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Former Member
UG councillors speak out

Georgetown, GINA, January 31, 2012
Source - GINA

We, members of the University Council, Mrs. Indra Chandarpal, Ms Bibi Shadick, Nirmal Rekha and Ms. Gail Teixeira, have patiently waited for the last seven days for the University authorities to publicly correct the misinformation, lies and personal attacks that we individually and collectively have been subjected to in the media, by the uninformed, politicians and on the various social networking sites since the implementation of the Council decision of January 18, 2012.

We complied with the code of the Council to not disclose the private and internal discussions of the Council and its various bodies. However, due to the lack of response by the UG authorities despite our repeated requests and in the face of the constant and consistent breach of the code, we have decided to provide the public with a factual account.

As Council members with other members representing civil society bodies, parliamentary opposition and the governing party, as well as members of the staff at the University, we make decisions in accordance with the University of Guyana Act and the Statutes of the said institution as a collective and by consensus, rarely by vote.

The issue of contracts of academic staff who have reached 60 years of age has been addressed by the University with policies going back many years. Nothing has changed. In fact the only thing that changed is that these are being implemented.

Despite the fact that the Vice Chancellor renewed the contracts of 12 retired academic staff members who were over the age of 60 without recourse to the Appointments Committee and Council as required by the Act, the Council in October 2011 ably supported by the legal opinion of a outstanding legal luminary in the Law faculty, decided that it urgently needed to correct this breach of the statutes. The Council therefore sought to have these contracts that were improperly executed go through the correct process. Regrettably Council’s attempts to do so took until January 18, 2012 to be concluded.

That Council meeting of January 18, 2012 addressed that outstanding issue and endorsed the recommendations of the Appointments Committee. The Council considered the appointments of 37 academic staff which included eight of the 12 of those whose contracts were improperly renewed. The Council accepted the recommendation that those who were at the level of Professor or Senior Lecturer be retained. Of the remaining four retirees who were referred by the Appointments Committee to the Council, the Council agreed to retain three of them on a part-time basis.

Mr. Kissoon reached 60 on December 30, 2010 and as is usual was allowed to continue to conclude the academic year until August 2011.

The Council recognized that Mr. Kissoon, a retiree and a Lecturer 2, failed to meet the university policy with regards to retention of academic staff:-

(1) have a healthy academic record to wit research and publications reviewed by academic peers are a requirement;

(2) have to face a competitive process with other applicants.

The Council was unimpressed and not one single member of the 14 Council members present at that meeting, including the UGSS and fellow colleagues of the academic staff, not a single member supported his retention. The Council rescinded his contract.

The Council also agreed that with four new members of staff and existing staff the students would not be disadvantaged by his absence.

These are the incontrovertible facts.

The barrage of lies, downright misinformation and political opportunism can somewhat be related to the lack of this information in the public domain, and we the concerned Council members expect that these facts disclosed in this release have set the record straight.

January 31, 2012

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The Council was unimpressed and not one single member of the 14 Council members present at that meeting, including the UGSS and fellow colleagues of the academic staff, not a single member supported his retention. The Council rescinded his contract.

That's the PPP line, fine . . .

So, why was it not put to a vote?
I just read on the internet that the opposition has started to negotiate directly with Mr. Jagdeo during the three party talks for him to rehire Freddy. Is this true or just a joke?
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
The opposition members can discuss/talk with whom they wish about the issue.

The University Council has made its decision.

Feels nice to be a vicarious bully, eh . . . small man?
Originally posted by Wally:

If President Jagdeo says rehire the man then the University Council has no choice but to rehire him or face the wrath of Junior Kong. Which they would not want to do.

Does the constitution of the University of Guyana and/or its administrative policies state that outsiders have deciding powers over the University's pertinent individuals on this matter?

Mr. Kissoon reached 60 on December 30, 2010 and as is usual was allowed to continue to conclude the academic year until August 2011.

The Council recognized that Mr. Kissoon, a retiree and a Lecturer 2, failed to meet the university policy with regards to retention of academic staff:-

(1) have a healthy academic record to wit research and publications reviewed by academic peers are a requirement;

(2) have to face a competitive process with other applicants.

The Council was unimpressed and not one single member of the 14 Council members present at that meeting, including the UGSS and fellow colleagues of the academic staff, not a single member supported his retention. The Council rescinded his contract.

These are the incontrovertible facts.

January 31, 2012

This man should have been fired a long time ago. He must thank his lucky stars that he was given a free pass for so long.
Is STUPID Yuh STUPID?? Or wrere you born with half a brain???
Originally posted by redux:
The Council was unimpressed and not one single member of the 14 Council members present at that meeting, including the UGSS and fellow colleagues of the academic staff, not a single member supported his retention. The Council rescinded his contract.

That's the PPP line, fine . . .

So, why was it not put to a vote?
Which Planet are you on son?? Jagdeo GONE like in 60 seconds. yippie yippie
Originally posted by Wally:
If President Jagdeo says rehire the man then the University Council has no choice but to rehire him or face the wrath of Junior Kong. Which they would not want to do.
PANDORA’S BOX… Freddie’s latest and greatest con
Written by
Tuesday, 31 January 2012 22:02
Kissoon and APNU/AFC’s “hands-wash-hands” gimmickry in supporting and promoting illegality is…
Freddie’s latest and greatest con
- S/News condemnation of Kissoon’s UG termination hypocritical charade
FREDDIE Kissoon’s recently-terminated contract with the University of Guyana was illegal and therefore voided by this very illegality. Freddie Kissoon
The regulations perttaining to the contract renewal of academic staff seeking re-employment is clear: The UG Council must endorse such contracts.
However, then Vice-Chancellor, Mr. Lawrence Carrington, reportedly made a unilateral decision to renew Kissoon’s contract, which is in direct contravention of UG’s employment policies; so while Kissoon has a vested interest and thus his campaign to be reinstated on the university faculty can be understood, one cannot help but draw definitive conclusions on the agenda of the APNU/AFC team for their support for the continuation of an irregular and illegal arrangement, especially in view of the fact that the leadership of both the AFC and APNU comprise members of the legal fraternity. Also, why was this illegal contract allowed in the first place?
Bearing in mind that Kissoon can seek legal redress through the courts for his situation, holding the students of UG to ransom shows absolute callousness on the part of the opposition parties, which could provide Kissoon free legal service, as they have always done.
However, only those familiar with the dynamics of local politics and Kissoon’s peculiar brand of “honesty” and his unique path to wealth and fame acquisition can appreciate the game being played out, with the students being collateral damage. Kissoon’s adult daughter, who attends Nations University, will certainly not be affected by this imbroglio.
The UG Council has unanimously agreed to address the illegality of Kissoon’s contract by terminating his services, especially in view of the fact that it does not see any merit in retaining Kissoon due to his lack of academic performance as a lecturer at the nation’s primary tertiary education institution. Kissoon has held a Lecturer 11 position after 26 years at UG, with him not once producing an academic paper, which is a requirement of UG, as it is in universities worldwide.
The opposition collective have never cared about the “bodies” – literally and figuratively, that they have strewn in the wake of their quest for power.
This ‘hands-wash-hands’ between the opposition and Kissoon began a while ago. Freddie knew that his last contract was due to end about the time of the onset of his age of retirement, which coincided with the elections season, so for the support of opposition elements when he was eventually sent packing from UG, he prostituted his pen and his soul and went on a scurrilous offensive against the PPP/C government, which he had opportunistically supported when he was reaping dividends as then Information Minister Moses Nagamootoo’s sidekick.
Then he rampaged because he was not provided immediate audience with then President Bharrat Jagdeo when he sought duty-free concession, which he thought was befitting of his self-inflated stature.
For what he felt was a slight by the President, who refused the honour of meeting Kissoon for matters of state, he went on a vendetta against the former President, with the intention of destroying his credibility and bringing his government down, which fit in perfectly with the opposition’s Guyana-styled ‘Arab spring’ and their clamour for a “velvet revolution.”
For someone who talks about “corrupt” practices he visualizes in others as though he is the voice of the nation’s conscience, let us examine his track record.
As a student he is on record for stealing books (and who knows what else). He went to Canada as an adult who should know better but he allegedly continued this practice (habit?).
He entitled himself as ‘doctor’ when he did not qualify, until he was publicly exposed.
While living in luxury at his mother-in-law’s home he constantly lamented in his columns that he could not afford to build his own home, when even single mothers were building their own homes through the Government’s housing programme and even his current sidekick, Mark Benschop, who is a worse thorn in the PPP/C government’s side, was allotted a house lot that he had applied for.
This article exposes this shameless man.

Who in their right mind will support a man like this ?

On record for Stealing Books ?
Alleged continued practice (habit?) in Canada,
Calling himself a doctor ?
Living in style at mother in law's house while refusing to get a FREE house lot while single mothers were buliding homes under government supported programmes.
No academic papers as required by university ?
"Hand in Hand" policy with the PNC
Fabricated that his daughter will be discriminated at UG when in fact she attends Nations University

This is the same man who talks about corrupt practices ? Shame on this man.
What a goof.

Look another PNC thug, Benschop. He got a free house lot from the PPP.

PNC gave him stale bread and poverty but he still bites the hand that feeds him.

This is typical of any PNC supporter. They support Freddie's principles and habits.

Bye Bye Freddie. Your record stinks.
We, members of the University Council, Mrs. Indra Chandarpal, Ms Bibi Shadick, Nirmal Rekha and Ms. Gail Teixeira,

These four choir members are under public fire and left to defend their party and government's ill-advised vindictive move that is backfiring in their surprised faces. The fifth one fled the country like a coward.

Afer 29 years, this is a deliberate attack on Freddie; this PPP Government can be mean and very vindictive. It's Burnhamite all over again. Frown Frown
Originally posted by Mitwah:
We, members of the University Council, Mrs. Indra Chandarpal, Ms Bibi Shadick, Nirmal Rekha and Ms. Gail Teixeira,

These four choir members are under public fire and left to defend their party and government's ill-advised vindictive move that is backfiring in their surprised faces. The fifth one fled the country like a coward.

Afer 29 years, this is a deliberate attack on Freddie; this PPP Government can be mean and very vindictive. It's Burnhamite all over again. Frown Frown

This is his record:

[QUOTE]Originally posted by yuji22:
This article exposes this shameless man.

Who in their right mind will support a man like this ?

On record for Stealing Books ?
Alleged continued practice (habit?) in Canada,
Calling himself a doctor ?
Living in style at mother in law's house while refusing to get a FREE house lot while single mothers were buliding homes under government supported programmes.
No academic papers as required by university ?
"Hand in Hand" policy with the PNC
Fabricated that his daughter will be discriminated at UG when in fact she attends Nations University

This has nothing to with politics. This man's record stinks. It is only a matter of time before his newspaper boss kicks him out.
Originally posted by yuji22:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
[QUOTE]We, members of the University Council, Mrs. Indra Chandarpal, Ms Bibi Shadick, Nirmal Rekha and Ms. Gail Teixeira,

These four choir members are under public fire and left to defend their party and government's ill-advised vindictive move that is backfiring in their surprised faces. The fifth one fled the country like a coward.

Afer 29 years, this is a deliberate attack on Freddie; this PPP Government can be mean and very vindictive. It's Burnhamite all over again. Frown Frown

This is his record:

Originally posted by yuji22:
This article exposes this shameless man.

Who in their right mind will support a man like this ?

On record for Stealing Books ?
Alleged continued practice (habit?) in Canada,
Calling himself a doctor ?
Living in style at mother in law's house while refusing to get a FREE house lot while single mothers were buliding homes under government supported programmes.
No academic papers as required by university ?
"Hand in Hand" policy with the PNC
Fabricated that his daughter will be discriminated at UG when in fact she attends Nations University

After 29 years, it is quite clear that he is a victim of the PPP vindictiveness. None of the above is relevant.
Mitwah, you need a new pair of glasses. When last did you have an eye exam ?

Freddie's record stinks and is not worth defending. Please do not degrade yourself by supporting him. This has nothing to do with politics. Just wait and see, his newspaper boss will fire him in due course of time.
Originally posted by Nehru:
Which Planet are you on son?? Jagdeo GONE like in 60 seconds. yippie yippie
Originally posted by Wally:
If President Jagdeo says rehire the man then the University Council has no choice but to rehire him or face the wrath of Junior Kong. Which they would not want to do.

Nehru like you want President Jagdeo run you out of town. You better watch how you address the man.
Originally posted by yuji22:
Mitwah, you need a new pair of glasses. When last did you have an eye exam ?

Freddie's record stinks and is not worth defending. Please do not degrade yourself by supporting him. This has nothing to do with politics. Just wait and see, his newspaper boss will fire him in due course of time.

This has everything to do with politics. The five key decision makers are choir members of the vindictive PPP party. This malicious move is backfiring. I am no fan of Freddy. I call a spade a spade.
Originally posted by yuji22:
Mitwah, you need a new pair of glasses. When last did you have an eye exam ?

Freddie's record stinks and is not worth defending. Please do not degrade yourself by supporting him. This has nothing to do with politics. Just wait and see, his newspaper boss will fire him in due course of time.
When did his record start to stink?
You mean Jagdeo and Glen are friends again? Will Jags get Freddie's column? Who will she cuss out?
Originally posted by yuji22:
Mitwah, you need a new pair of glasses. When last did you have an eye exam ?

Freddie's record stinks and is not worth defending. Please do not degrade yourself by supporting him. This has nothing to do with politics. Just wait and see, his newspaper boss will fire him in due course of time.
Originally posted by yuji22:
This article exposes this shameless man.

Who in their right mind will support a man like this ?

On record for Stealing Books ?
Alleged continued practice (habit?) in Canada,
Calling himself a doctor ?
Living in style at mother in law's house while refusing to get a FREE house lot while single mothers were buliding homes under government supported programmes.
No academic papers as required by university ?
"Hand in Hand" policy with the PNC
Fabricated that his daughter will be discriminated at UG when in fact she attends Nations University

This is the same man who talks about corrupt practices ? Shame on this man.
What a goof.

Look another PNC thug, Benschop. He got a free house lot from the PPP.

PNC gave him stale bread and poverty but he still bites the hand that feeds him.

This is typical of any PNC supporter. They support Freddie's principles and habits.

Bye Bye Freddie. Your record stinks.
Originally posted by yuji22:
Originally posted by yuji22:
This article exposes this shameless man.

Who in their right mind will support a man like this ?

On record for Stealing Books ?
Alleged continued practice (habit?) in Canada,
Calling himself a doctor ?
Living in style at mother in law's house while refusing to get a FREE house lot while single mothers were buliding homes under government supported programmes.
No academic papers as required by university ?
"Hand in Hand" policy with the PNC
Fabricated that his daughter will be discriminated at UG when in fact she attends Nations University

This is the same man who talks about corrupt practices ? Shame on this man.
What a goof.

Look another PNC thug, Benschop. He got a free house lot from the PPP.

PNC gave him stale bread and poverty but he still bites the hand that feeds him.

This is typical of any PNC supporter. They support Freddie's principles and habits.

Bye Bye Freddie. Your record stinks.
Freddi can clearly state you cannot be his bootblack. ANy houselot Benschop got is his birthright. The PPP does not own the land. They are the administration and are tasked to allocate the nations benefaction equally to all. You and others as ignorant as you can see the PPP as owners but unfortunately they are in service to the state which means all of Guyana's people including Benschop however ill you may think of him.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by yuji22:
Originally posted by yuji22:
This article exposes this shameless man.

Who in their right mind will support a man like this ?

On record for Stealing Books ?
Alleged continued practice (habit?) in Canada,
Calling himself a doctor ?
Living in style at mother in law's house while refusing to get a FREE house lot while single mothers were buliding homes under government supported programmes.
No academic papers as required by university ?
"Hand in Hand" policy with the PNC
Fabricated that his daughter will be discriminated at UG when in fact she attends Nations University

This is the same man who talks about corrupt practices ? Shame on this man.
What a goof.

Look another PNC thug, Benschop. He got a free house lot from the PPP.

PNC gave him stale bread and poverty but he still bites the hand that feeds him.

This is typical of any PNC supporter. They support Freddie's principles and habits.

Bye Bye Freddie. Your record stinks.
Freddi can clearly state you cannot be his bootblack. ANy houselot Benschop got is his birthright. The PPP does not own the land. They are the administration and are tasked to allocate the nations benefaction equally to all. You and others as ignorant as you can see the PPP as owners but unfortunately they are in service to the state which means all of Guyana's people including Benschop however ill you may think of him.

D2, the PNC gave them stale bread and food lines during their 28 years of dictatorship. This is the proud PNC record that you are defending, fanboy.
Originally posted by yuji22:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by yuji22:
Originally posted by yuji22:
This article exposes this shameless man.

Who in their right mind will support a man like this ?

On record for Stealing Books ?
Alleged continued practice (habit?) in Canada,
Calling himself a doctor ?
Living in style at mother in law's house while refusing to get a FREE house lot while single mothers were buliding homes under government supported programmes.
No academic papers as required by university ?
"Hand in Hand" policy with the PNC
Fabricated that his daughter will be discriminated at UG when in fact she attends Nations University

This is the same man who talks about corrupt practices ? Shame on this man.
What a goof.

Look another PNC thug, Benschop. He got a free house lot from the PPP.

PNC gave him stale bread and poverty but he still bites the hand that feeds him.

This is typical of any PNC supporter. They support Freddie's principles and habits.

Bye Bye Freddie. Your record stinks.
Freddi can clearly state you cannot be his bootblack. ANy houselot Benschop got is his birthright. The PPP does not own the land. They are the administration and are tasked to allocate the nations benefaction equally to all. You and others as ignorant as you can see the PPP as owners but unfortunately they are in service to the state which means all of Guyana's people including Benschop however ill you may think of him.

D2, the PNC gave them stale bread and food lines during their 28 years of dictatorship. This is the proud PNC record that you are defending, fanboy.
Quit the usual stale, distilled nonsense about the PNC this or that. Get it in your mal educated head that evil is not to be excused on account evil exists or existed elsewhere. The PNC is not the universal refuge when good excuse is needed for poor, or debased behavior.

The PPP misused their authority with Freddi and will pay for it regardless what racists pricks like you may want to give as excuse.
Originally posted by yuji22:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by yuji22:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by yuji22:
Originally posted by yuji22:
This article exposes this shameless man.

Who in their right mind will support a man like this ?

On record for Stealing Books ?
Alleged continued practice (habit?) in Canada,
Calling himself a doctor ?
Living in style at mother in law's house while refusing to get a FREE house lot while single mothers were buliding homes under government supported programmes.
No academic papers as required by university ?
"Hand in Hand" policy with the PNC
Fabricated that his daughter will be discriminated at UG when in fact she attends Nations University

This is the same man who talks about corrupt practices ? Shame on this man.
What a goof.

Look another PNC thug, Benschop. He got a free house lot from the PPP.

PNC gave him stale bread and poverty but he still bites the hand that feeds him.

This is typical of any PNC supporter. They support Freddie's principles and habits.

Bye Bye Freddie. Your record stinks.
Freddi can clearly state you cannot be his bootblack. ANy houselot Benschop got is his birthright. The PPP does not own the land. They are the administration and are tasked to allocate the nations benefaction equally to all. You and others as ignorant as you can see the PPP as owners but unfortunately they are in service to the state which means all of Guyana's people including Benschop however ill you may think of him.

D2, the PNC gave them stale bread and food lines during their 28 years of dictatorship. This is the proud PNC record that you are defending, fanboy.
Quit the usual stale, distilled nonsense about the PNC this or that. Get it in your mal educated head that evil is not to be excused on account evil exists or existed elsewhere. The PNC is not the universal refuge when good excuse is needed for poor, or debased behavior.

The PPP misused their authority with Freddi and will pay for it regardless what racists pricks like you may want to give as excuse.

D2 is defending alleged theft, lies and fabrication. Freddie's record is shameful. You are making fun of yourself by defending those values.

I am not surprised D2 because you are a PNC fanboy, so you can chant their mantra every day of your life.
You are not worth my time with this infantile nonsense. You are so haplessly a dunce you do not know it. Let the others here help you on that account. I do not have time for the inordinately dull.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by yuji22:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by yuji22:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by yuji22:
Originally posted by yuji22:
This article exposes this shameless man.

Who in their right mind will support a man like this ?

On record for Stealing Books ?
Alleged continued practice (habit?) in Canada,
Calling himself a doctor ?
Living in style at mother in law's house while refusing to get a FREE house lot while single mothers were buliding homes under government supported programmes.
No academic papers as required by university ?
"Hand in Hand" policy with the PNC
Fabricated that his daughter will be discriminated at UG when in fact she attends Nations University

This is the same man who talks about corrupt practices ? Shame on this man.
What a goof.

Look another PNC thug, Benschop. He got a free house lot from the PPP.

PNC gave him stale bread and poverty but he still bites the hand that feeds him.

This is typical of any PNC supporter. They support Freddie's principles and habits.

Bye Bye Freddie. Your record stinks.
Freddi can clearly state you cannot be his bootblack. ANy houselot Benschop got is his birthright. The PPP does not own the land. They are the administration and are tasked to allocate the nations benefaction equally to all. You and others as ignorant as you can see the PPP as owners but unfortunately they are in service to the state which means all of Guyana's people including Benschop however ill you may think of him.

D2, the PNC gave them stale bread and food lines during their 28 years of dictatorship. This is the proud PNC record that you are defending, fanboy.
Quit the usual stale, distilled nonsense about the PNC this or that. Get it in your mal educated head that evil is not to be excused on account evil exists or existed elsewhere. The PNC is not the universal refuge when good excuse is needed for poor, or debased behavior.

The PPP misused their authority with Freddi and will pay for it regardless what racists pricks like you may want to give as excuse.

D2 is defending alleged theft, lies and fabrication. Freddie's record is shameful. You are making fun of yourself by defending those values.

I am not surprised D2 because you are a PNC fanboy, so you can chant their mantra every day of your life.
You are not worth my time with this infantile nonsense. You are so haplessly a dunce you do not know it. Let the others here help you on that account. I do not have time for the inordinately dull.

D2 is using swear words like Pr**k. I hope that admin takes note. I was warned for using the word fool. I hope that appropriate action is taken against this PNC member.
Originally posted by yuji22:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
[QUOTE]We, members of the University Council, Mrs. Indra Chandarpal, Ms Bibi Shadick, Nirmal Rekha and Ms. Gail Teixeira,

These four choir members are under public fire and left to defend their party and government's ill-advised vindictive move that is backfiring in their surprised faces. The fifth one fled the country like a coward.

Afer 29 years, this is a deliberate attack on Freddie; this PPP Government can be mean and very vindictive. It's Burnhamite all over again. Frown Frown

This is his record:

Originally posted by yuji22:
This article exposes this shameless man.

Who in their right mind will support a man like this ?

On record for Stealing Books ?
Alleged continued practice (habit?) in Canada,
Calling himself a doctor ?
Living in style at mother in law's house while refusing to get a FREE house lot while single mothers were buliding homes under government supported programmes.
No academic papers as required by university ?
"Hand in Hand" policy with the PNC
Fabricated that his daughter will be discriminated at UG when in fact she attends Nations University

This has nothing to with politics. This man's record stinks. It is only a matter of time before his newspaper boss kicks him out.

And sex man and Misir gat nuff nuff papahs?

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