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Former Member
Congressman Hakeem Jeffries

The politician suggested that the US should merely monitor how democracy unfolds, but should not interfere.

“Now traditionally, we can monitor how democracy is playing itself out in different parts of the world, but to interfere in such an extraordinary way, in a manner that appears to favour one party, the opposition party, potentially to the detriment of the ruling party is deeply troubling to a lot of us in Washington DC,” he said.

The US has been the leading voice in the list of foreign powers who have threatened sanctions, for Guyana and for specific individuals, if a Government is sworn in on basis of fraudulent results.

Those foreign powers, international observers, and most of the local observers have deemed two declarations of the March 2, 2020 elections as having been made on the basis of fraud.

Those declarations handed a victory to the APNU+AFC despite strong opposition and condemnation from the other 10 opposition political parties which collectively agreed that the tabulation process lacked transparency.

As such, the foreign powers have threatened sanctions. They have also repeated a collective call for the process to be concluded in a fair and transparent way.

But according to the US Congressman, who is a critic of the Trump administration, the US is not in a position to tell any country how to conduct its elections.

“…it seems to me that we are not in a position to tell anybody until we get our own act together as it relates to how faithfully we conduct a free, fair election that protects the wellbeing of the American people, that we are not necessarily in a position to tell anybody else about how to go about doing their job.”

The Congressman said that the US Government may be trying to direct Guyana as to how it should conduct its election, but that it (the US) has been “irresponsible” in how it has been handling its own elections.

It was Jeffries who, back in 2015, had written to then US Secretary of State, John Kerry, requesting that the US examine the conduct of Guyana’s then President Donald Ramotar who had prorogued Parliament at that time.

The letter, which was also signed by Congresswoman Yvette Clarke stated that: “The apparent attempt by President Ramotar to prevent general elections has effectively disenfranchised the people of Guyana by precluding a majority of the members of the National Assembly from acting in the interests of their constituents.”

As a result, the Officials called for the then Secretary of State “to investigate this situation in collaboration with the community of nations and to work with elected officials in Guyana to secure fair elections in which the people the ability to control the future of their nation.”

After the APNU+AFC won the 2015 elections, Jeffries attended its victory rally in Brooklyn as a special guest. At that event, the Congressman had noted that the US will stand with the government against its enemies – domestic and foreign.

“The work is not over, it’s just beginning and we know that we gonna have to stand with your country, stand with Guyana, stand with the government against all enemies- foreign and domestic,” he said at the victory rally.


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Compare this statement with what he said recently. He is totally biased, these kind of people are the same in every part of the world.


Look At These Hypocrite.

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Congresswoman Clarke and Congressman Jeffries Urge Investigation into Dissolution of Guyana’s National Assembly

Brooklyn, N.Y. – Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke and Congressman Hakeem Jeffries released the following statement on their letter to Secretary of State John Kerry about their concerns after President Donald Ramotar of Guyana dissolved the National Assembly in an apparent attempt to prevent general elections and maintain himself in authority indefinitely.

“We are deeply concerned by the decision of President Donald Ramotar of Guyana to dissolve the National Assembly when members started to debate a motion of no confidence. Democracy cannot exist without the consent of the government – in a republic such as the United States or Guyana, expressed by their elected representatives. Under the Constitution of Guyana, the National Assembly has the authority to enact a motion of no confidence which, if successful, requires general elections within three months. The apparent attempt by President Ramotar to prevent general elections has effectively disenfranchised the people of Guyana by precluding a majority of the members of the National Assembly from acting in the interests of their constituents. We urge Secretary of State Kerry to investigate this situation in collaboration with the community of nations and to work with elected officials in Guyana to secure fair elections in which the people the ability to control the future of their nation.”

U.S. Representative Yvette D. Clarke is a member of the House Committee on Small Business, Ethics, and Homeland Security, where she is the Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection, and Security Technologies. She represents many neighborhoods in central and southern Brooklyn, NY which include Brownsville, Crown Heights, East Flatbush, Flatbush, Gerritsen Beach, Madison, Midwood, parts of Park Slope and Flatlands, Prospect Heights, Prospect-Lefferts Gardens, Sheepshead Bay, and Windsor Terrace.


Last edited by Former Member

Jeffries is an influential member of Congress. Either he is an idiot, a racist, or just a person who is influenced by member of his constituency. I believe, but not sure, that Burke is a member of his constituency. The coalition will milk this statement from Jeffries.

However, his statement can be easily neutralized if Guyanese in the US continue with the letter writing campaign, and work to put another candidate to run against him.

But, the US will go with their ambassador and the Carter Center, both of whom were on the ground on election day. So Jeffries statement in support of the coalition will not neutralize the reports of the observers who were in Guyana. This is why they have made several strong statements against the coalition. 

@Django posted:

Dave ,so now you are blaspheming our US Congressman ,you seem to be a powerful fella.

What’s  blaspheming? He is a racist pig!

Last edited by Former Member
@VishMahabir posted:

But, the US will go with their ambassador and the Carter Center, both of whom were on the ground on election day. So Jeffries statement in support of the coalition will not neutralize the reports of the observers who were in Guyana.

This is why they have made several strong statements against the coalition. 

Those statements was lobbied by Mercury.

@Former Member posted:

I would never vote for a Blackman in America.  They are racist but play victim and pretend not to be!

That's your take.

Using statements of sending them to the back of the bus is racist.

@Mitwah posted:

No wonder the woman claimed that you are lungerah.  You are a racist pig and not different from the blacks you hate.

I don’t hate blacks, they are racist and will never get my vote.  Good luck to them!  They don’t need me, I don’t need them.  

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

I don’t hate blacks, they are racist and will never get my vote.  Good luck to them!

Miss Antonette you can suck yourself. You are a racist crab daag. You got dumped because you are a lungerah.

@Mitwah posted:

Miss Antonette you can suck yourself. You are a racist crab daag. You got dumped because you are a lungerah.

Why you getting into antiman business su su man woman story. 

As I said, I have nothing against them, but will not vote for them.  They are racist wolves in sheep clothing!  You guh suck up, that’s you prerogative. 

@Django posted:

Dave ,so now you are blaspheming our US Congressman ,you seem to be a powerful fella.

All Ayo is Hypocrite. Your congressman has no credibility when he speaks from both side of his mouth. 

@Mitwah posted:

Miss Antonette you can suck yourself. You are a racist crab daag. You got dumped because you are a lungerah.

I don’t stab my own!  I get upset, but would never stab them!

@Former Member posted:

Why you getting into antiman business su su man woman story. 

As I said, I have nothing against them, but will not vote for them.  They are racist wolves in sheep clothing!  You guh suck up, that’s you prerogative. 

Thanks for letting me know that you are an antiman. Who are you calling Cockroaches , Crabdogs……. ? I will bury you in your basement apartment. I am not Bibi. 

@Former Member posted:

All Ayo is Hypocrite. Your congressman has no credibility when he speaks from both side of his mouth. 

Blackman fuh Blackman. Never doubt that!  And A coolie crab is more dangerous than a hateful Blackman!

@Former Member posted:

All Ayo is Hypocrite.

Your congressman has no credibility when he speaks from both side of his mouth. 

Ayo is a special kind ,anyway keep on rolling.

If he was speaking for the PPP ,would have been hunky-dory.

@Mitwah posted:

Thanks for letting me know that you are an antiman. Who are you calling Cockroaches , Crabdogs……. ? I will bury you in your basement apartment. I am not Bibi. 

Yeh, you got your ally Django who will allow you to cuss at Will!

I don’t give a shyte what you think of the people, I will never vote for them. They are closet racists. I know them enough to say that. 

@Django posted:

Ayo is a special kind ,anyway keep on rolling.

If he was speaking for the PPP ,would have been hunky-dory.

No Blackman in the US will ever speak for the PPP if it’s an issue against the PNC.  They will side with the Blackman!

put that in your pipe are smoke it!

Last edited by Former Member
@Django posted:

You missed my post by miles ,read it again.

I responded to what you posted. Those were your words. If you meant something else, that’s in your head, not mine.  I’m not into the sublime.


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