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yuji22 posted:
RiffRaff posted:
yuji22 posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Some of yuh rass could not stand up to Burnham, now want to talk smack bout black people in America...these black people had guts to fight for freedom...

What did you stand up for in Guyana????

Why try to change the facts of this discussion ?

We were free people in Guyana, we only had a few Black dictators.

BTW, Jagdeo put licks on the PNC thugs that they are crying till this day. Indos of today are not like Indos of yesterday.

What fact did I change?

You know most Indos in Guyana just looked to get out instead of trying to fight back

You are missing my point, Indos are always seeking better opportunities. Unlike some people who think that they are entitled.

Look at the multitude of filthy rich Indo Guyanese in Canada and USA.

Compare that to any other group of immigrants who progressed so quickly.

Nothing wrong with some people who feel entitled...maybe they are entitled

skeldon_man posted:
RiffRaff posted:
yuji22 posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Some of yuh rass could not stand up to Burnham, now want to talk smack bout black people in America...these black people had guts to fight for freedom...

What did you stand up for in Guyana????

Why try to change the facts of this discussion ?

We were free people in Guyana, we only had a few Black dictators.

BTW, Jagdeo put licks on the PNC thugs that they are crying till this day. Indos of today are not like Indos of yesterday.

What fact did I change?

You know most Indos in Guyana just looked to get out instead of trying to fight back

Just like you or you were on the system and was not allowed to fight. Or life was good to you under Burnham..all the previliges only afforded to card carrying PNC members?

Now Now Skelly, Ray is sensitive regarding this card carrying thing and other PNC related issues. One member was banned for addressing or questioning Ray regarding a similar matter.

We must admit that Ray loves the PNC and it is perhaps due to past affiliation. 

I have nothing more to add.

Drugb posted:

As I mentioned previously, the British and Americans are on a guilt trip. 

Those same people put the PPP in power and ensured that a black party was tossed out. This in 1992, so where is the guilt?

The best candidates just happened to be black, based on the criteria that they were looking for.

yuji22 posted:
Blacks in Schenectady continue to suffer ? 

I am very sad to see their situation, they need to uplift their lives.

The best blacks left that pathetic depressed town long ago.

Drugb posted:
RiffRaff posted:

If your ancestors were treated they way theirs were, I am sure you would want some kind of and let live

Reparation is a crutch. I wouldn't want it.  

Yet your Jagdeo and Ramotar were screaming for it from the British.

Reparations hasn't been paid, and will not be paid and few blacks are waiting for it.

yuji22 posted:

Look at the multitude of filthy rich Indo Guyanese in Canada and USA.

Compare that to any other group of immigrants who progressed so quickly.

Why don't you show statistical evidence of this?  The data that I see for NYC shows that Guyanese are LESS entrepreneurial than are Jamaicans and more likely to drop out of school.  Their household median incomes are comparable to that of Jamaicans.  Their educational attainment levels are no better.

Now unless you can prove that Afro Guyanese are considerably worse off than are Jamaicans we are left with the conclusion that Indo Guyanese in NYC are NOT better off than are black Caribbean immigrants.  Consider that they are likely to face less racism than will black Caribbean people, so should be doing much better, but it doesn't appear to be the case.

Now note a statistical quirk. Indo Guyanese households have more adults (fewer single earners and more adult kids at home).  This will suggest to me that salaries earned by EACH INDIVIDUAL worker might even be LOWER.

Now scream about the 20 "filthy rich" Indo Guyanese who you know. Start with Ed Ahmad!  Yes "filthy" is the right word to use.

Last edited by Former Member

Now I can name 2 black owned Jamaican companies with revenues in excess of $50 million in NYC.  Golden Krust and Tower Isles.  Much of these revenues are derived from OUTSIDE of the Jamaican population.

Name an Indo Guyanese company in NYC with comparable revenues.

I can also name Mitchel & Titus a black Jamaican founded solid CPA company with scores of employees and which gets assignments for large companies, including a few Fortune 500. It has 175 employees and even has a Wikipedia page.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:

Now I can name 2 black owned Jamaican companies with revenues in excess of $50 million in NYC.  Golden Krust and Tower Isles.  Much of these revenues are derived from OUTSIDE of the Jamaican population.

Name an Indo Guyanese company in NYC with comparable revenues.

I can also name Mitchel & Titus a black Jamaican founded solid CPA company with scores of employees and which gets assignments for large companies, including a few Fortune 500. It has 175 employees and even has a Wikipedia page.

We are talking about Guyana; not Jamaica. In the same token, someone can name a lot of Indian companies operating in Amerika.

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:

Now I can name 2 black owned Jamaican companies with revenues in excess of $50 million in NYC.  Golden Krust and Tower Isles.  Much of these revenues are derived from OUTSIDE of the Jamaican population.

Name an Indo Guyanese company in NYC with comparable revenues.

I can also name Mitchel & Titus a black Jamaican founded solid CPA company with scores of employees and which gets assignments for large companies, including a few Fortune 500. It has 175 employees and even has a Wikipedia page.

We are talking about Guyana; not Jamaica. In the same token, someone can name a lot of Indian companies operating in Amerika.

You boasted about Indo Guyanese in NYC and how inferior blacks are. I am telling you about blacks and clearly you cannot find proof to dispute my claims.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:

Now I can name 2 black owned Jamaican companies with revenues in excess of $50 million in NYC.  Golden Krust and Tower Isles.  Much of these revenues are derived from OUTSIDE of the Jamaican population.

Name an Indo Guyanese company in NYC with comparable revenues.

I can also name Mitchel & Titus a black Jamaican founded solid CPA company with scores of employees and which gets assignments for large companies, including a few Fortune 500. It has 175 employees and even has a Wikipedia page.

We are talking about Guyana; not Jamaica. In the same token, someone can name a lot of Indian companies operating in Amerika.

You boasted about Indo Guyanese in NYC and how inferior blacks are. I am telling you about blacks and clearly you cannot find proof to dispute my claims.

Racist Carib, check your alternative facts. Maybe you are a Trump advisor.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:

Now I can name 2 black owned Jamaican companies with revenues in excess of $50 million in NYC.  Golden Krust and Tower Isles.  Much of these revenues are derived from OUTSIDE of the Jamaican population.

Name an Indo Guyanese company in NYC with comparable revenues.

I can also name Mitchel & Titus a black Jamaican founded solid CPA company with scores of employees and which gets assignments for large companies, including a few Fortune 500. It has 175 employees and even has a Wikipedia page.

We are talking about Guyana; not Jamaica. In the same token, someone can name a lot of Indian companies operating in Amerika.

You boasted about Indo Guyanese in NYC and how inferior blacks are. I am telling you about blacks and clearly you cannot find proof to dispute my claims.

You got no shame, using the hard working Jamaicans to take credit for Black Guyanese. 

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
RiffRaff posted:

If your ancestors were treated they way theirs were, I am sure you would want some kind of and let live

Reparation is a crutch. I wouldn't want it.  

Yet your Jagdeo and Ramotar were screaming for it from the British.

Reparations hasn't been paid, and will not be paid and few blacks are waiting for it.

Lies as usual, no reparations for you, you will need to be satisfied with the bones the American and British throw your way in the guise of entitlements and "academic scholarships", wink wink. 

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

As I mentioned previously, the British and Americans are on a guilt trip. 

Those same people put the PPP in power and ensured that a black party was tossed out. This in 1992, so where is the guilt?

The best candidates just happened to be black, based on the criteria that they were looking for.

Nonsense, it was Jimmy Carter's organization, with no link to the US or British govt.  The "best candidates" were entitled. its a disgrace that from a diverse country like Guyana, 10 Blacks were picked for scholarships. 

skeldon_man posted:

Racist Carib, check your alternative facts. Maybe you are a Trump advisor.

So why don't you furnish facts that dispute mine?  Do you deny that Golden Krust and Tower Isles exist? Feel free to go on Wikipedia and find out about Mitchell & Titus and NYC has statistics on its immigrant populations which you can fee free to peruse.

NONE of this suggests that Indo Guyanese is this group of immigrants who outperform all others. Indo Guyanese are on par with Afro Guyanese. This means that we are the middle of the pack. Asians beat us, as they are more educated, whereas we beat Latin Americans as we are more educated than they are and we speak English.

Drugb posted:

Nonsense, it was Jimmy Carter's organization, .. 

Jimmy Carter, the IMF, the World Bank and the governments of the USA, Canada and the UK were all involved in forcing Hoyte to hold free and fair elections. They said that if he didn't they would not provide any further assistance to Guyana.

Please don't fool yourself that Carter would have gotten Hoyte to vote himself out of power.  Given the ethnic dynamics it was obvious that the PNC was going to lose any free and fair election.  Especially as large chunks of the Afro Guyanese middle class were also hostile to the PNC because of Burnham's destruction.

Drugb posted:

You got no shame, using the hard working Jamaicans to take credit for Black Guyanese. 

Why don't you furnish proof that black Guyanese on average do worse than do Jamaicans?

I made two points. One is that Indo Guyanese aren't outperforming other immigrants.  Secondly Guyanese on the whole don't outperform Jamaicans, meaning that unless Afro Guyanese significantly under perform Jamaicans then Indo Guyanese aren't over performing.

Now I can name some privately held Afro Guyanese owned companies that are multi millions but they are privately held and I don't intend to undermine my relationships with these people just so that you can muck rake them as you did with Karen Abrams. I didn't want to release her name because I knew what you what do. Some one else did and you did exactly as I expected that you would.

Now go and scream, wail and cry that your mediocrity cannot be offset by your notion that blacks are inferior to you. We aren't!

caribny posted:

Why don't you furnish proof that black Guyanese on average do worse than do Jamaicans?

I made two points. One is that Indo Guyanese aren't outperforming other immigrants.  Secondly Guyanese on the whole don't outperform Jamaicans, meaning that unless Afro Guyanese significantly under perform Jamaicans then Indo Guyanese aren't over performing.

Now I can name some privately held Afro Guyanese owned companies that are multi millions but they are privately held and I don't intend to undermine my relationships with these people just so that you can muck rake them as you did with Karen Abrams. I didn't want to release her name because I knew what you what do. Some one else did and you did exactly as I expected that you would.

Now go and scream, wail and cry that your mediocrity cannot be offset by your notion that blacks are inferior to you. We aren't!

Now you all over the place, dragging the Jamaican brethren into the fray of your racist discussion. I get along much better with Jamaicans than Black Guyanese for the reason that they don't have the same hatred for Indos that you and your kind does. 

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
RiffRaff posted:

If your ancestors were treated they way theirs were, I am sure you would want some kind of and let live

Reparation is a crutch. I wouldn't want it.  

Yet your Jagdeo and Ramotar were screaming for it from the British.

Reparations hasn't been paid, and will not be paid and few blacks are waiting for it.

Lies as usual, no reparations for you, you will need to be satisfied with the bones the American and British throw your way in the guise of entitlements and "academic scholarships", wink wink.

Note Jagdeo wailing about why Granger didn't raise reparations with the UK.  As dumb as Granger is even he knows that the British aren't going to pay reparations to anyone. If they pay it to the Caribbean then they will have to do the same to India, Ireland and maybe even to South Carolina and other poor states which were former British colonies.

Granger probably knows that it is a waste of time.

Btw the way the reparations claim isn't just for blacks these days. Amerindians and East Indians have been added. Apparently your ancestors were fooled by people who put them on a boat and now their descendants must receive compensation.

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