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Trump says he will pardon Dinesh D'Souza, an Obama critic who violated campaign limits

, USA TODAY Published 9:35 a.m. ET May 31, 2018 | Updated 11:58 a.m. ET May 31, 2018

WASHINGTON — President Trump said Thursday he would pardon conservative commentator Dinesh D'Souza — and said he was considering clemency of former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich and lifestyle guru Martha Stewart as well. 

"Will be giving a Full Pardon to Dinesh D'Souza today. He was treated very unfairly by our government!" Trump tweeted Thursday as he headed to Texas. 

"Obama & his stooges tried to extinguish my American dream & destroy my faith in America," D'Souza responded on Twitter. "My heartfelt thanks to those who prayed for me, supported me & reached out on social media to President Trump to pardon me."


D'Souza is serving five years probation for making illegal campaign contributions in the names of others to support the candidacy of Republican New York Senate candidate Wendy Long, who lost to Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand. Those straw donations allowed him to give $20,000 in illegal contributions to the campaign, exceeding the $5,000 legal limit.


D'Souza pleaded guilty to the charge. And though he argued that he was being selectively prosecuted because of his attacks on President Barack Obama, he later backed off the claim at his sentencing.

"I'm sorry for what I did. I have never said otherwise," he said. "I have never even said I am being selectively prosecuted. I feared that I was being."

The D'Souza pardon would continue Trump's use of clemency power to correct what he perceives as unjust, politically motivated prosecutions. But they also come amid investigations into his own campaign and inner circle — including a probe into whether his personal attorney, Michael Cohen, violated the law when he illegally paid off a porn star who said she had a relationship with Trump. 


Rick Hasen, a University of California, Irvine law professor who specializes in election law, said the pardon sends "yet another signal to Michael Cohen and others about the possibility of a Trump pardon — and this one, like potentially Cohen’s case — involves campaign finance violations."

The pardon would mark the fifth full pardon granted by Trump during his presidency — all without going through the formal channels of the Justice Department. And it continues a pattern of politically motivated pardons that include former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio and former Bush White House aide Scooter Libby

Trump also pardoned Kristian Saucier, a former Navy submariner whose conviction for mishandling classified information became a conservative cause because of its comparisons to Democratic Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server. 

And just last week, Trump gave a rare posthumous pardon to Jack Johnson, the former heavyweight boxing champion convicted in 1913 of racially motivated charges related to his relationship with a white woman.

More: 'It's about time:' The 97-year history of Jack Johnson's quest for a pardon

Like all of those cases, D'Souza did not apply for a pardon with the Office of the Pardon Attorney, the Justice Department unit that conducts investigations of pardon cases and sends recommendations to the president. Under Justice Department rules, D'Souza would be ineligible through that process because he's still on probation.

But the president's constitutional authority to pardon is not bound by those rules, and so Trump has granted politically charged pardons even as he's denied 180 applications from people who have applied through the Justice Department.

"The pardon power itself is incredibly broad, but what informs the use of that power is where the critical question is," said Andrew Wright, a Savannah Law School professor who handled pardon cases while working in the White House counsel's office under Obama. 

"He views it as an extension of his situational politics," he said. "The coin of the realm in the Trump administration is flattery and aggressive defense of him on cable television, and if you’re willing to do that, you will get a different set of laws applicable to you."

More: After pardoning political allies, Trump quietly denies clemency for 180 others

D'Souza, 57, is an Indian-born author and documentary filmmaker whose work has assailed President Barack Obama, Islam and multiculturalism. His most recent book is The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left

Previous work includes the book The Roots of Obama's Rage and the film 2016: Obama's America, both of which argue that Obama's politics were formed by the anti-colonial ideology of his Kenyan-born estranged father. 

Though he was spared prison time in the campaign finance case, his conviction has put him under court supervision. He's requited to undergo weekly counseling sessions and complete an eight-hour day of community service during every week of his five-year probation. That community service: Teaching English to immigrants.

He also had to receive permission from a judge to leave the country in January for a research project to Nuremberg, Germany — where Nazis were put on trial for war crimes after World War II.

Raj Shah, a deputy White House press secretary, said Thursday that D'Souza had paid his debt — including a $30,000 fine and community service — but declined to address the process that led to the pardon.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Whether it's good or bad to pardon Dinesh D'Souza, the president has the power to extend his executive privilege to him. It's human nature to do wrong things. It happens to professional people in high places and to the common man in the street. Mr. D'Souza was remorseful in his pleas and he deserves to be pardoned. 


"Quote from the original article"

Raj Shah, a deputy White House press secretary, said Thursday that D'Souza had paid his debt — including a $30,000 fine and community service — but declined to address the process that led to the pardon.

"Unquote from the original article"


So by extension, Presidents should pardon all individuals who paid a fine, made community service, etc., etc., etc..


Dinesh was targeted by that anti-koolie Sikh Preet Bagharama. Preet Bagharama look for an East Indian so that he can ride his or her behind to get up in society and he found Dinesh.


Last edited by Prashad
Nehru Bagharama posted:

Preet is a GOD compare to that @#$% licking STOOGE!!!

Preet Bagharama is a ruthless anti koolie dog of the lowest kind . I am waiting for him to enter politics his opponent will get a large cheque compliments of yours truly Prashad.

Last edited by Prashad

Danesh DaSousa is a slime ball...he served time in jail and there is another case pending against him. He is a real modern day Uncle Tom...

He was married to another right wing, racist skinny white woman...just cant remember the name right now.

Conservatives love to catch non-white conservatives and play them up to try and boost their support among minorities..   


List of people pardoned by Bill Clinton

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The following is a partial list of people pardoned by Bill Clinton.[1] As President, Bill Clinton used his power under the U.S. Constitution to grant pardons and clemency to 456 people, thus commuting the sentences of those already convicted of a crime, and obviating a trial for those not yet convicted. On January 20, 2001, he pardoned 140 people in the final hours of his presidency.[2]

This list is a subset of the List of people pardoned or granted clemency by the President of the United States.


  1. James Barker (Flonzy)
  2. Ronald Henderson Blackley
  3. Bert Wayne Bolan
  4. Jon Michael Burton – charged with heavy drug trafficking
  5. Gloria Libia Camargo
  6. Charles F. Campbell
  7. David Ronald Chandler – federal death row inmate[3]
  8. Lau Ching Chin
  9. Donald R. Clark
  10. Loreta De-Ann Coffman
  11. Derrick Curry
  12. Velinda Desalus
  13. Jacob Elbaum
  14. Linda Sue Evans
  15. Loretta Sharon Fish
  16. Antoinette M. Frink
  17. David Goldstein
  18. Gerard A. Greenfield
  19. Bob F. Griffin – former Speaker of the Missouri House of Representatives, who was serving two years on bribery charges[4]
  20. Jodie E. Israel
  21. Kimberly Johnson
  22. Billy Thornton Langston Jr.
  23. Vicki Lopez Lukis – former Lee County, FL Commissioner who was serving a 27-month sentence for honest services mail fraud; her conviction was vacated on February 14, 2011
  24. Belinda Lynn Lumpkin
  25. Peter MacDonaldNavajo Chairman, serving a 14-year sentence for fraud and racketeering convictions
  26. Kellie Ann Mann
  27. Peter Ninemire
  28. Hugh Ricardo Padmore
  29. Amy Ralston Pofahl - released on July 7, 2000 due to "disparity of sentence" because her husband, the ringleader, received 3 years probation and she was held accountable for all the drugs he manufactured even though her role was limited.
  30. Arnold Paul Prosperi – Florida attorney, tax fraud, managed Clinton's 1967 campaign for student-council president[5]
  31. Melvin J. Reynolds – Democratic Congressman from Illinois – bank fraud and obstruction of justice
  32. Pedro Miguel Riveiro
  33. Dorothy Rivers – lead official in Jesse Jackson's Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, plead guilty to theft of $1.2 million in federal grant money
  34. Susan Rosenberg
  35. Kalmen Stern
  36. Cory Stringfellow
  37. Carlos Anibal Vignaliconvicted of cocaine trafficking
  38. Thomas Wilson Waddell III
  39. Harvey Weining
  40. Kim Allen Willis
  41. Kemba Smith


  1. Verla Jean Allen (1990 false statements to an agency of the United States)[6]
  2. Nicholas M. Altiere (1983 importation of cocaine)
  3. Bernice Ruth Altschul (1992 money laundering conspiracy)
  4. Joe Anderson Jr. (1988 income tax evasion)
  5. William Sterling Anderson (1987 defraudment of a financial institution, false statements to a financial institution, wire fraud)
  6. Mansour Azizkhani (1984 false statements in bank loan applications)
  7. Cleveland Victor Babin Jr. (1987 using the U.S. mail service to defraud)
  8. Chris Harmon Bagley (1989 conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine)
  9. Scott Lynn Bane (unlawful distribution of marijuana)
  10. Thomas Cleveland Barber (issuing worthless checks)
  11. Peggy Ann Bargon (violation of the Lacey Act, violation of the Bald Eagle Protection Act)
  12. David Roscoe Blampied (possess with intent to distribute cocaine)
  13. William Arthur Borders Jr. (conspiracy to corruptly solicit and accept money in return for influencing the official acts of a federal district court judge (Alcee L. Hastings), and to defraud the United States in connection with the performance of lawful government functions, corruptly influencing, obstructing, impeding and endeavoring to influence, obstruct and impede the due administration of justice, and aiding and abetting therein, and traveling interstate with intent to commit bribery)
  14. Arthur David Borel (odometer rollback)[7]
  15. Douglas Charles Borel (odometer rollback)[7]
  16. George Thomas Brabham (making a false statement or report to a federally insured bank)
  17. Almon Glenn Braswell (1983 mail fraud and perjury)
  18. Leonard Browder (illegal dispensing of controlled substance and Medicaid fraud)
  19. David Steven Brown (securities fraud and mail fraud)
  20. Delores Caroylene Burleson, aka Delores Cox Burleson (possession of marijuana)
  21. John H. Bustamante (wire fraud)
  22. Mary Louise Campbell (unauthorized use and transfer of food stamps)
  23. Eloida Candelaria (false information in registering to vote)
  24. Dennis Sobrevinas Capili (filing false statements in alien registration)
  25. Donna Denise Chambers (intent to distribute cocaine)
  26. Douglas Eugene Chapman (bank fraud)
  27. Ronald Keith Chapman (bank fraud)
  28. Francisco Larois Chavez (aiding and abetting illegal entry of aliens)[7]
  29. Henry Cisneros (former HUD Secretary)
  30. Roger Clinton, Jr. (cocaine charges, half-brother of President Bill Clinton)[5]
  31. Stuart Harris Cohn (illegal sale of commodity options)
  32. David Marc Cooper (conspiracy to defraud the government)
  33. Ernest Harley Cox Jr. (defraud of federally insured savings and loan)
  34. John F. Cross Jr. (embezzlement)
  35. Rickey Lee Cunningham (intent to distribute marijuana)
  36. Richard Anthony De Labio (mail fraud)
  37. John Deutch (former Director of Central Intelligence Agency)
  38. Richard Douglas (false statements to a government agent)
  39. Edward Downe, Jr. (wire fraud, false income tax returns and securities fraud)
  40. Marvin Dean Dudley (false statements)
  41. Larry Lee Duncan
  42. Galen R. Elmore (convicted of cattle theft)
  43. Robert Clinton Fain
  44. Marcos Arcenio Fernandez
  45. Alvarez Ferrouillet
  46. Henry O. Flipper – guilty of "conduct unbecoming an officer" (1882)
  47. William Dennis Fugazy
  48. Lloyd Reid George
  49. Louis Goldstein
  50. Rubye Lee Gordon
  51. Pincus Green
  52. Robert Ivey Hamner
  53. Samuel Price Handley
  54. Woodie Randolph Handley
  55. Jay Houston Harmon
  56. Rick Hendrick
  57. John Hemmingson
  58. David S. Herdlinger
  59. Debi Rae Huckleberry
  60. Warren C. Hultgren Jr.
  61. Donald Ray James
  62. Stanley Pruet Jobe
  63. Ruben H. Johnson
  64. Linda Jones
  65. Preston King (Civil rights activism)[8]
  66. James Howard Lake
  67. June Louise Lewis
  68. Salim Bonnor Lewis
  69. John Leighton Lodwick
  70. Hildebrando Lopez
  71. Jose Julio Luaces
  72. James Timothy Maness
  73. James Lowell Manning, (1982, aiding and assisting in the preparation of a false corporate income tax return)
  74. John Robert Martin
  75. Frank Ayala Martinez
  76. Silvia Leticia Beltran Martinez
  77. John Francis McCormick
  78. Susan H. McDougal (Whitewater controversy)
  79. Howard Mechanic
  80. Brook K. Mitchell Sr.
  81. Samuel Loring Morison
  82. Charles Wilfred Morgan III
  83. Richard Anthony Nazzaro
  84. Charlene Ann Nosenko
  85. Vernon Raymond Obermeier
  86. Miguelina Ogalde
  87. David C. Owen
  88. Robert W. Palmer
  89. Kelli Anne Perhosky
  90. Richard H. Pezzopane
  91. Orville Rex Phillips
  92. Vinson Stewart Poling Jr.
  93. James G. Powell
  94. Norman Lyle Prouse – former Captain for Northwest Airlines, imprisoned for flying while intoxicated[7]
  95. Willie H. H. Pruitt Jr.[9]
  96. Danny Martin Pursley Sr.
  97. Charles D. Ravenel
  98. William Clyde Ray
  99. Alfredo Luna Regalado
  100. Ildefonso Reynes Ricafort
  101. Marc Rich
  102. Howard Winfield Riddle
  103. Richard Wilson Riley Jr. (cocaine and marijuana charges, father was Clinton's Education Secretary)[5]
  104. Samuel Lee Robbins
  105. Joel Gonzales Rodriguez
  106. Michael James Rogers
  107. Anna Louise Ross
  108. Dan Rostenkowski – former Democratic Congressman convicted in the Congressional Post Office scandal
  109. Gerald Glen Rust
  110. Jerri Ann Rust
  111. Bettye June Rutherford
  112. Gregory Lee Sands
  113. Al Schwimmer
  114. Albert A. Seretti Jr.
  115. Patricia Campbell Hearst Shaw
  116. Dennis Joseph Smith
  117. Gerald Owen Smith
  118. Stephen A. Smith
  119. Jimmie Lee Speake
  120. Charles Bernard Stewart
  121. Marlena Francisca Stewart-Rollins
  122. Fife Symington III – former Republican Arizona governor
  123. Richard Lee Tannehill
  124. Nicholas C. Tenaglia
  125. Gary Allen Thomas
  126. Larry Weldon Todd
  127. Olga C. Trevino
  128. Ignatious Vamvouklis
  129. Patricia A. Van De Weerd
  130. Christopher V. Wade
  131. Bill Wayne Warmath
  132. Jack Kenneth Watson
  133. Donna Lynn Webb
  134. Donald William Wells
  135. Robert H. Wendt
  136. Jack L. Williams
  137. Kavin Arthur Williams
  138. Robert Michael Williams
  139. Jimmie Lee Wilson
  140. Thelma Louise Wingate
  141. Mitchell Couey Wood
  142. Warren Stannard Wood
  143. Dewey Worthey
  144. Rick Allen Yale
  145. Joseph A. Yasak
  146. William Stanley Yingling
  147. Phillip David Young
  148. Keith Sanders
  149. Darren Muci
  150. John Scott (not a full pardon)
  151. Amy Ralston Pofahl (drug money laundering, distribution and manufacturing Ecstasy)



List of people granted executive clemency by Barack Obama

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
By the end of his presidency on January 20, 2017, Barack Obama had exercised his constitutional power to grant executive clemency—that is, "pardon, commutation of sentence, remission of fine or restitution, and reprieve"[1]—to 1,927 individuals convicted of federal crimes. Of the acts of clemency, 1,715 were commutations (including 504 life sentences) and 212 were pardons.[2] Most individuals granted executive clemency by Obama had been convicted on drug charges,[3] and had received lengthy and sometimes mandatory sentences at the height of the War on Drugs.[4]

Obama holds the record for the largest single-day use of the clemency power, granting 330 commutations on January 19, 2017, his last full day in office.[5][6] He also has issued more commutations than the past thirteen presidents combined.[2][7]



The pardon powers of the President are outlined in Article Two of the United States Constitution (Section 2, Clause 1), which provides:


  • A pardon is an executive order granting clemency for a conviction, it may be granted "at any point after the...commission" of the crime.[8] As per Justice Department regulations, convicted persons may only apply five or more years after their sentence has been completed.[9] However, the President's power to pardon is not restricted by any temporal constraints except that the crime must have been committed. Its practical effect is the restoration of civil rights and statutory disabilities (i.e., firearm rights, occupational licensing) associated with a past criminal conviction.[9] In rarer cases, such as the pardon of Richard Nixon, a pardon can also halt criminal proceedings and prevent an indictment.
  • A commutation is the mitigation of the sentence of someone currently serving a sentence for a crime pursuant to a conviction, without vacating the conviction itself.[9]


This is a partial list of people pardoned or granted clemency by a United States president, ordered by date of pardon or commutation. For an updated list, see U.S. Department of Justice.[10]



NameCourt or Home CitySentencing DateSentenceOffense
James Bernard BanksUnited States District Court for the District of Utah19722 years probationIllegal possession of government property
Russell James DixonUnited States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia19602 years probationLiquor law violation
Laurens DorseyUnited States District Court for the District of New Jersey19985 years probation; $71,000 restitutionConspiracy to defraud by making false statements to the Food and Drug Administration
Ronald Lee FosterUnited States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina1963Probation; $20 fineMutilation of coins
Timothy James GallagherUnited States District Court for the District of Arizona19823 years probationCocaine possession and conspiracy to distribute
Roxane Kay HettingerUnited States District Court for the Northern District of Iowa198630 days in jail; 3 years probationConspiracy to distribute cocaine
Edgar Leopold Kranz Jr.General court-martial convened at Hickam Air Force Base199424 months confinement; reduction in payCocaine use, adultery and bouncing checks
Floretta LeavyUnited States District Court for the District of Kansas1984366 days in prison; 3 years probationDrug offenses
Scoey Lathaniel MorrisUnited States District Court for the Western District of Texas19913 years probation; $1,200 fineCounterfeiting offense.


NameCourt or Home CitySentencing DateSentenceOffense
Randy Eugene DyerUnited States District Court for the Western District of Washington19755 years in prisonConspiracy to import marijuana (hashish), conspiracy to remove baggage from the custody and control of the U.S. Customs Service and convey false information concerning an attempt to damage a civil aircraft
Danny Alonzo LevitzUnited States District Court for the Northern District of Indiana19802 years of probation, $400 fineConspiracy
Michael Ray NealUnited States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia19916 months in prison, 3 years of supervised release conditioned on 6 months of home confinement, $2,500 fineManufacture, assembly, modification and distribution of equipment for unauthorized decryption of satellite cable programming
Edwin Alan NorthUnited States District Court for the Northern District of Indiana19806 months of unsupervised probationTransfer of a firearm without payment of transfer tax
Allen Edward PerattUnited States District Court for the District of South Dakota199030 months in prison, 5 years of supervised releaseConspiracy to distribute methamphetamine
Christine Marie RossiterUnited States District Court for the District of Nebraska19923 years of probation conditioned on performance of 500 hours of community serviceConspiracy to distribute less than 50 kilograms of marijuana
Patricia Ann WeinzatlUnited States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin20013 years of probation, $5,000 fineStructuring transactions to evade reporting requirements
Bobby Gerald WilsonUnited States District Court for the Southern District of Georgia19853½ months in prison, 5 years of probation conditioned on performance of 300 hours of community service, $400 fineAiding and abetting the possession and sale of illegal American alligator hides (Lacey Act)


NameCourt or Home CitySentencing DateSentenceOffense
Lesley Claywood Berry Jr.United States District Court for the District of Minnesota19883 years in prisonConspiracy to manufacture, possess with intent to distribute, and distribute marijuana
Bobby JacksonUnited States District Court for the Middle District of Alabama19875 years probation and $20,000 fineConspiracy to possess with intent to distribute in excess of 1,000 pounds of marijuana
Ricky Dale CollettUnited States District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky20021 year of probation conditioned on 60 days of home detentionAiding and abetting in the manufacture of 61 marijuana plants
Martin KaprelianUnited States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois19849 years in prison, 5 years of probationConspiracy to transport stolen property in interstate commerce, transporting stolen property, concealing stolen property
Thomas Paul LedfordUnited States District Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee19951 year of probation conditioned on performance of 100 hours of community serviceConducting and directing an illegal gambling business


NameCourt or Home CitySentencing DateSentenceOffense
Robert Leroy BebeeRockville, Maryland1979Two years probationMisprision (concealment) of a felony
James Anthony BordinaroGloucester, Massachusetts199112 months imprisonment, three years supervised release and a $55,000 fineConspiracy to restrain, suppress, and eliminate competition in violation of the Sherman Act; conspiracy to submit false statements
Kelli Elisabeth CollinsHarrison, Arkansas1994Five years probationAiding and abetting a wire fraud
Edwin Hardy Futch, Jr.Pembroke, Georgia1976Five years probation, $2,399.72 restitutionTheft from an interstate shipment
Cindy Marie GriffithMoyock, North Carolina2000Two years probation with 100 hours of community serviceDistribution of satellite cable television decryption devices
Roy Eugene Grimes, Sr.Athens, Tennessee196118 months probationFalsely altering a United States postal money order, uttering, and publishing a forged and altered money order with intent to defraud
Jon Christopher KozeliskiDecatur, Illinois1994One year of probation with six months of home confinement, $10,000 fineConspiracy to traffic counterfeit goods
Jimmy Ray MattisonAnderson, South Carolina1969Three years probationConspiracy to transport and cause the transportation of altered securities in interstate commerce,; transporting and causing the transportation of altered securities in interstate commerce
An Na PengHonolulu, Hawaii1996Two years probation, $2,000 fineConspiracy to defraud the Immigration and Naturalization Service
Michael John PetriMontrose, South Dakota1989Five years imprisonment, three years supervised releaseConspiracy to possess with intent to distribute and distribution of a controlled substance (cocaine)
Karen Alicia RageeDecatur, Illinois1994One year of probation with six months of home confinement, $2,500 fineConspiracy to traffic counterfeit goods
Jamari SallehAlexandria, Virginia1989Four years probation, $5,000 fine, $5,900 restitutionFalse claims upon and against the United States
Alfor SharkeyOmaha, Nebraska1994Three years probation with 100 hours of community service, $2,750 restitutionUnauthorized acquisition of food stamps
Donald Barrie Simon, Jr.Chattanooga, Tennessee1982Two years imprisonment, three years probationAiding and abetting in the theft of an interstate shipment
Lynn Marie StanekTualatin, Oregon1986Six months in jail, five years probation conditioned on residence in a community treatment center for a period not to exceed one yearUnlawful use of a communication facility to distribute cocaine
Larry Wayne ThorntonForsyth, Georgia1974Four years probationPossession of an unregistered firearm; possession of a firearm without a serial number
Donna Kaye WrightFriendship, Tennessee198354 days imprisonment, three years probation conditioned on performance of six hours of community service per weekEmbezzlement and misapplication of bank funds


NameCourt or Home CitySentencing DateSentenceOffense
William Ricardo AlvarezMarietta, Georgia District of Puerto Rico1979Time served after nine months' imprisonment, four years' supervised release (April 30, 1997; amended July 31, 1997)Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute heroin; conspiracy to import heroin
Charlie Lee Davis, Jr.Wetumpka, Alabama Middle District of Alabama199587 months' imprisonment, five years' supervised release (March 21, 1995)Possession with intent to distribute cocaine base; use of a minor to distribute cocaine base
Ronald Eugene GreenwoodCrane, Missouri District of South Dakota1996Three years' probation, conditioned on six months' home confinement, 100 hours community service, $5,000 restitution, $1,000 fine (November 18, 1996)Conspiracy to violate the Clean Water Act
Little Joe Hatch, aka Joe Hatch Sr.Lake Placid, Florida Southern District of Florida199060 months' imprisonment, four years' supervised release (May 15, 1990)Possession with intent to distribute marijuana
Martin Alan HatcherFoley, Alabama, Southern District Of Alabama19925 years probationDistribution and possession with intent to distribute marijuana[11]
Derek James LaliberteDistrict of Maine(October 2, 1992; amended May 21, 1993).18 months' imprisonment, 2 years' supervised releaseMoney Laundering[12]
Alfred J. MackDistrict of Columbia Superior Court(April 5, 1982)18 to 54 months' imprisonmentUnlawful distribution of heroin[12]
Robert Andrew SchindlerDistrict of Utah(May 14, 1996).Three years' probation, four months' home confinement, $10,000 restitutionConspiracy to commit wire fraud and mail fraud[12]
Willie Shaw, Jr.District of South Carolina(August 7, 1974)Fifteen years' imprisonmentArmed bank robbery
Kimberly Lynn Stout, formerly known as Kimberly Lynn CooleyWestern District of Virginia(November 9, 1993)One day imprisonment, three years' supervised release (including five months home confinement)Bank embezzlement, Fraud[12]
Bernard Anthony Sutton, Jr.Eastern District of Virginia(April 4, 1989)Three years' probation, $825 restitution, $500 fineTheft of personal property[12]
Chris Deann SwitzerDistrict of Nebraska(June 25, 1996)Four years' probation, conditioned on six months home confinement, 200 hours' community serviceConspiracy to violate narcotics laws (methamphetamine)[12]
Miles Thomas WilsonWilliamsburg, Ohio Southern District of Ohio1981Three years' probation (July 15, 1981)Mail fraud



NameCourtSentencedSentenceOffenseTerms of
Eugenia Marie JenningsUnited States District Court for the Southern District of Illinois2001262 months (21 years, 10 months) in prison, 8 years of supervised release, $1,750 fineDistribution of cocaine baseSentence expired on December 21, 2011, leaving intact and in effect the eight-year term of supervised release with all its conditions and all other components of the sentence.
Mark Anthony JonesUnited States District Court for the Northern District of Florida1999Life imprisonment; 10 years' supervised releaseDistribution of cocaine basePrison sentence commuted to expire on November 10, 2015, leaving intact and in effect the 10-year term of supervised release with all its conditions and all other components of the sentence.
Rory Larry LeeUnited States District Court for the Middle District of Florida1990Life imprisonment; 10 years' supervised releaseConspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine base (enhanced penalty), distribution of 50 grams or more of cocaine base (two counts)N/A.

December 19, 2013

NameCourtSentencedSentenceOffenseTerms of Commutation
Clarence AaronUnited States District Court for the Southern District of AlabamaDecember 10, 1993Life imprisonment; 5 years' supervised releaseConspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine and cocaine base, possession with intent to distribute cocaine, attempt to possess cocaine with intent to distribute (erroneously listed in the judgment as conspiracy to distribute cocaine)Sentence of imprisonment to expire on April 17, 2014, leaving intact and in effect the five-year term of supervised release with all its conditions and all other components of the sentence

On July 13, 2015, Obama announced he would be commuting the sentences of 46 drug offenders.[13]


On June 6, 2016, Obama announced he would be commuting the sentences of 42 offenders. [14]

NameCourtSentencing DateTime servedOffenseTerms of
Eric E. AlvarezEastern District of North Carolina2000360 months (30 years) in prison, 5 years of supervised releaseDistribution of cocaine and cocaine baseSentence expired on October 1, 2016, leaving intact and in effect the five-year term of supervised release with all its conditions and all other components of the sentence.
Dale BaldwinMiddle District of Florida1995Life imprisonment; 10 years' supervised releaseConspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine basePrison sentence commuted to expire on October 1, 2016, leaving intact and in effect the 10-year term of supervised release with all its conditions and all other components of the sentence.


Obama granted 78 commutations on this day.[3]


On January 17, 2017, Obama commuted the sentence of 209 individuals (109 of whom faced life sentences).[2] These included Chelsea Manning and Oscar López Rivera, enabling them to be released from prison on May 17, 2017. Manning's sentence initially ran through the year 2045. Obama also pardoned James Cartwright, who was awaiting sentencing for giving false statements to federal investigators.[15][16]


Obama commuted the prison sentences of 330 federal inmates, particularly drug offenders, on Thursday, January 19, 2017, his last full day in office. Obama did so, as one of his final acts in office, in order to reduce what he viewed as overly harsh punishments.[17]

VishMahabir posted:

Danesh DaSousa is a slime ball...he served time in jail and there is another case pending against him. He is a real modern day Uncle Tom...

He was married to another right wing, racist skinny white woman...just cant remember the name right now.

Conservatives love to catch non-white conservatives and play them up to try and boost their support among minorities..   

He pleaded guilty to the crime.

Leonora posted:
cain posted:

Admin should give u shit for taking up space with all that stupidness.

The dude just used up all the bandwidth. 

All dem lefties are crying like a bunch of Hypocrites. A list of Obama's and Clinton's pardons of criminals are now taking up bandwidth ?

Django is the king of taking up GNI bandwidth.

Nehru posted:

I do not know which World you live in but you are the last person to speak of integrity, morals and fairness.

You don't know me and I don't know you.  In my world, any koolie who goes out of their way to humiliate and degragate other koolies so as to use them as a stepping stone to get up in society is a koolie dog of the lowest kind in my eyes.  Preet Bharataata can go and lick my brown boot.

Last edited by Prashad

The other sikh in Trump's cabinet, UN ambassador, probably is very hurt tonight to see her Sikh brother Preet being humiliated in this way.  Sikhs are not like us crabdog Hindus.  They always see each other as brothers and sisters.

Prashad posted:
Nehru posted:

I do not know which World you live in but you are the last person to speak of integrity, morals and fairness.

You don't know me and I don't know you.  In my world, any koolie who goes out of their way to humiliate and degragate other koolies so as to use them as a stepping stone to get up in society is a koolie dog of the lowest kind in my eyes.  Preet Bharataata can go and lick my brown boot.

What if that koolie is a crook and Preet is holding him accountable for his crookedness? Both Dinesh and Baldeo are crooked koolies and Dinesh is lucky all he got was probation.


Trump should pardon Snowden!

Trump should also grant conditional pardon to all non-violent inmates and fund vocational schooling.  Upon graduation, finalize the pardons.    Make it so the two years fall after 2020. 😉

ksazma posted:
Prashad posted:
Nehru posted:

I do not know which World you live in but you are the last person to speak of integrity, morals and fairness.

You don't know me and I don't know you.  In my world, any koolie who goes out of their way to humiliate and degragate other koolies so as to use them as a stepping stone to get up in society is a koolie dog of the lowest kind in my eyes.  Preet Bharataata can go and lick my brown boot.

What if that koolie is a crook and Preet is holding him accountable for his crookedness? Both Dinesh and Baldeo are crooked koolies and Dinesh is lucky all he got was probation.

I will not be surprised in the least if it turns out that Preet Bharataata has a deep stinking hate for Hindus.  Hindus are all about fighting each other, backstabbing each other and crabdogging each other.  They are no match for a united Sikh brotherhood ruthless society climber like Preet Bharataata.  Preet Bharataata can go kiss my brown Hindu behind.


rince posted:

Whether it's good or bad to pardon Dinesh D'Souza, the president has the power to extend his executive privilege to him. It's human nature to do wrong things. It happens to professional people in high places and to the common man in the street. Mr. D'Souza was remorseful in his pleas and he deserves to be pardoned. 

Dude, have you been taking Ambien again? People who do wrong things get punished for their deeds. He pleaded guilty and was given probation. The jackass should have been jailed.  So everyone who displays remorsefulness should be pardoned? What a babbling lizard brain!!


The dude belongs in jail...he pleaded guilty. I read somewhere where another Indian described him as a self-hating Indian who is not only conservative but he is a virulent anti-democrat...look at the words he used to describe Preet Barrera...he accused him of not wanting to see an Indian American make progress and he said Karma is a bothered him that another Indian was after him...he sees this as being personal, not acknowledging his crime....he was married to two knuckleheads....Laura Ingram and Ann Coulter...


Vish, that is the problem with people like Prash. And I thought only PNC supporters were that naive, gullible and clannish!!!!!!!!!!

Preet is the ultimate Crime Fighter. Why you think the Orange Orangutan fired him..

Preet MUST run for the NY Attorney General position and ALL of us MUST HELP to get him elected!!!

Nehru posted:

Vish, that is the problem with people like Prash. And I thought only PNC supporters were that naive, gullible and clannish!!!!!!!!!!

Preet is the ultimate Crime Fighter. Why you think the Orange Orangutan fired him..

Preet MUST run for the NY Attorney General position and ALL of us MUST HELP to get him elected!!!

You think they will turn out and vote?  Guyanese don’t turn out and vote for their local community leaders ceding it to Italians and Jews then complain about potholes and street lights.  

Nehru posted:

Vish, that is the problem with people like Prash. And I thought only PNC supporters were that naive, gullible and clannish!!!!!!!!!!

Preet is the ultimate Crime Fighter. Why you think the Orange Orangutan fired him..

Preet MUST run for the NY Attorney General position and ALL of us MUST HELP to get him elected!!!

If Preet Bhagaratma becomes Attorney General then God please help Hindu East Indians.  This ruthless Sikh society climber will mercilessly go after them with a ruthless ambitious vengeance.  

Last edited by Prashad
VishMahabir posted:

The dude belongs in jail...he pleaded guilty. I read somewhere where another Indian described him as a self-hating Indian who is not only conservative but he is a virulent anti-democrat...look at the words he used to describe Preet Barrera...he accused him of not wanting to see an Indian American make progress and he said Karma is a bothered him that another Indian was after him...he sees this as being personal, not acknowledging his crime....he was married to two knuckleheads....Laura Ingram and Ann Coulter...

I sincerely feel sorry for him now. 

VishMahabir posted:

.he was married to two knuckleheads....Laura Ingram and Ann Coulter...

not true

these things are easily checked . . . why do y’all insist on posting stuff like this?


I truly hope that Guyanese Hindus do not turn out to vote for Preet Bharattarama for anything.  This united Sikh brotherhood and sisterhood ruthless society climber may have recognized that Hindus are easy pickings to be used for political ambition because of their history of backstabbing each other, crabdog fighting of each other and the jealousy of Hindus for each other.  This ruthless Sikh society climber may use and ride Hindus to achieve all of his ambitious goals in life.

Last edited by Prashad
skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:

Both Ingraham and Coulter have horse face. 

All along I thought Coulter was a man parading in women's clothing.

And as bad as her looks are, her stupidness is worse. 


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