the matter is that a "revise and reform" effort may not fly with Mr Trump's ardent supporters and the cadre of arch-conservative politicians in Congress, who want to tear up the law "root and branch".

Mr Trump often broke with Republican orthodoxy while campaigning and didn't pay a political price. He may learn that as president he won't get far without his party establishment's help.

Trump likes main Obamacare provisions 'very much'

November 11, 2016, 11 minutes ago, From the section US Election 2016,

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump speaks at a rally at Lackawanna College in Scranton, Pennsylvania, on 7 November 2016Donald Trump called Obamacare "a total disaster" during the campaign

US President-elect Donald Trump has said in an interview he is open to leaving intact key parts of President Barack Obama's healthcare bill.

Mr Trump, who has pledged repeatedly to repeal the 2010 law, signalled he was receptive to a compromise after visiting the White House on Thursday.

He told the Wall Street Journal he favours keeping two pillars of the bill because "I like those very much".

One is a ban on insurers denying coverage for pre-existing conditions.

The other provision that the president-elect told the newspaper he favours allows young adults to be insured on their parents' policies.

Mr Trump told the Journal it was his hour-and-a-half meeting with Mr Obama that had made him reconsider his calls for an all-out repeal of the Affordable Care Act.

First flip flop by Donald Trump before he takes office on January 20, 2017.

Perhaps, there will be before and after January 20, 2017.


Trump likes certain aspects of Obamacare, the same parts even the Republicans said they have to retain.  Clearly Trump wants to show some respect to the president and there are parts of ACA which needs to be considered.

However this does not change the fact that for many in the Middle, costs have sky-rocketed out of control and a big reason for his win.  So, in respect to the first Black president's legacy, he will retain the parts which are popular but rectify the parts that are squeezing the middle class!

The Republicans have a plan to "replace" Obamacare, but they admit, some attributes they will retain!  This is nothing new!  The Republicans want to remove the uninsurable from the pool and place them on an expanded Medicaid leaving the insurance Cos to handle the rest of the population.

Funny this old clown D_G living on Socialized State healthcare system in Canada telling us here about Obamacare.  Why don't you stick to Canada's issues!

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Trump is repealing Obamacare.  And he should.

Contingent on 60 republican votes in the senate to break a filibuster.  Partial repeal will be the more sensible option. 

No, that's a replacement.  He needs a simple majority to repeal or they can unfund!  He can repeal and let it fall back to the old system however, some issues are not easy to unwind, such as no lifetime limits and children staying on parents to 26.  The Republicans does not want to throw these people out without a counter proposal for them.  These are the aspects of Obamacare which they may want to retain!

ba$eman posted:
Drugb posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Trump is repealing Obamacare.  And he should.

Contingent on 60 republican votes in the senate to break a filibuster.  Partial repeal will be the more sensible option. 

No, that's a replacement.  He needs a simple majority to repeal or they can unfund!  He can repeal and let it fall back to the old system however, some issues are not easy to unwind, such as no lifetime limits and children staying on parents to 26.  The Republicans does not want to throw these people out without a counter proposal for them.  These are the aspects of Obamacare which they may want to retain!

What replacement? We have heard no plans from the republicans, in fact 8 years of GW and nothing done. I don't believe they are looking for a replacement nor care. 

ba$eman posted:
Drugb posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Trump is repealing Obamacare.  And he should.

Contingent on 60 republican votes in the senate to break a filibuster.  Partial repeal will be the more sensible option. 

No, that's a replacement.  He needs a simple majority to repeal or they can unfund!  He can repeal and let it fall back to the old system however, some issues are not easy to unwind, such as no lifetime limits and children staying on parents to 26.  The Republicans does not want to throw these people out without a counter proposal for them.  These are the aspects of Obamacare which they may want to retain!

Apparently you know more than Forbes magazine

Full repeal requires overcoming a Senate filibuster

To start, full repeal of Obamacare can’t happen unless 60 U.S. senators vote for it, thanks to the filibuster. And there aren’t 60 votes in the Senate for full repeal; if advocates are lucky, there will be 52. (In 2017, Republicans will control either 51 or 52 Senate seats, depending on the outcome of a runoff in Louisiana.)


Republicans could, in theory, get rid of the filibuster, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) and others have routinely expressed opposition to that idea. (And that’s a shame.)

Partial repeal would keep most Obamacare regulations in place

The best that Republicans can do is to pass a partial repeal of Obamacare using the reconciliation process, which only requires 51 votes. Republicans did this in January, when they sent to President Obama’s desk the Restoring Americans’ Healthcare Freedom Reconciliation Act of 2015.

That bill would have repealed Obamacare’s tax hikes, Medicaid expansion, and insurance exchange subsidies, affecting more than 15 million enrollees. That’s a big deal, because it affects $2 trillion of spending over the next decade.

But critically, the partial repeal bill does not get rid of Obamacare’s tens of thousands of pages of insurance regulations, the regulations that are responsible for the law’s drastic premium hikes.

Drugb posted:
ba$eman posted:
Drugb posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Trump is repealing Obamacare.  And he should.

Contingent on 60 republican votes in the senate to break a filibuster.  Partial repeal will be the more sensible option. 

No, that's a replacement.  He needs a simple majority to repeal or they can unfund!  He can repeal and let it fall back to the old system however, some issues are not easy to unwind, such as no lifetime limits and children staying on parents to 26.  The Republicans does not want to throw these people out without a counter proposal for them.  These are the aspects of Obamacare which they may want to retain!

What replacement? We have heard no plans from the republicans, in fact 8 years of GW and nothing done. I don't believe they are looking for a replacement nor care. 

They do have a plan, or better, a concept.  Clearly, Obamacare cannot continue as is.  It's an total disaster!!

caribny posted:

Trump will keep Obamacare, but drop the subsidies and the expanded Medicaid.  As people drop the health insurance, as they wouldn't be able to afford it, this will then die a natural death.

So he will claim that he didn't toss people out. They made the decision to do so.

A probable scenario.  However, most of the people complaining are not receiving subsidies.  I believe it will fall back to how it was with a few additional provisions.  There will be some type of Medicaid to cover the uninsurable!


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