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Washington (CNN) President Donald Trump said Monday he will make a decision as early as this evening on the US response to what he called an "atrocious" chemical weapons attack on civilians in Syria and warned that he will hold the responsible parties accountable.

"We cannot allow atrocities like that. Cannot allow it," Trump told reporters on Monday during a Cabinet meeting as he warned that "nothing's off the table." "If it's Russia, if it's Syria, if it's Iran, if it's all of them together, we'll figure it out and we'll know the answers quite soon"

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Trump knows the consequences of a collapse in Syria.  If you think the blood letting in Iraq was bad, we ain’t see nothing yet.  

I still don’t believe the govt did it.  The Sunnis don’t want a US disengagement as this leaves Russia and Iran in control along with turkey and it’s narrow interest.  They have the biggest motivation to forcing the USA hands.  

Last edited by Baseman
Riff posted:
Chief posted:

When all is said and done, the Muslim world has been on the receiving end for all the bombs. Back in the 80's Russia invaded Afghanistan, then Bush invaded Iraq and today the rest is history.

so, who gassed civilians in SYria? Some hindu did it?

As a matter of fact when Hindu eats chicken teeka masala, them does pass some serious gas that can kill you instantly. Lol

ronan posted:

Pete Townshend and The Who . . . still topical:

don't get fooled again . . . this is an old game:

and, drill further back, the campaign to evict Saddam Hussein from Kuwait in the 1st Gulf war was just, but we must never forget this:

This was because after George H. W. Bush became president, he was being seen as a wimp. He needed something big to shake that wimp stigma and they baited Saddam into invading Kuwait. The killing babies in incubators was how they whipped the UN into the frenzy to vote for military actions. I don't think the UN resolution was passed to HW went with a coalition using Kuwait and Saudi Arabia as the justification. Same thing the son did when they lied to the UN about Saddam had WMD and we know how that turned out. But Saddam was stupid for taking the bait in 1990 and he eventually paid with his life for it. Since then Iraq has been a hellhole. Same with many other parts of the Middle East. They are blessed with stupid leaders who does them no good.

Except for Iran. Iran has always had a more structured system which keep the country somewhat stable. I believe that is why there is always the constant drumbeat about Iran. The goal is to destruct the Iranian structure which is unwise. Israel has no right attacking any of Iran's property. There is no credible proof that Iran is guilty of what Israel claims. And given that Israel is the biggest bully in the Middle East, they have even less of a right. Except that we blindly allow them to carry out their threats against the rest of the Middle East.


Bannas I supported Bush Sr. driving Saddam out of Kuwait

I also supported him not pushing on to Baghdad . . . that was an act of statesmanship by a man with a savvy strategic sense of the times

Bush the younger was, on the other hand, an inadequate, biddable mess

Obama to his credit patched things up and held it together as best he could

but he couldn't resist the Clintonite pressure and got dragged into no-win Libya

and so we are here . . . and we have Trump

damn, this is depressing

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:

Bannas I supported Bush Sr. driving Saddam out of Kuwait

I also supported him not pushing on to Baghdad . . . that was an act of statesmanship by a man with a savvy strategic sense of the times

Bush the younger was, on the other hand, an inadequate, biddable mess

Obama to his credit patched things up and held it together as best he could

but he couldn't resist the Clintonite pressure and got dragged into no-win Libya

and so we are here . . . and we have Trump

damn, this is depressing

I don't disagree with any of your comments above. Saddam paid for his stupidness. He had no right invading Kuwait. Iran doesn't do stupidness like that. They are more discipline. That is why there is always the drumbeat about Iran.

ronan posted:

Bannas I supported Bush Sr. driving Saddam out of Kuwait

I also supported him not pushing on to Baghdad . . . that was an act of statesmanship by a man with a savvy strategic sense of the times

Bush the younger was, on the other hand, an inadequate, biddable mess

Obama to his credit patched things up and held it together as best he could

but he couldn't resist the Clintonite pressure and got dragged into no-win Libya

and so we are here . . . and we have Trump

damn, this is depressing

I agree with you.  I hope Trump does not open up Pandora’s box with an overreach.  With Iran and Russia vested knee deep, could make Iraq look like a cake walk.  

I believe Trump is being set-up, pushed and egged on by the anti Iranian lobby in the USA and in the Arab world.

This war was winding down, now its racheting up again!

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:

Bannas I supported Bush Sr. driving Saddam out of Kuwait

I also supported him not pushing on to Baghdad . . . that was an act of statesmanship by a man with a savvy strategic sense of the times

Bush the younger was, on the other hand, an inadequate, biddable mess

Obama to his credit patched things up and held it together as best he could

but he couldn't resist the Clintonite pressure and got dragged into no-win Libya

and so we are here . . . and we have Trump

damn, this is depressing

I agree with you.  I hope Trump does not open up Pandora’s box with an overreach.  With Iran and Russia vested knee deep, could make Iraq look like a cake walk.  

I believe Trump is being set-up, pushed and egged on by the anti Iranian lobby in the USA and in the Arab world.

This war was winding down, now its racheting up again!

Turkey is a very dangerous wild card

this, now, is not an arena for light thinking amateurs or idiots

no joke


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