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Former Member

New polls show Trump would face competitive races with Biden, Sanders, Warren in battleground states

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump would face competitive general election races against each of his top three potential Democratic challengers in seven battleground states he won in 2016, according to new polls released Monday, about a year from the 2020 general election.

The polls from The New York Times Upshot and Siena College surveyed registered voters in the states -- Michigan, Arizona, Florida, Iowa, North Carolina, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania -- and found that just four of the 21 potential matchups showed a lead for one candidate outside the survey's margin of sampling error. Former Vice President Joe Biden is leading Trump 50% to 45% in Arizona, while Trump is leading both Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and Sen. Elizabeth Warren in Iowa. In Michigan, the President tops Warren 46% to her 39%.
With the general election less than a year away, and three months until the Iowa caucuses -- the first real test of the 2020 Democratic primary -- the new data provides a useful look at how the three Democratic front-runners could fare against the President next November in some of the closest-watched states of the election. The numbers also come a day after three national polls suggested that Biden, Warren and Sanders are leading the pack of Democratic candidates. Most national polling also shows those three holding sizable leads over Trump among registered voters nationwide. But Trump won the presidency despite losing the popular vote in 2016, largely due to his success in the states included in the new polls.
In three states, Warren fared significantly worse than Biden against Trump. Biden got 46% support in Florida, while Warren had 41% there. In Michigan, Biden had 44% support while Warren had 39%. She also lagged behind Sanders here, who had 45% in his matchup with Trump. And in Iowa, Biden's support was at 44% while Warren's was at 40%. Trump's support in each of those matchups holds about even across Democrats.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Prashad posted:

I cannot see Trump losing to Biden in Arizona. That is Trump country. Trump will win the next election easily. Then he will make peace with African Americans.

There is no path for him among African Americans and Latinos in general. Arizona is competitive which tells of how much the republicans. Today's elections governor's in Mississippi and state house in Virginia will also be a pointer. If the democrat comes close in Mississippi and if the Dems win both Chambers in VA he is on his way out. In any event, it would be difficult for him to pull the same inside straight two times while still losing the popular vote. His ceiling nationally is about 44 points. 

Prashad posted:

I cannot see Trump losing to Biden in Arizona. That is Trump country. Trump will win the next election easily. Then he will make peace with African Americans.

Unemployment rate is at its lowest for African Americans in American History. Prominent blacks are breaking the shackles to the Democratic Party which takes black votes for granted ! 

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

Trump will win big in 2020!

No one gives a shyte about what happened in Ukraine!  The Democrats knew two years ago of the Biden comprise!  Trump acted on it!

The Ukraine is the buffer between the Russians and Europe. Russia wants it to expand its hold on the area. It had Yanakovitch as their puppet and popular up rising booted  him. Europe and the other western nations need Ukraine to hold or the Russians will feel even more adventurous and swallow up the Baltic states Georgia and pressure Romania and Bulgaria. They also want a port on the Mediterranean hence their presence in Syria. Ukraine is very important.

Biden acted unbehalf of NATO and the US plus the global financial institutions. Trump is acting in his self interest. 

skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump will win big in 2020!

No one gives a shyte about what happened in Ukraine!  The Democrats knew two years ago of the Biden comprise!  Trump acted on it!

He already won. He is moving his white house to Florida.

He knows what is "coming down the pipe line", hence he is hustling to go to Florida.

Stormborn posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump will win big in 2020!

No one gives a shyte about what happened in Ukraine!  The Democrats knew two years ago of the Biden comprise!  Trump acted on it!

The Ukraine is the buffer between the Russians and Europe. Russia wants it to expand its hold on the area. It had Yanakovitch as their puppet and popular up rising booted  him. Europe and the other western nations need Ukraine to hold or the Russians will feel even more adventurous and swallow up the Baltic states Georgia and pressure Romania and Bulgaria. They also want a port on the Mediterranean hence their presence in Syria. Ukraine is very important.

Biden acted unbehalf of NATO and the US plus the global financial institutions. Trump is acting in his self interest. 

I visited Ukraine. It’s two countries in one!  The Eastern territory is very pro-Russian!  The Western region very pro-West.  Yanskovitch was elected by popular vote however, like Guyana, it was partisan and he was pro-Russian!  He preferred the CIS vs EU!  Obama and Hilary then sponsored an uprising to oust him.  As the seat of the govt is in Kiev, the Western territory, they succeeded!  To block the NATO push, Russia sponsored a counter uprising in the east and used as a pretext to intervene wiping out any hope EU membership and NATO!

Now we vex that Russia dabbled in our elections!

One man’s meat is another man’s poison!!

Poor lil Guyana, we could not retaliate when the CIA installed the PNC in 1964 or 2015!😁. We is small fish, but Russia is a 300 lb whale!😆

Baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump will win big in 2020!

No one gives a shyte about what happened in Ukraine!  The Democrats knew two years ago of the Biden comprise!  Trump acted on it!

The Ukraine is the buffer between the Russians and Europe. Russia wants it to expand its hold on the area. It had Yanakovitch as their puppet and popular up rising booted  him. Europe and the other western nations need Ukraine to hold or the Russians will feel even more adventurous and swallow up the Baltic states Georgia and pressure Romania and Bulgaria. They also want a port on the Mediterranean hence their presence in Syria. Ukraine is very important.

Biden acted unbehalf of NATO and the US plus the global financial institutions. Trump is acting in his self interest. 

I visited Ukraine. It’s two countries in one!  The Eastern territory is very pro-Russian!  The Western region very pro-West.  Yanskovitch was elected by popular vote however, like Guyana, it was partisan and he was pro-Russian!  He preferred the CIS vs EU!  Obama and Hilary then sponsored an uprising to oust him.  As the seat of the govt is in Kiev, the Western territory, they succeeded!  To block the NATO push, Russia sponsored a counter uprising in the east and used as a pretext to intervene wiping out any hope EU membership and NATO!

Now we vex that Russia dabbled in our elections!

One man’s meat is another man’s poison!!

Poor lil Guyana, we could not retaliate when the CIA installed the PNC in 1964 or 2015!😁. We is small fish, but Russia is a 300 lb whale!😆

Obama and Mrs H did not instigate the Uprising. That is bilge. It matters not if Russian speakers are in the east. They were implanted there in the Soviet era as they were in the Crimea displacing locals ( some of whom were sent en mass into Siberian prison camps). We would not give up Essequibo simply because venoes took refuge there. 

Stormborn posted:
Baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump will win big in 2020!

No one gives a shyte about what happened in Ukraine!  The Democrats knew two years ago of the Biden comprise!  Trump acted on it!

The Ukraine is the buffer between the Russians and Europe. Russia wants it to expand its hold on the area. It had Yanakovitch as their puppet and popular up rising booted  him. Europe and the other western nations need Ukraine to hold or the Russians will feel even more adventurous and swallow up the Baltic states Georgia and pressure Romania and Bulgaria. They also want a port on the Mediterranean hence their presence in Syria. Ukraine is very important.

Biden acted unbehalf of NATO and the US plus the global financial institutions. Trump is acting in his self interest. 

I visited Ukraine. It’s two countries in one!  The Eastern territory is very pro-Russian!  The Western region very pro-West.  Yanskovitch was elected by popular vote however, like Guyana, it was partisan and he was pro-Russian!  He preferred the CIS vs EU!  Obama and Hilary then sponsored an uprising to oust him.  As the seat of the govt is in Kiev, the Western territory, they succeeded!  To block the NATO push, Russia sponsored a counter uprising in the east and used as a pretext to intervene wiping out any hope EU membership and NATO!

Now we vex that Russia dabbled in our elections!

One man’s meat is another man’s poison!!

Poor lil Guyana, we could not retaliate when the CIA installed the PNC in 1964 or 2015!😁. We is small fish, but Russia is a 300 lb whale!😆

Obama and Mrs H did not instigate the Uprising. That is bilge. It matters not if Russian speakers are in the east. They were implanted there in the Soviet era as they were in the Crimea displacing locals ( some of whom were sent en mass into Siberian prison camps). We would not give up Essequibo simply because venoes took refuge there. 

You talking skont!  That territory was gifted by Stalin to Ukraine!  It was historically Slavic/Russian!

But Putin is an “Indian Giver”, Stalin gi, he tek back!

You don’t know anything!  Yanakovitch won by popular vote. It’s divided East/West like Guyana Coolie/Black.  

Crooked Hillary led wutliss Obama down a rabbit hole just like MCCAIN did with Saakashvili.  Then Putin turned and kick everybody in dem backside and kick Hillary in she teeth!  Now all ayuh Hillaryites crying foul!

Baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump will win big in 2020!

No one gives a shyte about what happened in Ukraine!  The Democrats knew two years ago of the Biden comprise!  Trump acted on it!

The Ukraine is the buffer between the Russians and Europe. Russia wants it to expand its hold on the area. It had Yanakovitch as their puppet and popular up rising booted  him. Europe and the other western nations need Ukraine to hold or the Russians will feel even more adventurous and swallow up the Baltic states Georgia and pressure Romania and Bulgaria. They also want a port on the Mediterranean hence their presence in Syria. Ukraine is very important.

Biden acted unbehalf of NATO and the US plus the global financial institutions. Trump is acting in his self interest. 

I visited Ukraine. It’s two countries in one!  The Eastern territory is very pro-Russian!  The Western region very pro-West.  Yanskovitch was elected by popular vote however, like Guyana, it was partisan and he was pro-Russian!  He preferred the CIS vs EU!  Obama and Hilary then sponsored an uprising to oust him.  As the seat of the govt is in Kiev, the Western territory, they succeeded!  To block the NATO push, Russia sponsored a counter uprising in the east and used as a pretext to intervene wiping out any hope EU membership and NATO!

Now we vex that Russia dabbled in our elections!

One man’s meat is another man’s poison!!

Poor lil Guyana, we could not retaliate when the CIA installed the PNC in 1964 or 2015!😁. We is small fish, but Russia is a 300 lb whale!😆

Obama and Mrs H did not instigate the Uprising. That is bilge. It matters not if Russian speakers are in the east. They were implanted there in the Soviet era as they were in the Crimea displacing locals ( some of whom were sent en mass into Siberian prison camps). We would not give up Essequibo simply because venoes took refuge there. 

You talking skont!  That territory was gifted by Stalin to Ukraine!  It was historically Slavic/Russian!

But Putin is an “Indian Giver”, Stalin gi, he tek back!

You don’t know anything!  Yanakovitch won by popular vote. It’s divided East/West like Guyana Coolie/Black.  

Crooked Hillary led wutliss Obama down a rabbit hole just like MCCAIN did with Saakashvili.  Then Putin turned and kick everybody in dem backside and kick Hillary in she teeth!  Now all ayuh Hillaryites crying foul!

Bai like you tun Putin lova bai. Get your red shirts in line, we tunin commie soon in Amrika.

Baseman posted:

Trump will win big in 2020!

No one gives a shyte about what happened in Ukraine!  The Democrats knew two years ago of the Biden comprise!  Trump acted on it!

Trump is making an excellent move by making Florida his new home base. He is uncomfortable living in a very hostile state of NY which is becoming more anti American and socialist. This is a class move as he secures the votes in Florida for 2020. 

A vote for Democrats = A vote for failed Socialism.

Be honest and see how your 401k did during Trump’s rule. Vote Republican to destroy socialism once and for all !

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump will win big in 2020!

No one gives a shyte about what happened in Ukraine!  The Democrats knew two years ago of the Biden comprise!  Trump acted on it!

Trump is making an excellent move by making Florida his new home base. He is uncomfortable living in a very hostile state of NY which is becoming more anti American and socialist. This is a class move as he secures the votes in Florida for 2020. 

A vote for Democrats = A vote for failed Socialism.

Be honest and see how your 401k did during Trump’s rule. Vote Republican to destroy socialism once and for all !

Bai Sean, you like dry goat shit.


Bai, me always talk de truth. Who vex, vex.
Me seriously considering buying a lil place in Florida since me favourite President living there now. Dat man get balls to take on fake news and socialism.

Look How Obama bought a $ 50 million mansion at the backs of African American voters who largely remained poor during his rule. Trump made African American unemployment the lowest in US History !

Who de rass want to live back a Burnham style socialism ? 

Buddy Kaz vex like rass how Trump moving in he backyard. Look rass hey now. 

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

Bai, me always talk de truth. Who vex, vex.
Me seriously considering buying a lil place in Florida since me favourite President living there now. Dat man get balls to take on fake news and socialism.

Look How Obama bought a $ 50 million mansion at the backs of African American voters who largely remained poor during his rule. Trump made African American unemployment the lowest in US History !

Who de rass want to live back a Burnham style socialism ? 

Buddy Kaz vex like rass how Trump moving in he backyard. Look rass hey now. 

Trump is a conceited, demagogue, racist who believes in his power to get ahead in life. He should enjoy his few months left in office. NY is going to make him a pauper soon. They will rename the avenue and street to Barack Obama Avenue and Michelle Obama Avenue where his NY tower is. He might die from a heart attack.

Baseman posted:

You talking skont!  That territory was gifted by Stalin to Ukraine!  It was historically Slavic/Russian!

But Putin is an “Indian Giver”, Stalin gi, he tek back!

You don’t know anything!  Yanakovitch won by popular vote. It’s divided East/West like Guyana Coolie/Black.  

Crooked Hillary led wutliss Obama down a rabbit hole just like MCCAIN did with Saakashvili.  Then Putin turned and kick everybody in dem backside and kick Hillary in she teeth!  Now all ayuh Hillaryites crying foul!

The people of t he Crimea were never Russian even after the fall of the Ottoman. You do not take history from your chosen starting point. The region was ethnically cleansed or tatars. It was accepted as Ukrainian territory after the disintegration of the soviet empire. Per your analysis all the former sovet states are russian.

Calling Hillary crooked vs trump is like taking communion from Beelzebub.

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

Bai, me always talk de truth. Who vex, vex.
Me seriously considering buying a lil place in Florida since me favourite President living there now. Dat man get balls to take on fake news and socialism.

Look How Obama bought a $ 50 million mansion at the backs of African American voters who largely remained poor during his rule. Trump made African American unemployment the lowest in US History !

Who de rass want to live back a Burnham style socialism ? 

Buddy Kaz vex like rass how Trump moving in he backyard. Look rass hey now. 

Ignorant prattling....Obama may be buying a house in Martha's vineyard and good for him. He did not steal the money but earned it the legal and honest way. Trump is the worse thing that happened to America and the planet. Thankfully he is not there much longer. 

skeldon_man posted:
Sean posted:

Bai, me always talk de truth. Who vex, vex.
Me seriously considering buying a lil place in Florida since me favourite President living there now. Dat man get balls to take on fake news and socialism.

Look How Obama bought a $ 50 million mansion at the backs of African American voters who largely remained poor during his rule. Trump made African American unemployment the lowest in US History !

Who de rass want to live back a Burnham style socialism ? 

Buddy Kaz vex like rass how Trump moving in he backyard. Look rass hey now. 

Trump is a conceited, demagogue, racist who believes in his power to get ahead in life. He should enjoy his few months left in office. NY is going to make him a pauper soon. They will rename the avenue and street to Barack Obama Avenue and Michelle Obama Avenue where his NY tower is. He might die from a heart attack.

Skelly, you sounding like CNN. They can only sell fake news.

NY can name any street of their choice and that is quite democratic.

No other American President has pulled off the biggest con job like Michelle and Barack Hussein Obama II. No other president bought a 50 Million dollar estate in less than a couple years of leaving office. That wealth was accumulated on the backs of poor blacks who quickly realized that they were used by Barack Hussein Obama II. 

Trump is a straight shooter. The left wing fake news just can't deal with it.

How about Biden's son making hundreds of millions just because his dad was VP ?

Bai, me hand fall now that you of all people bought into fake news. Like the AFC bais, you will catch on some day.



Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:

Trump is a [] demagogue, racist  . . . They will rename the avenue and street to Barack Obama Avenue and Michelle Obama Avenue where his NY tower is. He might die from a heart attack.

dis place fulla joke

wan undereducated punk making a living pan GNI calling Afro-Americans “apes” and every variation of n!gger he can get away with now bitterly cussing Donald Trump as a “demagogue” and “racist”


oh yes, and for good measure, cosying up to the ‘memory’ of Barack and Michele Obama . . . imagine?

the same folks he (Skeldon_man) and his black face, wannabe-KKK Indo frenos [Ksazma, please raise yuh blacker-than-mine haan] running down as sub-human 24/7 . . . hollering that â€œblacks are the scourge of the world“

Trump likely would buss a blood vessel laughing at these leprous fools . . . @ the irony


Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

America rejected crooked Hillary and they will reject Socialism and re-elect Donald Trump in 2020. Socialists can go sulk and suck salt.

Hey Hey Hey

Dumb as a skunk....3 million more Americans voted for her! Your socialism mantra is just an alt right key word. Even Bernie, the only declared socialist does not reject capitalism. 

Sean posted:

Dumbo, Americans have an electoral college system. That's what matters. 

Socialism is dead as doornail. The dems and lefties like yourself are dumber than Crooked Hillary !

What does the electorial college  have to do with t he reality that 3 million american voted for they did not reject her? 

You are parroting white right wing meme ignorantly. Yammering about socialism is their way of duping fools like you and the poor uneducated people who are voting against their interest and giving huge advantages to the rich.  That is why they have you parroting ideas t hat unregulated economies with laissez faire economics will produce benefits that trickle down. Well, it never happens. Even Hayek admits you need intervention at times. Labeling the principles that checks greed is not socialism dummy. It is government doing its duty to protect the weak, the disadvantaged and the left behind. I do not see you calling the Canadian Medical system socialist.

Stormborn posted:
Sean posted:

America rejected crooked Hillary and they will reject Socialism and re-elect Donald Trump in 2020. Socialists can go sulk and suck salt.

Hey Hey Hey

Dumb as a skunk....3 million more Americans voted for her! Your socialism mantra is just an alt right key word. Even Bernie, the only declared socialist does not reject capitalism. 

That is irrelevant. Remove NY and Cal he’s up 1 mil.  The way it works with winner takes it all, the only relevant states are 3 or 4 swing states.  Those that are in the Red camp, he took his message, but he focused his resources on the swing and never bothered with the strong Blue states!  His team, headed by Jared Kushner, used the ROI approach and invested where there was payback!  It worked!

Given the divisiveness of the race, the Blue states had high turn out for Hillary and low Republican turn out.  But it mattered not.

If America was a PR system, electioneering would have been different!

Sean posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Sean posted:

Bai, me always talk de truth. Who vex, vex.
Me seriously considering buying a lil place in Florida since me favourite President living there now. Dat man get balls to take on fake news and socialism.

Look How Obama bought a $ 50 million mansion at the backs of African American voters who largely remained poor during his rule. Trump made African American unemployment the lowest in US History !

Who de rass want to live back a Burnham style socialism ? 

Buddy Kaz vex like rass how Trump moving in he backyard. Look rass hey now. 

Trump is a conceited, demagogue, racist who believes in his power to get ahead in life. He should enjoy his few months left in office. NY is going to make him a pauper soon. They will rename the avenue and street to Barack Obama Avenue and Michelle Obama Avenue where his NY tower is. He might die from a heart attack.

Skelly, you sounding like CNN. They can only sell fake news.

NY can name any street of their choice and that is quite democratic.

No other American President has pulled off the biggest con job like Michelle and Barack Hussein Obama II. No other president bought a 50 Million dollar estate in less than a couple years of leaving office. That wealth was accumulated on the backs of poor blacks who quickly realized that they were used by Barack Hussein Obama II. 

Trump is a straight shooter. The left wing fake news just can't deal with it.

How about Biden's son making hundreds of millions just because his dad was VP ?

Bai, me hand fall now that you of all people bought into fake news. Like the AFC bais, you will catch on some day.



If Jagdeo can do it so can Obama.


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