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It is the natural progression of things. First it was the verbal abuse, then the shoving of that protestor in New Orleans last week and now an actual closed fist sucker punch. Trump's supporters are the extreme fringe of the Republican party. They are also mostly white and serious Bible Thumpers. They would like to take America in the direction of that ISIS and other Muslim terrorists would like to take the world. The robo-call last week was very clear. They are upset that the color of America is losing its whiteness. But they are also concerned that Europe is also losing its whiteness. They would like to ethnically clean America and they are a large number. As Trump boasts that they are millions and millions of people. And they are not planning to go away. I do believe that eventually the scorn of a black man eat, sleep and shit in the white house will go away as we get further away from January 20, 2017. Hopefully their insanity also go away.



You are a very progressive and open minded individual. I am quite shocked with your response but you are still entitled to do so.

What we are seeing in America and the Trump Mania is not about race but about the deep level of frustration by Americans directed towards the Democrats and Republican mainstream politicians who have not changed anything for most Americans.

Those troublemaker protesters should not be disrupting Trump's meeting. They have other means of voicing their disapproval if they so desire.

America is the world's greatest democracy. 

The people of America will elect their President of choice. That's how a democracy works.


yuji22 posted:


You are a very progressive and open minded individual. I am quite shocked with your response but you are still entitled to do so.

What we are seeing in America and the Trump Mania is not about race but about the deep level of frustration by Americans directed towards the Democrats and Republican mainstream politicians who have not changed anything for most Americans.

Those troublemaker protesters should not be disrupting Trump's meeting. They have other means of voicing their disapproval if they so desire.

America is the world's greatest democracy. 

The people of America will elect their President of choice. That's how a democracy works.


I am not shocked by your response, you ppp coolie racist.

yuji22 posted:

The people of America will elect their President of choice. That's how a democracy works. 

The people of America will definitely elect their President. That is why I don't see a Republican being elected President. They have really annoyed many by their behavior to Obama. The Republicans are mistaken when they salivate on believing that they will win because they won big in 2010 and even bigger in 2014. They forgot that Obama was re-elected in 2012 which means that the voter turnout in 2010 and 2014 are not indicative of the voter turnout in General Election years. Liberal are typically disinterested voters. Face it, Liberals have much more fun things to do rather than wait around earnestly for election day. But when there is something significant like a Liberal Supreme Court Judge, anything to do with social freedom or any other sexy objective, they get mobilized. This year, we will have our first female Presidential candidate. That is significant for Liberal voters. The hate mongering in the current Republican campaigns does not appeal to the majority of Americans.

Last edited by Former Member
Chief posted:
yuji22 posted:


You are a very progressive and open minded individual. I am quite shocked with your response but you are still entitled to do so.

What we are seeing in America and the Trump Mania is not about race but about the deep level of frustration by Americans directed towards the Democrats and Republican mainstream politicians who have not changed anything for most Americans.

Those troublemaker protesters should not be disrupting Trump's meeting. They have other means of voicing their disapproval if they so desire.

America is the world's greatest democracy. 

The people of America will elect their President of choice. That's how a democracy works.


I am not shocked by your response, you ppp coolie racist.

Why the name calling?  The man is making a valid point.  You may not be in agreement, but there are many others who will agree with him.   He is entitled to his opinion without an outburst of hatred from you.

Bibi Haniffa
ksazma posted:

They are upset that the color of America is losing its whiteness. But they are also concerned that Europe is also losing its whiteness.

The dark skinned Indo supremacists here (baseman, cobra, seignet, and yuji) also scream that America is a white man's country.

The silly fools don't understand that their dark skinned asses are blamed for the "de whitening" of America.  On top of being "black" some of them aren't even Christian.  Then they bring in "foreign" food (too much curry, transforming the should hear the comments about Edison) and alien music,......Bollywood, plus they don't even speak "Amurcan!"

ksazma posted:
yuji22 posted:

The people of America will elect their President of choice. That's how a democracy works. 

. Face it, Liberals have much more fun things to do rather than wait around earnestly for election day.

You're wrong.  The GOP have loads of fun having sex in airport toilets and screwing their congressional pages.

Liberals are very conventional.  They have sex in bed (how boring) with their wives, and an occasional mistress.

I mean the danger of screwing in a toilet, where the public can make a youtube video, or having sex with under aged people (usually boys).  The GOP consider that exhilarating!

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

They are upset that the color of America is losing its whiteness. But they are also concerned that Europe is also losing its whiteness.

The dark skinned Indo supremacists here (baseman, cobra, seignet, and yuji) also scream that America is a white man's country.

The silly fools don't understand that their dark skinned asses are blamed for the "de whitening" of America.  On top of being "black" some of them aren't even Christian.  Then they bring in "foreign" food (too much curry, transforming the should hear the comments about Edison) and alien music,......Bollywood, plus they don't even speak "Amurcan!"

Plain and simple, those boys are misguided.

ksazma posted:

Plain and simple, those boys are misguided.

They hate blacks as does the KKK, so they think that they KKK loves them.

What they don't understand is that whites consider blacks to be "Amurcans", love many aspects of the culture idolize many blacks like Oprah.  Look how the embraced Herman Cain last time, and Carson, this time. 

The only Latinos they embrace are two white men.  No "brownies" for them, who don't speak "Amurcan" and who bring that "ticky tacky music".

The Indo supremacists are mere foreign "Muslim" rag headed ni99ers.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
yuji22 posted:

The people of America will elect their President of choice. That's how a democracy works. 

. Face it, Liberals have much more fun things to do rather than wait around earnestly for election day.

You're wrong.  The GOP have loads of fun having sex in airport toilets and screwing their congressional pages.

The GOP don't know how to have fun. They are too uptight.


Like all great nations of the world that simply fades into poverty, America has it share of similar citizens. Those who support losers into governments. Such individuals always have an alternative. The secret alternative of rocking the pillars of the American civilization.

For the white of America, for their own progress they should elect Trump. He has their interests at heart. Bull headed I agree, but his tone addresses their concerns. 

The aliens in America, love to witness the demise of white folks. Trump is their last stance. He must win for them.

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
yuji22 posted:

The people of America will elect their President of choice. That's how a democracy works. 

. Face it, Liberals have much more fun things to do rather than wait around earnestly for election day.

You're wrong.  The GOP have loads of fun having sex in airport toilets and screwing their congressional pages.

The GOP don't know how to have fun. They are too uptight.

Hence the toilet action and under aged.  Normal fun is too boring for them.  GOPites are FREAKS! 

seignet posted:


For the white of America, for their own progress they should elect Trump.

And their next step will be to build a wall against Canada, which insists in importing "terrorists" (any Muslim).

The next step will be to kick out "Ayrabs" (any swarthy colored person with black hair).

They will keep blacks, as they love black culture, and trips to Jamaica.  Don't know if you know this, but during the summer there are THREE daily flights from Texas to Mobay, with Georgia and N Carolina getting FOUR each daily!

"Amurcans" don't go to "devil" countries like "Ayrabia and India, pagan countries where they worship monkeys".

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Every immigrant in America who is wealthy would be voting for Trump.  The white man give them a big break in life.  The white man open their doors and took them in.  Those who come to America and are cursing the bridge that they cross are just ungrateful.

Yes, these immigrants were sleeping all day, and its the "great white man" who put money in their hands.

I am amazed as to how self hating you are.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

They are upset that the color of America is losing its whiteness. But they are also concerned that Europe is also losing its whiteness.

The dark skinned Indo supremacists here (baseman, cobra, seignet, and yuji) also scream that America is a white man's country.

The silly fools don't understand that their dark skinned asses are blamed for the "de whitening" of America.  On top of being "black" some of them aren't even Christian.  Then they bring in "foreign" food (too much curry, transforming the should hear the comments about Edison) and alien music,......Bollywood, plus they don't even speak "Amurcan!"

Indo Guyanese experienced black power. Punishment was too much. It took white people to free dem from the black power. America is a white man country. Doan worry about the hindoos, they know how to exist. The muslim ones, doan love the country they live in, they prefer to have it torn apart if it doesn't satisfy their sentiments. Trump is consider bad only because of his muslim comments. 

caribny posted:
seignet posted:


For the white of America, for their own progress they should elect Trump.

And their next step will be to build a wall against Canada, which insists in importing "terrorists" (any Muslim).

The next step will be to kick out "Ayrabs" (any swarthy colored person with black hair).

They will keep blacks, as they love black culture, and trips to Jamaica.  Don't know if you know this, but during the summer there are THREE daily flights from Texas to Mobay, with Georgia and N Carolina getting FOUR each daily!

"Amurcans" don't go to "devil" countries like "Ayrabia and India, pagan countries where they worship monkeys".

I agree wid yuh. All of that is true.

seignet posted:

Indo Guyanese experienced black power. P

And they will experience WHITE power when they get tossed back to Granger's land.

These guys think that you lot stole their jobs and they want you OUT!

The Trump supporters think that the USA is done with its 38% non white population. They would rather it be just "Amurcans", white AND black!  They don't like blacks, but they have lived beside them for 400 years, so accept that they have to tolerate them.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Chief posted:
yuji22 posted:


You are a very progressive and open minded individual. I am quite shocked with your response but you are still entitled to do so.

What we are seeing in America and the Trump Mania is not about race but about the deep level of frustration by Americans directed towards the Democrats and Republican mainstream politicians who have not changed anything for most Americans.

Those troublemaker protesters should not be disrupting Trump's meeting. They have other means of voicing their disapproval if they so desire.

America is the world's greatest democracy. 

The people of America will elect their President of choice. That's how a democracy works.


I am not shocked by your response, you ppp coolie racist.

Why the name calling?  The man is making a valid point.  You may not be in agreement, but there are many others who will agree with him.   He is entitled to his opinion without an outburst of hatred from you.


Chief's response is unacceptable but it exposes his inability to engage in a Civil manner. 

I enjoy engaging with Kaz, he displays class. Even if Kaz disagrees, it is always down in civility.

As for Obama, I was shocked to learn that 47 Million of Americans live in Poverty. That is 1.5 times the population of Canada.

As for Chief, his business depends on the very white men whom he is calling racists. I hope that some of them get a hold of what he posts on GNI.

Some people love to bite the hands that feed them.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Every immigrant in America who is wealthy would be voting for Trump.  The white man give them a big break in life.  The white man open their doors and took them in.  Those who come to America and are cursing the bridge that they cross are just ungrateful.

Yes, these immigrants were sleeping all day, and its the "great white man" who put money in their hands.

I am amazed as to how self hating you are.

for the man who earns a living in america, he is most likely 2 b safe about 90%. That is comfort for the mind. In Guyana, the bandits is expected 1000 % of the time. Peaceful living is the white mans gift. Yuh nah gat dat in NO WHERE ELSE IN THE World where dark skin ppl rule. Dem razz still tribal, judst look at the Middle East.

caribny posted:
seignet posted:

Indo Guyanese experienced black power. P

And they will experience WHITE power when they get tossed back to Granger's land.

These guys think that you lot stole their jobs and they want you OUT!

The Trump supporters think that the USA is done with its 38% non white population. They would rather it be just "Amurcans", white AND black!  They don't like blacks, but they have lived beside them for 400 years, so accept that they have to tolerate them.

White ppl are not bad. They are very decent ppl. And when a white man shows prejudices, rest assure, it is white people who rises to the call of justice. 

As for Black Americans, it is not fair for them live the way they do after 400 years in America, Trump will give them opportunities. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Yuji - I happen to know Chief for many years now.  The man is a hater.  A very good Muslim friend of mine told me that he goes to the masjid and curse Hindu people. And I am sure that you can tell from his writing that he is not very well educated.  The guy is a nuisance to society!


Chief's hate towards Hindus is quite visible on GNI, it is reflected in his posts.

I pray that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) cleans the heart and eyes of Chief so that his hate will end.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

As for Chief, his business depends on the very white men whom he is calling racists.

I am willing to bet that Chief gets business because he is either CHEAPER or BETTER than his competitors, or BOTH. 

Stop being a beggar holding your hand out for you white God to save you. If you aren't BETTER than the other options available to him he will NOT deal with you!

seignet posted:
 Trump will give them opportunities. 

Trump was a noted racist, who tried to keep blacks out of his buildings until he was sued.  And given that Trump doesn't build houses for the poor, these were impoverished people either.

And I have seen NO evidence that Trump has the slightest interest in getting black support.  He orders his goons to beat up black protestors, even FEMALES.

If he wanted to show an interest in engaging with blacks, who would have met with the leadership of the "Black Lives", discussed how racism in the criminal justice system could be reduced, and REPORTED these discussion in his "red neck" forums.

He did NOT because he knows that his support will plummet as soon as he shows any regard for non whites.  As far as red necks are concerned, blacks are to entertain them (they love Oprah and Steve Harvey) and the rest of you need to take your "UnAmurcan" ways back to your "devil pagan worshipping countries".

caribny posted:
seignet posted:
 Trump will give them opportunities. 

Trump was a noted racist, who tried to keep blacks out of his buildings until he was sued.  And given that Trump doesn't build houses for the poor, these were impoverished people either.

And I have seen NO evidence that Trump has the slightest interest in getting black support.  He orders his goons to beat up black protestors, even FEMALES.

If he wanted to show an interest in engaging with blacks, who would have met with the leadership of the "Black Lives", discussed how racism in the criminal justice system could be reduced, and REPORTED these discussion in his "red neck" forums.

He did NOT because he knows that his support will plummet as soon as he shows any regard for non whites.  As far as red necks are concerned, blacks are to entertain them (they love Oprah and Steve Harvey) and the rest of you need to take your "UnAmurcan" ways back to your "devil pagan worshipping countries".

U just doan know. Is obeah telling yuh all dat stuff about Trump?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Chief posted:
yuji22 posted:


You are a very progressive and open minded individual. I am quite shocked with your response but you are still entitled to do so.

What we are seeing in America and the Trump Mania is not about race but about the deep level of frustration by Americans directed towards the Democrats and Republican mainstream politicians who have not changed anything for most Americans.

Those troublemaker protesters should not be disrupting Trump's meeting. They have other means of voicing their disapproval if they so desire.

America is the world's greatest democracy. 

The people of America will elect their President of choice. That's how a democracy works.


I am not shocked by your response, you ppp coolie racist.

Why the name calling?  The man is making a valid point.  You may not be in agreement, but there are many others who will agree with him.   He is entitled to his opinion without an outburst of hatred from you.

Well said sis.

baseman posted:
seignet posted:

Like all great nations of the world that simply fades into poverty, America has it share of similar citizens. Those who support losers into governments. Such individuals always have an alternative. The secret alternative of rocking the pillars of the American civilization.

For the white of America, for their own progress they should elect Trump. He has their interests at heart. Bull headed I agree, but his tone addresses their concerns. 

The aliens in America, love to witness the demise of white folks. Trump is their last stance. He must win for them.

This is a natural occurrence throughout humanity.  The greatness of a nation is to have those opportunities which allow the child of a "low achiever" to rise up and become what he can to the best of his/her abilities.  The garbage collector child must have the opportunity to become a brain surgeon.

The USA [and Europe] are such lands.  This is also alive and well in Eastern Europe, Russia etc!!  The way is education and hard work!!

This is what Trump presidency will try to resurrect!!

Trump must not win for "them", Trump must win for "us"!

I can see there are some good in you...if...only... you can apply the same for the homeland...imagine what the great country with the Muttum "One Nation-One People-One Destiny" will be.

Django posted:
baseman posted:
seignet posted:

Like all great nations of the world that simply fades into poverty, America has it share of similar citizens. Those who support losers into governments. Such individuals always have an alternative. The secret alternative of rocking the pillars of the American civilization.

For the white of America, for their own progress they should elect Trump. He has their interests at heart. Bull headed I agree, but his tone addresses their concerns. 

The aliens in America, love to witness the demise of white folks. Trump is their last stance. He must win for them.

This is a natural occurrence throughout humanity.  The greatness of a nation is to have those opportunities which allow the child of a "low achiever" to rise up and become what he can to the best of his/her abilities.  The garbage collector child must have the opportunity to become a brain surgeon.

The USA [and Europe] are such lands.  This is also alive and well in Eastern Europe, Russia etc!!  The way is education and hard work!!

This is what Trump presidency will try to resurrect!!

Trump must not win for "them", Trump must win for "us"!

I can see there are some good in you...if...only... you can apply the same for the homeland...imagine what the great country with the Muttum "One Nation-One People-One Destiny" will be.

Home is where your heart is. I am sure you realize home is not Guyana right now. Maybe in 2020.

Last edited by Former Member
baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
RiffRaff posted:

SInce when sucker punching is a sign of a superior race?

Sucker punching is a sign of a "school yard bully". I wish the bastard had a heart attack soon after he punched the guy.

He deserved to be charged!!  Some Whites behave just like Guyanese Blacks!!

You left out Indo Guyanese.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
RiffRaff posted:

SInce when sucker punching is a sign of a superior race?

Sucker punching is a sign of a "school yard bully". I wish the bastard had a heart attack soon after he punched the guy.

He deserved to be charged!!  Some Whites behave just like Guyanese Blacks!!

You left out Indo Guyanese.

There are more way more negro bullies than coolie bullies in Guyana.

RiffRaff posted:

SInce when sucker punching is a sign of a superior race?

Incidentally although the assault occurred next to a few Deputies, he was not even arrested. Instead, they joustled the victim. It is only the next day that the man was arrested. He had become so emboldened that he said something to the effect that the next time the victim will be killed instead. 

seignet posted:
caribny posted:
seignet posted:
 Trump will give them opportunities. 

Trump was a noted racist, who tried to keep blacks out of his buildings until he was sued.  And given that Trump doesn't build houses for the poor, these were impoverished people either.

And I have seen NO evidence that Trump has the slightest interest in getting black support.  He orders his goons to beat up black protestors, even FEMALES.

If he wanted to show an interest in engaging with blacks, who would have met with the leadership of the "Black Lives", discussed how racism in the criminal justice system could be reduced, and REPORTED these discussion in his "red neck" forums.

He did NOT because he knows that his support will plummet as soon as he shows any regard for non whites.  As far as red necks are concerned, blacks are to entertain them (they love Oprah and Steve Harvey) and the rest of you need to take your "UnAmurcan" ways back to your "devil pagan worshipping countries".

U just doan know. Is obeah telling yuh all dat stuff about Trump?

Alright I know that you ancestors were Dailts, so you seem to think that groveling to whites is appropriate, just as they did to the higher castes.

I think that this is pure nonsense, but if that is what you wish, go right ahead, and vote for David Duke.

The violence at his events will be promoted, and the world will see not fights between protestors and Trump goons, but Trump goons assaulting WOMEN, punching a man in his face, and kicking people who were thrown to the ground. 

NO other candidate has this happen at their events. Not even Cruz!

baseman posted:

Blacks also have to take ownership of their own lives, get a schooling or marketable skills and stop seeking the quick and easy way out!!  Also, stop this "illegitimate" pickney and welfare culture among large sections of the population!!

There you go again with your racist rants against blacks. Among the younger cohorts 30% of black women have college degrees.  In fact I am willing to bet that the back women who have been beaten up at these KKK (Trump) rallies have been COLLEGE black women!

The vast majority of blacks, either work, or are actively seeking work, even in the face of rampant job related discrimination.  But here you ho with your usual "black man lazy".

But you support Trump, and sympathize with the KKK.

Now based on this what will Trump do to solve the issue of criminal justice systemic abuse.  He REFUSES to meet with the leadership of the "Blacks Lives Matter". He DENIES that they have a problem. He has NEVER addressed this as an issue.

Now go find your brown hood and crosses to burn!

Last edited by Former Member

And tell you what. It is NOT up to Trump to appoint a WHITE MAN to deal with the problem. It is up to Trump to enter into discussions with people who have suffered under this.  INCLUDING BLACK POLICEMEN!

What the hell does some white right wing nut know about how the criminal justice system abuses blacks. Especially NEWT who is just as guilty in all of this as was Bill Clinton. In fact THIS was an attempt by Bill to COMPROMISE with Newt, so that he could get his agenda to move forward.


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