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Bibi Haniffa posted:

Republicans don't have a good track record with the markets.  It will recover.  It's a good buying opportunity.  That said, it will be a great Presidency.  He will run the country like a business.  Watch for good results.

The markets of indicators of how the business class thinks.

Now how can an economy boom if the business class predicts instability?

Americans gauge the economy by what the markets do, and by unemployment levels. Business men gauge the economy by the market's performance. Not good and Trump isn't even president yet.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Republicans don't have a good track record with the markets.  It will recover.  It's a good buying opportunity.  That said, it will be a great Presidency.  He will run the country like a business.  Watch for good results.

So should we be looking at America defaulting on its debt? The Republicans own the Senate and House now, so what Mitch McConnell and John Boenher failed at may happen.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Republicans don't have a good track record with the markets.  It will recover.  It's a good buying opportunity.  That said, it will be a great Presidency.  He will run the country like a business.  Watch for good results.

Countries are not business..that is ignorance. Countries are not for profit enterprise...but for the greatest social good for the most with what one has.  What great presidency can come from Trickle down...tried and failed before.  Surely a Muslim registry would not be palatable to anyone. Insularism is not going to make america great. He is against environmental practices, has no plan for student debt or college and thinks the inner city are so bad he needs stop and frisk is a plan.  His economic plan already adds trillions to the debt. His campaign has been nothing but a minstral show that pressed all the awful buttons one can push with no substance behind it.

Last edited by Former Member

Be prepared for a decline in America. On an emotional level the things he says has appeal to the uneducated and who felt left behind.  It is easier to talk and much more difficult to do.  Some just can't be done. Prepare for a third world experience and a step backwards for America.  Buying opportunity on the market as I took profits yesterday.



FC posted:

True dat. It was a reality show to win support and to his credit it worked.  A con job of sorts.  Let us see what he is got.  He can't rant anymore.

Fortunately, this is a democracy. One has to push back on things that are awful. We cannot abide by a call to register Muslims or a religious test to come into the country. We have to push back against drilling in the wild life preserves.

We cannot stop the keystone pipeline and the poor Sioux have lost any support for the pipeline crossing their lands. He will not build a wall that would make america broke because the fiction of the Mexican paying for it is just that fiction.

Coal is not coming back nor are factories in the rust belt of the kind that would produce employment for the blue collar folks there. Four years down the road and they will be worse off.

The same for the one wants large standing armies. One needs technology with the ability to win from a distance . We need a vitalized space program etc

He will trade away the Ukraine. To him you have to get something else you do nothing. The Ukraine has nothing to give and lots of poor people who depend on the US as their shield.

This man was all america will see 4 percent growth!


You people are stupid. America was built by immigrants.  The down trodden whites feel left behind when immigrants are doing better than them.  

All of you are seen as part of the problem. Get that in your stupid heads. When walk down the street you are viewed in that context. Get that in your heads fools.

Last edited by Former Member
FC posted:

You people are stupid. America was built by immigrants.  The down trodden whites feel left behind when immigrants are doing better than them.  

All of you are seen as part of the problem. Get that in your stupid heads. When walk down the street you are viewed in that context. Get that in your heads fools.


Bibi Haniffa posted:

Correct!!  They are taking their countries back from the immigrants.  As Mitwah-ji would say, "Who vex, vex!"

As I often say, one can expect you to express how stupid you are with every post. Trump is a first generation immigrant. His wife is a refugee from Slovenia which is on par with Guyana. This is a land of immigrants and not white people. Every american black person has ancestors going back in this country more than most white folks.

Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Correct!!  They are taking their countries back from the immigrants.  As Mitwah-ji would say, "Who vex, vex!"

As I often say, one can expect you to express how stupid you are with every post. Trump is a first generation immigrant. His wife is a refugee from Slovenia which is on par with Guyana. This is a land of immigrants and not white people. Every american black person has ancestors going back in this country more than most white folks.

Why black? What happen to the buckman that was here before the niggroes?

skeldon_man posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Correct!!  They are taking their countries back from the immigrants.  As Mitwah-ji would say, "Who vex, vex!"

As I often say, one can expect you to express how stupid you are with every post. Trump is a first generation immigrant. His wife is a refugee from Slovenia which is on par with Guyana. This is a land of immigrants and not white people. Every american black person has ancestors going back in this country more than most white folks.

Why black? What happen to the buckman that was here before the niggroes?

I am speaking of immigrants dummy. I pity people like you have to live with that awful disease call racism daily. Surely it cannot be contribution to a good life.

Danyael posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Correct!!  They are taking their countries back from the immigrants.  As Mitwah-ji would say, "Who vex, vex!"

As I often say, one can expect you to express how stupid you are with every post. Trump is a first generation immigrant. His wife is a refugee from Slovenia which is on par with Guyana. This is a land of immigrants and not white people. Every american black person has ancestors going back in this country more than most white folks.

Why black? What happen to the buckman that was here before the niggroes?

I am speaking of immigrants dummy. I pity people like you have to live with that awful disease call racism daily. Surely it cannot be contribution to a good life.

Do you know for sure that his wife was a refugee? Refugees are allowed to work in America sthupid. How come she was not?

skeldon_man posted:
Danyael posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Correct!!  They are taking their countries back from the immigrants.  As Mitwah-ji would say, "Who vex, vex!"

As I often say, one can expect you to express how stupid you are with every post. Trump is a first generation immigrant. His wife is a refugee from Slovenia which is on par with Guyana. This is a land of immigrants and not white people. Every american black person has ancestors going back in this country more than most white folks.

Why black? What happen to the buckman that was here before the niggroes?

I am speaking of immigrants dummy. I pity people like you have to live with that awful disease call racism daily. Surely it cannot be contribution to a good life.

Do you know for sure that his wife was a refugee? Refugees are allowed to work in America sthupid. How come she was not?

We are all refugees. We left our homes to seek refuge where opportunity exists. That is the reality of it

I do not know even why I entertain the question from you. Here in this land you have become all you can be but forgot the people on whose backs you stand. I am astounded that people like you, Seignet, Cobra still exist. You defy understanding. It is a very rare thing among immigrants.



Forget this dunce. They are mental midgets. Guyanese came via first class. They were skilled workers that were in high demand in America. He has never heard of "back track "/human trafficking and Guyanese entering in car trunks & trucks destined for America from neighbouring countries. 

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:

So now Trump has to deliver, and if he doesn't I will remind you.

BTW the market is crashing. If people fear that this signals a slump and endless trade wars jeopardizing US export markets let us see where these jobs will come from.

I'm sure he will deliver much better than Obama did.  America has turned the corner away from the downward slide.

On the markets, I would not read too much into this knee-jerk reaction.  It had dialed in a Clinton win so the upset will cause a gyration and repositioning of assets.  The trade issues will settle to a norm, currency will rebalance and Trump will restore America!

Danyael posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Danyael posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Correct!!  They are taking their countries back from the immigrants.  As Mitwah-ji would say, "Who vex, vex!"

As I often say, one can expect you to express how stupid you are with every post. Trump is a first generation immigrant. His wife is a refugee from Slovenia which is on par with Guyana. This is a land of immigrants and not white people. Every american black person has ancestors going back in this country more than most white folks.

Why black? What happen to the buckman that was here before the niggroes?

I am speaking of immigrants dummy. I pity people like you have to live with that awful disease call racism daily. Surely it cannot be contribution to a good life.

Do you know for sure that his wife was a refugee? Refugees are allowed to work in America sthupid. How come she was not?

We are all refugees. We left our homes to seek refuge where opportunity exists. That is the reality of it


Well, if you say so, we were refugees of the PNC and their apartheid policies.  At least we agree on something!  However, many Indians ran away from PNC oppression and racist brutality, not economic.

ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Danyael posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Correct!!  They are taking their countries back from the immigrants.  As Mitwah-ji would say, "Who vex, vex!"

As I often say, one can expect you to express how stupid you are with every post. Trump is a first generation immigrant. His wife is a refugee from Slovenia which is on par with Guyana. This is a land of immigrants and not white people. Every american black person has ancestors going back in this country more than most white folks.

Why black? What happen to the buckman that was here before the niggroes?

I am speaking of immigrants dummy. I pity people like you have to live with that awful disease call racism daily. Surely it cannot be contribution to a good life.

Do you know for sure that his wife was a refugee? Refugees are allowed to work in America sthupid. How come she was not?

We are all refugees. We left our homes to seek refuge where opportunity exists. That is the reality of it


Well, if you say so, we were refugees of the PNC and their apartheid policies.  At least we agree on something!  However, many Indians ran away from PNC oppression and racist brutality, not economic.

Yep...they were doing so well in the mud and squatting in out houses and getting their bi-annual drenching by floods! Great life

kp posted:


I don't think you will see the angry rhetoric about Muslims and illegal immigration.  He will be tough on criminal illegals, he will build a wall in the desolate expanses, he will seek a pathway for some type of legalization for those who have been here a long time and are productive citizens.  He will develop a guest-worker program to meet the demands of parts of the economy.  It will not be a free-for-all, it will be controlled carrying certain right and obligations.

Trump, the pragmatist, will kick off an initiative to deal with the pervasive Black situation.  He will go to the root cause and build up their society.  He will seek a solution to the legal hurdles many face.  This is an area of interest of Newt Gingrich.  Regarding Black issues, Trump will make Obama look like a kindergarten blabber-mouth!

Trump will seek a solution to the Palestinian issue.  He remained luke-warm with the Israeli Right and did not embrace them.  As a result, he was even labelled anti-semitic, something trumped up be the media.

Trump will focus on American energy independence and seek less involvement in ME conflict.  He will do a deal with Russia on some of these hot spots.  Not sure how far he will go with that!

ba$eman posted:
kp posted:


I don't think you will see the angry rhetoric about Muslims and illegal immigration.  He will be tough on criminal illegals, he will build a wall in the desolate expanses, he will seek a pathway for some type of legalization for those who have been here a long time and are productive citizens.  He will develop a guest-worker program to meet the demands of parts of the economy.  It will not be a free-for-all, it will be controlled carrying certain right and obligations.

Trump, the pragmatist, will kick off an initiative to deal with the pervasive Black situation.  He will go to the root cause and build up their society.  He will seek a solution to the legal hurdles many face.  This is an area of interest of Newt Gingrich.  Regarding Black issues, Trump will make Obama look like a kindergarten blabber-mouth!

Trump will seek a solution to the Palestinian issue.  He remained luke-warm with the Israeli Right and did not embrace them.  As a result, he was even labelled anti-semitic, something trumped up be the media.

Trump will focus on American energy independence and seek less involvement in ME conflict.  He will do a deal with Russia on some of these hot spots.  Not sure how far he will go with that!

And he will by his own hand design and fabricate the perpetual motion machine!

ba$eman posted:
VVP posted:

Trump strategic plan:

America files for bankruptcy :-)

Aah, shut up you stupid dunce!  Go hide under a rock and lick your sorey ass!

Again...the man is an engineer...I discussed everything from the design of our constitution to machine language here...You simply rant about your racist positions and call others stupid when you get stumped...which is more often than not.


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