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Keffer is one of those brainwashed radicalized fools.

Those tribal bastards are responsible for a lot of trouble across the globe. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Keffer is one of those brainwashed radicalized fools.

Those tribal bastards are responsible for a lot of trouble across the globe. 

Yuji, Israel is the reason this world is like this today. The British took the Palestinians' lands and give it to Israel. Today, with the backing of the rich Jews across America, the Palestinians are being exterminated 2 and 3 at a time. Netanyahu is the worst liar on the earth. America is to be blamed for the fate of some Muslims. Money corrupts.

Leonora posted:
kp posted:

Some are force to show their loyalty because  they work for the State. Respect the Title or Leader is the same Damn thingy , you respect the man in my book he is sexual pervert. As a cult leader he must have followers. Trump the greatest  Fraudster on earth.

How come you Canadians don't talk about Canada but are busy in US matters? Is Canada so boring?

We have nice stuff happening in Canada (especially after tomorrow when 'erb is legalised) but quite concerned that our Southern neighbour who we held on a pedestal has fallen off and stuck in the muck and can't get up....hence our concern.

cain posted:
Leonora posted:
kp posted:

Some are force to show their loyalty because  they work for the State. Respect the Title or Leader is the same Damn thingy , you respect the man in my book he is sexual pervert. As a cult leader he must have followers. Trump the greatest  Fraudster on earth.

How come you Canadians don't talk about Canada but are busy in US matters? Is Canada so boring?

We have nice stuff happening in Canada (especially after tomorrow when 'erb is legalised) but quite concerned that our Southern neighbour who we held on a pedestal has fallen off and stuck in the muck and can't get up....hence our concern.

You prappa wutliss. Some of your southern neighba neighboring states already legalized weed. You should ride your bike down to Oregon and Washington and socialize with your brethren. Have real meetings of the bongs and hookahs brothers.  


skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:

Keffer is one of those brainwashed radicalized fools.

Those tribal bastards are responsible for a lot of trouble across the globe. 

Yuji, Israel is the reason this world is like this today. The British took the Palestinians' lands and give it to Israel. Today, with the backing of the rich Jews across America, the Palestinians are being exterminated 2 and 3 at a time. Netanyahu is the worst liar on the earth. America is to be blamed for the fate of some Muslims. Money corrupts.


This conversation is only towards the Tribal and Murderous Saudis.

This conversation is not in any way directed towards Muslims, many of whom are opposed to the Barbaric and murderous Saudis.

Muslims are not representative of what the Saudis are doing. A vast majority of Muslims are decent and respectable people like peoples of other religions.

There is no question about the injustices towards the Palestinian people but it begs the question as to what other Muslim nations especially the Saudis have done to assist the Palestianins ?

The Middle East consists of various tribes and to complicate matters we have the Shias and Sunnis at each other’s throats.

We cannot lay full blame on the Americans or Israel alone.The whole world has forgotten the People of Palestine. They are a pawn in the complex politics of the Middle East.

I support a homeland for the people of Palestine and equally Israel’s right to exist peacefully besides the Palestianins. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:

Keffer is one of those brainwashed radicalized fools.

Those tribal bastards are responsible for a lot of trouble across the globe. 

Yuji, Israel is the reason this world is like this today. The British took the Palestinians' lands and give it to Israel. Today, with the backing of the rich Jews across America, the Palestinians are being exterminated 2 and 3 at a time. Netanyahu is the worst liar on the earth. America is to be blamed for the fate of some Muslims. Money corrupts.


This conversation is only towards the Tribal and Murderous Saudis.

This conversation is not in any way directed towards Muslims, many of whom are opposed to the Barbaric and murderous Saudis.

Muslims are not representative of what the Saudis are doing. A vast majority of Muslims are decent and respectable people like peoples of other religions.

There is no question about the injustices towards the Palestinian people but it begs the question as to what other Muslim nations especially the Saudis have done to assist the Palestianins ?

The Middle East consists of various tribes and to complicate matters we have the Shias and Sunnis at each other’s throats.

We cannot lay full blame on the Americans or Israel alone.The whole world has forgotten the People of Palestine. They are a pawn in the complex politics of the Middle East.

I support a homeland for the people of Palestine and equally Israel’s right to exist peacefully besides the Palestianins. 

How would you feel if someone shows up at your house and says that a couple of thousand of years ago, the land you're living on belonged to his ancestors and you have to move?

skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:

Keffer is one of those brainwashed radicalized fools.

Those tribal bastards are responsible for a lot of trouble across the globe. 

Yuji, Israel is the reason this world is like this today. The British took the Palestinians' lands and give it to Israel. Today, with the backing of the rich Jews across America, the Palestinians are being exterminated 2 and 3 at a time. Netanyahu is the worst liar on the earth. America is to be blamed for the fate of some Muslims. Money corrupts.

Shhh, don't tell him that ! You will 'burst his bubble and he will then start crying and run home to mammy gadha ' ! As we already know, he is ostensibly illiterate so he knows and understands very little of what takes place around the globe. He is still under the impression that US forces were in Vietnam to distribute candy to the local children ! The dingbat believes Agent Orange is used to make a drink ! He believes American forces were there on a benevolent mission; he and mammy gadha know and understand virtually nothing about the world outside of their stable donkey; they bray only when humans are not close by !

Keffer posted:
skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:

Keffer is one of those brainwashed radicalized fools.

Those tribal bastards are responsible for a lot of trouble across the globe. 

Yuji, Israel is the reason this world is like this today. The British took the Palestinians' lands and give it to Israel. Today, with the backing of the rich Jews across America, the Palestinians are being exterminated 2 and 3 at a time. Netanyahu is the worst liar on the earth. America is to be blamed for the fate of some Muslims. Money corrupts.

Shhh, don't tell him that ! You will 'burst his bubble and he will then start crying and run home to mammy gadha ' ! As we already know, he is ostensibly illiterate so he knows and understands very little of what takes place around the globe. He is still under the impression that US forces were in Vietnam to distribute candy to the local children ! The dingbat believes Agent Orange is used to make a drink ! He believes American forces were there on a benevolent mission; he and mammy gadha know and understand virtually nothing about the world outside of their stable donkey; they bray only when humans are not close by !

I hope you come to realize that I do not insult Islam. I always take the side for the oppressed. The Palestinians have been the foot rag of the Jews since 1947. Helen Thomas said, "Send them back to where they came from".

yuji22 posted:

Many. The Saudis (no longer using towel heads to describe them) are a Barbaric, ruthless and murderous bunch who behave like animals. 

They also do not allow others to practice their faiths in their country and will slaughter if they attempt to do so.

They should be hanged for this crime. Saudis are a bunch of tribal bastards. 

You are truly a shameless, lying bigoted piece of shyte ! Where did you get this rubbish from ? There is a large number of expatriate workers, from various other countries, who have been working there for many years. These people live in compounds close to where they work and have facilities available to them for their religious needs !  Quit with your lies, you stinking, despicable accumulation of filth !

yuji22 posted:

Keffer is one of those brainwashed radicalized fools.

Those tribal bastards are responsible for a lot of trouble across the globe. 

Is that the best you can come up with ? Your gadha brain is evidently not doing too much for you, eh !


Oi keefer stan easy banna, de heart rate gonna jump up, de pipe gon buss, de lolo gon stay down, is all kinda bad stuff could happen when you get wuk up....stan easy banna doan leh yugiski get to you. I uses fo cuss e rass when ah was younger but since Iman get ole ah say to myself "self...ahhhhh...wuh de rass ah saying again...hmm ?????"

cain posted:

Oi keefer stan easy banna, de heart rate gonna jump up, de pipe gon buss, de lolo gon stay down, is all kinda bad stuff could happen when you get wuk up....stan easy banna doan leh yugiski get to you. I uses fo cuss e rass when ah was younger but since Iman get ole ah say to myself "self...ahhhhh...wuh de rass ah saying again...hmm ?????"

What ever made you think that I am/was agitated by these bigoted dunderheads ? I simply call them out as I see them; based solely on their utterings and statements. I have been dealing with such folks in my home village ever since I was a child. If you go back to the earlier portion of this discussion, you will like see that I made reference to that. I also said that, to this day, those very idiots (who think, speak and behave exactly like exactly Yuji, Nehru and their kind) have always been among the first to ask me for a 'lil raise' whenever I visit ! In a nutshell, despite their ignorance and bigotry, they have all hopelessly failed to improve their lives and move ahead as so many others, who think and live differently, have done. A very long time ago, I learnt the hard way that racism and bigotry are unacceptable. I once referred to another boy in my class as 'that black boy Gerald', neither realizing nor expecting my father, who was sitting not too far from where I was, to hear and react to what I said. He immediately pulled out the belt from his pants and gave me a beating that I still remember today. My hollering and screaming brought my uncle, who was not too far off, to my rescue. Later that night, a few hours later, I was still crying and sobbing when my father told me that his punishment would be more severe if he ever heard me using such words again ! The likes of Yuji and his bigoted pals mean absolutely nothing to me. It is a pleasure for me to remind them that their thinking and language can no longer be acceptable among educated and civilized people ! Neither of these two have travelled the world as I have so it was necessary that they be reminded of barbarity of their sentiments and language.  

Thank you for thoughts and concern.

cain posted:

Oi keefer stan easy banna, de heart rate gonna jump up, de pipe gon buss, de lolo gon stay down, is all kinda bad stuff could happen when you get wuk up....stan easy banna doan leh yugiski get to you. I uses fo cuss e rass when ah was younger but since Iman get ole ah say to myself "self...ahhhhh...wuh de rass ah saying again...hmm ?????"

I am okay, Bro; in fact I rather enjoy dealing with bigoted, hateful morons like Yuji because 99.9% of them are 1) largely uneducated and are 2) filled with nothing but ignorance and hate ....for people who they do not even know and have in fact never met. As I wrote earlier, I have dealt with such brainless fools many times and 99.9% of them are consumed by only one thing .... hate ! Can you imagine how depressing it must be for him and others like him to express such ugly sentiments about people they have never met ? Their lives must be filled with such intense frustrations..... based on nothing but sheer ignorance ! The Yujis, Nehrus and Skeldonmans have never set foot in any country in the Middle East but they have suddenly become "experts". Their stupidity is so all-pervading that they themselves do not realize what asses they are making of themselves.   

Last edited by Keffer
Keffer posted:
cain posted:

Oi keefer stan easy banna, de heart rate gonna jump up, de pipe gon buss, de lolo gon stay down, is all kinda bad stuff could happen when you get wuk up....stan easy banna doan leh yugiski get to you. I uses fo cuss e rass when ah was younger but since Iman get ole ah say to myself "self...ahhhhh...wuh de rass ah saying again...hmm ?????"

I am okay, Bro; in fact I rather enjoy dealing with bigoted, hateful morons like Yuji because 99.9% of them are 1) largely uneducated and are 2) filled with nothing but ignorance and hate ....for people who they do not even know and have in fact never met. As I wrote earlier, I have dealt with such brainless fools many times and 99.9% of them are consumed by only one thing .... hate ! Can you imagine how depressing it must be for him and others like him to express such ugly sentiments about people they have never met ? Their lives must be filled with such intense frustrations..... based on nothing but sheer ignorance ! The Yujis, Nehrus and Skeldonmans have never set foot in any country in the Middle East but they have suddenly become "experts". Their stupidity is so all-pervading that they themselves do not realize what asses they are making of themselves.   

Keffer, I don't want to set foot in another country. I am happy here and have been happy since I left Guyana. Setting my feet in an Arab country is taking a chance of getting your head handed to you wrapped in black pudding. Hope you enjoy this post so you can carry on an endless stream of useless Islamic tirade against me. Goodbye.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Many. The Saudis (no longer using towel heads to describe them) are a Barbaric, ruthless and murderous bunch who behave like animals. 

They also do not allow others to practice their faiths in their country and will slaughter if they attempt to do so.

They should be hanged for this crime. Saudis are a bunch of tribal bastards. 


Last edited by Chief
Prashad posted:
kp posted:

Turkey has bugged all the embassies on their soil, this thing about the apple smart watch is just a cover. Yes ,they have clear evidence of the murder but is a matter how to present it and still be credible, . THIS $110 BILLION military contract that Trump will not cancel, because his son-in-law Jared Kushner already collected his commission and finders fee that he badly needs for the cash strapped 666 building.

Bugging embassies is a cornerstone of any good intelligence service. They all do it. There is a corporation called E systems. It is now a part of the Raytheon Corporation. It makes equipment for this suppose.

Do you think they will bug the Guyana Embassy?


The world is now aware of one person who has been murdered by the brutal Saudi dictatorship. 

There are  thousands who suffered that same fate that the world never heard of.

God Bless America!

Now more than ever Americans need to vote in the mid term because a man like Trump can end up ordering the murder of Journalists. It is no accident that he carefully choose his words that "the media is evil and fake"

Nehru posted:

If this Govt is so evil by millions go there each year to be blessed??

Is this a real question ? Do you really believe that people are going there to be blessed by the Government of Saudi Arabia? Is this all you know about the Pilgrimage by Muslims?


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